Muddy waters

November 01, 2018 05:51PM
Kind of weird range of argument here. They're removing quest areas that have become public knowledge. That's not the same thing as trying to bring action against people outside of the game, that's an in game reaction to something that happened outside the game. What you've been arguing is that they shouldn't care that people share information, which is technically outside the game, but they're not bringing action against people outside of the game, so you kind of are demanding they handle the game a certain way. I get your privacy was invaded, but they didn't hack your account, whoever sent them that log invaded your privacy. I know you think they shouldn't have read it, but what if I thought you should stop Slav squatting? Would you care? No.
Subject Author Posted

Hell closed.

Rhyaldrin October 31, 2018 03:44PM

I'll just say what I said to Scar on officials.

Murphy November 01, 2018 03:33PM

This doesn't make sense

daurwyn November 02, 2018 10:59AM

Reopen Elemental Canyon! Yay! n/mf/t

reddragon79 November 01, 2018 11:00AM

Hurricanes, dust and charm flutes! (n/t)

saagkri November 01, 2018 12:07PM

Your ire is misplaced

saagkri November 01, 2018 09:36AM

Yeah, he could just post walk through of any area explore

zannon November 02, 2018 05:27AM

Everyone of us has the ability to close any area explore anytime we want it would seem.

saagkri November 02, 2018 07:38AM

Speak for yourself. I actually learned quite a bit about that area by myself. (n/t)

Frosty November 02, 2018 07:43AM

And I think one of the most productive group I've been in hell with was 3 people. Not a big group. (n/t)

Frosty November 02, 2018 07:45AM

You're covered under the caveat "virtually" (n/t)

saagkri November 02, 2018 11:26AM

nah way brah (n/t)

Frosty November 02, 2018 12:31PM

Re: Hell closed.

AncientNewbie November 01, 2018 08:30AM

Re: Hell closed.

daurwyn October 31, 2018 08:49PM

What happened!?!

Noone of significance October 31, 2018 06:29PM

Some whiny boy lost a bunch of gear to the anti-hoard code and posted hell logs to avenge his delusions

MiyagiYojimbo October 31, 2018 07:05PM

It reopened before. Maybe it will again.

Frosty October 31, 2018 03:58PM

Highly unlikely. Also last closure was like four years long lol (n/t)

demos October 31, 2018 03:59PM

Hell was highly imbalanced and needs to be fixed anyway

zannon November 01, 2018 03:07AM

I don’t think anyone has cracked the two gates in shadow plane

Quas November 01, 2018 08:44AM

Think I may have cracked one

daurwyn November 01, 2018 12:47PM

Kill the hell-goer, loot swet hell gear. Balance restored. It wsa phucking fine the way it was.

Frosty November 01, 2018 06:10AM

You don't need to defend Scar, let him grow up already.

Murphy November 01, 2018 04:02PM

See, the probelm isn't Scar, it's the players that need to grow dafug up.

Frosty November 01, 2018 04:26PM

Well, I suppose a part of me was still hoping you guys had some sense. But if you're with the fuckboys, so be it. (n/t)

Murphy November 01, 2018 04:34PM

The real fuckboys tend to be the ones calling others fuckboys.

Frosty November 01, 2018 04:37PM

That's a sophisticated way to confess you are one (n/t)

Kstatida November 01, 2018 07:56PM

There you go with that fag talk again. (n/t)

Frosty November 01, 2018 08:02PM

You're the one acting childish.

MiyagiYojimbo November 01, 2018 04:11PM

Nah, I'm very serious.

Murphy November 01, 2018 04:29PM

Muddy waters

MiyagiYojimbo November 01, 2018 05:51PM

I actually do care what you think, you silly rabbit.

Murphy November 01, 2018 08:19PM

It was hypothetical.

MiyagiYojimbo November 01, 2018 09:17PM

Easy killer. I've said this numerous times and it never sticks. I've given up at this point. (n/t)

Frosty November 01, 2018 08:02PM

Just like Kanye and the fishsticks joke, they're just not getting it Miyagi. (n/t)

Frosty November 01, 2018 04:21PM

I'm just glad they closed it

zannon November 01, 2018 08:18AM

I didn't say half of the things you said I did. Can't take you serious when you pull crap like that.

Frosty November 01, 2018 01:46PM

I'll save this so I can tell you that each time you start the crap

Kstatida November 01, 2018 10:43PM

Re: I'll save this so I can tell you that each time you start the crap

Frosty November 01, 2018 10:45PM

I have to agree on one point

daurwyn November 01, 2018 12:45PM

Ye of little faith. (n/t)

Frosty October 31, 2018 07:26PM

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