Leuoa vs Omugug

February 26, 2021 07:37PM
You cannot stalk again so soon.

<637/682(93%)hp 571/660(86%)m 497/962(51%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 7 PM> 
You can stalk again.
Omugug writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
Omugug's sickness scratches him.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 548/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> stalk omu
You continue to stalk Omugug.
Omugug leaves west.
You follow Omugug west.
Holy Road 
  A tall row of shrubbery has been planted along the south edge of the gray
gravel road, the Temple of the Moon rising beyond it.  It is possible to
travel both east and west along the Holy Road, either towards the gate or the
city park.  A massive building of dark stone and polished woods sits at the
northern edge of the street, a flight of four wide marble steps leading to its
elaborate arched entrance.  Etched into the stone are the words 'The Galadon
Seminary' and the majority of people entering or leaving it are clad in
clerical robes.
[Exits: north east west]
Omugug the orc is here.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 545/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> assassinate omu

Omugug leaves east.
You follow Omugug east.
Holy Road 
  This street is made of crushed gray gravel and stretches across Galadon from 
west to east, its only break is the city park.  Although less traveled than 
some of the other main avenues of the city the Holy Road is still maintained 
well, its surface smooth and free of any plant growth.  A courtyard can be 
seen through the north gate and the neighs of horses can be heard from beyond 
it while a wide, but dark, alley heads south.  The Holy Road continues east 
towards the city wall or further west towards the park.
[Exits: north east south west]
Omugug the orc is here.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 542/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> Omugug turns to confront your attack!
You stop following Omugug.
You step out of the shadows.
You trample around loudly again.
Your assassination attempt misses Omugug.
Omugug yells 'Help! Someone tried to assassinate me!'
Omugug is writhing in agony.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 542/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> 
Your cut EVISCERATES Omugug!
Omugug has fled!
Omugug leaves west.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 542/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> 
Omugug has arrived.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 542/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> where

Omugug leaves west.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 542/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> trip omu
People near you:
(PK) Khremzwu                     Entrance to the Paladin's Guild
  Sylfar                       The Leather Shop
(PK) Aewir                        Park Road
(PK) Leuoa                        Holy Road
(PK) Omugug                       Park Road

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 542/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> They aren't here.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 542/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> Holy Road 
  A tall row of shrubbery has been planted along the south edge of the gray
gravel road, the Temple of the Moon rising beyond it.  It is possible to
travel both east and west along the Holy Road, either towards the gate or the
city park.  A massive building of dark stone and polished woods sits at the
northern edge of the street, a flight of four wide marble steps leading to its
elaborate arched entrance.  Etched into the stone are the words 'The Galadon
Seminary' and the majority of people entering or leaving it are clad in
clerical robes.
[Exits: north east west]

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 539/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> w
You attempt to move silently.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 539/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> People near you:
(PK) Khremzwu                     The Chamber of Eternal Light
  Sylfar                       The Leather Shop
(PK) Aewir                        Park Road
(PK) Leuoa                        Holy Road
(PK) Omugug                       High Road

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 539/962(56%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> w
Holy Road 
  An archway formed of twisted oak sits along the southern edge of the street, 
the square of the Temple of the Moon lying beyond it.  The Holy Road leads
west where it meets the Park Road, and further east towards the northeastern
gate of the city.  Comprised of gray crushed gravel the surface of the avenue
is mostly smooth and well-maintained, not a single weed or plant growing in
its surface.  An empty and aged church looms to the north, although it does
not look to be used any longer, it has been kept in fairly pristine condition.
[Exits: north east south west]
A small tabby kitten is scampering around here.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 536/962(55%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> Park Road 
  A tall fence rises along the western edge of the road, blocking passage into
the field.  It would be possible to follow this dirt road further into both 
the north and south as it circles Galadon's park.  Along the outer edge of the
hard-packed earth is a wide band of crushed white gravel that allows citizens
to avoid the mud that can occur during rain.  There is a transition spot to
the east where the white stone changes into the gray crushed rock of the Holy
[Exits: north east south]

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 533/962(55%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 533/962(55%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> People near you:
(PK) Khremzwu                     The Chamber of Eternal Light
  Sylfar                       The Leather Shop
(PK) Aewir                        High Road
(PK) Leuoa                        Park Road
(PK) Omugug                       High Road

<660/682(96%)hp 590/660(89%)m 533/962(55%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 8 PM> s
Park Road 
  A wide pathway of crushed white gravel surrounds the hard-packed dirt of the
Park Road.  The city planners opted to use a more natural looking, and
feeling, road in an attempt to preserve the illusion of being within nature
while remaining within the city walls.  To the east there is a simple arch
of twisted oak that leads into the square before the Temple of the Moon.
Following alongside the metal fence that surrounds the park, the road leads
further to the west and north.
[Exits: north east west]

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 581/962(60%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Khremzwu                     The Chamber of Eternal Light
  Sylfar                       The Leather Shop
(PK) Aewir                        High Road
(PK) Leuoa                        Park Road
(PK) Omugug                       Trade Road

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 581/962(60%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> w
Park Road 
  Comprised primarily of hard-packed dirt, the Park Road circles the grassy
expanse that sprawls across the center of Galadon.  In an attempt to please
all the citizens of the city, a wide path of crushed white gravel has been
placed along the outer edge of the road.  A large fence lies to the north, and
through it the light reflects off the surface of a small pond.  The road heads
to the west and east following the same path as the metal barricade.
[Exits: east west]

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 578/962(60%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> w
Park Road 
  A wide band of white gravel surrounds the hardened dirt that comprises the
Park Road.  There is a small transitional area to the south as the crushed
stone turns into the white blocks of the High Road.  A massive fence of metal
can be seen to the north, separating the park from the rest of Galadon.  There
is a faint shimmer from within the enclosure as light reflects off the surface
of the nearby pond.  It is possible to continue along the road to both the 
west and east.
[Exits: east south west]

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 575/962(59%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Khremzwu                     The Chamber of Eternal Light
  Sylfar                       The Leather Shop
(PK) Aewir                        High Road
(PK) Leuoa                        Park Road
(PK) Omugug                       Ruadrim's Magical Mysteries Shop

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 575/962(59%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> s
High Road 
  Comprised of perfectly leveled white stone blocks, the High Road cuts through
the center of Galadon from north to south.  The massive Temple of the Sun is
to the west, its broad square welcoming the downtrodden.  Along either edge of
the road are large brass posts hung with lanterns used to keep the city lit at 
all hours.  There is a small transitional patch just north as the smooth stone
shifts into a rough gravel and hard dirt at the Park Road.  Further in the 
south, the Market Square can be seen.
[Exits: north south west]
An important looking merchant is riding through here in a shiny carriage.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 572/962(59%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> s
High Road 
  Built of perfectly smooth white blocks and free of any stain or imperfection,
the High Road of Galadon is pristine.  Towering over the city in the east is
the Spire of the Blood Tribunal, guards coming and going from its courtyard
as their shifts begin and end.  The street continues further north towards the
park and south to the Market Square.  The calls for donations to help the poor
sound from the west, where the guild of Paladins has been established.  There
are volunteers constantly moving about, tending to the needs of the sick and
downtrodden that have huddled within awaiting charity.
[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) Aewir the storm giant is here.
A small boy is playing here with his friends.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 569/962(59%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> s
High Road 
  There is a lot of foot traffic from the citizens of Galadon along this point
of the High Road with the hard-packed dirt of the Market Square opening to the
south.  At the east edge of the street the entrance of Wilhelm's Wondrous 
Where's can be seen, the heavy scent of aged parchment and ink rolling from 
within.  The entrance of the Garden Bounty sits to the west while the pristine
blocks of white stone lead further north toward the city park.  At the edge of
the street there are large brass posts with lanterns hung from them to keep 
Galadon lit at all hours.
[Exits: north east south west]
An overweight cityguard leans against a building, catching his breath.
With his tail tucked between his legs, a scraggly dog meanders through the city streets.
With his tail tucked between his legs, a scraggly dog meanders through the city streets.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 566/962(58%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Khremzwu                     The Chamber of Eternal Light
  Sylfar                       The Leather Shop
(PK) Aewir                        High Road
(PK) Leuoa                        High Road
(PK) Omugug                       Ruadrim's Magical Mysteries Shop

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 566/962(58%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> s
Market Square 
  Stretching out in the cardinal directions from this large opening of trampled
dirt are the High and Trade Roads.  Laid out across the outer edge of the
square are booths with many cheap goods from the assorted races of Thera.  It
seems as if the lesser craftsmen of the hubs of a race come to Galadon in an
attempt to peddle their wares to less knowledgeable and wealthier folk.
Closer to the center of the square, you can see small huddles of beggars and
drunkards who attempt and leverage any piece of copper or charity they can
from the masses.
[Exits: north east south west]
With a well-rehearsed timing, this guard happily marches her section of the city.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 563/962(58%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> w
Trade Road 
  Powerful aromas carry through the air here, the scents of bread and pastries
blending with the rich smells of smoked meats.  Drawing closer to the Market
Square has led to an increased concentration of people as you near the center
of the city.  The gray stone road continues further in the west, towards the
gate, and transitions into hard-packed dirt as it leads into the Market Square
in the east.  At the southern edge of the road the Gelded Turkey looms while 
The Crumbled Crust Bakery can be seen to the north.
[Exits: north east south west]

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 560/962(58%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> w
Trade Road 
  Bricks of white and gray stone continue to both the east and west as the Trade
Road cuts across the city of Galadon.  The air in this section of the road is 
heavy with arcane energy, seeming to radiate some from the north and heavily 
to the south.  A large building looms along the southern edge of the street 
with a large birch tree growing in the courtyard.  The building to the north 
is made of a strange silvery material and has a slight haze within it.  The 
Trade Road leads closer to the Market Square in the east or towards the gate 
in the west.
[Exits: north east south west]
With a well-rehearsed timing, this guard happily marches her section of the city.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 557/962(57%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> n
trip omu
Ruadrim's Magical Mysteries Shop 
  A strange, mystical mist covers and obscures the floor of this curious store. 
The walls seem to be made of a curious silvery material, glinting with a blue 
sheen when the light hits them.  The east and west walls are lined with silver
shelves, each one carefully displaying various magical items.  Wands, staves, 
potions, and scrolls are all placed upon these shelves.  Some of the obscure, 
rarely sold items take up the backs of the shelves.  At the front of the store
is a large window with an ostentatious display of objects.  Silvery mists curl
around the window, lending the entire thing a rather exotic look.  Over the 
window is a blue and silver striped canopy, and the door leading into the shop
is silver paned with glass.  At the rear of the shop is a comfortable chair 
and a counter where the magician peddles and displays his wares.
[Exits: south up]
Omugug the orc is here.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 556/962(57%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> Spinning to Omugug's side, you hook his ankle with your foot and kick forward!
You trample around loudly again.
Your trip grazes Omugug.
Omugug yells 'Help! Leuoa tried to trip me!'
Omugug is writhing in agony.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 556/962(57%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> 
Your cut EVISCERATES Omugug!
Your cut maims Omugug!
You parry Omugug's punch.
You dodge Omugug's punch.
You parry Omugug's punch.
Omugug is convulsing on the ground.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 556/962(57%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> throw

Your cut DISMEMBERS Omugug!
Your cut MUTILATES Omugug!
With a quick blow you deflect Omugug's punch aside.
You parry Omugug's punch.
Omugug is convulsing on the ground.

<678/682(99%)hp 607/660(91%)m 556/962(57%)mv 2492tnl PROTECTED civilized 9 PM> You throw Omugug to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw MASSACRES Omugug!
Omugug is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Omugug.
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Leuoa vs Omugug

joe 279 February 26, 2021 07:37PM

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