My biggest cf secret :PK Triggers and full ytin script

October 11, 2018 04:54AM
The script slowly evolved over like 10-15 years, I made other versions as well like one with triggers for chasing with a familiar. I probably should have shared them earlier, but well we all do what we do. They are very powerful but also a complete mess code wise so it is hard to change anything. Also a bit dependent on the client execution priorities of triggers so they didn't work in wintin or tintin++, only ytin. Anyway, have fun and try them if you wish.

The core:
Choosing a target:
#alias {target} {#var target %0; att;#showme Target %0 locked, attack defined as $attack.;#tabadd $0;#showme TARGET LOCKED, BUT CHARE TRIGGERS DEACTIVATED}

Setting the attack:
#alias {setatt} {#var bashmode 0;#var attack %0;#showme Attack set to %0 $target}
#alias {att} {#var defmode 0;#var pkill 1;clearfollow}

Turing chase mode on[if] and off[cf]:
#alias {cf} {clearfollow}
// Removes chase triggers
#alias {clearfollow} {#var dashmode 0;#var followmode 0;#unaction {*$target leaves*};#unaction {$target flies*}}
#alias {if} {initfollow}

// Note that the chase command doesn't actually do anything, only sets state variables
#alias {chase} {#var tarHere 0;#var chased 1;$1;#var revdir $2;#var holdattack 0}
#action {$target leaves north.} {chase n s}
// This is where we set the chase triggers
#alias {initfollow} {#showme CHASE TRIGGERS INITIATED;clearfollow;#var followmode 1;#action {$target leaves north.} {chase n s} 1; #action {$target leaves south.} {chase s n} 1; #action {$target leaves east.} {chase e w} 1; #action {$target leaves west.} {chase w e} 1; #action {$target leaves up.} {chase u d} 1; #action {$target leaves down.} {chase d u} 1 }
#alias {dashfol} {dashinitfollow}
// Dash triggers follow a different rule, here we execute immediately on target leaving room. Probably just laziness on my part not integrating them properly.
#alias {dashinitfollow} {clearfollow;#var dashmode 1;#action {$target leaves north.} {holdattack ; dash north $attack $target} ; #action {$target leaves south.} {holdattack ; dash south $attack $target} ; #action {^$target leaves east.} {holdattack ; dash east $attack $target} ;#action {^$target leaves west.} {holdattack ; dash west $attack $target} ;#action {^$target leaves up.} {holdattack ; dash up $attack $target} ; #action {^$target leaves down.} {holdattack ; dash down $attack $target}}
#alias {dashon} {dashtag}
#alias {dashtag} {dashinitfollow}
#alias {dfol} {dashtag}

Some core mechanics:

This prevents from attacking when some things happen:
#alias {holdattack} {#var holdattack 1;#var chased 1}
To keep track of when we are in combat or not:
#alias {isfighting} {#var tarHere 0; #var isfighting 2;#if {$defmode == 1} {doflee}}
The main $attack $target command to initiate an attack:
#alias {tk} {#var go 0;#if {($scan == 1)} {#var canscan 1;#if {($followmode == 1)}{#if {($scandist == 1) && ($dashmode == 1)} {dash $scandir $attack $target ; #var holdattack 1} else {#$scandist $scandir}}}; #if {$scan == 0} {$attack $target}}

The prompt trigger is the ring that binds them all: We hold off with choosing what to do until we see a prompt so thst we do not execute a command prematurely (e.g. sometimes we will get alot of information in one pulse like $target is here. And then $target leaves east. Then we want to hold off attacking and just move east or we will prolly lose our prey.
#alias {ptrig} {#if {$newtime != $oldtime} {#var oldtime $newtime;#showme TICK JUST HAPPENED!!!};#var canchase 1;#if {$tarHere == 1} {#var tarHere 0;tk};#var scan 0;#var scandir #nop;#var canscan 1;#if {$fleeret == 1} {scan all;#var fleeret 0} ; #if {$isfighting > 0} {#math {isfighting} {$isfighting -1}}; #var holdattack 0;#if {$go ==1} {$godir;#var go 0}}

Reset the prompt and exit triggers since we sometimes chase them:
#alias {setextrig} {#unac {^[Exit*} ; #action {^[Exits} {#var canflee 1;#var chased 0 ; #var scanatt 1} {9}}
#alias {setptrig} {#unaction {^<%0hp*};#action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv> [%3 %4 %5]} {#var newtime %3;ptrig} {5}}
// Very important command, stops autorunning
#alias {stop} {#var spam 0;setptrig;setextrig}

// To unlock a target and turn off pk triggers
#action {^$target is DEAD!!} {notarg} {5}
#alias {notarg} {#showme Target $target unlocked. ; #var {$oldtarget} {$target};#var pkill 0; clearfollow; #var target null}

Defensive mode (sometimes we want to automatically flee or avoid someone when they enter the room.. mostly useful when being chased by air shifters down eastern roada to village):
#alias {def} {#var defmode 1}
#alias {avoid} {#var avoiding %1;#var avoiddir %2;#showme We now avoid %1, when he arrived we go %2}

To automatically run down roads like eastern:
#alias {eastroad} {#action {^[Exits:%0east} {#var godir e;#var go 1} {1};#action {^[Exits: south west]} {#var godir s;#var go 1} 1; #action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv>} {#if {$go == 1} {$godir} ; #var go 0} 1}

Just to auto spam:
#alias {spam} {#var spam 1;tk}
#action {^They aren't here.} {#if {$spam == 1} {tk}} {5}

Actual triggers:

#action {$target%0is here} {stop;#var spam 0;#var canscan 0;#if {$holdattack == 0} {#var tarHere 1} else {#var holdattack 0}} {1}
#action {$target has arrived} {#if {$isfighting == 0} {#if {$spam == 0} {#if {$chased == 0} {tk} ; #if {($chased == 1)} {$revdir}}};#if {$spam == 1} {stop}} {5}
#action {$target is resting here.} {stop;#var spam 0;#var canscan 0;#if {$holdattack == 0} {;#var tarHere 1} else {#var holdattack 0}} {5}
#action {$target is sleeping here.} {#if {$bashmode == 1} {wake $target;tk}} {5}

#action {You flee from combat!} {#var fleespam 0 ;#if {$fleetrig == 1} {$fleemove ; #var fleetrig 0}; #if {$fleeret == 2} {#var fleeret 1}} {5}

#action {^%0 has a few scratches.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 has some small but disgusting cuts.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is convulsing on the ground.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is covered with bleeding wounds.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is gushing blood.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is in perfect health.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^***** Range %0 *****} {#if {$canscan == 1} {#var scandist $0}} {5}
#action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv> [%3 %4 %5]} {#var newtime %3;ptrig} {5}
#action {^You peer %1 through %2.} {#var scandist 1;#var scandir $1;#var scan 1} {5}
#action {^You scan %0.} {#if {$canscan == 1} {#var scandist 1;#var scandir $0;#var scan 1}} {5}

#alias {Gt} {gt}
#alias {a} {wake az;trip az}
#alias {aa} {dash u flee}
#alias {att} {#var defmode 0;#var pkill 1;clearfollow}
#alias {avoid} {#var avoiding %1;#var avoiddir %2;#showme We now avoid %1, when he arrived we go %2}
#alias {back} {backstab}
#alias {backstab} {#var mob %0;BACKSTAB $mob}
#alias {backup} {#var backupweapon %0}
#alias {bb} {backhand}
#alias {bet} {wie betrayal}
#alias {blood} {call blood}
#alias {bt} {bash $target}
#alias {cal} {call}
#alias {carr} {#ses mud 4449}
#alias {cd} {close down}
#alias {ce} {close east}
#alias {cf} {clearfollow}
#alias {chase} {#var tarHere 0;#var chased 1;$1;#var revdir $2;#var holdattack 0}
#alias {check} {rest;where;sl}
#alias {clearfollow} {#var dashmode 0;#var followmode 0;#unaction {*$target leaves*};#unaction {$target flies*}}
#alias {cn} {close north}
#alias {cont} {exa $container}
#alias {cs} {close south}
#alias {cstud} {wie club;dual studded}
#alias {cu} {close up}
#alias {cw} {close west}
#alias {dagg} {wie dagger}
#alias {dashfol} {dashinitfollow}
#alias {dashinitfollow} {clearfollow;#var dashmode 1;#action {$target leaves north.} {holdattack ; dash north $attack $target} ; #action {$target leaves south.} {holdattack ; dash south $attack $target} ; #action {^$target leaves east.} {holdattack ; dash east $attack $target} ;#action {^$target leaves west.} {holdattack ; dash west $attack $target} ;#action {^$target leaves up.} {holdattack ; dash up $attack $target} ; #action {^$target leaves down.} {holdattack ; dash down $attack $target}}
#alias {dashon} {dashtag}
#alias {dashtag} {dashinitfollow}
#alias {def} {#var defmode 1}
#alias {dfol} {dashtag}
#alias {dice} {emote pulls a dice cup from within his robes, and starts shaking it. ;#var dotnr {@rnd{1 6}}; #var dots {@ntostr{$dotnr}} ; emote flicks his wrist, and the dice lands on the ground, showing $dots.}
#alias {doflee} {#if {$canflee == 1} {flee;#var canflee 0}}
#alias {dosec} {#if {$dualmode == 0}{wear $shield};#if {$dualmode == 1} {dual $dual}}
#alias {doweap} {wie $weapon;dosec}
#alias {drawbridge} {yell Recruiter Sanadaren has sent me to learn about the true path to everlasting life.}
#alias {drb} {gsack $liquid;drink $liquid;psack $liquid}
#alias {dsac} {drop %0; sac %0}
#alias {dsh} {rem $weapon;#var weapon $dagger;wear $shield}
#alias {dual} {#var dual %0;Dual %0}
#alias {eastroad} {#action {^[Exits:%0east} {#var godir e;#var go 1} {1};#action {^[Exits: south west]} {#var godir s;#var go 1} 1; #action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv>} {#if {$go == 1} {$godir} ; #var go 0} 1}
#alias {ebr} {eat $food}
#alias {ehe} {g heart;eat heart}
#alias {enf} {whe enforcer}
#alias {ero} {eastroad}
#alias {f} {flee}
#alias {fd} {flee;#var fleetrig 1;#var fleemove d}
#alias {fe} {flee;#var fleetrig 1;#var fleemove e}
#alias {ff} {flee;#var fleetrig 1;#var fleemove kn}
#alias {fh} {flee;#var fleemove zz;#var fleetrig 1}
#alias {fhr} {fh;#var fleeret 2}
#alias {fillc} {gsack $liquid;fill $liquid;psack $liquid}
#alias {fixcolor} {tell self fixcolor}
#alias {fly} {inh flight}
#alias {fmace} {wie forge;dual mace}
#alias {fn} {flee;#var fleetrig 1;#var fleeemove n}
#alias {fr} {flee;#var fleeret 2;if}
#alias {fret} {flee;#var fleetrig 1;#var fleemove ret}
#alias {fs} {flee;#var fleetrig 1;#var fleeemove s}
#alias {fsc} {wie pestilence;dual scourge}
#alias {fsh} {wie forge;wear shield}
#alias {fspam} {#var fleespam 1;flee}
#alias {fsw} {wie forge;dual sword}
#alias {fswo} {wie 'dark flail';dual sword}
#alias {fu} {flee;#var fleetrig 1;#var fleeemove u}
#alias {fvain} {wie forge;dual vainglory}
#alias {fw} {flee;#var fleetrig 1;#var fleeemove w}
#alias {fwave} {noweap;wie frostbrand;dual dancer}
#alias {ga} {get all}
#alias {gac} {get all corpse}
#alias {gback} {get %0 $container}
#alias {gbr} {get $food $container;eat $food}
#alias {gc} {get %0 corpse}
#alias {gknot} {green;dual knotted}
#alias {goback} {#if {$gotdir == 1} {#var gotdir 0;$godir} else {scan all}}
#alias {green} {wie 'green flail'}
#alias {gsack} {get %0 $container}
#alias {gt} {#var temp %0;Gtell $temp}
#alias {gwhip} {green;dual whip}
#alias {hc} {heal crit}
#alias {hh} {heal heal}
#alias {holdattack} {#var holdattack 1;#var chased 1}
#alias {ht} {hit $target}
#alias {if} {initfollow}
#alias {initfollow} {#showme CHASE TRIGGERS INITIATED;clearfollow;#var followmode 1;#action {$target leaves north.} {chase n s} 1; #action {$target leaves south.} {chase s n} 1; #action {$target leaves east.} {chase e w} 1; #action {$target leaves west.} {chase w e} 1; #action {$target leaves up.} {chase u d} 1; #action {$target leaves down.} {chase d u} 1 }
#alias {isfighting} {#var tarHere 0; #var isfighting 2;#if {$defmode == 1} {doflee}}
#alias {kc} {k creature}
#alias {kd} {holdattack;dash down $attack $target}
#alias {ke} {dash east $attack $target;holdattack}
#alias {kill} {murder}
#alias {kk} {murder $mob}
#alias {kn} {dash north $attack $target;holdattack}
#alias {kotr} {say Even in the darkest of night does the light shine forth.}
#alias {ks} {dash south $attack $target;holdattack}
#alias {kt} {tk}
#alias {ku} {holdattack;dash up $attack $target}
#alias {kw} {dash west $attack $target;holdattack}
#alias {lall} {look all}
#alias {ld} {look down}
#alias {ldance} {lwave}
#alias {le} {look east}
#alias {ll} {#loop {1,5} {lore %0.}}
#alias {ln} {look north}
#alias {logon} {Skronny;ynnorks}
#alias {ls} {look south}
#alias {lt} {lash $target}
#alias {lu} {look up}
#alias {lw} {look west}
#alias {m} {murder}
#alias {maces} {wie elvish;dual elvish}
#alias {mess} {#mess var;#mess alias;#mess act;#mess sub}
#alias {mortorn} {say hail to the king under the mountain}
#alias {msh} {#if {$dualmode == 1} {noweap;wie mace;wear $shield} ; #if {$dualmode == 0} {rem $weapon;wie mace}}
#alias {nero} {neroad}
#alias {neroad} {#action {^[Exits:%0north} {#var godir n;#var go 1} 1;#action {^[Exits:%0east} {#var godir e;#var go 1} 5;#action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv>} {#if {$go == 1} {$godir} ; #var go 0}}
#alias {newfile} {#kill;#read Skronny}
#alias {night} {noweap;wie nightmare;dual nightmare}
#alias {nosec} {nosectar}
#alias {nosectar} {#unvar sectar}
#alias {nospot} {#2 rem spotted;psack all.spotted;#2 wear ring}
#alias {nostr} {gsack all.pendant;rem $neck1;rem $neck2;#2 wear pendant;#2 rem pendant;wear $neck1;wear $neck2;psack all.pendant}
#alias {not} {notarg;#var defmode 0;nosectar}
#alias {notarg} {#showme Target $target unlocked. ; #var {$oldtarget} {$target};#var pkill 0; clearfollow; #var target null}
#alias {noweap} {#if {$dualmode == 1} {rem $dual} ; #if {$dualmode == 0} {rem $shield};rem $weapon}
#alias {nwro} {nwroad}
#alias {nwroad} {#action {^[Exits:%0north} {#var godir n;#var go 1} 1;#action {^[Exits:%0west} {#var godir w;#var go 1} 5;#action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv>} {#if {$go == 1} {$godir} ; #var go 0}}
#alias {od} {open down}
#alias {oe} {open east}
#alias {on} {open north}
#alias {os} {open south}
#alias {ou} {open up}
#alias {ow} {open w}
#alias {p} {put}
#alias {pback} {put %0 $container}
#alias {pd} {pull d}
#alias {pp} {pull Roninyah south}
#alias {proxy} {#session mud 23}
#alias {psack} {put %0 $container}
#alias {ptrig} {#if {$newtime != $oldtime} {#var oldtime $newtime;#showme TICK JUST HAPPENED!!!};#var canchase 1;#if {$tarHere == 1} {#var tarHere 0;tk};#var scan 0;#var scandir #nop;#var canscan 1;#if {$fleeret == 1} {scan all;#var fleeret 0} ; #if {$isfighting > 0} {#math {isfighting} {$isfighting -1}}; #var holdattack 0;#if {$go ==1} {$godir;#var go 0}}
#alias {q} {where}
#alias {qa} {setatt artery}
#alias {qb} {setatt bash}
#alias {qbl} {setatt blackjack}
#alias {qc} {qcr}
#alias {qch} {setatt choke}
#alias {qcr} {setatt cranial}
#alias {qdk} {setatt dirt}
#alias {qgl} {setatt glance}
#alias {qh} {setatt hamstring}
#alias {qhh} {setatt hurl throat}
#alias {qhl} {setatt hurl leg}
#alias {qht} {setatt hurl torso}
#alias {qk} {setatt murder}
#alias {ql} {setatt lash}
#alias {qno} {setatt #nop}
#alias {qpe} {setatt pull $target east}
#alias {qpn} {setatt pull $target n}
#alias {qps} {setatt pull $target s}
#alias {qpw} {setatt pull $target west}
#alias {qq} {who pk}
#alias {qst} {setatt strip}
#alias {qtr} {setatt trip;#var bashmode 1}
#alias {qu} {setatt underhand}
#alias {r} {#nop}
#alias {rdu} {rem $dual}
#alias {recon} {#ses temp 4449}
#alias {rel} {relock}
#alias {reply} {#var temp %0;Reply $temp}
#alias {resi} {call resistance}
#alias {rr} {exa desk;exa wardrobe;exa bed}
#alias {rsh} {rem $shield}
#alias {sa} {whisper}
#alias {sage} {emote nods sagely.}
#alias {sava} {#write skronny}
#alias {say} {#var temp %0;Say $temp}
#alias {sayto} {#var temp %0;saYtO $temp}
#alias {sce} {steal coins elmira}
#alias {scep} {dual sceptre}
#alias {sceps} {wie scepter;dual scepter}
#alias {sck} {steal coins codan}
#alias {scsh} {#if {$dualmode == 1} {noweap;wie sceptre;wear $shield} ; #if {$dualmode == 0} {rem $weapon;wie sceptre}}
#alias {sec} {rem $shield;dual $dual}
#alias {sectar} {#var sectar %0;#showme Secondary target is %0}
#alias {sedai} {rem $shield;hold sa'angreal;invoke cuendillar;rem sa'angreal;wear $shield}
#alias {sero} {stop;seroad}
#alias {seroad} {#action {^[Exits: %0south} {#var godir s;#var go 1} ; #action {^[Exits:%0east} {#var godir e;#var go 1} {5};#action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv>} {#if {$go == 1} {$godir} ; #var go 0}}
#alias {setatt} {#var bashmode 0;#var attack %0;#showme Attack set to %0 $target}
#alias {setcont} {#var container %0}
#alias {setdrink} {#var liquid %0}
#alias {setdual} {#var dual %0}
#alias {setextrig} {#unac {^[Exit*} ; #action {^[Exits} {#var canflee 1;#var chased 0 ; #var scanatt 1} {9}}
#alias {setfood} {#var food %0}
#alias {setptrig} {#unaction {^<%0hp*};#action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv> [%3 %4 %5]} {#var newtime %3;ptrig} {5}}
#alias {setshield} {#var shield %0}
#alias {setweapon} {#var weapon %0}
#alias {sh} {sharpensight}
#alias {shi} {wear $shield}
#alias {shield} {#var shield %0;wear %0}
#alias {sp} {sup}
#alias {spam} {#var spam 1;tk}
#alias {spell} {spellbane}
#alias {spellbane} {call spellbane}
#alias {spot} {spotted}
#alias {spotted} {gsack all.spotted;#2 rem ring;#2 wear spotted}
#alias {stk} {$attack $sectar}
#alias {sto} {stop}
#alias {stone} {get blowfish $container;eat blowfish}
#alias {stop} {#var spam 0;setptrig;setextrig}
#alias {swo} {wie sword}
#alias {swro} {stop;swroad}
#alias {swroad} {#action {^[Exits: %0south} {#var godir s;#var go 1} ; #action {^[Exits:%0west} {#var godir w;#var go 1} {5};#action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv>} {#if {$go == 1} {$godir} ; #var go 0}}
#alias {t} {target}
#alias {target} {#var target %0; att;#showme Target %0 locked, attack defined as $attack.;#tabadd $0;#showme TARGET LOCKED, BUT CHARE TRIGGERS DEACTIVATED}
#alias {tel} {tell}
#alias {tele} {c teleport}
#alias {tell} {#var temp %0;Tell $temp}
#alias {thirsts} {wie thirst;dual thirst}
#alias {tk} {#var go 0;#if {($scan == 1)} {#var canscan 1;#if {($followmode == 1)}{#if {($scandist == 1) && ($dashmode == 1)} {dash $scandir $attack $target ; #var holdattack 1} else {#$scandist $scandir}}}; #if {$scan == 0} {$attack $target}}
#alias {tr} {trip}
#alias {tru} {true}
#alias {true} {call truesight}
#alias {tryfeint} {#if {$pkill == 0} {feint}}
#alias {tsa} {target Saleick}
#alias {tscep} {wie thirst;dual scepter}
#alias {ttk} {#5 tk}
#alias {vain} {wie vainglory}
#alias {vscep} {wie vainglory;dual scepter}
#alias {wakeup} {noweap;murder %0}
#alias {war} {warc}
#alias {wasp} {wie wasp-blade}
#alias {weap} {get $weapon;wie $weapon}
#alias {weary} {#var weary %0}
#alias {wearyoff} {noweary}
#alias {westroad} {#action {^[Exits:%0west} {#var godir w;#var go 1} {1};#action {^[Exits: north east]} {#var godir n;#var go 1} 1 ; #action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv>} {#if {$go == 1} {$godir} ; #var go 0} 1}
#alias {wguard} {noweap;wie dancer;dual guardian}
#alias {wie} {#var weapon %0;Wield %0}
#alias {wiel} {wie}
#alias {wield} {wie}
#alias {wing} {inh wingsweep}
#alias {wro} {westroad}
#alias {wscep} {noweap;wie sceptre;dual wasp-blade}
#alias {wsh} {wear $shield}
#alias {wt} {where $target}
#alias {wv} {wield $weapon}
#alias {wvu} {wield $dual}
#alias {yell} {#var temp %0;Yell $temp}
#alias {z} {scan all}
#alias {zd} {scan down}
#alias {ze} {scan east}
#alias {zn} {scan north}
#alias {zs} {scan south}
#alias {zu} {scan up}
#alias {zw} {scan west}
#alias {zz} {#if {$hide == 0} hide;#if {$sneak == 0} sneak}
#action {$target%0is here} {stop;#var spam 0;#var canscan 0;#if {$holdattack == 0} {#var tarHere 1} else {#var holdattack 0}} {1}
#action {$sectar is DEAD!!} {#unvar sectar} {5}
#action {$sectar is here.} {$attack $sectar} {5}
#action {$target has arrived} {#if {$isfighting == 0} {#if {$spam == 0} {#if {$chased == 0} {tk} ; #if {($chased == 1)} {$revdir}}};#if {$spam == 1} {stop}} {5}
#action {$target is resting here.} {stop;#var spam 0;#var canscan 0;#if {$holdattack == 0} {;#var tarHere 1} else {#var holdattack 0}} {5}
#action {$target is sleeping here.} {#if {$bashmode == 1} {wake $target;tk}} {5}
#action {%0 disarms you with %1 and sends %2 flying!} {weap} {5}
#action {%0 joins your group.} {#tabadd $0} {5}
#action {%0 wraps %1 around your weapon, stripping it} {weap} {5}
#action {In your dreams, or what?} {#if {$fleespam == 1}{flee}} {5}
#action {Suicide is a mortal sin.} {tk} {5}
#action {That person doesn't have a weapon to strip} {lash} {5}
#action {You dual wield %0} {#var dualmode 1} {5}
#action {You entangle a skeleton's feet and send it to the ground} {#math {$lasheshit} {$lasheshit+1}} {5}
#action {You entangle your legs up in your weapon and fall.} {#if {$spam == 1}{tk}} {5}
#action {You fall flat on your face!} {#if {$spam == 1} {tk}} {5}
#action {You flee from combat!} {#var fleespam 0 ;#if {$fleetrig == 1} {$fleemove ; #var fleetrig 0}; #if {$fleeret == 2} {#var fleeret 1}} {5}
#action {You lash at a skeleton's feet} {#math {$lashesmiss} {$lashesmiss+1}} {5}
#action {You make a successful feint to mislead the druggist.} {fei} {5}
#action {You manage to wrap a practice flail around} {strip} {5}
#action {You must wield a whip or flail in your primary hand to strip} {strip} {5}
#action {You receive %0 experience} {#if {$pkill == 0} {zz}} {5}
#action {You try to make a feint but the druggist sees} {fei} {5}
#action {You try to wrap a practice flail around %0} {strip} {5}
#action {You wear %0 as a shield.} {#var dualmode 0} {5}
#action {You're brain damaged enough already.} {#if {$spam == 1} {tk}} {5}
#action {^$avoiding has arrived.} {$avoiddir;#showme Avoiding done and reset!;#unvar avoiding} {5}
#action {^$sectar has arrived.} {$attack $sectar;nosectar} {5}
#action {^$target appears in the room.} {$attack $target} {5}
#action {^$target is DEAD!!} {notarg} {5}
#action {^%0 has a few scratches.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 has some small but disgusting cuts.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is convulsing on the ground.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is covered with bleeding wounds.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is gushing blood.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is in perfect health.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 is writhing in agony.} {isfighting} {5}
#action {^%0 looks very ill.} {#showme $0 was poisoned!} {5}
#action {^%0hp %1m %2mv> [%3 %4 %5]} {#var newtime %3;ptrig} {5}
#action {^***** Range %0 *****} {#if {$canscan == 1} {#var scandist $0}} {5}
#action {^<%0hp %1m %2mv> [%3 %4 %5]} {#var newtime %3;ptrig} {5}
#action {^By what name do you wish to be mourned?} {mess;stop;#log LOGS/Skronny +0;newfile} {5}
#action {^PANIC!} {flee} {5}
#action {^They aren't here.} {#if {$spam == 1} {tk}} {5}
#action {^You fled down.} {#if {$fleeret == 1} {#var fleeret 0;u}} {5}
#action {^You fled east.} {#if {$fleeret == 1} {#var fleeret 0;w}} {5}
#action {^You fled north.} {#if {$fleeret == 1} {#var fleeret 0;s}} {5}
#action {^You fled south.} {#if {$fleeret == 1} {#var fleeret 0;n}} {5}
#action {^You fled up.} {#if {$fleeret == 1} {#var fleeret 0;d}} {5}
#action {^You fled west.} {#if {$fleeret == 1} {#var fleeret 0;e}} {5}
#action {^You fumble and drop %0!} {#var disarmed 1;weap} {5}
#action {^You have been KILLED!} {notarg} {5}
#action {^You now follow $target} {notarg} {5}
#action {^You peer %1 through %2.} {#var scandist 1;#var scandir $1;#var scan 1} {5}
#action {^You scan %0.} {#if {$canscan == 1} {#var scandist 1;#var scandir $0;#var scan 1}} {5}
#action {^You yell} {#showme {*** We are being ATTACKED ***};#var pkill 1} {5}
#action {disarms you and sends your weapon flying!} {#var disarmed 1;weap} {5}
#action {disarms you!} {#var disarmed 1;weap} {5}
#action {entraps your weapon and strips it from you!} {#var disarmed 1;weap} {5}
#action {^[Exits} {#var canflee 1;#var chased 0 ; #var scanatt 1} {9}
#substitute {$target arrives suddenly.} {$target has arrived.}
#substitute {%0 A huge, long furred wolf quietly sniffs the ground here.} {%0wolf is here.}
#substitute {%0 disarms you and sends %1 flying!} {%0 disarms you and sends your weapon flying!}
#substitute {%0(PK) Ardonik %1} {%0(PK) Ardonik [Enemy] %1}
#substitute {%0(PK) Mydul %1} {%0(PK) Mydul [Enemy]%1}
#substitute {%0A bloodhawk%1} {%0bloodhawk is here.}
#substitute {%0A dire wolf lopes along here.} {dire wolf is here.}
#substitute {%0A giant scorpion stands here with its claws raised menacingly and its tail ready to strike.} {%0scorpion is here.}
#substitute {%0A giant scorpion%1} {%0scorpion%1}
#substitute {%0A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.} {%0gazelle is here.}
#substitute {%0A gray and green alligator lazily opens its mouth to reveal hundreds of teeth.} {%0alligator is here.}
#substitute {%0A huge gray-skinned pachyderm stands here swinging its trunk.} {%0pachyderm is here.}
#substitute {%0A large ram snorts at your presence and goes back to ignoring you.} {%0ram is here.}
#substitute {%0A large reddish orangutan stands here, looking at you.} {%0orangutan is here.}
#substitute {%0A large vulture swoops down to investigate signs of death and decay.} {%0vulture is here.}
#substitute {%0A long bodied anteater stands here ready to run or fight as needed.} {%0anteater is here.}
#substitute {%0A long copperhead snake lies quietly coiled on the ground near your feet.} {%0copperhead is here.}
#substitute {%0A long, sleek, golden shape glides through the forest.} {%0jaguar is here.}
#substitute {%0A long-legged spider moves carefully towards some unknown goal.} {%0spider is here}
#substitute {%0A magnificent golden eagle soars here.} {%0eagle is here.}
#substitute {%0A motionless lizard lies here in the sand.} {%0lizard is here.}
#substitute {%0A quick mongoose darts across your field of vision.} {%0mongoose is here.}
#substitute {%0A racoon pokes around at everything around it, inquisitive as can be.} {%0racoon is here.}
#substitute {%0A small gray-haired wombat sniffs the air and quietly nibbles on some grass here.} {%0wombat is here.}
#substitute {%0A snow badger%1} {%0badger%1}
#substitute {%0A spiked porcupine looks up from near the ground where it trundles along.} {%0porcupine is here.}
#substitute {%0A wary ocelot looks at you carefully.} {%0ocelot is here.}
#substitute {%0A yellow maned lion whips around and glares dispassionately upon you.} {%0lion is here.}
#substitute {%0An armadillo noses along the path here.} {%0armadillo is here.}
#substitute {%0An orange and black striped cat lies in wait here, ready to pounce.} {%0tiger is here.}
#substitute {%0Black Aura%1} {(Black Aura)%1}
#substitute {%0The long sinuous body of a giant crocodile is here.} {%0crocodile is here.}
#substitute {%0You catch a glimpse of a wildcat slipping in and out of cover.} {%0wildcat is here.}
#substitute {%0a giant scorpion%1} {%0scorpion%1}
#substitute {%0ern Fortitude Gat%1} {%0 Gat%1}
#substitute {A cute hare hops along sniffing at the air around it.} {hare is here.}
#substitute {A large reddish orangutan stands here, looking at you.} {orangutan is here.}
#substitute {A long, sleek, golden shape glides through the forest.} {jaguar is here.}
#substitute {A snow white badger quietly sniffs the ground in search of its prey.} {badger is here.}
#substitute {An orange and white tabby meows at you and raises its paw in the air.} {cat is here.}
#substitute {The mystical barrier fades away.} {Your sedai shield fades away.}
#substitute {The rope breaks as you try to cinch it about %0's legs.} {Legbind .... FAILED}
#substitute {Using %0, you disarm %1 and send %2 flying!} {You disarm %1!}
#substitute {With a sickening crunch, %0 applies kotegaeshi to your wrist!} {Kot.. LOST DUAL WIELD}
#substitute {You rip the bag as you try to get it around %0's head.} {Headbind ... FAILED}
#substitute {scorpion stands here with its claws raised menacingly and its tail} {scorpion is here.}
#variable {$oldtarget} {wasp}
#variable {1} {2}
#variable {attack} {dirt}
#variable {autohide} {0}
#variable {avoiddir} {crocodile}
#variable {avoiding} {angry}
#variable {backupweapon} {hell-blade}
#variable {bashmode} {0}
#variable {bodemode} {0}
#variable {botmode} {0}
#variable {canchase} {1}
#variable {canflee} {1}
#variable {canscan} {1}
#variable {chased} {0 }
#variable {container} {knapsack}
#variable {dash} {0}
#variable {dashmode} {0}
#variable {defmode} {0}
#variable {dir} {n}
#variable {disarmed} {1}
#variable {dual} {elvish}
#variable {dualmode} {0}
#variable {fleeemove} {e}
#variable {fleemove} {kn}
#variable {fleeret} {0}
#variable {fleespam} {0 }
#variable {fleetrig} {0}
#variable {followmode} {0}
#variable {food} {chicken}
#variable {go} {0}
#variable {godir} {e}
#variable {gotdir} {1}
#variable {help} {473}
#variable {hide} {1}
#variable {holdattack} {0}
#variable {ip} {}
#variable {isfighting} {2}
#variable {lasheshit} {1}
#variable {lashesmiss} {1}
#variable {liquid} {canteen}
#variable {messchan} {gtell}
#variable {mob} {dwarf}
#variable {mobatt} {trip}
#variable {modatt} {dirt}
#variable {neck1} {stole}
#variable {neck2} {fire}
#variable {newtime} {8}
#variable {note} {80}
#variable {oldtime} {8}
#variable {pkill} {1}
#variable {pkmode} {1}
#variable {revdir} {n}
#variable {ripostes} {0}
#variable {scan} {0}
#variable {scanatt} {1}
#variable {scandir} {#nop}
#variable {scandist} {1}
#variable {shield} {shield}
#variable {sneak} {1}
#variable {spam} {0}
#variable {tarHere} {0}
#variable {target} {Worker}
#variable {temp} {Am training, now.}
#variable {weapon} {spear}
#highlight {green} {$sectar}
#highlight {green} {$target}
#highlight {yellow} {%0better at %1!}
#highlight {yellow} {%0learn from your mistakes%1}
#highlight {green} {Nakashimi}
#highlight {yellow} {TICK JUST HAPPENED!!!}
#highlight {red} {You feel less aware of your surroundings.}
#highlight {red} {You feel less tough.}
#highlight {red} {Your eyes see less truly.}
#highlight {blue} {[ARBITER]}
#highlight {light red} {[Enemy]}
#highlight {blue} {[TRIBUNAL]}
#highlight {white} {fixcolor}
#pathdir {u} {d}
#pathdir {w} {e}
#pathdir {s} {n}
#pathdir {n} {s}
#pathdir {d} {u}
#pathdir {e} {w}
Subject Author Posted

My biggest cf secret :PK Triggers and full ytin script

Flipside Oreo October 11, 2018 04:54AM

Because of these sort of scripts I started playing half-elves... (n/t)

Egor October 22, 2018 04:12AM

Many ways to deal with a problem. nt

Flipside Oreo October 31, 2018 07:58AM

Nice one

Kstatida October 11, 2018 09:36AM

And also some groovy advance squad tunes for PK

Flipside Oreo October 11, 2018 05:18AM

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