(my first anony logy, though. hey cool a preview button)

March 02, 2008 07:23PM
#You are using Wintin 95 v1.80  

#There's no active session. Use File/Connect to connect to your mud.

> #ses ses1 carrionfields.org 9999
#Trying to connect..

              -<!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$X!:           The Carrion Fields
          '<M!  !!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMMX!X!
           !M!--!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMM!X$!    A Playerkilling/Roleplaying
           -!8!:!!!MMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$RMMMX8RX-               MUD
         !!:-MRX!-!!MM$$$$8$$$$$$$$$MMMM$R!-!       Original DikuMUD by
        '!X:--?X!--!!!M$$$RMR$$$$RMMRMM$R!!!X!     Hans Staerfeldt, Katya
         -XX  'MX:!!!!!?RRMMMMM!!XMMMM$R-<!!!!   Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
          !?!-X$P"````----!M!!---`#*R$$M !<!!-     Seifert, and Sebastian
          -!MXf        -!-!!!X!        "k!!!-              Hammer
          '!!!X         !X!M?X         '!!!-
          -<!XM         X!!R!!         !M!-'
          :!XMMX  : ::s@---!!!Mbx:!!<::X8k !       Based on Merc 2.1 by
         !!!$$$MTMM8$#!!   ! MXX!R$W86SW$$!!!      Hatchet, Furey, and
          !!!M$$#TT!!!!!-  !  X!!!!!!RR#M!!!               Khan
           `!MW$M- -!!M!!  !  !!:!-- #$R?!!
            -:..    -XM!k:!#hHMX!!-    ::-        carrionfields.com 9999
             -M!   <!!!$X?XMMMB$!!!   !!
              !X!  !XR!$MM$$$$$$?MM! '!!         Created from ROM 2.3 by
              `MX  'XXX t!@!H!X8X    '!>         Yuval Oren, Matt Hamby,
               !!X!!X!" MM$M$RR*?.!!:X!             Barbara Hargrove
               ?&M<!X>!MR$M> M9M5M!!XMM                
                M!?XX!!RRt?M@NRX?!XMX!R               Maintained by 
                 `!!MHXX!!Mt!MMXWMM!!!     BoltThrower, Drokalanatym, Jullias,
                   `!XM$$$R9M$RTMMX-      Nordewin, Pico, Sebeok, Valguarnera, 
                     #$WXXW$$MXW$"          Twist, Yanoreth, and Zulghinlour 
                                               Greeting screen designed by
                                               Zapata (bsinger1@netcom.com)

By what name do you wish to be mourned? Kortial
Did I get that right, Kortial?
[Yes No]

Here at The Carrion Fields we promote a roleplaying environment.  Because of
this atmosphere, we do not allow just any name you may want.  The names must
meet a certain criteria and if they do not, they will be denied.  The following
questions are good guidelines for determining if you have chosen an appropriate

Is this name an original name as far as you know?
[Yes No]
Is this name a combination of two other names (e.g. Maryjane)?
[Yes No]
Is this name found in any dictionary or a common slang term?
[Yes No]

By answering as you have to the previous questions you have claimed that your
name is completely legitimate in our fantasy world.  If you have lied in the
previous questions and we deem your name unfit you will be denied without
warning.  This is your last chance.

Are you sure this name is acceptable?
[Yes No]

Please choose a password for Kortial: korty

Please retype password: 
Are you new to the realm of CarrionFields or to mudding in general?
[Yes No]

Human       The standard race. Average stats, gains levels fast.
Elf         Very smart & quick, but frail. Always good. Costs 500 extra exp
Half-Elf    Human/elf mix. Intelligent, fast, and wise. Costs 100 extra exp.
Half-Drow   Human/drow mix. Intelligent, fast, and wise. Costs 100 extra exp.
Dark-Elf    Evil elves, smart and quick. Costs 500 extra exp.
Storm Giant Good giants, Strong, smartest of Giants.  Costs 500 extra exp.
Cloud Giant Neutral giants that fly, Strong and Stout.  Costs 500 extra exp.
Fire Giant  Evil giants. Very strong, stout, very dumb.  Costs 500 extra exp.
Arial       Agile bird-like creatures that fly, smart. Costs 250 extra exp.
Felar       Modified cats, agile and tough but weakened. Costs 250 extra exp. 
Dwarf       Healthy little folk, but not too nimble. Costs 250 extra exp.
Duergar     Evil Dwarves, more agile than their cousins.  Costs 250 extra exp. 
Gnome       Tough little creatures. Wisest race, smart. Costs 300 extra exp.
Svirfnebli  Deep gnomes, strong and very wise.  Costs 250 extra exp.
Wood-Elf    Neutral elves, sturdier than their cousins. Costs 400 extra exp.
Orc         Evil, destructive, strong, but cowardly.  Costs 100 extra exp.
Minotaur    Very rare, strong and cunning, and fairly dumb. Costs 450 extra exp

For more information, type "help <race>".

NOTE: The minotaur population is currently at its max, none can be rolled now.
What is your race?
[human elf dwarf storm cloud fire half-elf dark-elf arial gnome felar svirfnebli 
duergar orc wood-elf half-drow ]

What is your sex?
[male female]

Here are the classes and their extra cost per level.
For more information, type "help <class>".

Class         Description             Experience Penalties
Warrior       weapons specialist      0   exp extra per level.
Thief         standard class          0   exp extra per level.
Ranger        forest warrior          200 exp extra per level.
Bard          musician                300 exp extra per level.
Assassin      thief/martial artist    300 exp extra per level.
Anti-Paladin  unholy warrior/mage     300 exp extra per level.


Shaman        offensive cleric        0   exp extra per level.
Healer        defensive cleric        0   exp extra per level.
Druid         nature cleric           0   exp extra per level.
Transmuter    alteration mage         0   exp extra per level.
Shapeshifter  shapeshifter mage       0   exp extra per level.
Necromancer   undead-master mage      0   exp extra per level.
Invoker       elemental mage          0   exp extra per level.
Conjurer      extraplanar mage        0   exp extra per level.
Paladin       holy warrior/cleric     400 exp extra per level.

Anyone new to Carrion Fields, especially if you are new to mudding, is
advised not to pick paladins, shamans, healers, or druids.  Each class
has its own unique benefits and challenges to surmount.
What is your class?
[transmuter thief warrior paladin anti-paladin assassin ranger invoker 
necromancer bard shaman healer druid conjurer shapeshifter ]

Strength:     A combat stat. Affects to a small degree how often you hit, 
              how hard you hit, how heavy of weapon(s) you may wield, and
              how much gear you may carry.
Intelligence: Affects how much mana per level you gain, how effectively
              you practice, how much mana you regenerate per tick, and to
              a certain extent, how quickly you learn your skills, spells,
              or songs with each use.
Wisdom:       Determines how many practices you gain per level. Also affects
              mana gain per level to a small degree.
Dexterity:    Affects how many items you may carry, how hard you are to hit
              to a certain degree, and your dodging potential. 
Constitution: Affects your health, and how quickly you regenerate it. For more
              information on Con, see HELP DEATH.
Charisma:     Affects how well you relate with others.  Also influences the
              the morale of a group you lead.

Now rolling for your stats.  Charisma is assigned later.
You don't get many trains, so choose well.
19str 17int 16wis 19dex 19con.  Accept these stats? [Yes No] y

What is your alignment?
[good neutral evil]

You can pick one of many cities as your hometown: Hamsah Mu'tazz, Galadon, 
Arial City, Seantryn Modan, Balator, and Bryn Shandar are all alignments,
Voralian City, Akan, and Tir-Talath are good and neutral only, Darsylon is
good only, and Arkham, Udgaard and Barovia are evil and neutral
only.  Your hometown is where you will recall to (unless it is one of the
smaller cities and you have been fighting too recently) and is where the
pit is to which your corpse will decay.

Everyone starts at the Academy, which is connected to most of the hometowns. 
If you wish to change your hometown, visit the registry in Galadon.  There is
fee for this service.

Some of these hometowns are race-specific as well.

Directions to reach the Registry in Galadon from the Market Square are:
4north, 2east, 2north, 2west, 1north, 1east, 1south and then you are there.

Where were you born?
[G]aladon, Hamsah Mu'taz[Z], Vo[R]alian City, eantryn Modan, alator
What is your ethos?
[orderly neutral chaotic]
[Hit Return to continue]

Welcome to The Carrion Fields. Let the bloodshed begin!
It is 4 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of Nature.
You have been equipped by the gods.

Ah! Another mortal, seeking adventure.  You should go through the Academy 
first to gain experience to face the trials outside.  Be sure to practice a
weapon first in your guild room, or your stay with us shall be very short 
indeed.  Type 'equipment' ('eq') to see what you are wearing, 'inventory' ('i')
to see what else you have, 'skills' ('sk') to see your skills, 'spells' ('sp')
to see your spells, 'supplications' ('sup') to see your clerical powers,
'rehearse' ('reh') for bards, and 'commands' for a full list of commands.
To communicate with other characters, the basic commands you need to 
learn are 'say', 'tell', 'reply' and 'yell'. 

When you encounter another player (PC), creature (NPC) or object, you can
'look' at it or 'examine' to learn more. You can also 'scan' and look 
around you to see if there is any danger. During your first five levels, 
'outfit' will provide you with some basic supplies and maps.

In particular, you will want to read up on how to 'get', 'wear', 'remove',
'drop' and 'sacrifice' the items in the world with which you will interact. 
This will also teach you how to 'put' items in containers. To find out about 
more advanced ways to interact with other people and things, you will also 
want to learn about 'compare', '1.', 'consider', 'kill' and 'target'.

There are a variety of settings on you that can be toggled. For example,
by default you will find yourself looting everything you kill. To learn
more about what you can do automatically, review 'autolist'.

Help is available on all commands and abilities. It is strongly recommended
that you go through all the helps at a low level, especially for first time
mudders. (99.9% of questions are answered in the help files.) 


For more info on interacting with others:   HELP NEWBIE2 
For more info on where newbies can explore: HELP NEWBIE3

The Great Portal
  You have decided to become a hero of Thera.  A legend, as it were.  You will
become one of the greats, one of the adventurers.  Warrior, shadow, cleric,
musician or mage, you know the world has more to offer you than the average
life you lived before this.  You cast away your old life and embrace a new
destiny of greatness.  Bags packed and ready for the destiny before you, the
first step is to learn how to do it.  You arrive at the Great Academy of
Thera.  Every legend, every great mortal of both good and evil made their
start here, and you could be the next one emblazoned on the history books.
A portal swirls beneath your feet, leading into the fabled Academy.
[Exits: down]
The Academy Prefect is here, welcoming and directing new students.

You have 14 new notes waiting.
The Academy Prefect says 'Welcome to Thera!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> brief
Short descriptions activated.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> d
The Arched Gates of the Great Academy
[Exits: north [south] down]
A female seneschal is here directing the coming and goings of adventurers.
Jeseztha says to you 'Welcome to the Academy, young adventurer!'
Jeseztha says to you 'Please proceed northward to begin your journey here in 
Jeseztha smiles politely, and motions you towards the northern gates.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> open s
You open a doorway.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> s
Jeseztha lowers her massive pike, blocking 
you from heading south.
Jeseztha says to you 'Whoa there, Kortial!  North of here, you'll find what you 
need to get started.'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> s
Jeseztha lowers her massive pike, blocking 
you from heading south.
Jeseztha says to you 'Whoa there, Kortial!  North of here, you'll find what you 
need to get started.'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> s
sJeseztha lowers her massive pike, blocking 
you from heading south.
Jeseztha says to you 'Whoa there, Kortial!  North of here, you'll find what you 
need to get started.'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> s
sJeseztha lowers her massive pike, blocking 
you from heading south.
Jeseztha says to you 'Whoa there, Kortial!  North of here, you'll find what you 
need to get started.'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> s
sJeseztha lowers her massive pike, blocking 
you from heading south.
Jeseztha says to you 'Whoa there, Kortial!  North of here, you'll find what you 
need to get started.'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> s
Jeseztha lowers her massive pike, blocking 
you from heading south.
Jeseztha says to you 'Whoa there, Kortial!  North of here, you'll find what you 
need to get started.'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> delete
Type delete again to confirm this command.
WARNING: this command is irreversible.
Typing delete with an argument will undo delete status.


<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 1800tnl (50.00%)> delete
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time 
slips away...

Subject Author Views Posted

(my first anony logy, though. hey cool a preview button)

LogFiend 1252 March 02, 2008 07:23PM

Dude, why did you post this garbage? NT

Sam 329 March 03, 2008 02:53PM

Re: (my first anony logy, though. hey cool a preview button)

subov 636 March 02, 2008 08:56PM

But that would be when you answer "Yes" to "are you a complete n00b?" ~

Graham 379 March 03, 2008 06:03AM

Which is exactly how it should work in that case n/t

Guy 385 March 03, 2008 07:10AM

This bitch in the academy is extremely annoying. n/t

uli 373 March 03, 2008 01:11PM

Write a gag script? n/t

Guy 462 March 03, 2008 03:37PM

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