Everyone do a little jig and run to the woods

August 24, 2007 11:46AM
I had fun with farrowin and he went out in a shifter killing frenzy. He really hated shifters, more so than any other class/race. Let me know if you want any of his logs posted. I have some but not all of them you know how it goes. I have included his role and I'm looking for some feed back on what you thought of his roleplay. <br> <br>See you in the fields. (Hopefully I see you first though) ;P <br> <br>************************************************************************ <br>Chapter 1. A farewell. (opening and leaving the wilds) <br> <br>Farrowin said while tightening the girth straps of the pack hampers on the mule. <br>"Father why must we leave. I like it here it's a peaceful place and there is <br>plenty of food to be found and game to trap. And besides who will take care of <br>boots? He still needs me to care for him!" <br> <br>Al'Farrowin said while glancing around at their little 2 room shack, water well, <br>and curing shed. "Son this is no place for a young boy to grow up. You have no <br>friends, and I know you don't care about this now but one day you will want to <br>take a wife and raise your own children." Watching his son he thought about his <br>son's pet fox 'boots'. The fox is more than old enough to care for itself now. <br>His heart still swells with pride thinking of how his son had cared for the <br>injured fox. Farrowin had found the baby fox on the brink of death after another <br>animal had mangled it. He had nursed it back to, if not quite perfect health, <br>then very close. But he knew all too well that there was no place for boots <br>where they were going. The fox was hunting this morning, better to be away <br>before it returned. <br> <br>Farrowin stopped what he was doing and put on a grimace in the way of young <br>children thinking of the opposite sex. "NEVER! Girls are gross! you will never <br>catch me with a girl." <br> <br>Al'Farrowin ruffled his sons curly reddish hair smiling with an all too knowing <br>expression upon his aged face. "One day son you will feel differently... but <br>not yet it seems.... no not yet. You Ready? We need to well down the road by <br>night fall and standing here isn't getting us anywhere." <br> <br>Traveling from day to day wasn't hard just long. From sun up to sun down they <br>walked. Stopping at midday for a meal of jerked beef and cheese or like most <br>days beans and flat bread. But travel they did mile after mile. Talk was of <br>little things when there was talk at all. Al'Farrowin was getting old and he <br>knew he was dieing. The pains in his chest, the killing kind, were getting <br>worse and more frequent. He had come to accept his eventual death. His son <br>however didn't know and he wanted it to stay that way for now. So far he had <br>been able to conceal his pains but soon this would not be the case. He knew <br>he didn't have much time left in this world and what he did have needed to be <br>used ensuring his son would be provided for. That he had to make sure of. <br> <br>Early one morning several days after they left their shack. Al'Farrowin says <br>with a pipe of tabac in his mouth with little puffs of smoke trailing behind <br>him as he and his son walked beside the mule. "You will love it son. Wait <br>till you see it. Buildings and towers as tall as that tree there." Al'Farrowin <br>gestures with his pipe to a nearby pine that was about 100' tall. "There are <br>festivals and parades throughout the year. and all sort of peoples peoples <br>you have never even seen before. Arials, like big birds who can speak with <br>all shades of feathers all over there bodies. Felar, huge cats that walk <br>upright on 2 legs instead of 4 and giants! I can't wait to see your face the <br>first time you see one O' them." <br> <br>Farrowin looking a little skeptical at his father says. "Now I know you're <br>making fun. Cats! walking on 2 legs?" Farrowin erupts in mirth. "Maybe I'll <br>grow up to be a giant." puffing out his chest and walking real stiff trying <br>his best to make himself as tall as his boyish stature would let him. His <br>laughter cut off abruptly saying "I wonder how boots is doing?" <br> <br>Al'Farrowin glances at his son and says "I bet he's eating his fill of that ham <br>you left for him and curled up on that pillow you insisted we leave for him." <br>Try as he might he could not stop feeling a little quilt over not letting the <br>boy say goodbye. Nor could he ignore the sadness that was upon his sons face. <br> <br> <br>************************************************************************ <br>Chapter 2. A friendly camp. (father shows hidden knowledge and meets a nice girl) <br> <br>In the pre dawn hours Al’Farrowin awoke to the sounds of wolves howling off in <br>the distance and the death cries of some animal. With a shiver he got up and <br>set about breaking camp while Farrowin still slept. A couple of hours and a <br>handful of howls later he woke his son. “Farrowin…. Farrowin wake up.” His <br>son’s eyes blearily opened squinting and trying to close again. “Come son I <br>want to show you something.” Muttering quietly under his breath about more <br>sleep and cold Farrowin crawls out from under his blankets. Looking around he <br>notices that the small camp has already been struck and they were ready for <br>travel. But instead of his father telling him to put his bed roll up he tells <br>him to follow him into the trees. Curiously he follows his father. His father <br>seems to be examining small trees of all things moving quietly from tree to tree. <br> Looking closely at each. After about an hour he settles on one and with his <br>axe chops the sapling down. They bring the sapling back to their camp where his <br>father strips off the bark and small branches with great care. Next he cuts the <br> length to be just a little taller than himself. “You’re making a walking staff.” <br> Farrowin says. “You’re right son but this will be a little more.” Perhaps one <br>day I’ll be able to teach you this skill in more detail. But for now just watch <br>me and be mindful. With that he took his belt knife and made a small slash <br>across the palm of each of his hands so that blood dripped freely. He took the <br>staff in both hands and uttered some words that Farrowin didn’t understand. <br>Farrowin stood in amazement as the staff glowed green in his father’s hands. <br>His amazement was cut short as his father collapsed in front of him, into a <br>panting heap on the ground. Concern covered his face as he shook his father <br>repeating “Are you ok father?”. His father’s eyes opened and he clutched at his <br>chest briefly and sat up. “I’ll be fine son, the effects will pass with time. <br>But sitting here isn’t getting us anywhere, now go gather your bedroll and lets <br>be on our way.” Farrowin reluctantly left his father’s side and continuously <br>glanced at his father while he gathered his meager belongings and stowed them <br>away. <br> <br>The day passed mostly in silence. Al’Farrowin using the staff as a crutch and <br>halting often. “to catch his breath” he claimed. Which could be true Farrowin <br>thought, he did notice his father’s breathing harder than normal. He also noticed <br>him rubbing his chest from time to time but contributed that to the strange ritual <br>of the staff earlier that morning. “Father? What was it you did with the staff?” <br>Looking sideways at his son Al’Farrowin said, “I’m not truly sure son. The <br>explanation I was taught is that I imbued it with part of my essence or soul. <br>It’s rather hard to explain but in a way I transferred part of myself into it. <br>This is still nothing but a simple piece of wood but more at the same time. At <br>times of great need it will aid me. I can draw upon it’s strength.” For the <br>rest of the day Farrowin kept glancing at the odd staff and his father, <br>continuously amazed by the faint green glow that was there but not there at the <br>same time. Seen from the corner of his eye but when he looked directly at the <br>staff it wasn’t there. <br> <br>When evening came they started looking for a place to camp for the night. <br>Further up the trail they started to notice a faint flicker of flames between <br>the trunks of the trees along with the howls of wolves the closer they got the <br>more uneasy they became. The howls became snarls and the flickers became a small <br>camp fire . The howls abruptly ended as the wolves turned and finding more of <br>the 2 legs turned and fled into the night. What Farrowin and his father found <br>wasn’t at all what they expected. In the upper tree branches was a woman and a <br>girl both of an age with Farrowin and his father. They were pleading for us not <br>to harm them and would reward them with what they had if they would leave them <br>unmolested. Al’Farrowin called up to them that they would not be harmed and that <br>they could climb down. “The wolves aren’t likely to return but it would be best <br>for all if we could camp together this night I think.” The woman and girl climbed <br>down out of the tree. Al’Farrowin cuffed his son playfully whispering to him. <br>“I thought you said girls were gross, besides it isn’t decent for you to be gawking <br>at their white stocking legs like one of those wolves drooling over a rabbit.” <br>Blinking Farrowing blushed and turned away and busied himself with picking lint <br>from his cloak. The woman introduced themselves as Elizabeth and her daughter <br>Sara. Both were quite beautiful. Sara with coppery skin, thick glossy black <br>shoulder length hair, a little rosebud of a mouth and skirts of pale green wool <br>was a younger version of her mother. Elizabeth was in the prime of her life and <br>was pretty enough to make any man look twice and then again. Al’Farrowin introduced <br>himself and his son and explained that they were on their way to Galadon, while <br>getting food stuffs and bedrolls and blanks from the pack hampers. The children <br>seems to hit it off right away. The elders sat and spoke around the campfire while <br>eating their meal Al’Farrowin explaining in a round about way that they were actually <br>moving to Galadon and learning in return that Elizabeth and Sara were also moving there. <br>With the death of her husband to a bear 2 months gone they no longer felt safe on <br>their farm. Elizabeth says “Are they fatal?” Blinking Al’Farrowin looks at her. <br>“Is it that obvious?” “No, but I know the signs, I knew a man once who also had them <br>and… well… he suffered for a long time before it claimed his life. You love your <br>son I understand that you want the best you can offer him. I want the same for Sara.” <br> The rest of the meal passed in silence except for the children who talked quietly <br>amongst themselves. When bedtime came he could still hear them whispering quietly as <br>sleep came. <br> <br> <br>************************************************************************ <br>Chapter 3. Arrival in Galadon <br> <br>Early one evening they all crested a rise and could barley make out the gray stone <br>battlements of a city far off in the distance. “Children! Look over there.” <br>pointing towards Galadon Al’Farrowin tried to watch both their faces at once. He was <br>rewarded with popping eyes and mouths hanging open. Elizabeth laughed at the children’s <br>almost mirrored expressions. Farrowin asked. “Will we get there tonight? How tall <br>are those walls? How does everyone eat with so many people in one place? Do you know <br>who’s banner that is flapping in the wind?” Right on top of Sara asking. “Is there a <br>queen there. I would love to meet a queen. Mother, does uncle Sabian live there?” <br>Laughing Al’Farrowin held up his hands in mock defense. “Slow down children, one at a <br>time. I think we will camp here tonight and get an early start in the morning. Besides <br>I wouldn’t want you to miss anything in the dark. It will be a pleasure watching your <br>eyes pop tomorrow. Now lets setup camp and I will answer you the best I can. Now which <br>do you want answered first?”. That night they all sat up after night had fallen looking <br>towards Galadon. The children, dancing about, pretending to be this lord and lady or <br>that. Acting as if they were at a ball or the king’s court. Farrowin had a hard time <br>going to sleep that night. He was filled with anticipation and Sara was no different. <br>They whispered together well into the night. Al’Farrowin and Elizabeth looked towards <br>each other each with a knowing smile upon their faces as they said goodnight. <br> <br>At dawn Al’Farrowin claped his hands together with a loud smack which brought the <br>children bolt upright in their blankets. They both seemed not even to skip a beat. <br>Both their heads turned as one towards Galadon then to each other and grinned. It <br>was the children who badgered the elders about eating breakfast too slow for a change. <br>They had already stowed their belongings away and had the whole camp ready to go before <br>Elizabeth and Al’Farrowin were even half done with their meal. They even put away their <br>parents belongs as well. As it was the sun wasn’t even over the horizon when they found <br>themselves at a large crossroads to the east of Galadon heading west. At the farmers <br>market they purchased a 2 wheel cart, and some more food stuffs, which the mule would <br>have no trouble pulling and put the children inside. “That was the last of my coin <br>Elizabeth. I will need to find work soon if we are to survive.” Said Al’Farrowin. <br>“Sara was right I have a brother who is a fairier in one of Galadon’s inns if he doesn’t <br>need any help I’m sure he will know somebody who does. Do not worry so. All will be <br>well you’ll see.” Al’Farrowin thought to himself while glancing towards his son. I <br>surly hope so this was a big gamble. I just hope I have done the right thing. <br> <br>The children goggled at all the traffic on the road. Farmers with their wagons of <br>goods or empty heading towards or away from the city. Al’Farrowin thought his son <br>would fall out of the cart when they saw a felar dressed in full armor with a huge <br>spear stride purposefully down the road. They were passed by a group of giants <br>heading towards the city in ground eating strides. Farrow’s eyes rolled up in his <br>head and he collapsed in a heap in the cart right next to Sara so they had to stop <br>to see if they were alright. The walls steadily rose higher and higher. Before <br>long soldiers could be seen atop them helmets shining, flashes glinting off the tips <br>of spears and halberds. “Father will they let us in.” Farrowin asked looking more <br>than a little concerned. Al’Farrowin glanced at his son. He noticed he had his arm <br>around Sara and Sara was holding onto Farrowing just as tight. Grinning he said “Oh <br>they will let us in alright.” Turning back to the road his eyes meet Elizabeth’s and <br>in that brief moment they shared a common thought. But instead of Elizabeth being <br>upset or cross she actually looked pleased almost approving. With a cough and a <br>touch to his chest he finally turned his eyes back to the road. <br> <br>They arrived at the open gates a couple of hours later. All manner of peoples were <br>bustling in and out of the gates. Some shady characters were leaning up against the <br>wall one, with his foot kicked up behind him with his boot flat against the wall, <br>looked at them appraisingly and then dismissed them. Perhaps it was the poor clothing <br>that they wore or the familiar way in which Al’Farrowin handled his staff. He could <br>not be certain. They paused a little further inside the gate. In truth he needed a <br>short breather he felt a pain coming on. Elizabeth came to him with a concerned look <br>upon her face. “They are getting worse I see. Here rest here a moment I will ask the <br>captain of the watch if he knows Sabian or at least which inn might have a fairier.” <br>Before she could turn to ask though a guard approached them yelling. “You! You can’t <br>stop here! You’re blocking traffic. Move along before I have you arrested.” <br>Elizabeth pulled herself up indignantly and glared at the guard. “He is ill, he needs <br>a short rest, we will move along shortly.” As if to emphasize the fact Al’Farrowin <br>doubled over into a coughing fit which left him red faced and gasping for breath which <br>he could not catch not matter how hard he tried. Farrowin dashed to his father’s side. <br>Without warning the guard backhanded Elizabeth hard enough to make her stagger saying <br>“I didn’t inquire about his health! I said move along. . . Now move! Before I move <br>you along myself.” Seeing her mother struck Sara screamed loudly. Which drew every <br>eye, the captain’s included. The captain with a single white plume in his helmet <br>approached asking what had happened. Al’Farrowin grabbed his son’s arm for he saw the <br>feral light that was burning within them and whispered for him to be silent. Al’Farrowin <br>stood his face pale, still gasping for breath and said hoarsely “Sorry to have disturbed <br>you fine captain but I wasn’t feeling well and I stopped for a breath of fresh. When <br>you’re underling there slapped Elizabeth. We are but simple folk fresh into town not <br>meaning to cause any problem but there was no reason for him to treat her so.” The <br>captain looking at the guard heard passersby saying “It was so.” and “He had no right” <br>he then turned to Al’Farrowin and said “My apologies sir. Balaog here is a problem in <br>himself. Rest here as long as you need I will have water brought for you to wet your <br>parched mouth.” Pulling his steel backed gauntlets off he handed them to Elizabeth <br>saying “Strike him back my lady as hard as he struck you. Now Balaog this is only <br>the start of your punishment I am sick and tired of you thinking you can man handle <br>anyone who enters our gates. You will stand there and not even try to avoid the blow. <br>DO YOU HEAR ME?” Balaog looking abashed said crisply “YES SIR!” Elizabeth handed the <br>gauntlets back to the captain saying “These will not be necessary.” Looking at Balaog <br>she reached up and put a hand on either shoulder as if to tug at his slightly askew <br>tunic. When her hands clenched his shoulders hard and she brought her knee up into <br>his groin. Hard! Balaog doubled over and collapsed into a moaning heap on the ground. <br>Every man there winced at the blow, even the captain though he did look rather <br>satisfied. The captain addressed Elizabeth while chuckling “A mean blow to be sure, <br>but no more that he deserves. Care for your man quickly my lady.” With a bow he <br>turned and yelled for a couple more guards to help Balaog to his feet and everyone <br>return back to the watch. Farrowin helped his father into the back of the cart and <br>as they pulled away he looked back to see Balaog sitting gingerly on a small create <br>pointing towards them as they departed. What he didn’t see was that there were 3 less <br>scoundrels leaning up against the wall. <br> <br>************************************************************************ <br> <br>Ok from here I can't find my actual role but this was the rough outline that it was <br>written from. (besides this is a role not a novela. <br> <br>************************************************************************ <br>Chapter 4. A grievous loss. (losses his father and girlfriend) <br> <br>Months later on the way home from a festival father woman and girl die at the hands <br>of thieves and assassins for a hand full of coppers and jewelry they wear. really grusome stuff, limbs hacked off, releving themselves on the corpses... etc. <br> <br>Farrowin is left for dead also but survives <br> <br>thieves laugh and boast as they depart defiling farrowin's loved ones an anger starts <br>to build within his heart. <br> <br>farrowin flees galadon to the silverwood. <br> <br>The bodies of his loved ones are not even given a proper burial with no one to cover <br>the cost they are tossed out the south gate into the very wood he now calls home. <br> <br>he buries the bodies swearing over their graves to avenge their deaths. A cold <br>calculating anger starts to set into him. he recognizes it for what it is but <br>doesn't care. <br>************************************************************************ <br>Chapter 5. A new friend. (a ranger takes him in like a second father) <br> <br>life is hard. farrowin is hungry most of the time living on grubs and apples and what <br>ever he can find game is not as plentiful as he recalled from his old home. <br> <br>farrowin is befriended by a fellow in the wood who reminds him greatly of his father <br>this man takes farrowin in and teaches him the ways of a ranger <br> <br>farrowin returns one day to find his new friend hanged on the front porch of his own <br>home with the culprits still inside ransacking cabin. <br> <br>Anger comes to a head and he explodes into a rage and kills all of them. during the <br>fight he recognizes some of them as being the same ones from the tragic day in galadon. <br>A snarl escapes his lips and long after they are all dead the blows still rain down <br>until the bodies are only a mass of flesh no longer recognizable as human. <br> <br>************************************************************************ <br>Chapter 6. A purposeful life. (decides what he must do) <br> <br>buries his friend next to his family and love. taking a vow that all of the cities <br>will die. <br> <br>in memory of his friend and love he decides that those who live in the wilds are free <br>to make their own way in life. but any not of the wilds will die. <br> <br> <br> <br>
Subject Author Views Posted

You accidentally posted on main, Farrowin...

Yhorian 798 August 24, 2007 11:37AM

Everyone do a little jig and run to the woods

Farrowin is no more 511 August 24, 2007 11:46AM

I'd enjoy seeing our log. (text)

Not-a-coward 489 August 24, 2007 02:53PM

Sorry I con died shortly there after...

Farrowin 510 August 24, 2007 03:12PM

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