Drissa v Nijee/Ragast

August 22, 2018 12:44PM
1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1186mv(99%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> e
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1185mv(99%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> e
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east south west]

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1184mv(99%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> where
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1183mv(98%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> where cen
People near you:
(PK) Nijee                        Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Drissa                       Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Ragast                       Along the Eastern Road

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1183mv(98%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> You didn't find any cen.

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1183mv(98%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> e
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: south west]

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1182mv(98%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1182mv(98%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> where
People near you:
(PK) Nijee                        Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Drissa                       Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Ragast                       Along the Eastern Road

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1182mv(98%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> s
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: north east]
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) Ragast is here.
(Red Aura) Nijee is here.

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][standing][8 AM]
> hamstring nijee
You swing a phoenix-hilted dagger in a sweeping blow to Nijee's hamstring!
Your hamstring slice decimates Nijee!
Nijee has a few scratches.

1064hp(100%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
> Nijee swipes the claw of the Dracolich across your body, cutting you!
The jagged wound spews forth blood!
Nijee's swipe DISMEMBERS you!
You yell 'Die, Ragast, you sorcerous dog!'
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You are wracked with pain as Ragast withers your flesh!
Ragast's withering EVISCERATES you!
Nijee has a few scratches.

959hp(90%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
You dodge Nijee's defilement.
You parry Nijee's defilement.
Nijee's defilement DISMEMBERS you!
Nijee parries your searing light.
Nijee parries your searing light.
Nijee parries your searing light.
Your searing light mauls Nijee.
You dodge Ragast's infernal power and close in for a concealed attack!
Your searing light mauls Ragast.
Nijee has a few scratches.

902hp(84%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
> bers

You dodge Nijee's defilement.
You parry Nijee's defilement and retaliate with lightning quickness!
Your searing light EVISCERATES Nijee!
You dodge Nijee's defilement.
Nijee parries your searing light.
Nijee parries your searing light.
You dodge Ragast's infernal power.
Nijee has some small but disgusting cuts.

902hp(84%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
> You get a little madder.
Nijee has some small but disgusting cuts.

902hp(84%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You scream in agony as plague sores erupt from your skin.
Nijee has some small but disgusting cuts.

902hp(84%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Nijee sings 'To arms! To arms! So rings the knell of war!
And if we die before we're through
At least we'll weep no more!'
Weaving through the Flow of Shadows, you avoid Nijee's attack.
Completing the Flow of Shadows, you come back at Nijee with an attack of your own!
Your searing light maims Nijee!
You dodge Nijee's defilement.
You begin to get a feel for Nijee's preferred attacking movements.
Your searing light decimates Nijee!
Nijee parries your searing light.
Nijee parries your searing light.
Your searing light MUTILATES Nijee!
Your pendant fills you with its warmth.
The power of your protections interfere with a wooden hummingbird pendant's healing.
You feel better!
You parry Ragast's infernal power.
You parry Ragast's infernal power.
Nijee is covered with bleeding wounds.

982hp(92%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
> artery
You thrust your dagger towards Nijee, attempting to sever her artery!
Your deep gash decimates Nijee!
Nijee is covered with bleeding wounds.

982hp(92%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Ragast fails to damn you.
Nijee is covered with bleeding wounds.

982hp(92%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
You parry Nijee's defilement.
You dodge Nijee's defilement.
You dodge Nijee's defilement and close in for a concealed attack!
Your searing light devastates Nijee!
Your searing light MUTILATES Nijee!
Nijee parries your searing light.
Nijee parries your searing light.
Your searing light MUTILATES Nijee!
You dodge Ragast's infernal power.
Nijee is covered with bleeding wounds.

982hp(92%) 642mp(83%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
> call 'phoenix brand'
Focusing upon the Phoenix, you reach to brand Nijee but they evade you!
Nijee is covered with bleeding wounds.

982hp(92%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Weaving through the Flow of Shadows, you avoid Ragast's prayer.
Completing the Flow of Shadows, you come back at Ragast with an attack of your own!
Your searing light wounds Ragast.
Nijee is covered with bleeding wounds.

982hp(92%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Nijee's defilement misses you.
You parry Nijee's defilement.
You dodge Nijee's defilement and close in for a concealed attack!
Your searing light maims Nijee!
You understand Nijee's favorite defensive postures, and see her weaknesses.
Your searing light devastates Nijee!
Your searing light devastates Nijee!
Nijee parries your searing light.
Holy tendrils lash out at Nijee from your belt!
Your lash hits Nijee.
Your tendrils fail to entangle Nijee!
You dodge Ragast's infernal power.
Nijee is gushing blood.

982hp(92%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Nijee sings 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Nijee's reverberating blast MANGLES you!
Nijee is gushing blood.

889hp(83%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
You parry Nijee's defilement.
You dodge Nijee's defilement.
You parry Nijee's defilement.
Nijee parries your searing light.
Your searing light devastates Nijee!
Nijee parries your searing light.
You parry Ragast's infernal power and retaliate with lightning quickness!
Your searing light wounds Ragast.
Nijee is gushing blood.

889hp(83%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Ragast fails to damn you.
Nijee is gushing blood.

889hp(83%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
> rem dagger
rem dagger
You stop using a phoenix-hilted dagger.
Nijee is gushing blood.

889hp(83%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
> crushingblow
You stop using a phoenix-hilted dagger.
Nijee is gushing blood.

889hp(83%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Nijee!
Your crushing blow knocks Nijee down!
Your crushing blow MASSACRES Nijee!
Nijee is writhing in agony.

889hp(83%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
You parry Nijee's defilement.
You parry Nijee's defilement.
Your punch MUTILATES Nijee!
Your punch mauls Nijee.
You dodge Ragast's infernal power.
Nijee is writhing in agony.

889hp(83%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Nijee is writhing in agony.

889hp(83%) 592mp(76%) 1181mv(98%) [civilized][fighting][8 AM]
Nijee continues to bleed from her wounds.
Nijee's bleeding hamstring injures her.
You writhe in agony from the plague.
Your sickness scratches you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding MUTILATES you!
Nijee is writhing in agony.

845hp(79%) 567mp(73%) 1158mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
Nijee's defilement EVISCERATES you!
You parry Nijee's defilement.
You parry Nijee's defilement.
You develop awareness of Nijee's vital points, to better land harsh blows.
Your punch devastates Nijee!
Your punch devastates Nijee!
You now have a keen eye for Ragast's movements, and can predict where he will go.
You dodge Ragast's infernal power.
Nijee is writhing in agony.

798hp(75%) 567mp(73%) 1158mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Nijee is writhing in agony.

798hp(75%) 567mp(73%) 1158mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
You get in one more shot on Nijee as she flees.
Your parting blow devastates Nijee!
Nijee has fled!
Nijee leaves east.
Ragast's infernal power MASSACRES you!
An instant of searing agony screams through your body as the Black Flail of Dark Whispers strikes you!
You dodge Ragast's infernal power.
Ragast has a few scratches.

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1158mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> flee

Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Weaving through the Flow of Shadows, you avoid Ragast's prayer.
Completing the Flow of Shadows, you come back at Ragast with an attack of your own!
Your punch hits Ragast.
Ragast has a few scratches.

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1158mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> vital nijee

Nijee has arrived.
Ragast has a few scratches.

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1158mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: south west]
You flee from combat!

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1157mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> They aren't here.

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1157mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> s
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: north east]
     Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
(Red Aura) Nijee is here.
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) Ragast is here.

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1156mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> vital nijee

Nijee leaves north.
Ragast leaves north.
They aren't here.

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1156mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> n
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: south west]

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1155mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> vital nijee
They aren't here.

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1155mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> w
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1154mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> w
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east south west]

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1153mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> w
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]

726hp(68%) 567mp(73%) 1152mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: north east]
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) Ragast is here.
(Red Aura) Nijee is here.
You yell 'Die, Ragast, you sorcerous dog!'
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Ragast has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Ragast's torments EVISCERATES you!
Ragast has a few scratches.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1151mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> n
Nijee leaves north.
Ragast has a few scratches.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1151mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> No way!  You are still fighting!
Ragast has a few scratches.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1151mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> No way!  You are still fighting!
Ragast has a few scratches.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1151mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> No way!  You are still fighting!
Ragast has a few scratches.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1151mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> flee
No way!  You are still fighting!
Ragast has a few scratches.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1151mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: south west]
(Red Aura) Nijee is here.
You flee from combat!

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1150mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
Nijee leaves south.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1150mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> vital nijee
They aren't here.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1150mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> s
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: north east]
(Red Aura) Nijee is here.
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) Ragast is here.

676hp(63%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][standing][9 AM]
> vital nijee
You weaken Nijee with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area mauls Nijee.
Nijee yells 'Help! Drissa punched me!'
You yell 'Die, Ragast, you sorcerous dog!'
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Ragast has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Ragast's torments EVISCERATES you!
Nijee is convulsing on the ground.

625hp(58%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> crushingblow

You parry Nijee's defilement.
You dodge Nijee's defilement.
Your punch decimates Nijee!
Your punch mauls Nijee.
Your punch maims Nijee!
Ragast's infernal power MANGLES you!
Nijee is convulsing on the ground.

541hp(50%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
You get in one more shot on Nijee as she flees.
Your parting blow maims Nijee!
Nijee is convulsing on the ground.

541hp(50%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Nijee!
Your crushing blow knocks Nijee down!
Your crushing blow MUTILATES Nijee!
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Ragast has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Ragast's torments MASSACRES you!
Nijee is convulsing on the ground.

472hp(44%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
Nijee's defilement nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
You parry Nijee's defilement.
Nijee's defilement EVISCERATES you!
Your punch devastates Nijee!
Your punch devastates Nijee!
Your punch mauls Nijee.
You parry Ragast's infernal power.
Nijee is convulsing on the ground.

421hp(39%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Ragast has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Ragast's torments DISMEMBERS you!
Nijee is convulsing on the ground.

364hp(34%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
You parry Nijee's defilement.
You parry Nijee's defilement.
Your punch EVISCERATES Nijee!
Your punch devastates Nijee!
Your punch maims Nijee!
Your punch maims Nijee!
Your punch devastates Nijee!
Nijee is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Nijee.
Nijee's fingers are sliced from her dead body.
You dodge Ragast's infernal power.
Ragast has a few scratches.

364hp(34%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Ragast has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Ragast's torments DISMEMBERS you!
Ragast has a few scratches.

310hp(29%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> get all.coins corpse

Your punch injures Ragast.
Ragast deflects your punch with his shield.
Holy tendrils lash out at Ragast from your belt!
Your lash scratches Ragast.
Your tendrils fail to entangle Ragast!
You parry Ragast's infernal power.
You dodge Ragast's infernal power.
Ragast has a few scratches.

310hp(29%) 567mp(73%) 1149mv(96%) [civilized][fighting][9 AM]
> flee

The bleeding stops.
You feel your pulse slow down.
You writhe in agony from the plague.
Your sickness scratches you.
Ragast has a few scratches.

306hp(31%) 542mp(70%) 1126mv(94%) [civilized][fighting][10 AM]
> You get 3 gold coins from the corpse of Nijee.
You get 46 silver coins from the corpse of Nijee.
You get 6 copper coins from the corpse of Nijee.
Ragast has a few scratches.

306hp(31%) 542mp(70%) 1126mv(94%) [civilized][fighting][10 AM]
> Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]
You flee from combat!

306hp(31%) 542mp(70%) 1125mv(94%) [civilized][standing][10 AM]
> w
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: north east]
     The bludgeoned corpse of Nijee lies here.
     The severed fingers of Nijee lie here.
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) Ragast is here.
You yell 'Die, Ragast, you sorcerous dog!'
Ragast narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Ragast has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Ragast's torments DISMEMBERS you!
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: south west]
You flee from combat!

252hp(26%) 542mp(70%) 1123mv(93%) [civilized][standing][10 AM]
> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

252hp(26%) 542mp(70%) 1123mv(93%) [civilized][standing][10 AM]
> Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]
Subject Author Views Posted

Drissa v Nijee/Ragast

mcbeth 684 August 22, 2018 12:44PM

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