viera death to headless xzelyx and mahinya

March 05, 2024 03:58AM
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect magic' for 57 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 45 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 34 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 11 for 29 hours.
Spell: 'nightwalker' for 22 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 22 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'legendary awareness' for 5 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 1 hours.

<931hp 504m 1098mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 11 AM clear>
You get a shot of poppy juice from a makeshift wooden trunk.

<931hp 504m 1098mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 11 AM clear>
You drink a shot of poppy juice.
You will the sensation of pain to retreat from your flesh.
You lose your train of thought, and struggle to remember where you are.

<931hp 504m 1098mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 11 AM clear>
You are using:
<worn on finger>    a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger>    a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck>  (Famous) (Humming) a platinum teardrop medallion
<worn around neck>  (Famous) (Humming) a platinum teardrop medallion
<worn on body>      (Legendary) (Glowing) searing red chainmail
<worn on head>      a black-red dragonscale helm
<worn on face>      (Famous) stitched leather face cover
<worn on legs>      (Famous) plate leggings decorated with red enamel
<worn on feet>      (Famous) some light brown leather boots
<worn on hands>     (Magical) (Noteworthy) (Glowing) some leather gloves with black inscriptions
<worn on arms>      (Famous) a set of polished mithril armplates
<worn about body>   (Legendary) some fine silk robes embroidered with arcane symbols
<worn about waist>  (Magical) a sash of black gauze
<worn around wrist> a thick strip of red leather
<worn around wrist> a thick strip of red leather
<mainhand wielded>  (Famous) a pitch-black lance

<931hp 504m 1098mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 11 AM clear>
Before the Imperial Palace 
[Exits: north east south west]
Toccara is here.
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

<931hp 504m 1096mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 11 AM clear>
People near you:
  Toccara                      Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Viera                        Before the Imperial Palace
Iversigg steps out of the shadows.

<931hp 504m 1096mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 11 AM clear>

Mahinya has arrived.

<931hp 504m 1096mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 11 AM clear>
The Gates of the Palace 
[Exits: north south]

<931hp 504m 1095mv 12607tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
A Hallway 
[Exits: north south]

<931hp 504m 1094mv 12607tnl indoor waning civilized 11 AM none>
cr mah
charge mah


<938hp 511m 1113mv 12607tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
They aren't here.

<938hp 511m 1113mv 12607tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
The Gates of the Palace 
[Exits: north south]

<938hp 511m 1112mv 12607tnl indoor waning civilized 12 PM none>
Before the Imperial Palace 
[Exits: north east south west]
Mahinya is here.
Xzelyx is here.
Toccara is here.
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<938hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
People near you:
(PK) Mahinya                      Before the Imperial Palace
  Toccara                      Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Viera                        Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Xzelyx                       Before the Imperial Palace

<938hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
cr mah
charge mah
You lower a pitch-black lance and charge Mahinya!
Mahinya is stunned by your charge!
Seizing a lucky opportunity, you take advantage of the situation.
Your charge >>> CAUTERIZES <<< Mahinya!
Mahinya yells 'Help! Viera is charging me!'
Mahinya is covered with bleeding wounds.

<938hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

Mahinya's smash injures you.
Mahinya's smash hits you.
Mahinya's smash grazes you.
Mahinya's smash injures you.
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya is covered with bleeding wounds.

<871hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

You yell 'Help! Xzelyx hurled a dagger at me!'
Xzelyx hurls a throwing dagger at you, but it flies wide.
Xzelyx's hurled dagger misses you.
Mahinya is covered with bleeding wounds.

<871hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

Mahinya yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Mahinya is covered with bleeding wounds.

<871hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

Mahinya lashes at your feet with a glittering flail of golden spikes!
Mahinya's lash misses you.
Mahinya is covered with bleeding wounds.

<871hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
c i
c iceball

You parry Mahinya's smash.
Mahinya's smash injures you.
Xzelyx twists himself around your flaming bite.
Your flaming bite *** BLASTS *** Mahinya!
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
You keep Xzelyx at bay with your polearm.
Mahinya is covered with bleeding wounds.

<855hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

Xzelyx hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
Xzelyx's hurled dagger scratches you.
Mahinya is covered with bleeding wounds.

<851hp 511m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Baalberith, Duke of Hell, exploding forth in snow and
Your iceball MANGLES Xzelyx!
Your iceball MANGLES Mahinya!
Your iceball === OBLITERATES === a lizard!
A lizard is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (40% bonus).
You take your eyes from Mahinya for a moment, and suddenly she is upon you!
Mahinya's smash wounds you.
Mahinya's smash wounds you.
The gods give you 3 copper coins for your sacrifice of the corpse of a lizard.
Mahinya is covered with bleeding wounds.

<808hp 486m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

You barely manage to turn Mahinya's smash aside.
You keep Mahinya at bay with your polearm.
Mahinya's smash injures you.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a pitch-black lance.
Your ghostly flame *** SCORCHES *** Mahinya!
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
Xzelyx's electrical discharge injures you.
Mahinya is gushing blood.

<759hp 486m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
c i
c iceball
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball *** DEVASTATES *** Xzelyx!
Your iceball MANGLES Mahinya!
Mahinya has fled!
Mahinya leaves west.

<759hp 461m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

You keep Xzelyx at bay with your polearm.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<759hp 461m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
c i
c iceball

Xzelyx yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<759hp 461m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

Xzelyx thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
You yell 'Help! Xzelyx tried to slice my artery!'
Blood gushes out of your severed artery!
Xzelyx's deep gash hits you.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<738hp 461m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball MANGLES Xzelyx!
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<738hp 436m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
Mahinya has arrived.
Mahinya tries to drive a holy shaft of yew, carved with images of war through you but misses and
steps too close.
You yell 'Help! Mahinya is trying to impale me!'
Your flaming bite *** BLASTS *** Mahinya!
You parry Mahinya's searing light.
You parry Mahinya's searing light.
Mahinya parries your flaming bite.
Xzelyx deflects your flaming bite with his shield.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Xzelyx's electrical discharge mauls you.
Shadows emerge from you and accost Xzelyx, but are repelled!
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
Xzelyx's electrical discharge decimates you!
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<682hp 436m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

Xzelyx hooks your leg with his foot and pushes forward to send you sprawling!
Xzelyx's trip misses you.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<682hp 436m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

Mahinya's searing light injures you.
You keep Mahinya at bay with your polearm.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Xzelyx's electrical discharge wounds you.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a pitch-black lance.
Your ghostly flame CHARS Xzelyx!
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<634hp 436m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>
hit mah
c i
c iceball

Mahinya's searing light wounds you.
Mahinya parries your flaming bite.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
Xzelyx suddenly darts forward and bites you!
Xzelyx's savage bite scratches you.
Your muscles seize as a paralytic venom races through your veins!
Xzelyx's paralytic toxin hits you.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<582hp 436m 1111mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 12 PM clear>

The sky is getting cloudy.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.
Your muscles continue to seize and twitch.
Your paralytic toxin injures you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding injures you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery wounds you.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<522hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Mahinya pushes you back into an awkward position.
Mahinya's misdirection MUTILATES you!
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<480hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Xzelyx gets a wild look in his eyes.
Mahinya's searing light wounds you.
Your flaming bite *** BLASTS *** Mahinya!
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Xzelyx parries your flaming bite.
Xzelyx deflects your flaming bite with his shield.
You keep Xzelyx at bay with your polearm.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<451hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Toccara looks at Mahinya.
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<451hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>
cast excision 'wand return' self

You parry Mahinya's searing light.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a pitch-black lance.
Your ghostly flame TORCHES Xzelyx!
You keep Xzelyx at bay with your polearm.
You keep Xzelyx at bay with your polearm.
Xzelyx's electrical discharge maims you!
Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<414hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Xzelyx yells 'More skulls for the Skull Throne!'
Xzelyx appears more confident as he shouts 'More skulls for the Skull Throne!'

Xzelyx is covered with bleeding wounds.

<414hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>
You start aiming at Mahinya.
Xzelyx hooks your leg with his foot and pushes forward to send you sprawling!
Xzelyx's trip misses you.
Mahinya is writhing in agony.

<413hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

The Nightwalker's claw DISMEMBERS Xzelyx!
You parry Mahinya's searing light.
Mahinya's searing light wounds you.
Xzelyx deflects your flaming bite with his shield.
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
Mahinya dodges your flaming bite.
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
You keep Xzelyx at bay with your polearm.
Mahinya is writhing in agony.

<390hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Mahinya stops using a holy shaft of yew, carved with images of war.
Mahinya wields a wooden walking staff.
Mahinya's electrical discharge decimates you!
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
You cause Xzelyx to retreat with a quick thrust of your polearm.
Mahinya is writhing in agony.

<362hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Mahinya pushes you back into an awkward position.
Mahinya's misdirection decimates you!
Mahinya is writhing in agony.

<319hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Xzelyx hooks your leg with his foot and pushes forward to send you sprawling!
Xzelyx's trip misses you.
Mahinya is writhing in agony.

<318hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Mahinya's electrical discharge devastates you!
Mahinya's electrical discharge misses you.
Xzelyx parries your flaming bite.
Mahinya parries your flaming bite.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
A shadowy spirit departs from you and enters Xzelyx!
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
Xzelyx's electrical discharge maims you!
Mahinya is writhing in agony.

<242hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Toccara looks at you.
Mahinya is writhing in agony.

<242hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

You keep Mahinya at bay with your polearm.
Mahinya's electrical discharge devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
Mahinya jumps back, twirling her staff to deflect your flaming bite.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a pitch-black lance.
Your ghostly flame RAZES Mahinya!
Xzelyx's electrical discharge maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Xzelyx's electrical discharge devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Mahinya is convulsing on the ground.

<123hp 436m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball MANGLES Mahinya!
Your iceball MANGLES Xzelyx!
Mahinya is convulsing on the ground.

<123hp 411m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Xzelyx's trip misses you.
Mahinya is convulsing on the ground.

<123hp 411m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

You keep Mahinya at bay with your polearm.
Mahinya's electrical discharge mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Xzelyx dodges your flaming bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Xzelyx's electrical discharge maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
Mahinya deflects your flaming bite with her defensive spin.
You keep Xzelyx at bay with your polearm.
You parry Xzelyx's electrical discharge.
Mahinya is convulsing on the ground.

<43hp 411m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Mahinya pushes you back into an awkward position.
Mahinya's misdirection wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Mahinya is convulsing on the ground.

<13hp 411m 1113mv 12607tnl outdoor waning civilized 1 PM cloudy>

Mahinya's electrical discharge injures you.
You have been KILLED!!

A platinum teardrop medallion is engulfed in chromatic flame.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
Subject Author Views Posted

viera death to headless xzelyx and mahinya

starbright 180 March 05, 2024 03:58AM

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