Jhelruk v Devanshez, Klizmari

October 28, 2018 06:04PM
*** Anamist and muter together is brutal

Before the Imperial Palace 
  The roads from the south, east and west converge here to form a great square.
The gates of the Palace lie open to the north.  The square itself is made
from the same fused black stone that all of the Imperial roads seem to be
constructed from.  However, here the smooth surface of the road has been
deeply etched to show a huge Symbol of the Imperial Codex.  At each of the
cardinal directions surrounding the Symbol you see smaller representations 
of the individual Sect Symbols.  Each of these details pass quickly, for 
your eye is almost immediately drawn to the black stone cross rising from 
the center of the great Symbol.
[Exits: north east south west]
Klizmari the human is here.
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

civilized <603hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> cranial Klizmari

You yell 'Die, Klizmari, you sorcerous dog!'
Klizmari utters the words, 'qhije ay xagsg'.
A violent torrent of wasps descends upon you, tearing at your flesh!
Klizmari's cloud of wasps EVISCERATES you!
Klizmari is in perfect health.

civilized <551hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> You bring a runed hammer of solid oak around to hit Klizmari's head!
Your cranial hit DISMEMBERS Klizmari!
Klizmari has a few scratches.

civilized <551hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
You parry Klizmari's thrust.
You parry Klizmari's thrust.
Your crush DISMEMBERS Klizmari!
Your crush MASSACRES Klizmari!
Klizmari is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <551hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Klizmari is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <545hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
Someone has arrived.
Klizmari is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <545hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
Someone leaves north.
Klizmari is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <545hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
You parry Klizmari's thrust.
Klizmari dodges your crush.
Your wrath MANGLES Klizmari!
Klizmari deflects your crush with his defensive spin.
Klizmari parries your wrath.
Klizmari is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <545hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> drum

Someone has arrived.
Klizmari is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <545hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
Someone leaves south.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Klizmari is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <538hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
Klizmari utters the words, 'gqajfoz ay wagdjuhazg'.
A violent torrent of mosquitoes descends upon you, tearing at your flesh!
Klizmari's scourge of mosquitoes MANGLES you!
You drum at Klizmari with your maces.
Your drumming maces DISMEMBERS Klizmari!
Your drumming maces MANGLES Klizmari!
Klizmari is gushing blood.

civilized <444hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
You parry Klizmari's thrust.
Klizmari's ring flares with a bright white light!
Klizmari's shocking grasp mauls you.
Klizmari deflects your crush with his defensive spin.
Klizmari parries your wrath.
Your crush DISMEMBERS Klizmari!
Your crush DISMEMBERS Klizmari!
Klizmari is writhing in agony.

civilized <420hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> drum

You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Klizmari is writhing in agony.

civilized <406hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
Someone has arrived.
Klizmari is writhing in agony.

civilized <406hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
You parry Klizmari's thrust.
Klizmari parries your crush.
Klizmari parries your crush.
Your crush MASSACRES Klizmari!
Klizmari is writhing in agony.

civilized <406hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Klizmari is writhing in agony.

civilized <394hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> 
You get in one more shot on Klizmari as he flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES Klizmari!
Klizmari has fled!
Klizmari leaves south.
But you aren't fighting anyone!

civilized <394hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> s

You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.

civilized <382hp 291m 772mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> The Avenue of Conquest 
  You stand on a well-maintained road of exquisite engineering.  People
of all races move in an orderly fashion to and from their various
destinations.  Roads lead off in every direction.  Far to the north
the Imperial Palace rises up, showing the majesty of the Empire.  To
the west lies the Divine Quarter, while to the east lies a guildhall.
[Exits: north east south]

civilized <382hp 291m 770mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> cranial Klizmari
They aren't here.

civilized <382hp 291m 770mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 4 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Jhelruk                      The Avenue of Conquest
  Ceth                         Entrance to the Imperial Lands

*** SNIP a spot of healing and going for the muter

civilized <562hp 327m 781mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Devanshez                    The End of the Hallway
(PK) Jhelruk                      The Imperial Throne Room

civilized <562hp 327m 781mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> d

You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.

civilized <550hp 327m 781mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> d
The Chamber of the Council of Four 
  A huge round table of black marble dominates this circular room.
Four chairs, which would be named thrones in any other chamber, 
are set at the four cardinal directions around the table.  The 
symbol of the Imperial Codex is embossed in gold on the center of 
the table.  The walls of the room are bare save The Words circling
the room just below the domed ceiling. Archways lead out of the room in 
all four directions, and stairs lead down and up.
[Exits: north east south west up down]

civilized <550hp 327m 780mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> cranial Devanshez
The End of the Hallway 
  Stone floors are scrubbed clean and worn smooth from the passing 
of countless feet.  The walls to the east and west are decorated 
with a huge mural depicting great achievements of civilization, 
while huge letters spell out a message to all on the north wall.  
The hallway continues to the south while stone stairs spiral 
upwards to the next floor.  Engraved into the stone floors are
the words of Imperial Law, that which is known by all who wish
to succeed within the Empire.
[Exits: east south west up]

civilized <550hp 327m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> 
Dihhadea has arrived.

civilized <550hp 327m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> They aren't here.

civilized <550hp 327m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> 
Dihhadea leaves up.

civilized <550hp 327m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> cranial Devanshez
They aren't here.

civilized <550hp 327m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> s
A Hallway 
  Stone floors are scrubbed clean and worn smooth from the passing 
of countless feet.  The walls to the east and west are both 
decorated with huge murals depicting some the greatest 
achievements of civilization.  The hallway continues to the north, 
while a portcullis leads to the gatehouse to the south.
[Exits: north south]

civilized <550hp 327m 778mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> cranial Devanshez
They aren't here.
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.

civilized <537hp 327m 778mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Jhelruk                      A Hallway
  Dihhadea                     The Imperial Throne Room

civilized <537hp 327m 778mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> n
The End of the Hallway 
  Stone floors are scrubbed clean and worn smooth from the passing 
of countless feet.  The walls to the east and west are decorated 
with a huge mural depicting great achievements of civilization, 
while huge letters spell out a message to all on the north wall.  
The hallway continues to the south while stone stairs spiral 
upwards to the next floor.  Engraved into the stone floors are
the words of Imperial Law, that which is known by all who wish
to succeed within the Empire.
[Exits: east south west up]

civilized <537hp 327m 777mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> s
A Hallway 
  Stone floors are scrubbed clean and worn smooth from the passing 
of countless feet.  The walls to the east and west are both 
decorated with huge murals depicting some the greatest 
achievements of civilization.  The hallway continues to the north, 
while a portcullis leads to the gatehouse to the south.
[Exits: north south]

civilized <537hp 327m 776mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 6 PM> The Gates of the Palace 
  You stand between two huge open portcullis, one to the north and 
one to the south.  A ceiling lofts above you, held up by a series 
of stone arches.  The walls to the east and west are covered with 
black scorch marks and pocked from splattered acid.  The stone 
floor is cracked and broken from countless upheavals and eternally 
stained with the deep red of dried blood.  You can continue 
further into the Palace to the north, or leave to the south.
[Exits: north south]

civilized <552hp 354m 780mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Jhelruk                      The Gates of the Palace
  Dihhadea                     The Imperial Throne Room

civilized <552hp 354m 780mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> Before the Imperial Palace 
  The roads from the south, east and west converge here to form a great square.
The gates of the Palace lie open to the north.  The square itself is made
from the same fused black stone that all of the Imperial roads seem to be
constructed from.  However, here the smooth surface of the road has been
deeply etched to show a huge Symbol of the Imperial Codex.  At each of the
cardinal directions surrounding the Symbol you see smaller representations 
of the individual Sect Symbols.  Each of these details pass quickly, for 
your eye is almost immediately drawn to the black stone cross rising from 
the center of the great Symbol.
[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (WANTED) Devanshez the dark-elf is here.
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.

civilized <539hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Devanshez                    Lane of the Chosen
(PK) Jhelruk                      Before the Imperial Palace
  Ceth                         Entrance to the Imperial Lands

civilized <539hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> cranial Devanshez
They aren't here.

civilized <539hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> cranial Devanshez
You hit Devanshez over the head with a runed hammer of solid oak.
Your cranial hit injures Devanshez.
Devanshez yells 'Help! Jhelruk hit me over the head!'
Devanshez has a few scratches.

civilized <539hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez roars and reddens with fury as she presses her attack!
You dodge Devanshez's smash.
You dodge Devanshez's smash.
Devanshez deflects your crush with her defensive spin.
Your wrath maims Devanshez!
Devanshez parries your crush.
Your crush devastates Devanshez!
Devanshez has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <539hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez swats furiously at the cloud of wasps near her.
Devanshez's cloud of wasps grazes her.
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Devanshez has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <525hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
You parry Devanshez's smash.
Devanshez's smash maims you!
Devanshez parries your crush.
Devanshez parries your wrath.
Devanshez has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <491hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez swats furiously at the cloud of wasps near her.
Devanshez's cloud of wasps grazes her.
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Devanshez has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <478hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> cranial Devanshez

Devanshez utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Your entire body explodes in pain, stunning you into helplessness!
You find it hard to concentrate as your mind pops and buzzes.
Devanshez's neurological disruption decimates you!
You're totally frozen!
Devanshez roars and reddens with fury as she presses her attack!
Devanshez's smash EVISCERATES you!
You parry Devanshez's smash.
Devanshez deflects your crush with her defensive spin.
Devanshez deflects your crush with her defensive spin.
Devanshez parries your crush.
Your wrath MUTILATES Devanshez!
Devanshez has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <401hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez swats furiously at the cloud of wasps near her.
Devanshez's cloud of wasps grazes her.
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Devanshez has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <389hp 354m 779mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
You parry Devanshez's smash.
You dodge Devanshez's smash.
A loud crack resounds in your throbbing head after the impact from Devanshez's staff!
Devanshez's blow STUNS you!

civilized <389hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
The sudden pain startles you!

civilized <377hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez roars and reddens with fury as she presses her attack!
You parry Devanshez's smash.
Devanshez's smash maims you!
You parry Devanshez's smash.
Devanshez turns your crush away with a quick twist of her wrist.
Your wrath maims Devanshez!
Devanshez parries your wrath.
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <343hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Your entire body explodes in pain, stunning you into helplessness!
Devanshez's neurological disruption mauls you.
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <322hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> fle

*** This is why the combo was brutal, the wasp bite further stacks with the muter neuro
*** You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
*** The paralytic venom of the cloud of wasps paralyzes your muscles further.

Devanshez swats furiously at the cloud of wasps near her.
Devanshez's cloud of wasps grazes her.
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
The paralytic venom of the cloud of wasps paralyzes your muscles further.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <309hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez's smash devastates you!
Devanshez's smash maims you!
You dodge Devanshez's smash.
Devanshez parries your crush.
Devanshez parries your wrath.
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <243hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <243hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <243hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <243hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> fle
You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <243hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> fle
You're totally frozen!
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <230hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> fle
You're totally frozen!
You parry Devanshez's smash.
You dodge Devanshez's smash.
Devanshez deflects your crush with her defensive spin.
Your wrath MUTILATES Devanshez!
Devanshez bats your crush away with her staff.
Devanshez parries your crush.
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <230hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> fle
You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <230hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> Devanshez utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Your entire body explodes in pain, stunning you into helplessness!
Devanshez's neurological disruption mauls you.
You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <209hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <209hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <209hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> fle
You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <209hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <209hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez's smash maims you!
You parry Devanshez's smash.
You dodge Devanshez's smash.
Your crush maims Devanshez!
Your wrath maims Devanshez!
Your crush decimates Devanshez!
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <174hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
Devanshez swats furiously at the cloud of wasps near her.
Devanshez's cloud of wasps grazes her.
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
Devanshez is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <160hp 354m 679mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
You parry Devanshez's smash.
Devanshez's smash maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Lane of Black Magic 
  You feel the chill of the grave upon you, as coldness seems to seep from
the black stone beneath your feet into your body.  The street is lined
with crucifixes, evenly spaced on each side of the street.  The corpses
on the cruxifixes seem rather fresh, and every now and then, one of them
quivers, whether from the wind, or something unseen.  Off in the distance
lies the majesty of the Imperial Palace.
[Exits: east west]
You flee from combat!

civilized <126hp 354m 677mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

civilized <112hp 354m 677mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> get return endless
q return
You're totally frozen!

civilized <112hp 354m 677mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!

civilized <112hp 354m 677mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> get return endless
q return

You yell 'Die, Devanshez, you sorcerous dog!'
Devanshez utters the words, 'eugfjsh yrzgp'.
Your skin twists and splits under Devanshez's magical assault!
Devanshez's disruption DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Lane of Black Magic 
  You feel the chill of the grave upon you, as coldness seems to seep from
the black stone beneath your feet into your body.  The street is lined
with crucifixes, evenly spaced on each side of the street.  The corpses
on the cruxifixes seem rather fresh, and every now and then, one of them
quivers, whether from the wind, or something unseen.  Off in the distance
lies the majesty of the Imperial Palace.
[Exits: east west]
You flee from combat!

civilized <47hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!

civilized <47hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!

civilized <47hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

civilized <34hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> get return endless
q return
You're totally frozen!

civilized <34hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!

civilized <34hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> get return endless
q return
You're totally frozen!

civilized <34hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!

civilized <34hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> get return endless
q return
You're totally frozen!
You swat furiously at the swarm of mosquitoes surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your scourge of mosquitoes grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You swat furiously at the cloud of wasps surrounding you, as they bite you incessantly.
Your cloud of wasps grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

civilized <22hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> You're totally frozen!

civilized <22hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> get return endless
q return
You're totally frozen!

civilized <22hp 354m 675mv 13268tnl (2.80%) 7 PM> 
You yell 'Die, Devanshez, you sorcerous dog!'
Devanshez utters the words, 'eugfjsh yrzgp'.
Your skin twists and splits under Devanshez's magical assault!
Your flesh cracks and starts bleeding!
Devanshez's disruption *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
Your wariness about unconsciousness fades.
You can't find it.
Subject Author Views Posted

Jhelruk v Devanshez, Klizmari

Jarmel 455 October 28, 2018 06:04PM

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