Leuoa vs Dwexz

February 26, 2021 07:28PM
[27 Duerg War] (PK) Dwexz the Dragoon, Bloodoathed of the Empire
*35 H-Drw Asn* (PK) Leuoa the Uki Goshi
*** I was invisible and stalking him and hit the wrong hotkey
*** The opening nerve was just supposed to be a stalk

<473/473(100%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Dwexz                        On the Merchant's Road
  Vantiglia                    A Blacksmith's Forge
  Marceluis                    A Blacksmith's Forge
(PK) Leuoa                        On the Merchant's Road
  Asbadaben                    Bedrooms

<473/473(100%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> nerve dwexz
You step out of the shadows.
You deliver a well-placed strike to the shoulder of Dwexz.
You fade into existence.
You trample around loudly again.
Your pressure point strike scratches Dwexz.
Dwexz yells 'Help! Leuoa is trying to strike me!'
Dwexz has a few scratches.

<473/473(100%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> 
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
Dwexz's venomous slash EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
Dwexz parries your divine power.
Dwexz parries your wrath.
Dwexz parries your divine power.
Dwexz has a few scratches.

<425/473(89%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> 
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt grazes you.
You parry someone's venomous slash.
Someone's venomous slash MUTILATES you!
Someone knocks your divine power aside before it gets near it.
Someone parries your wrath.
Someone dodges your divine power.
Someone has a few scratches.

<379/473(80%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> kans
You fail to perform kansetsuwaza on someone.
Your kansetsuwaza misses someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

<379/473(80%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> 
You parry someone's venomous slash.
You parry someone's venomous slash.
Someone parries your divine power.
Your wrath DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone parries your wrath.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<379/473(80%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> 
Someone's venomous slash DISMEMBERS you!
You parry someone's venomous slash.
Someone parries your divine power.
Your divine power MANGLES someone!
Someone dodges your divine power.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<324/473(68%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> 
Someone suddenly springs forward and sends you sprawling with a solid body blow!
Someone's bash injures you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<310/473(65%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> 
You dodge someone's venomous slash.
You dodge someone's venomous slash.
Someone's venomous slash nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
Someone knocks your divine power aside before it gets near it.
Your wrath DISMEMBERS someone!
Your divine power MASSACRES someone!
Someone dodges your wrath.
Someone is gushing blood.

<310/473(65%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> throw

You dodge someone's venomous slash.
You dodge someone's venomous slash.
Someone's venomous slash EVISCERATES you!
Someone dodges your divine power.
Someone parries your wrath.
Someone parries your divine power.
Someone is gushing blood.

<267/473(56%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> 
Someone gets a wild look in its eyes.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<267/473(56%)hp 476/483(98%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 8 AM> 
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You can stalk again.
Dwexz is covered with bleeding wounds.

<275/473(58%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> 
Moving quickly, you avoid Dwexz's venomous slash.
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
You parry Dwexz's venomous slash.
Dwexz's venomous slash EVISCERATES you!
Your divine power MANGLES Dwexz!
Dwexz dodges your wrath.
Dwexz parries your divine power.
Dwexz dodges your divine power.
Dwexz is gushing blood.

<230/473(48%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> You throw Dwexz to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw DISMEMBERS Dwexz!
Dwexz is writhing in agony.

<230/473(48%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> 
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
You parry Dwexz's venomous slash.
Dwexz parries your divine power.
Dwexz dodges your wrath.
Dwexz parries your wrath.
Dwexz dodges your divine power.
Dwexz is writhing in agony.

<230/473(48%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> throw

You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
Dwexz's venomous slash EVISCERATES you!
Your divine power nearly breaks through Dwexz's blocking blow.
Dwexz parries your wrath.
Dwexz dodges your divine power.
Dwexz is writhing in agony.

<178/473(37%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> 
Dwexz executes a cross-down parry and unleashes a powerful kick.
Dwexz's cross-down parry DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You throw Dwexz to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw DISMEMBERS Dwexz!
Dwexz is writhing in agony.

<117/473(24%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> 
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
You parry Dwexz's venomous slash.
You parry Dwexz's venomous slash.
Dwexz's venomous slash misses you.
You can't get your weapons up in time to swing.
Dwexz knocks your divine power aside before it gets near him.
Dwexz parries your wrath.
Dwexz is writhing in agony.

<117/473(24%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> 
Dwexz's venomous slash EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Dwexz's venomous slash.
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
Your divine power DISMEMBERS Dwexz!
Dwexz has fled!
Dwexz leaves south.

<68/473(14%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> trip dwexz
They aren't here.

<68/473(14%)hp 483/483(100%)m 563/563(100%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> s
On the Merchant's Road 
  You pass several small, slow-moving merchant caravans as you make
your way along this well-traveled road.  Though it is heavily traffic, this 
trail is far from exciting; indeed, the drab and repetitive scenery is quite 
boring.  It would seem safe to assume that it exists only to facilitiate
trade between the farming communites to the north and other parts of
Thera.  Light forest lies on each side of the road.  The road continues
both north and south, though both Balator and Hamsah Mu'tazz are too far
off for you to see from here.
[Exits: north south]
Dwexz the duergar is here.
A human sentry keeps watch over the Merchant's Road.

<68/473(14%)hp 483/483(100%)m 562/563(99%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> trip dwexz
Spinning to Dwexz's side, you hook his ankle with your foot and kick forward!
Your trip scratches Dwexz.
Dwexz yells 'Help! Leuoa tried to trip me!'
Dwexz is convulsing on the ground.

<68/473(14%)hp 483/483(100%)m 562/563(99%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> 
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
You parry Dwexz's venomous slash.
Dwexz dodges your divine power.
Dwexz is convulsing on the ground.

<68/473(14%)hp 483/483(100%)m 562/563(99%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> throw

Dwexz's venomous slash DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Dwexz's venomous slash.
Dwexz parries your divine power.
Dwexz parries your wrath.
Your wrath DISMEMBERS Dwexz!
Dwexz is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Dwexz.

<9/473(1%)hp 483/483(100%)m 562/563(99%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> sneak
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<9/473(1%)hp 483/483(100%)m 562/563(99%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> You attempt to move silently.

<9/473(1%)hp 483/483(100%)m 562/563(99%)mv 11384tnl civilized 9 AM> exa corpse
Thin wisps of pale white smoke drift from the eyes of Dwexz's corpse.
The burnt corpse of Dwexz contains:
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
( 2) a charred leather bracer
     a large sack
     a pair of boots covered in fine gold filigree
     a gold-filigreed breastplate crafted of black steel
     a set of gold-filigreed black steel greaves
     a set of gold-filigreed black steel vambraces
     a pair of gauntlets covered in fine gold filigree
     a gold-filigreed full helm crafted of black steel
( 2) an amethyst ring
     a brass-studded collar
     a wide, black leather belt
     a sandy-brown desert cloak
     a black iron shortsword
     a cloak of wyvern leather
( 2) a bitter-smelling potion
     a small poorly made raft
     a black iron broadsword
( 2) (Humming) a spider-hilted steel sword
     a blue potion
(10) some olives
     60 copper coins
Subject Author Views Posted

Leuoa vs Dwexz

joe 303 February 26, 2021 07:28PM

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