random conjurer kill 1

February 12, 2024 05:50AM
[Exits: north south west]
A chicken wanders the outpost, clawing and pecking at the dusty ground.
>> A shining silver construct leaves south.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
>> You follow Niazoh south.
A devilish imp has arrived.

civilized <100%hp 19%m 91%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 8 AM> 
sca w
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
Nufthrogr is here, fighting Tara.
A humble milkmaid is here, arranging her milk jugs to keep them cool.

civilized <100%hp 19%m 91%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 8 AM> 
A Dairy Shack 
[Exits: north east west]
Nufthrogr is here, fighting Tara.
A humble milkmaid is here, arranging her milk jugs to keep them cool.
>> You follow Niazoh west.
A devilish imp has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

civilized <100%hp 19%m 90%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 8 AM> 
cast 'magic missile' Nufthrogr

A fire elemental has arrived.

civilized <100%hp 19%m 90%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 8 AM> 
Nufthrogr yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You wave your arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana for Nufthrogr.
You fade into existence.
Your magic missile wounds Nufthrogr.
Your magic missile wounds Nufthrogr.
Your magic missile grazes Nufthrogr.
Nufthrogr is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <100%hp 16%m 90%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 8 AM> 

Nufthrogr deflects your electrical discharge with his defensive spin.
A shining silver construct screams and attacks Nufthrogr!
A shining silver construct's punch wounds Nufthrogr.
A shining silver construct's punch decimates Nufthrogr!
A shining silver construct's punch decimates Nufthrogr!
Nufthrogr's slash EVISCERATES Tara!
Tara is DEAD!!
Nufthrogr sacrifices the corpse of Tara to the gods.
Nufthrogr is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <100%hp 16%m 90%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 8 AM> 

Nufthrogr yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a fire elemental!'
Nufthrogr is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <100%hp 18%m 97%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 9 AM> 

Nufthrogr thrusts a steel-bladed gythka violently forward, but a fire elemental sidesteps the blow.
Nufthrogr's powerful stab misses a fire elemental.
Nufthrogr is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <100%hp 18%m 97%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 9 AM> 

A fire elemental's flaming bite CHARS Nufthrogr!
Nufthrogr parries your electrical discharge.
Nufthrogr is gushing blood.

civilized <100%hp 18%m 97%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 9 AM> 
cast 'magic missile' Nufthrogr
You wave your arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana for Nufthrogr.
Your magic missile wounds Nufthrogr.
Your magic missile wounds Nufthrogr.
Your magic missile wounds Nufthrogr.
Nufthrogr is writhing in agony.

civilized <100%hp 15%m 97%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 9 AM> 

A fire elemental's flaming bite SEARS Nufthrogr!
A shining silver construct's punch mauls Nufthrogr.
Your electrical discharge devastates Nufthrogr!
Nufthrogr is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <100%hp 15%m 97%mv 8372tnl (3.77%) 9 AM> 
cast 'magic missile' Nufthrogr
You wave your arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana for Nufthrogr.
Your magic missile wounds Nufthrogr.
Nufthrogr is stunned, and rendered helpless.
Your magic missile grazes Nufthrogr.
Nufthrogr is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your magic missile grazes Nufthrogr.
Nufthrogr is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Nufthrogr.
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random conjurer kill 1

LogFiend 285 February 12, 2024 05:50AM

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