Holy hidden answers, Batman!

May 15, 2010 04:24PM
First must prove you are not the Kov... Douchebag in question... That's it! Kov must be some sort of douchebag who does meth! He must use his nafarious douchebag ways to ruin posting for the rest of us! We have to stop him!
Subject Author Posted

Gonna add some thief stuff....

charade May 14, 2010 05:30PM

First you must prove that you are not the Kov. Batman usually administers the test.

Vhoren May 14, 2010 06:04PM

I'll get "The Chair" ready, then questioning can begin. Vhoren, quickly train him in pain tolerence.

Batman May 15, 2010 04:32PM

Re: First you must prove that you are not the Kov. Batman usually administers the test.

HomingTorpedo May 15, 2010 02:48PM

Holy hidden answers, Batman!

MiyagiYojimbo May 15, 2010 04:24PM

You know...

Starscream May 15, 2010 04:40PM

I shouldn't be talking

MiyagiYojimbo May 15, 2010 04:52PM

Riddle me this,

charade May 14, 2010 09:49PM

The first test was to prove loyal to the Kov. You failed. n/t

Stevers May 16, 2010 11:18AM

you negate yourself. YOU ARE KOV! (n/t)

Demtok May 16, 2010 09:12AM

Re: Riddle me this,

Hoinzor May 14, 2010 10:42PM

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