Thanks for the last name, imm bonuses and such. Oh wait, I got nothing. Yes yes, another level sitting ap, beside level sitting shaman, another level sitting ap in scrab.
Its time to edit imm comments to cover your shit, isn't it?
Why didn't you uninduct me? Really? Thanks for remind me to never expect anything from imms from that game.
Guess I will just leave. Stay in your shi
I was fucking moronical stupid to return game change items to my enemies.
So they didn't do the same. What was I thinking?
From now I will take a break or just full sac peoples. I don't know yet.
Enjoy being moron, Quiys.
It was the start point. It was easy to predict the next changes. Also, they will fix evade too. Think you should start to cry on forums about the evade right now.
I don't know who is he.
I know only Sam thing and I trust to him.
But more funny, that you just FUCKED yourself by posting it.
You know that char. You know that Imm behind it. You know that cheating was going on.
FUCK THE IMM THAT DID THAT. (Sorry Baer, it wasn't about you :( )
And hello. you are s
Dota2 - boring, you need 4 others to do things
Souls - too simple mechanic=boring
Korean - boring
Don't tell me what I am addicted to. You can't read my mind. You don't know me.
See? This is your problem. You think you know everything, but in the real world, you are just stupid, sorry.
This system is stable (And I don't belive that I say this, as the enginer of the one best university in the world) - Its a joke but still.
With all that work, that was put in this world, even I will come back to just explore and try something new.
Yep, to explore the ST (I spent 1 hour there), to expolre hell (spent 10 hours there, very brief, 1 circle).
I never player conjy, heale