Down with the Tyrant Empire! (Part 2)

August 09, 2011 09:28AM
*** So they got away.  I am now off the phone and chase after them to find Tephyr holed up in the Imperial Palace.  So I begin to attack.  He doesn't come out, but while I wait, I get knocked out
*** by Kaulbarsh and lose, I think, a third bag of preps to him.  Thevara comes and we prepare to storm the Palace, because Tephyr and Kaulbarsh are now holing up in the lower levels.  Milisnria
*** arrives and we kill the Vanquisher, but the two Imperials move to the Throne Room.  The Imperials have actually retaken the Codex without anyone realizing it, thanks to Tigerclaw, so we call
*** in the big guns of the Fortress and prepare to strike the evil Empire.  ***

*** Addendum:  Both members of my group know that If I chase one of the enemy out of the Palace, they are not to interfere.  I try very hard not to gang fight or even group fight outside of Cabals.  ***

The white aura around your body fades.

civilized <100%hp 98%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) commune 'sanctuary'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Milisnria says 'Is let group smoke not harm'

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
The flames surrounding someone's body fade to faint wisps of smoke.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Someone utters the words, 'gpuzre ay yrawzg'.
Someone is surrounded by a shield of flames.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
[FORTRESS] Thevara: Do make him glow for us.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) nod
You nod.

*** Up until now I had had no intention of even grouping with them.  But being crop-dusted by the guy on our side wasn't part of the plan. ***

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) group milisnria
Milisnria joins your group.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Thevara stops following you.
Thevara now follows you.
Milisnria scans up.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) where
People near you:
(PK) Thevara                      The End of the Hallway
(PK) Tephyr                       The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Milisnria                    The End of the Hallway
(PK) Paladin                     The End of the Hallway

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Milisnria nods.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) group thevara
Thevara joins your group.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) say Very well but I intend to chase that bard to the ends of the earth.
You say 'Very well but I intend to chase that bard to the ends of the earth.'

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Someone stops using a brilliant white diamond.
Someone holds a sleek black rod in its hands.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Someone zaps itself with a sleek black rod.
A mystical barrier forms around someone.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Thevara nods at you in agreement.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) where
People near you:
(PK) Thevara                      The End of the Hallway
(PK) Tephyr                       The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Milisnria                    The End of the Hallway
(PK) Paladin                     The End of the Hallway

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Milisnria scans up.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) aff
You are affected by:
Power: 'favor of the sun' for 37 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 31 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 4 for 31 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 31 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 4 for 31 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 26 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 26 hours.
Commune: 'detect consecration' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'airshield' for 13 hours.
Commune: 'essence of fortitude' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 4 hours.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Someone stops using a sleek black rod.
Someone holds a brilliant white diamond in its hands.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) scan u
You scan up.
***** Range 2 *****
(Red Aura) Tephyr the human is resting here.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Blademaster stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Warlock stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Assassin stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Prelate stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) where
People near you:
(PK) Thevara                      The End of the Hallway
(PK) Tephyr                       The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Milisnria                    The End of the Hallway
(PK) Paladin                     The End of the Hallway

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) 
Thevara scans up.

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) who
[33 Cloud War] (PK) Zergat the Warrior of the Gauntlet
[31 Human Pal] (PK) [FORTRESS] [SCRIBE] Thevara the Initiate of the Virtues
[24 Arial Asn] Ibna the Master of Taisabaki, Village Applicant
[51 H-Drw Pal] [FORTRESS] [ACOLYTE] Angynn Silverhair the Champion of the Virtues, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
[47  Elf  War] Irindos the Champion of Warfare
[39 Gnome Inv] (PK) Gdot the Mistress of Evocation, Meter of Mind
[36 Human Thi] (PK) Blunk the Master of Guile
[47 W-Elf Bar] (WANTED) Sarriela Llayeatha the Master Historian
[   Felar AVA] [HERALD] Nreykre Frealle-Revre the Steward of Yesteryear, Sapient Conservator 
[30 Human Shf] Isoeli the Lesser Changeling
[34 Human Bar] (PK) Tephyr the Master of Notes, Sheathed Blade
[28 Felar Asn] (PK) Milisnria the Master of Kansetsuwaza
*32 Human Pal* (PK) [FORTRESS] [SQUIRE] Paladin Blackstone the Exemplar of Generosity
[20 Felar Asn] Viintheel the Kasokutei
[18 Duerg War] Durzunt the Overseer
[30 Storm War] (PK) Geldun the Man-At-Arms
[27 H-Drw Shf] Enalponius the Elder Shapeshifter
[43 Human Asn] Wiril the Learned of Owaza, Talented Assassin, Elite Imperial Shadow
[44  Min  War] Nokken Bu'harten the Initiate of the Macalla, Imperial Blade
[10 Human Ran] Trenchun the Tracker
[23 Gnome Shf] Greduxly the Student of Size
[ 4 D-Elf Asn] Syramei the Yellow Belt
[23 Arial Thi] Zhalla the Apprentice
[25  Elf  Bar] (PK) Aloltorar the Composer
[20  Elf  Pal] Vhenylos the Paladin
[51 Human Con] Eelem the Planewalker
[42 Human Tra] Paulus the Seer of the Arcane
[43 Gnome Shf] Sagraa the Elder Sorcerer of Transformation
[51 D-Elf Tra] (WANTED) Nhilrak the High Wizard of the Arcane
[28 Gnome Shf] Fasiden the Student of Form
[    Orc  AVA] [None] Anliltuel Quellarian the Wretched Slobbering Slave, Overseer of the Clan
[20  Elf  Pal] Ciaran the Paladin
[46 Felar Asn] Zyphain the Sensei
[51  Fire War] Bauoogout the Legend of the Battlefield, Commander of Battle

[Hit Return to continue]

Someone yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
Eachainn yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
Eachainn yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
Eachainn yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
Players found: 34

civilized <100%hp 84%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:4 AM) scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 3 *****
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
***** Range 2 *****
(Translucent) (Surrounded by Flames) Eachainn the elf is here, fighting the Imperial Blademaster.
(Red Aura) Kaulbarsh the half-drow is here.
(Red Aura) Tephyr the human is resting here.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Blademaster stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Warlock stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Assassin stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Prelate stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

You scan down.

civilized <100%hp 87%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) u
The Chamber of the Council of Four 
  A huge round table of black marble dominates this circular room.
Four chairs, which would be named thrones in any other chamber, 
are set at the four cardinal directions around the table.  The 
symbol of the Imperial Codex is embossed in gold on the center of 
the table.  The walls of the room are bare save The Words circling
the room just below the domed ceiling. Archways lead out of the room in 
all four directions, and stairs lead down and up.
[Exits: north east south west up down]
     A chicken roasted to a golden brown lies here.
Thevara has arrived.

civilized <100%hp 87%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) u

Thevara closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Thevara is surrounded by a white aura.

civilized <100%hp 87%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) com wrath tep
The Imperial Throne Room 
  You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in 
the Realm.  Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling.  Each pillar 
representing a Sect of the Empire.  The floor is a polished black 
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so 
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.  
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from 
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging 
to none.  A stairway leads back down to the fortress.
[Exits: down]
( 2) A potion of flying is here.
     A crinkled scrap of paper rests here.
     A crude water skin made from the corpse of the Imperial Warlock is lying here.
     A cured hide sack made from the corpse of the Imperial Warlock is lying here.
     (Red Aura) The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(Red Aura) Kaulbarsh the half-drow is here.
(Red Aura) Tephyr the human is resting here.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Blademaster stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Warlock stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Assassin stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Prelate stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
The Imperial Blademaster wounds you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
The Imperial Warlock injures you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
The Imperial Assassin injures you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
The Imperial Prelate injures you.
Thevara has arrived.
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
Someone yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
Milisnria yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
The Imperial Warlock MUTILATES Milisnria!
Milisnria yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
The Imperial Assassin DISMEMBERS Milisnria!
Milisnria yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
The Imperial Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <87%hp 87%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Tephyr scans down.
Tephyr yells 'Die, Paladin, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Tephyr's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MANGLES Tephyr!
The Imperial Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <87%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
The Imperial Blademaster's punch grazes someone.
The Imperial Blademaster's punch EVISCERATES Milisnria!
The Imperial Blademaster's punch wounds Thevara.
The Imperial Blademaster's punch injures you.
The Imperial Warlock's slash grazes someone.
The Imperial Assassin's slash grazes someone.
The Imperial Assassin's slash grazes someone.
The Imperial Prelate's slash grazes someone.
The Imperial Prelate's slash grazes someone.
Thevara's redeeming fist misses the Imperial Blademaster.
Thevara's redeeming fist maims the Imperial Blademaster!
Thevara's redeeming fist maims the Imperial Blademaster!
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's caustic slime maims the Imperial Blademaster!
Eachainn's caustic slime maims the Imperial Blademaster!
A brilliant white diamond flares, brightening all around it!
Radiance leaps from someone, searing the Imperial Blademaster's hand!
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's radiant beam EVISCERATES the Imperial Blademaster!
You parry Tephyr's crush.
Milisnria steps out of the shadows.
Milisnria's claw devastates the Imperial Blademaster!
Milisnria's claw decimates the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS the Imperial Blademaster!
The Imperial Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Tephyr has fled!
Tephyr leaves down.
The Imperial Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Eachainn utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, Eachainn opens his mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from him.
The Imperial Blademaster is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova does UNSPEAKABLE things to the Imperial Blademaster!
The Imperial Warlock is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova does UNSPEAKABLE things to the Imperial Warlock!
The Imperial Assassin is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova does UNSPEAKABLE things to the Imperial Assassin!
The Imperial Prelate is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova *** SCORCHES *** the Imperial Prelate!
The Imperial Blademaster is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Tephyr has arrived.
The Imperial Blademaster is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Tephyr yells 'Die, Thevara, you sorcerous dog!'
Thevara narrows her eyes and glares in Tephyr's direction.
Kaulbarsh steps out of the shadows.
A pale yellow cloud billows forth, carrying a powerful, acrid smell.
Milisnria yells 'Help! Kaulbarsh just filled the air with a cloud!'
The cloud floats near Milisnria, but not enough to do serious harm.
Milisnria is unaffected by Kaulbarsh's acidic cloud!
Thevara yells 'Help! Kaulbarsh just filled the air with a cloud!'
The cloud floats near Thevara, but not enough to do serious harm.
Thevara is unaffected by Kaulbarsh's acidic cloud!
You yell 'Help! Kaulbarsh just filled the air with a cloud!'
The cloud makes your flesh tingle slightly, but nothing more severe befalls you.
Kaulbarsh's acidic cloud is powerless against you.
The Imperial Blademaster is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
A cloud of poison smoke fills the room.
Tephyr yells 'Help! Milisnria just filled the room with smoke!'
Tephyr turns slightly green, but it passes.
Kaulbarsh turns slightly green, but it passes.
The Imperial Blademaster looks very ill.
The Imperial Warlock looks very ill.
The Imperial Assassin turns slightly green, but it passes.
The Imperial Prelate looks very ill.
The Imperial Blademaster is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
The Imperial Blademaster's punch grazes Eachainn.
You parry the Imperial Blademaster's punch.
The Imperial Warlock's slash grazes Eachainn.
The Imperial Warlock's slash grazes Eachainn.
The Imperial Assassin's slash grazes Eachainn.
The Imperial Assassin's slash hits Eachainn.
The Imperial Assassin's slash hits Eachainn.
The Imperial Assassin's axe kick connects with empty air as Eachainn slips out of range.
The Imperial Assassin's axe kick misses Eachainn.
The Imperial Prelate's slash grazes Eachainn.
Thevara's redeeming fist EVISCERATES the Imperial Blademaster!
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's caustic slime MUTILATES the Imperial Blademaster!
Milisnria's claw mauls the Imperial Blademaster.
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
The Imperial Blademaster is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Tephyr has fled!
Tephyr leaves down.
The Imperial Blademaster is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) com wrath tep
They aren't here.
The Imperial Blademaster is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <84%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Angynn has arrived.
Angynn yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
Angynn yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
Angynn yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
The Imperial Assassin decimates Angynn!
Angynn yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
A pale yellow cloud billows forth, carrying a powerful, acrid smell.
The cloud floats near Milisnria, but not enough to do serious harm.
Milisnria is unaffected by Kaulbarsh's acidic cloud!
Thevara yells 'Help! Kaulbarsh just filled the air with a cloud!'
The cloud floats near Thevara, but not enough to do serious harm.
Thevara is unaffected by Kaulbarsh's acidic cloud!
You yell 'Help! Kaulbarsh just filled the air with a cloud!'
The cloud makes your flesh tingle slightly, but nothing more severe befalls you.
Kaulbarsh's acidic cloud is powerless against you.
The Imperial Blademaster's punch grazes someone.
The Imperial Blademaster's punch EVISCERATES Milisnria!
The Imperial Blademaster's punch injures you.
The Imperial Warlock's slash grazes someone.
The Imperial Warlock's slash misses someone.
The Imperial Assassin's slash grazes someone.
Thevara's redeeming fist misses the Imperial Blademaster.
Eachainn fades into existence.
A brilliant white diamond flares, brightening all around it!
Radiance leaps from someone, striking the Imperial Blademaster squarely in the body!
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's radiant beam DISMEMBERS the Imperial Blademaster!
Angynn's redeeming fist EVISCERATES the Imperial Blademaster!
Milisnria's claw MUTILATES the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
The Imperial Blademaster is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <81%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) com heal mil

Eachainn utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, Eachainn opens his mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from him.
The Imperial Blademaster is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova does UNSPEAKABLE things to the Imperial Blademaster!
The Imperial Warlock is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova does UNSPEAKABLE things to the Imperial Warlock!
The Imperial Assassin is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova does UNSPEAKABLE things to the Imperial Assassin!
The Imperial Prelate is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova *** SCORCHES *** the Imperial Prelate!
The Imperial Blademaster is gushing blood.

civilized <81%hp 83%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Milisnria.
You feel a surge of holy power as Baerinika heals Milisnria's wounds 
The Imperial Blademaster is gushing blood.

civilized <81%hp 76%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Milisnria has fled!
A trap is sprung!
A bladder filled with explosive powder flies from the trap striking Milisnria.
Milisnria's explosive powder mauls him.
Milisnria leaves down.
The Imperial Blademaster is gushing blood.

civilized <81%hp 76%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
You parry the Imperial Blademaster's punch.
The Imperial Warlock's slash grazes Eachainn.
The Imperial Warlock's slash grazes Eachainn.
The Imperial Warlock utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
The Imperial Warlock thrusts his hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches towards Eachainn.
Eachainn is unaffected by the Imperial Warlock's lightning bolt!
The Imperial Assassin's axe kick connects with empty air as Eachainn slips out of range.
The Imperial Assassin's axe kick misses Eachainn.
The Imperial Prelate's slash grazes Eachainn.
Thevara's redeeming fist maims the Imperial Blademaster!
Eachainn fades into existence.
Angynn's redeeming fist DISMEMBERS the Imperial Blademaster!
Angynn's redeeming fist DISMEMBERS the Imperial Blademaster!
Angynn's lightning strike MUTILATES the Imperial Blademaster!
Angynn's lightning strike MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Angynn's lightning strike EVISCERATES the Imperial Blademaster!
Angynn's redeeming fist MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Blademaster!
The Imperial Blademaster is writhing in agony.

civilized <81%hp 76%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) flee
The Chamber of the Council of Four 
  A huge round table of black marble dominates this circular room.
Four chairs, which would be named thrones in any other chamber, 
are set at the four cardinal directions around the table.  The 
symbol of the Imperial Codex is embossed in gold on the center of 
the table.  The walls of the room are bare save The Words circling
the room just below the domed ceiling. Archways lead out of the room in 
all four directions, and stairs lead down and up.
[Exits: north east south west up down]
     A chicken roasted to a golden brown lies here.
Milisnria the felar is sleeping here.
(Red Aura) Tephyr the human is here.
You flee from combat!

*** I'm really sorry Milisnria, I didn't even realize during my hazy red player-must-kill-farking-Imperials moment that you really should not have been taking a nap :(  ***

civilized <81%hp 76%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) com wrath tep
Tephyr yells 'Die, Paladin, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Tephyr's direction.
Your heavenly wrath EVISCERATES Tephyr!
Tephyr has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) templars low crescent

You parry Tephyr's crush.
You parry Tephyr's crush.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Tephyr!
Your shocking bite MUTILATES Tephyr!
Tephyr is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Thevara has arrived.
Tephyr is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) Parrying across your body, you draw Tephyr's weapon down, allowing you to bring your a mithril sword up in a vicious crescent slash, but you miss!
Your shocking bite misses Tephyr.
Tephyr is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Tephyr has fled!
Tephyr leaves up.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Thevara leaves up.
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Blademaster!'
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Warlock!'
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
Tephyr has arrived.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) com wrath tep

You hear something's death cry.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Thevara yells 'Help! Kaulbarsh just filled the air with a cloud!'

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) 
Tephyr leaves up.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) They aren't here.

civilized <81%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:5 AM) com wrath tep
com wrath tep

Tephyr has arrived.
Milisnria tells the group 'Is wake'
Tephyr yells 'Die, Paladin, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Tephyr's direction.
Tephyr looks very uncomfortable.
Your heavenly wrath EVISCERATES Tephyr!
Tephyr is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <87%hp 74%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
You parry Tephyr's crush.
Tephyr's crush grazes you.
Your shocking bite MASSACRES Tephyr!
Tephyr parries your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Tephyr!
Tephyr is gushing blood.

civilized <85%hp 74%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Tephyr has fled!
Tephyr leaves north.

civilized <85%hp 74%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) strikeoffaith
com wrath tep

Tephyr has arrived.
Milisnria tells the group 'me'

civilized <85%hp 74%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) com wrath tep
Tephyr yells 'Die, Paladin, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Tephyr's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Tephyr injures you.
You parry Tephyr's crush.
You parry Tephyr's crush.
You absorb the force of Tephyr's crush with the plate of protection.
Tephyr dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Tephyr!
Tephyr is writhing in agony.

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) strikeoffaith

Tephyr has fled!
Tephyr leaves south.

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) com wrath tep
com wrath tep
But you aren't fighting anyone!

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) They aren't here.

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) They aren't here.

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) But you aren't fighting anyone!

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) com wrath tep
They aren't here.

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) They aren't here.

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) south
They aren't here.

civilized <83%hp 72%m 100%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) com wrath tep
Before the Sect Hall of the Shadow 
  You stand in a simple hallway.  Onyx stone lines the walls, floors 
and arched ceiling.  The stone of the floor is clean and smooth as not
a single sound can be heard from it as one steps across it. Archways end 
the hall to the north and south.  The archway to the south has an
inscription etched above it.
[Exits: north south]
(Red Aura) Tephyr the human is here.
(Red Aura) A figure cloaked in shadows is here guarding the Sect of Shadows.

civilized <83%hp 72%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) Tephyr yells 'Die, Paladin, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Tephyr's direction.
Tephyr trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath EVISCERATES Tephyr!
Tephyr is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <83%hp 68%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
You parry Tephyr's crush.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Tephyr!
Tephyr dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite MUTILATES Tephyr!
Tephyr is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Tephyr.
Tephyr splatters blood on your armor.

civilized <83%hp 68%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) north
The Chamber of the Council of Four 
  A huge round table of black marble dominates this circular room.
Four chairs, which would be named thrones in any other chamber, 
are set at the four cardinal directions around the table.  The 
symbol of the Imperial Codex is embossed in gold on the center of 
the table.  The walls of the room are bare save The Words circling
the room just below the domed ceiling. Archways lead out of the room in 
all four directions, and stairs lead down and up.
[Exits: north east south west up down]
     A chicken roasted to a golden brown lies here.
Milisnria the felar is sleeping here.

civilized <83%hp 68%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(Red Aura) A warrior stands here guarding the Sect Hall of the Blade.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
(Red Aura) A figure cloaked in shadows is here guarding the Sect of Shadows.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
(Red Aura) A ghoul stands here gibbering and guarding the Sect Hall of Black Magic.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
(Red Aura) A novitiate of the dark Gods stands here guarding the Sect Hall of Divine Guidance.

You scan up.
***** Range 1 *****
(White Aura) Thevara the human is here, fighting Kaulbarsh.
(White Aura) Angynn the half-drow is here, fighting the Imperial Prelate.
(Red Aura) Kaulbarsh the half-drow is here, fighting Thevara.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Assassin stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Prelate stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

You scan down.

civilized <83%hp 68%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) lay mil
You lay your hands upon Milisnria's head, healing him.
You failed to cleanse Milisnria.

civilized <83%hp 63%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) u
The Imperial Throne Room 
  You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in 
the Realm.  Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling.  Each pillar 
representing a Sect of the Empire.  The floor is a polished black 
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so 
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.  
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from 
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging 
to none.  A stairway leads back down to the fortress.
[Exits: down]
     The charred and burnt corpse of the Imperial Warlock lies here.
     The charred and burnt corpse of the Imperial Blademaster lies here.
     The splattered brains of the Imperial Blademaster are lying here.
( 2) A potion of flying is here.
     A crinkled scrap of paper rests here.
     A crude water skin made from the corpse of the Imperial Warlock is lying here.
     A cured hide sack made from the corpse of the Imperial Warlock is lying here.
     (Red Aura) The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(White Aura) Thevara the human is here, fighting Kaulbarsh.
(White Aura) Angynn the half-drow is here, fighting the Imperial Prelate.
(Red Aura) Kaulbarsh the half-drow is here, fighting Thevara.
(Red Aura) The Imperial Assassin stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Prelate stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
You parry the Imperial Assassin's slash.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
You parry the Imperial Prelate's slash.
The Imperial Assassin is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <83%hp 63%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) com wrath kau
Kaulbarsh yells 'Die, Paladin, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Kaulbarsh's direction.
Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Kaulbarsh!
The Imperial Assassin is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) Thevara has fled!
Thevara leaves down.
The Imperial Assassin is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's caustic slime decimates the Imperial Assassin!
Angynn's redeeming fist decimates the Imperial Prelate!
Angynn's redeeming fist decimates the Imperial Prelate!
Angynn's lightning strike devastates the Imperial Prelate!
Angynn's lightning strike decimates the Imperial Prelate!
The Imperial Assassin parries your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES the Imperial Assassin!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Assassin!
The Imperial Assassin is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) hit kau

Angynn narrows his eyes and glares in the Imperial Prelate's direction.
The Imperial Prelate trembles under the force of Angynn's wrath as it tears deeply into his soul.
Angynn's heavenly wrath MANGLES the Imperial Prelate!
They aren't here.
The Imperial Assassin is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
The Imperial Assassin's slash grazes someone.
The Imperial Prelate's slash grazes someone.
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's caustic slime maims the Imperial Assassin!
Eachainn's caustic slime maims the Imperial Assassin!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS the Imperial Assassin!
The Imperial Assassin parries your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS the Imperial Assassin!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES the Imperial Assassin!
The Imperial Assassin is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Someone holds a brilliant white diamond in its hands.
The Imperial Assassin is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Someone utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, someone opens its mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from it.
The Imperial Assassin is seared by the blistering heat of someone's spell.
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's nova does UNSPEAKABLE things to the Imperial Assassin!
The Imperial Assassin is DEAD!!
As the Imperial Assassin falls, the Imperial Prelate presses the attack on towards you.
You parry the Imperial Prelate's slash.
The Imperial Prelate is seared by the blistering heat of Eachainn's spell.
Eachainn's nova TORCHES the Imperial Prelate!

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) comw rath kau

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Angynn stretches out his hand towards the heavens.
Angynn utters a word of divine power!
You feel more powerful.
Angynn stretches out his hand and places it upon your head.
You are filled with holy wrath!
Angynn stretches out his hand and places it upon your head.
Angynn gets a wild look in his eyes!
Angynn stretches out his hand and places it upon Eachainn's head.
Eachainn gets a wild look in his eyes!
Angynn stretches out his hand and places it upon Eachainn's head.
The gods protect someone from Angynn.
The Imperial Prelate looks very uncomfortable.
Angynn's divine wrath MANGLES the Imperial Prelate!

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's caustic slime mauls the Imperial Prelate.
Eachainn's caustic slime decimates the Imperial Prelate!
Angynn's redeeming fist EVISCERATES the Imperial Prelate!
Angynn's redeeming fist maims the Imperial Prelate!

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) com wrath kau
They aren't here.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) scan d

Thevara has arrived.
Thevara yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
You scan down.
***** Range 1 *****
Milisnria the felar is sleeping here.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Someone trips you and you go down!
Kaulbarsh steps out of the shadows.
Kaulbarsh's trip barely scratches you.
You yell 'Help! Kaulbarsh tried to trip me!'
Kaulbarsh is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <83%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
The Imperial Prelate's slash grazes someone.
The Imperial Prelate seals his wounds with a crimson fire.
Thevara's redeeming fist wounds the Imperial Prelate.
Thevara's redeeming fist wounds the Imperial Prelate.
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's caustic slime wounds the Imperial Prelate.
Angynn's redeeming fist MUTILATES the Imperial Prelate!
Angynn's redeeming fist MUTILATES the Imperial Prelate!
You parry Kaulbarsh's crush.
Kaulbarsh's claw hits you.
Kaulbarsh parries your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Kaulbarsh!
Kaulbarsh dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Kaulbarsh!
Kaulbarsh is gushing blood.

civilized <80%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Kaulbarsh yells 'Die, Thevara, you sorcerous dog!'
Thevara narrows her eyes and glares in Kaulbarsh's direction.
Thevara's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Kaulbarsh!
Kaulbarsh is gushing blood.

civilized <80%hp 59%m 99%mv 917tnl (93.30%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
Someone utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, someone opens its mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from it.
The Imperial Prelate is seared by the blistering heat of someone's spell.
Eachainn fades into existence.
Eachainn's nova *** SCORCHES *** the Imperial Prelate!
The Imperial Prelate is DEAD!!
You receive 500 experience for a successful raid.
As the Imperial Prelate falls, the Imperial Codex appears in Eachainn's hands!
Kaulbarsh is gushing blood.

civilized <80%hp 59%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:6 AM) 
You parry Kaulbarsh's crush.
Kaulbarsh's claw injures you.
Kaulbarsh's claw injures you.
Kaulbarsh dodges your shocking bite.
Kaulbarsh parries your shocking bite.
Kaulbarsh quickly leaps away from your shocking bite.
Thevara's redeeming fist devastates Kaulbarsh!
Thevara's redeeming fist MUTILATES Kaulbarsh!
Kaulbarsh is writhing in agony.

civilized <75%hp 59%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:6 AM) hit kau

Thevara narrows her eyes and glares in Kaulbarsh's direction.
Thevara's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Kaulbarsh!
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at Kaulbarsh.
Kaulbarsh is writhing in agony.

civilized <75%hp 59%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:6 AM) 

Kaulbarsh is writhing in agony.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) You do the best you can!
Kaulbarsh is writhing in agony.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) You bring a mithril sword up and across at Kaulbarsh!
Your strike of faith MANGLES Kaulbarsh!
Kaulbarsh has fled!
Kaulbarsh leaves down.

*** And he's gone, slippery bastard.  ***

civilized <79%hp 63%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) d

Thevara leaves down.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Someone stops using a brilliant white diamond.
Someone holds a silver wand engraved with runes of air in its hands.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) murder mil

Thevara has arrived.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) The Chamber of the Council of Four 
  A huge round table of black marble dominates this circular room.
Four chairs, which would be named thrones in any other chamber, 
are set at the four cardinal directions around the table.  The 
symbol of the Imperial Codex is embossed in gold on the center of 
the table.  The walls of the room are bare save The Words circling
the room just below the domed ceiling. Archways lead out of the room in 
all four directions, and stairs lead down and up.
[Exits: north east south west up down]
     A chicken roasted to a golden brown lies here.
Milisnria the felar is sleeping here.
Thevara has arrived.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) Milisnria yells 'Help!  I am being attacked by Paladin!'
Milisnria stops following you.
Milisnria parries your shocking bite.
Milisnria is in perfect health.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) flee

Milisnria has fled!
Milisnria leaves north.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
[FORTRESS] a Maran Tara'bal: Intruder! Intruder! Wiril is raiding the Cabal!

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) where
You aren't fighting anyone.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) Someone zaps you with a silver wand engraved with runes of air.
Your feet rise off the ground.
People near you:
(PK) Thevara                      The Chamber of the Council of Four
  Angynn                       The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Milisnria                    Before the Sect Hall of the Blade
(PK) Paladin                     The Chamber of the Council of Four

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Thevara leaves up.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Angynn has arrived.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Angynn leaves down.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) whois kau

Milisnria has arrived.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) No one of that name is in Thera.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Thevara has arrived.
Milisnria scans north.
Milisnria scans south.
Milisnria scans east.
Milisnria scans west.
Milisnria scans up.
Milisnria scans down.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
A trap is sprung!
A bladder filled with explosive powder flies from the trap striking Thevara.
Thevara's explosive powder hits her.
Thevara leaves down.
Milisnria scans up.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Someone finishes eating a speckled pill.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) where

The flames surrounding someone's body fade to faint wisps of smoke.
People near you:
(PK) Thevara                      The End of the Hallway
(PK) Milisnria                    The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) Paladin                     The Chamber of the Council of Four

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Thevara has arrived.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) aff

Someone utters the words, 'gpuzre ay yrawzg'.
Someone is surrounded by a shield of flames.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Milisnria scans north.
Milisnria scans south.
Milisnria scans east.
Milisnria scans west.
Milisnria scans up.
Milisnria scans down.
You are affected by:
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 13 for 34 hours.
Power: 'favor of the sun' for 34 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 28 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 4 for 28 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 28 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 4 for 28 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 23 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 23 hours.
Commune: 'detect consecration' for 23 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 40 for 16 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 4 for 16 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 8 for 16 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 12 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'airshield' for 10 hours.
Skill: 'lay hands' for 5 hours.
Commune: 'essence of fortitude' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 1 hours.

civilized <79%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Thevara closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A peaceful warmth suffuses your body as Thevara heals your wounds.
Someone finishes eating a speckled pill.

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Someone finishes eating a speckled pill.

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Thevara looks at you.

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) hwere

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Someone finishes eating a speckled pill.

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) where

Milisnria scans north.
Milisnria scans south.
Milisnria scans east.
Milisnria scans west.
Milisnria scans up.
Milisnria scans down.

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) People near you:
(PK) Thevara                      The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) Milisnria                    The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) Paladin                     The Chamber of the Council of Four

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) group milis
Milisnria isn't following you.

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Someone finishes eating a speckled pill.

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Thevara says 'Dont waste those with me here.'

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) beckon milis
You beckon for Milisnria to follow.

civilized <92%hp 63%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:7 AM) 
Milisnria slowly floats to the ground.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) 
Milisnria now follows you.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) 
Thevara looks at Milisnria.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) group milis

Milisnria concentrates for a moment, then resumes his position.
Milisnria joins your group.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) cb Well done friend.

Idril utters the words, 'yrl'.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) [FORTRESS] Paladin: Well done friend.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) scan u
You scan up.
***** Range 1 *****
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) where
People near you:
(PK) Thevara                      The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) Milisnria                    The Chamber of the Council of Four
  Idril                        The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) Paladin                     The Chamber of the Council of Four

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) 
Idril scans up.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) u

Idril says 'Speed?'
The Imperial Throne Room 
  You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in 
the Realm.  Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling.  Each pillar 
representing a Sect of the Empire.  The floor is a polished black 
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so 
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.  
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from 
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging 
to none.  A stairway leads back down to the fortress.
[Exits: down]
     The smell of cooked flesh chokes the air above the corpse of the Imperial Prelate.
     The charred and burnt corpse of the Imperial Assassin lies here.
     The charred and burnt corpse of the Imperial Warlock lies here.
     The charred and burnt corpse of the Imperial Blademaster lies here.
     The splattered brains of the Imperial Blademaster are lying here.
( 2) A potion of flying is here.
     A crinkled scrap of paper rests here.
     A crude water skin made from the corpse of the Imperial Warlock is lying here.
     A cured hide sack made from the corpse of the Imperial Warlock is lying here.
     (Red Aura) The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.
Thevara has arrived.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) 
[FORTRESS] Angynn: if anyone can harm wiril....

civilized <94%hp 64%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) sac corpse
The gods give you 7 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of the Imperial Prelate.
You split 7 copper coins.  Your share is 3 copper coins.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) sac corpse
The gods give you 11 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of the Imperial Assassin.
You split 11 copper coins.  Your share is 5 copper coins.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) sac corpse
sac corpse
The gods give you 10 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of the Imperial Warlock.
You split 10 copper coins.  Your share is 4 copper coins.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) The gods give you 7 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of the Imperial Blademaster.
You split 7 copper coins.  Your share is 3 copper coins.

civilized <94%hp 64%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) 
Thevara says 'The smell here is rancid.'

*** Yeah it is.  That's the smell of the Imperial superiority complex getting roasted.  ***

[FORTRESS] Idril: I can

civilized <94%hp 64%m 99%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:8 AM) 
You feel less protected from evil.

civilized <96%hp 66%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:9 AM) yell Glory to the Fortress and to Baerinika the Pure!

[FORTRESS] Angynn: he is striking now.
Milisnria purrs contentedly.

civilized <96%hp 66%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:9 AM) You yell 'Glory to the Fortress and to Baerinika the Pure!'

civilized <96%hp 66%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:9 AM) where
People near you:
(PK) Thevara                      The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Milisnria                    The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Paladin                     The Imperial Throne Room

civilized <96%hp 66%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:9 AM) commune 'protection'

Thevara closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Thevara is surrounded by a white aura.
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel protected from evil.

civilized <96%hp 65%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:9 AM) 
Thevara looks enlightened as her hands radiate divine power!

civilized <96%hp 65%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:9 AM) yell Down with the tyrant Empire!
You yell 'Down with the tyrant Empire!'

civilized <96%hp 65%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:9 AM) look
The Imperial Throne Room 
  You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in 
the Realm.  Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling.  Each pillar 
representing a Sect of the Empire.  The floor is a polished black 
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so 
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.  
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from 
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging 
to none.  A stairway leads back down to the fortress.
[Exits: down]
     The splattered brains of the Imperial Blademaster are lying here.
( 2) A potion of flying is here.
     A crinkled scrap of paper rests here.
     A crude water skin made from the corpse of the Imperial Warlock is lying here.
     A cured hide sack made from the corpse of the Imperial Warlock is lying here.
     (Red Aura) The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(White Aura) Thevara the human is here.
Milisnria the felar is here.
(Red Aura) (White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

civilized <96%hp 65%m 100%mv 417tnl (96.95%)> (Hour:9 AM) d
The Chamber of the Council of Four 
  A huge round table of black marble dominates this circular room.
Four chairs, which would be named thrones in any other chamber, 
are set at the four cardinal directions around the table.  The 
symbol of the Imperial Codex is embossed in gold on the center of 
the table.  The walls of the room are bare save The Words circling
the room just below the domed ceiling. Archways lead out of the room in 
all four directions, and stairs lead down and up.
[Exits: north east south west up down]
     A chicken roasted to a golden brown lies here.
Thevara has arrived.

*** Oh wait, that smell was from the chicken.  Oops!  ***
Subject Author Views Posted

Down with the Tyrant Empire! (Part 2)

LogFiend 1379 August 09, 2011 09:28AM

He edited his name because he know Evils gonna rape him for this...nt

BlackFire 295 August 09, 2011 10:26AM

Like it's hard to figure out who it is. (n/t)

alex 272 August 09, 2011 10:30AM


Blackbird 283 August 09, 2011 12:57PM


alex 410 August 09, 2011 03:11PM

Oh, I was being sarcastic with the subject line.~

Blackbird 249 August 10, 2011 11:12AM

There's gotta be at least a half dozen..

Java 275 August 09, 2011 03:21PM

I loled at least. Thanks=) Sometimes I even like you (n/t)

alex 346 August 09, 2011 03:28PM

Very comical that you make this out to be an even battle when you both have invoker shields. (n/t) (n/t)

Startyre 277 August 09, 2011 10:03AM

Yeah, was about to say something about what Matrik said

BlkDrgn 443 August 09, 2011 09:56AM

Why did you edit out your name but no one else? (n/t)

Matrik 290 August 09, 2011 09:53AM

Lol he left his lastname in too. (n/t)

ORB 285 August 09, 2011 12:01PM

Hahaha, why not cut yourself completely off the who list if youre that into it being secret? (n/t)

Gaplemo 267 August 09, 2011 12:21PM

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