Khinlen vs Isidoros

August 09, 2011 11:04AM
wilderness <567/567 422/422 394/579 1347tnl> You trample around loudly again.
Your backstab >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Isidoros!
Isidoros yells 'Die, Khinlen, you backstabbing scum!'
Isidoros is gushing blood.

wilderness <567/567 422/422 394/579 1347tnl> 

Isidoros parries your crush.
Isidoros dodges your magic.
You parry Isidoros's poisonous bite.
You dodge Isidoros's poisonous bite.
You parry Isidoros's poisonous bite.
Isidoros is gushing blood.

wilderness <567/567 422/422 394/579 1347tnl> 
Isidoros dodges your crush and closes in for a concealed attack!
Isidoros's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Your magic DISMEMBERS Isidoros!
Isidoros dodges your crush.
You dodge Isidoros's poisonous bite.
You dodge Isidoros's poisonous bite.
Isidoros is writhing in agony.

wilderness <515/567 422/422 394/579 1347tnl> 
Isidoros gets a wild look in his eyes.
Isidoros is gushing blood.

wilderness <521/567 422/422 432/579 1347tnl> You trip Isidoros up with a black hammer and send him sprawling!
Your weapon trip devastates Isidoros!
Seizing upon a moment of weakness, you kick Isidoros while he's down!
Isidoros grunts in pain as you land a particularly solid kick.
Your vicious attack DISMEMBERS Isidoros!
Isidoros is writhing in agony.

wilderness <521/567 422/422 432/579 1347tnl> 
Easog has arrived.
Isidoros is writhing in agony.

wilderness <521/567 422/422 432/579 1347tnl> 

Easog leaves south.
Isidoros is writhing in agony.

wilderness <521/567 422/422 432/579 1347tnl> 
A rancid smell drifts to you upon a chilly breeze.
Isidoros dodges your crush.
Your magic MASSACRES Isidoros!
You dodge Isidoros's poisonous bite.
You dodge Isidoros's poisonous bite.
You dodge Isidoros's poisonous bite.
You parry Isidoros's poisonous bite.
Isidoros is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness <521/567 422/422 432/579 1347tnl> 
Your crush DISMEMBERS Isidoros!
Isidoros is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Isidoros.
A tuft of Isidoros's feathers is ripped from his dead body.

wilderness <521/567 422/422 432/579 1347tnl> But you aren't fighting anyone!

wilderness <521/567 422/422 432/579 1347tnl> 
l in corpse
The corpse of Isidoros contains:
     a pair of black iron gauntlets
     red-gold dragon leggings
     midnight dragon armguards
     a polished mithril girth
     an obsidian cleaver
     a steel avian mask
     a straight razor
     a pair of spiked steel wing tips
     a pair of leather boots with talons
( 2) an envenomed dagger
     a black-red dragonscale helm
     some massive thatched palm fronds
     an obsidian kris
     a crude water skin made from the burnt corpse of Zen'kra
     a practice axe
     some practice gauntlets
     an onyx and obsidian bracelet
     a razor ring
     (Glowing) an Amulet of Strength
     a pale white skull ring
     studded rothe-hide bracer
     (Glowing) a wool cloak with an ebony clasp
     8 gold coins
     43 silver coins
     44 copper coins
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Khinlen vs Isidoros

Startyre 481 August 09, 2011 11:04AM

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