viera: vs srinissi part 2

November 25, 2023 02:51AM
<1214hp 240m 1122mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  7 AM cloudy>
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
An odd looking beast dives into the desert sand.
A Nightwalker defends this place without question.
A crackling hiss from a shadowy Nightwalker breaks the silence of the abyss below.
(You intuitively sense that a shadowy Nightwalker just greeted you.)

<1214hp 240m 1118mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
Wandering in the Desert 

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.

<1214hp 240m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  7 AM cloudy>
c fb
c fireball
You invoke Ninauurm the Pit Fiend as a ball of fire erupts from your hand.

<1214hp 225m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  7 AM cloudy>
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
An odd looking beast dives into the desert sand.
A Nightwalker defends this place without question.
A crackling hiss from a shadowy Nightwalker breaks the silence of the abyss below.
(You intuitively sense that a shadowy Nightwalker just greeted you.)

<1214hp 225m 1111mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
Within the Maw of Stone 
[Exits: up down]
A black rift flickers and blurs in the air, absorbing the light.
A terrible black shadow slides out from the depths of the portal.
It flickers and solidifies, taking the form of a Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
You rest.

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
You feel too pumped to sleep now.

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 290 for 29 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 20 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 10 for 13 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 10 for 13 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 12 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 7 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 9 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'nightwalker' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'forsaken portal' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 2 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 15 for 0 hours.

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>

Someone utters the words, 'qafsacandusar pabraoculoilla'.
Someone's skin seems to become more rigid.

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
wa;c detinv
c 'detect invis'
You stand up.

<1214hp 225m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
Your eyes tingle.

<1214hp 220m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
You rest.

<1214hp 220m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a reddish brown trapdoor spider Above the Chasm
(PK) Makdran                      Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<1214hp 220m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
[SCION] a shadowy Nightwalker: Intruder! Intruder! Ihol is raiding the Cabal!
[51 Human Shf] (PK) (WANTED) Ihol Vil-taa the Grand Mistress of Changelings
[15 Srian Nec] Uruchax the Magus
[20 Storm Pal] Strarmond the Paladin
[32  Elf  Pal] Gaelisar the Exemplar of Generosity
[51 Srian Shf] (PK) Srinissi the Grand Mistress of Changelings
[51 Gnome Shf] (PK) Blingderny the Grand Master of Changelings
[30 Human Tra] Brijon the Student of the Mind
[37 Felar War] Raus the Battle-Scarred
[51 Dwarf Sha] (PK) Makdran Rakgnison the Holy of Faith, Initiate of the Jaguar
[40 H-Elf Asn] Vethi the Entrance to Owaza, Disciple of Zurcon
[15 H-Elf Thi] Erehui the Robber
[32 Human Nec] [TRIBUNAL] Druzar the Crypt Dweller, Magistrate of Voralian City
[33  Elf  Thi] Sulismirve the Master of Touch
[18  Orc  Ber] Moruht the Pillager of the Dead
*51  Fire A-P* (PK) [SCION] Viera Brightspell the Supplicant of Vanity, Chancellor of Eternal Night
[51 Felar Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Najhriv the Grand Master of Changelings, Magistrate of Galadon
[21 Duerg War] Mordredis the Strategist
[39 Duerg Sha] Zjarf the Communer of Decay
[15 D-Elf Asn] Jode the Tateken, Bloodoathed of the Empire
[14 Dwarf Pal] Kertar the Honorable
[ 8 D-Elf Sha] Xaraeres the Ascetic

Players found: 21

<1214hp 220m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
You stand up.

<1214hp 220m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a reddish brown trapdoor spider Above the Chasm
(PK) Makdran                      Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<1214hp 220m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 7 AM none>

The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.
The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.

<1222hp 226m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a reddish brown trapdoor spider Above the Chasm
(PK) Makdran                      Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<1222hp 226m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>
scan u
You scan up.
***** UP: 1 *****
(Translucent) (WANTED) a reddish brown trapdoor spider is here, fighting a shadowy Nightwalker.
(White Aura) Makdran is here.
An odd looking beast dives into the desert sand.
A Nightwalker defends this place without question.

<1222hp 226m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

The shadows of the night engulf a small Nightwalker as it takes off to hunt its victim!
Makdran yells 'AArgh!  aa ssmaall Niightwaalkeer iiss claawiing aat mee!'

<1222hp 226m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>
Silvery-white flames flicker in Makdran's eyes as he attacks you!
You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by Makdran!'
You keep Makdran at bay with your polearm.
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
(Translucent) (WANTED) a reddish brown trapdoor spider is here, fighting a shadowy Nightwalker.
(White Aura) Makdran is here, fighting YOU!
An odd looking beast dives into the desert sand.
A Nightwalker defends this place without question.
A crackling hiss from a shadowy Nightwalker breaks the silence of the abyss below.
(You intuitively sense that a shadowy Nightwalker just greeted you.)
Makdran is in perfect health.

<1222hp 226m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>
c fb
c fireball
You invoke Ninauurm the Pit Fiend as a ball of fire erupts from your hand.
The hissing of a giant spider signals a battle nearby.
Your fireball blisters a reddish brown trapdoor spider.
Your fireball SEARS Makdran!
Bright silvery-white flames flare brightly across Makdran's wounds.
Your fireball *** BLASTS *** the jazohul!
Makdran is in perfect health.

<1222hp 211m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Makdran is in perfect health.

<1222hp 211m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

A shadowy Nightwalker's claw hits a reddish brown trapdoor spider.
A shadowy Nightwalker's claw injures a reddish brown trapdoor spider.
You keep the jazohul at bay with your polearm.
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
You parry Makdran's slice.
Makdran's slice wounds you.
You remain safe as Makdran's slice bounces harmlessly off of a pair of darkened leggings.
Your defilement *** DEMOLISHES *** the jazohul!
The jazohul is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (36% bonus).
You get 3 silver coins from the corpse of the jazohul.
You get 14 copper coins from the corpse of the jazohul.
The gods give you one copper coin for your sacrifice of the corpse of the jazohul.
Your defilement maims Makdran!
Makdran deflects your defilement with his shield.
Makdran is in perfect health.

<1205hp 211m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

Makdran narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Makdran is in perfect health.

<1205hp 211m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>
You tear Makdran's flesh with a wide, slicing blow from a pitch-black lance!
Your slice MUTILATES Makdran!
Makdran has a few scratches.

<1205hp 211m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
You keep Makdran at bay with your polearm.
You keep Makdran at bay with your polearm.
Makdran parries your defilement.
Makdran deflects your defilement with his shield.
Your defilement maims Makdran!
Makdran has a few scratches.

<1205hp 211m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

Makdran narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Makdran has a few scratches.

<1205hp 211m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

A shadowy Nightwalker's claw injures a reddish brown trapdoor spider.
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
You parry Makdran's slice.
You keep Makdran at bay with your polearm.
Makdran's slice wounds you.
Makdran's ring flares with a bright white light!
Makdran's shocking grasp maims you!
Makdran deflects your defilement with his shield.
Makdran parries your defilement.
Makdran has a few scratches.

<1154hp 211m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>
Wandering in the Desert 

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]
You flee from combat!

<1154hp 211m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  8 AM cloudy>

[SCION] a shadowy Nightwalker: We have lost control of a primitive bone fetish.
[SCION] a shadowy Nightwalker: Alas, my life has come to an end...
You hear something's death cry.

<1154hp 211m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  8 AM cloudy>

A reddish brown trapdoor spider has arrived.

<1154hp 211m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  8 AM cloudy>
Silvery-white flames flicker in Makdran's eyes as he attacks you!
You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by Makdran!'
Makdran's slice mauls you.
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
     The discolored corpse of a shadowy Nightwalker lies here, features twisted with agony.
     (Glowing) The glittering skin of the jazohul rests here, in perfect condition.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(White Aura) Makdran is here, fighting YOU!
Makdran has a few scratches.

<1132hp 211m 1117mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>
c i
c iceball
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball decimates Makdran!
Makdran has a few scratches.

<1132hp 186m 1117mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

You parry Makdran's slice.
You parry Makdran's slice.
Makdran's a holy mark of the dwarven crusader glows briefly!
Your defilement maims Makdran!
Your defilement MUTILATES Makdran!
Your defilement maims Makdran!
Makdran dodges your defilement.
Makdran has a few scratches.

<1132hp 186m 1117mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 8 AM none>

Makdran continues to bleed from his wounds.
Makdran's bleeding artery maims him!
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1212hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

A reddish brown trapdoor spider has arrived.
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1212hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

Makdran narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1212hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
You tear Makdran's flesh with a wide, slicing blow from a pitch-black lance!
Your slice EVISCERATES Makdran!
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1216hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

You parry Makdran's slice.
Makdran's slice injures you.
Makdran deflects your defilement with his shield.
Makdran is unharmed as your defilement deflects harmlessly off of a pair of gleaming diamond leg
Your defilement decimates Makdran!
Your defilement maims Makdran!
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1202hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

A reddish brown trapdoor spider lifts her abdomen and sprays a sticky web at you.
The adhesive strands of a reddish brown trapdoor spider's web wrap around your limbs!
You yell 'Help! a reddish brown trapdoor spider sprayed webbing at me!'
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1202hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

Makdran narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1202hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

You barely manage to turn a reddish brown trapdoor spider's bite aside.
A reddish brown trapdoor spider's poisonous bite maims you!
You keep a reddish brown trapdoor spider at bay with your polearm.
You keep Makdran at bay with your polearm.
Makdran's slice wounds you.
Your defilement decimates a reddish brown trapdoor spider!
Your defilement maims Makdran!
Makdran parries your defilement.
Your defilement devastates Makdran!
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1149hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

A massive alligator has arrived.
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1149hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by a massive alligator!'
A massive alligator's bite EVISCERATES you!
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1097hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

Makdran narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
The magic of your detect magic spell unravels.
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1097hp 193m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
Within the Maw of Stone 
[Exits: up down]
(Invis) A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
A black rift flickers and blurs in the air, absorbing the light.
You flee from combat!

<1097hp 193m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a reddish brown trapdoor spider Above the Chasm
(PK) a massive alligator          Above the Chasm
(PK) Makdran                      Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<1097hp 193m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
A Somber Chamber 
[Exits: east south west up down]

<1097hp 193m 1123mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
The Convergence 
[Exits: north east south west up down]

<1097hp 193m 1122mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

The Nightwalker has arrived.

<1097hp 193m 1122mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
At the Base of the Stairs 
[Exits: east south up]

<1097hp 193m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
The Shroud of the Unspoken 
[Exits: north]
( 3) A small box made of ivory, covered with many small jewels is here.
     The Altar of Eternal Night rests here in the center of the room.
     (Humming) A pit of eternal darkness lies before you.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and foreboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.

<1097hp 193m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a two-humped camel           Above the Chasm
(PK) a massive alligator          Above the Chasm
(PK) Makdran                      Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

<1097hp 193m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 54 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 290 for 27 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 18 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 10 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 10 for 11 hours.
Skill: 'adhesive web' modifies dexterity by -10 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 10 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 7 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'nightwalker' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'forsaken portal' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 0 hours.

<1097hp 193m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Makdran                      Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

<1097hp 193m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
You are carrying:
     the girdle of endless space
( 2) (Glowing) a gleaming shaft of silver
     a mithril sword
     a stout bronze wand
     a potion of returning
     a potion of transportation
     a wand of return
     (Glowing) a shimmering ball of violet light
     a strange obsidian charm
     the Spear of the Sahuagin
     Kra'zuul, the Bloodletter

<1097hp 193m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
wi spear

The Nightwalker has arrived.
The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.

<1097hp 193m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
You stop using a pitch-black lance.
You wield the Spear of the Sahuagin.
The Spear of the Sahuagin feels like a part of you!

<1097hp 193m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
l gleaming
The magical aura from this shaft of silver is nearly palpable, and it burns
fiercely with an inner light.  Perhaps the length of a man's forearm, it is
no wider than a finger, even at the base where it is held.  Each end of the
otherwise unscathed cylinder has been notched with a single line.

A gleaming shaft of silver is a wand, made of silver, and weighs 2 pounds 15 ounces.

<1097hp 193m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>
ez gleaming self
cast excision 'gleaming' self
You focus your will on a gleaming shaft of silver, stealing its essence for your own use.
You are surrounded by a force shield.

<1097hp 168m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

Silvery-white flames flicker in Makdran's eyes as he attacks you!
You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by Makdran!'
Your defensive spin deflects Makdran's slice.
Makdran has summoned you!
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
     The discolored corpse of a shadowy Nightwalker lies here, features twisted with agony.
     (Glowing) The glittering skin of the jazohul rests here, in perfect condition.
A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
(White Aura) Makdran is here, fighting YOU!
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1097hp 168m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
You parry Makdran's slice.
You parry Makdran's slice.
Makdran's a holy mark of the dwarven crusader glows briefly!
Your shocking bite decimates Makdran!
Makdran deflects your shocking bite with his shield.
Your shocking bite mauls Makdran.
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1097hp 168m 1120mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 9 AM none>

Makdran continues to bleed from his wounds.
Makdran's arterial blood pools upon the ground.
Makdran's bleeding artery MASSACRES him!
You feel less protected from good.
The Nightwalker yells 'Keep running if you wish, Makdran. It is more amusing if you die slowly!'
The Nightwalker's claw maims Makdran!
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1207hp 173m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
tell mak Ya, them get precious fetish back now can hide
You tell Makdran 'Ya, them get precious fetish back now can hide'
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1207hp 173m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

Makdran narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1207hp 173m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 53 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 290 for 26 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 23 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 17 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 10 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 10 for 10 hours.
Skill: 'adhesive web' modifies dexterity by -10 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 8 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 7 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'nightwalker' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'forsaken portal' for 0 hours.
Shadows emerge from you and accost Makdran, but are repelled!
Your defensive spin deflects Makdran's slice.
You stop Makdran's slice with a solid blow.
Makdran's ring flares with a bright white light!
Makdran's shocking grasp grazes you.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Makdran!
Makdran dodges your shocking bite.
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1201hp 173m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
tar makdran
Target is now: Makdran

A massive alligator has arrived.
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1201hp 173m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
trip Makdran

Makdran yells 'Help!  I am being attacked by a massive alligator!'
His feet aren't on the ground.
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1201hp 173m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
Makdran has fled!
Makdran leaves down.

<1201hp 173m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
You aren't fighting anyone.

<1201hp 173m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
Silvery-white flames flicker in Makdran's eyes as he attacks you!
You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by Makdran!'
Your defensive spin deflects Makdran's slice.
Within the Maw of Stone 
[Exits: up down]
Makdran is here, fighting YOU!
(Invis) A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
A black rift flickers and blurs in the air, absorbing the light.
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1201hp 173m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a massive alligator          Above the Chasm
(PK) Makdran                      Within the Maw of Stone
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1201hp 173m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

The shadows of the night engulf a small Nightwalker as it takes off to hunt its victim!
The shadowy form of a small Nightwalker slides from the darkness towards Makdran!
Makdran yells 'Argh!  a small Nightwalker is clawing at me!'
A small Nightwalker fades into existence.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Makdran yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1201hp 173m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

A small Nightwalker's asphyxiation decimates Makdran!
Makdran's slice wounds you.
You parry Makdran's slice.
Makdran's slice injures you.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Makdran!
Makdran deflects your shocking bite with his shield.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Makdran!
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1165hp 173m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a massive alligator          Above the Chasm
(PK) Makdran                      Within the Maw of Stone
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone
Makdran is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1165hp 173m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

Makdran has fled!
Makdran leaves down.

<1165hp 173m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

A massive alligator has arrived.

<1165hp 173m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
bash Makdran
They aren't here.
The shadows of the night engulf a small Nightwalker as it takes off to hunt its victim!
Makdran yells 'Help!  a small Nightwalker is chasing me down!'
A massive alligator coughs and chokes momentarily.

<1165hp 173m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
A Somber Chamber 
[Exits: east south west up down]
A winged, black creature seems to flow through a pool of shadows around it.
Makdran is here, fighting a small Nightwalker.

<1165hp 173m 1123mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
bash Makdran

Makdran has fled!
Makdran leaves up.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is nowhere to run, Makdran! Your suffering is assured!'

<1165hp 173m 1123mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
They aren't here.

<1165hp 173m 1123mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
Within the Maw of Stone 
[Exits: up down]
Makdran is here, fighting the Nightwalker.
(Translucent) A gray and green alligator lazily opens its mouth to reveal hundreds of teeth.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
A black rift flickers and blurs in the air, absorbing the light.
Makdran's slice MASSACRES the Nightwalker!

<1165hp 173m 1122mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
bash Makdran
Makdran yells 'Help! Viera is bashing me!'
Your bash seems to slide around Makdran.

<1165hp 173m 1122mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
Makdran has fled!
Makdran leaves up.

<1165hp 173m 1122mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

Makdran yells 'Help!  a small Nightwalker is chasing me down!'

<1165hp 173m 1122mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

A massive alligator leaves up.

<1165hp 173m 1122mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
     The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
     The discolored corpse of a shadowy Nightwalker lies here, features twisted with agony.
     (Glowing) The glittering skin of the jazohul rests here, in perfect condition.
(Translucent) A gray and green alligator lazily opens its mouth to reveal hundreds of teeth.
Makdran is here.

<1165hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
k mak
murder mak
Makdran closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Makdran is surrounded by a white aura.

<1165hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
Makdran yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Your shocking bite devastates Makdran!
Makdran is gushing blood.

<1165hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Makdran yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw wounds Makdran.
Makdran is gushing blood.

<1165hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

You parry Makdran's slice.
You parry Makdran's slice.
Your shocking bite decimates Makdran!
Your shocking bite decimates Makdran!
Makdran is gushing blood.

<1165hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>
You step towards Makdran and drive him back with a powerful thrust of the Spear of the Sahuagin!
Your powerful stab MUTILATES Makdran!
Makdran is gushing blood.

<1165hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

Makdran has fled!
Makdran leaves south.

<1165hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by a massive alligator!'
Shadows emerge from you and accost a massive alligator, but are repelled!
A massive alligator's bite EVISCERATES you!
A massive alligator's bite MUTILATES you!
The earpiercing roar of an alligator rends the air.
The Nightwalker's claw injures a massive alligator.
The Nightwalker's claw injures a massive alligator.
Shadows emerge from you and accost a massive alligator, but are repelled!
A massive alligator's bite misses you.
You parry a massive alligator's bite.
A massive alligator's bite EVISCERATES you!
Your shocking bite maims a massive alligator!
A massive alligator dodges your attack.
Your shocking bite maims a massive alligator!
A massive alligator has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1035hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

A shadowy spirit departs from you and enters a massive alligator!
A massive alligator's bite EVISCERATES you!
A massive alligator dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite misses a massive alligator.
A massive alligator has some small but disgusting cuts.

<991hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

Makdran has arrived.
A massive alligator has some small but disgusting cuts.

<991hp 173m 1121mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 10 AM none>

A massive alligator shivers and suffers.
A massive alligator's poison injures her.
Makdran continues to bleed from his wounds.
Makdran's bleeding artery devastates him!
You are hungry.
You feel strong enough to attempt to open another Portal.
A massive alligator has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1060hp 177m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
c i
c iceball
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Makdran yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your iceball EVISCERATES Makdran!
Your iceball EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
A massive alligator has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1060hp 152m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

You parry a massive alligator's bite.
You parry a massive alligator's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects Makdran's slice.
You remain safe as Makdran's slice bounces harmlessly off of gauntlets of living flesh.
Makdran's a holy mark of the dwarven crusader glows briefly!
Your shocking bite misses Makdran.
A massive alligator dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
Your shocking bite MUTILATES a massive alligator!
A massive alligator is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1060hp 152m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

A massive alligator has fled!
A massive alligator leaves down.

<1060hp 152m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
c i
c iceball

A massive alligator has arrived.

<1060hp 152m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

Makdran has fled!
Makdran leaves down.
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Baalberith, Duke of Hell, exploding forth in snow and
The earpiercing roar of an alligator rends the air.
Your iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive alligator!
The Nightwalker yells 'There is nowhere to run, a massive alligator! Your suffering is assured!'
A massive alligator is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1060hp 127m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

A massive alligator's bite EVISCERATES you!
A massive alligator's bite MUTILATES you!
Your shocking bite MUTILATES a massive alligator!
Your shocking bite MUTILATES a massive alligator!
Your shocking bite maims a massive alligator!
A massive alligator is gushing blood.

<977hp 127m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

Ihol has arrived.
A massive alligator is gushing blood.

<977hp 127m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

Ihol leaves south.
A massive alligator is gushing blood.

<977hp 127m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
c i
c iceball
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball MANGLES a massive alligator!
A massive alligator has fled!
A massive alligator leaves down.

<977hp 102m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a falcon                     Within the Maw of Stone
(PK) Viera                        Above the Chasm

<977hp 102m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

A cheetah has arrived.
Within the Maw of Stone 
[Exits: up down]
A sleek falcon is here, eyes darting and wings shivering.

<977hp 102m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) a cheetah                    Above the Chasm
(PK) a falcon                     Within the Maw of Stone
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<977hp 102m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
c i
c iceball

The edges of a falcon's being stretch and twist and she returns to normal.

<977hp 102m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

Srinissi utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Srinissi yells 'Die, Viera, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** Srinissi!
Srinissi's stab grazes you.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Srinissi!
Sizzling with the blast, Srinissi is jarred by convulsive seizures.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Srinissi!
Srinissi is convulsing on the ground.

<972hp 77m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Srinissi yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw decimates Srinissi!
The Nightwalker's claw decimates Srinissi!
Srinissi is convulsing on the ground.

<972hp 77m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

A cheetah has arrived.
Srinissi is convulsing on the ground.

<972hp 77m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

The Nightwalker's claw decimates Srinissi!
You parry Srinissi's stab.
You parry Srinissi's stab.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Srinissi!
Srinissi is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your shocking bite MASSACRES Srinissi!
Srinissi is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Srinissi.
The Spear of the Sahuagin glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Srinissi's mind.
Srinissi looks strangely pained as her amulet stops glowing.

<972hp 77m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<972hp 77m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
c i
c iceball

A cheetah bites you.
A cheetah's bite injures you.
You yell 'Help! a cheetah bit me!'
A cheetah has some small but disgusting cuts.

<956hp 77m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Baalberith, Duke of Hell, exploding forth in snow and
Your iceball MASSACRES a cheetah!
A cheetah has some small but disgusting cuts.

<956hp 52m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>

You hear the snarl of a cheetah.
The Nightwalker's claw EVISCERATES a cheetah!
With careful timing you deflect a cheetah's claw.
You parry a cheetah's claw.
A cheetah's claw mauls you.
A cheetah dodges your shocking bite wildly.
Your shocking bite MASSACRES a cheetah!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES a cheetah!
A cheetah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<934hp 52m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
g amulet corpse
c i
c iceball
You get an ivory amulet shaped like a troll from the burnt corpse of Srinissi.
You are hungry.
You feel your summoning power return.
A cheetah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<980hp 55m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball MASSACRES a cheetah!
A cheetah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<980hp 30m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
A cheetah has fled!
A cheetah leaves down.

<980hp 30m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>

A cheetah has arrived.

<980hp 30m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>

The Nightwalker steps into the shadows and fades from view.

<980hp 30m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>

A cheetah leaves up.

<980hp 30m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
ss chee
cast sleep chee
They aren't here.

<980hp 30m 1125mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
     The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
     The discolored corpse of a shadowy Nightwalker lies here, features twisted with agony.
     (Glowing) The glittering skin of the jazohul rests here, in perfect condition.
(Translucent) (WANTED) A sleek cheetah crouches in wait for prey.

<980hp 30m 1124mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
ss chee
cast sleep chee
Wandering in the Desert 

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]

<980hp 30m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  12 PM cloudy>
They aren't here.

<980hp 30m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  12 PM cloudy>
ss chee
cast sleep chee
ss chee
cast sleep chee
They aren't here.

<980hp 30m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  12 PM cloudy>
They aren't here.

<980hp 30m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  12 PM cloudy>
ss chee
cast sleep chee
ss chee
cast sleep chee
They aren't here.

<980hp 30m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  12 PM cloudy>
They aren't here.

<980hp 30m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waning wilderness  12 PM cloudy>
ss chee
cast sleep chee
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
     The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
     The discolored corpse of a shadowy Nightwalker lies here, features twisted with agony.
     (Glowing) The glittering skin of the jazohul rests here, in perfect condition.

<980hp 30m 1118mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
They aren't here.
The corpse of a shadowy Nightwalker decays into dust.

<980hp 30m 1118mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
People near you:
(PK) a cheetah                    The Meeting Chamber
(PK) Viera                        Above the Chasm

<980hp 30m 1118mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
ss chee
cast sleep chee
Within the Maw of Stone 
[Exits: up down]
     The charred corpse of Srinissi is here, the flesh blackened and cracked.

<980hp 30m 1117mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
They aren't here.

<980hp 30m 1117mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
People near you:
(PK) a cheetah                    The Meeting Chamber
(PK) Viera                        Within the Maw of Stone

<980hp 30m 1117mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
A Somber Chamber 
[Exits: east south west up down]

<980hp 30m 1116mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
The Convergence 
[Exits: north east south west up down]

<980hp 30m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>

A cheetah has arrived.
A Somber Chamber 
[Exits: east south west up down]

<980hp 30m 1114mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
ss chee
cast sleep chee
A cheetah has arrived.

<980hp 30m 1114mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>

A cheetah leaves up.
Within the Maw of Stone 
[Exits: up down]
     The charred corpse of Srinissi is here, the flesh blackened and cracked.
(Translucent) (WANTED) A sleek cheetah crouches in wait for prey.

<980hp 30m 1113mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
A cheetah leaves up.

<980hp 30m 1113mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
l corpse
They aren't here.

<980hp 30m 1113mv 27100tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
The charred corpse of Srinissi is here, the flesh blackened and cracked.
The burnt corpse of Srinissi contains:
     a pair of darkened mithril leggings
     a pitch-black ring
     a belt of hardened raindrops
     a pair of hunter's bracers
     a black and white striped heartstone ring
     a crystal encrusted shaft of many colors
     bronze foreclaw braces
     a darkened mithril helm
( 2) a deerskin sack
     a decorative paper fan
     a dripping bloody knife
     a sandy-brown desert cloak
     a leafy tail-cover
     leather claw covers
     a blood-red veil
     a cloak of pine needles
     the hide of an ancient black dragon
( 3) a chunk of black moss
     a charm made of ivory
     a small glass prism
     (Humming) a bracelet of the moons
     a bracelet of golden chain
     a spider hide breastplate
( 3) a hoop of runed copper
     a horned minotaur helm
     (Glowing) an oval sapphire pendant with a silver chain
     a tankard of beer
Subject Author Views Posted

viera: vs srinissi part 2

starbright 362 November 25, 2023 02:51AM

i can see sri going g damnit im cursed.... to late

TRIBUNAL 171 January 10, 2024 11:06AM

straight up Fort-lander-ing. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 150 December 14, 2023 06:12AM

Funny, I remember being pleasantly surprised Sri was NOT Fortlandering..

starbright 184 December 17, 2023 05:22PM

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