Some empire RP/contest

October 16, 2008 02:57AM
***I'm bored, and I don't have that much time to stay online. Recently give to guy the oath so I think I'll get them to have some fun. :D

[EMPIRE] Zefta: Oath and blade, I shall give you both a chance to advance. 
[EMPIRE] Zefta: Are you both ready to take this chance? 

***I get two yes

[EMPIRE] Zefta: Good then. You both have fifteen drowish minutes to gather as much gold as you can and bring to the Palace. The one that brings the most gold, will earn their promotion.
[EMPIRE] Zefta: If I feel that the loser hasn't brought enough gold, I might consider to demote him...

***15 minutes pass where I twiddle my thumbs and do a monolog with the blademaster. hehe

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) say Time is up though.
You say 'Time is up though.'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) 
blade1 snaps his fingers.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) 
blade1 sits down and rests.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) say So, hand me the money and I'll count it.
You say 'So, hand me the money and I'll count it.'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) where
People near you:
(PK) Zefta                        The Chamber of the Council of Four
  blade1                      The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) blade2                       The Chamber of the Council of Four

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) wo
You have 0 gold, 0 silver, and 0 copper, which is worth 0 copper.
You have 518360 experience and need 18890 more experience to gain a rank.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) People near you:
(PK) Zefta                        The Chamber of the Council of Four
  blade1                      The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) blade2                       The Chamber of the Council of Four

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) 
blade1 says 'Who first?'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(12 PM) say blade1 first
You say 'blade1 first'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(1 PM) 
blade1 gives you 18 gold.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(1 PM) 
blade1 gives you 337 silver.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(1 PM) emote starts piling up a pile to the right side of her.
Zefta starts piling up a pile to the right side of him.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(1 PM) 
blade1 gives you 13 copper.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(1 PM) 
blade1 rubs his hands together in greedy anticipation.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) emote begins to count the gold she placed in the pile.
Zefta begins to count the gold she placed in the pile.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) You have 18 gold, 337 silver, and 13 copper, which is worth 24753 copper.
You have 518360 experience and need 18890 more experience to gain a rank.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) say Don't touch it.
drop 18 gold
You say 'Don't touch it.'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) OK.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) drop 337 silver

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) drop 13 copper

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) You have 0 gold, 0 silver, and 0 copper, which is worth 0 copper.
You have 518360 experience and need 18890 more experience to gain a rank.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) sayto blade2 Good, and now you blade2.
You say to blade2 'Good, and now you blade2.'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) 
[EMPIRE] the Imperial Warlock: Do not let the Scion betrayers stand in your way, retrieve the Emperor's scepter!

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) 
blade2 gives you 20 gold.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) 
blade2 gives you 300 silver.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) 
blade2 nods.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(2 PM) wo
You have 20 gold, 300 silver, and 0 copper, which is worth 26000 copper.
You have 518360 experience and need 18890 more experience to gain a rank.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(3 PM) 
Zefta piles up the gold and silver in a large stack to the left of her.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(3 PM) 
Zefta begins counting even coin, checking if it's valid by biting on it with her beak. 

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(3 PM) sage
You nod sagely.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(3 PM) get all
You get 13 copper coins.
You get 337 silver coins.
You get 18 gold coins.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(3 PM) say You both did very well.
You say 'You both did very well.'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(3 PM) wry
You flash everyone a wry little smile.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(4 PM) say And it was a very close count.
You say 'And it was a very close count.'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(4 PM) 
blade1 twitches uncomfortably.

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(4 PM) sayto blade1 I am sorry there, you collected 24753 copper coins. 
You say to blade1 'I am sorry there, you collected 24753 copper coins. '

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(4 PM) sayto blade1 Very well done.
You say to blade1 'Very well done.'

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(4 PM) sayto blade2 But you, did even better and collected exactly 26000 copper coins. 
You say to blade2 'But you, did even better and collected exactly 26000 copper coins. '

(1026/1026 701/701 977/977)(standing)(civilized)(indoor)(18890)(5 PM) wo
You have 38 gold, 637 silver, and 13 copper, which is worth 50753 copper.
You have 518360 experience and need 18890 more experience to gain a rank.

***Unfortunatly the winner had just been promoted, so I "owe" him one.
***A nice way to make 50 gold there for me. And hopefully they had some
***fun. (I also gave the loser a bit of gear I was carrying around.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/16/2008 03:28AM by Yhorian.
Subject Author Views Posted

Some empire RP/contest

LogFiend 821 October 16, 2008 02:57AM

Wish this was less edited. nt

Splntrd 242 October 17, 2008 10:35AM

I at least think it would have been fun to be one of the blades. :D N/T

deriveh 265 October 16, 2008 01:06PM

Fake log.

The Forsaken(VIP) 375 October 16, 2008 05:22AM

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