I don't hate nexus

August 06, 2015 05:20AM
I think the RP can be stale, since it's hard to find too many ways to like balance. However, I think the idea of the cabal for cabal wars is great. Having some people always helping out the underdog is a good thing.
Subject Author Views Posted

Does this seem off?

LogFiend 785 August 05, 2015 09:29AM

What's the rest of the who look like? (n/t)

PaulO 274 August 06, 2015 10:21AM

all it means is that the nightreaver probably level sat and pk'd a lot, dwarfing the others.

The Forsaken(VIP) 375 August 06, 2015 05:42AM

Nexus is boring.

Rhyaldrin 412 August 05, 2015 10:40PM

Nexus can be great.

Quixotic 352 August 07, 2015 04:42AM

I have a great idea of murderous gnome role which won't ever be turned evil, will tell the details when I do it

Kstatida 296 August 07, 2015 05:26AM

yes, it is stupid. just by logging in the veil thickens which means better rager resist. ugh. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 303 August 06, 2015 05:40AM

Been confirmed by coders that resist doesn't change with the Veil.

Dalbrin 381 August 06, 2015 03:22PM


NbM(VIP) 237 September 17, 2015 12:01PM

link? i've had unspeak ambushes hit for demolish against villagers when veil is thick. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 314 August 07, 2015 05:26AM

Unspeak ambush on villager just means he has no resistance on imo (n/t)

Kstatida 277 August 07, 2015 05:34AM

Giant is harder with thick veil IMHO

Tadam 375 August 06, 2015 04:14PM

Or maybe magic was weaker?

Quixotic 286 August 07, 2015 03:35AM

I was going to point this out, but thought it might be more fun to just let the people be idiots.

Frosty 320 August 06, 2015 03:24PM

I didn't think it made it stronger. I just couldn't remember but didn't give a fuck enough to look it up. Now that Jalim says it is longer duration that strikes me as correct. Spellbane does get better -svsp (n/t)

TJHuron 284 August 06, 2015 06:36PM

Not knowing something doesn't make someone an idiot. That's a sad way to look at people. (n/t)

Matrik 290 August 06, 2015 05:31PM

It was a figure of speech. You know damn well I don't operate like that.

Frosty 309 August 07, 2015 06:12AM

Never heard that one before.

Matrik 314 August 07, 2015 06:20AM

I think "ignorant" would have given the same impression. "Uninformed" maybe would have worked?

Frosty 297 August 07, 2015 06:23AM

Oddly enough, depends on how ignorant the reader is :P

Matrik 285 August 07, 2015 06:26AM

It's oldschool mental health on the euphemism treadmill

Elystan 311 August 07, 2015 06:40AM

I don't see that anywhere in the definition. re: ignorant.

Matrik 292 August 07, 2015 07:09AM

googling 'ignorant definition' supports my claim (n/t)

Elystan 259 August 07, 2015 07:17AM

Not that I can see. (n/t)

Matrik 259 August 07, 2015 07:21AM

Well, THANK GOD that's all cleared up. I was starting to get worried.

Frosty 314 August 07, 2015 06:44AM

The point is that it was an example of you being ignorant (n/t)

Elystan 283 August 07, 2015 06:52AM

You're ignorant all the time, but you step it up to the level of being an ignorant ASS. Even when you're wrong about something, you act like you're right.

Frosty 293 August 07, 2015 07:09AM

We should change your username to 'frothy' (n/t)

Elystan 297 August 07, 2015 07:16AM

And change yours to diarrhea. Or cunt. (n/t)

Frosty 275 August 07, 2015 07:21AM

That's not clever though (n/t)

Elystan 268 August 07, 2015 07:24AM

So you're saying it's perfect for you. Gotcha. (n/t)

Frosty 261 August 07, 2015 07:50AM

And change mine to CoolGuy#1 (n/t)

Matrik 270 August 07, 2015 07:22AM

No, that's Frosty too.

Murphy 360 August 07, 2015 11:51AM

Isn't it already? (n/t)

Kstatida 278 August 07, 2015 07:34AM

My ESL view

Kstatida 284 August 07, 2015 06:34AM

Ignorant can be either, dpeending on how it's used.

Elystan 279 August 07, 2015 06:42AM

Resist lasts longer with thick veil. That's not nothing. n/t

jalim 256 August 06, 2015 04:26PM

I never said it did "nothing." What it does NOT do is change the amount of resistance, which IS what everyone bitches about.

Frosty 313 August 06, 2015 04:29PM

The guy above said resist doesn't change with the veil. But it does. It lasts a lot longer when thick and a lot shorter when thin. n/t

jalim 275 August 06, 2015 04:32PM

But people weren't complaining about the veil affecting the duration. They were complaining about it affecting the amount of resistance, which it does NOT do.

Frosty 294 August 06, 2015 04:41PM

And a weaker vanguard which makes absolutely no sense. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin 277 August 06, 2015 06:02AM

no one cared when i pointed it out on officials. alas. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 291 August 06, 2015 07:02AM

Why does everyone hate on Nexus so much?

ekirhal 375 August 06, 2015 03:19AM

The concept is shit compared to an honor cabal

NbM(VIP) 261 September 17, 2015 12:17PM

I don't hate nexus

silatar 329 August 06, 2015 05:20AM

We hate Nexus because Nexus is boring. Especially with the smaller playerbase.

Rhyaldrin 344 August 06, 2015 03:35AM

Re: Does this seem off?

daurwyn(VIP) 387 August 05, 2015 10:44AM

I've picked up on this, too, lately.

wrathpuppet 377 August 05, 2015 10:10AM

All is balanced so do what you want. I'd start killing them with my own personal balancing. (n/t)

funnyone 278 August 05, 2015 09:58AM

Yeah it looks like you went 6 seconds without bitching about gear. >=) n/t

jalim 281 August 05, 2015 09:47AM

Angry, bitter, little man you are. (n/t)

funnyone 290 August 05, 2015 09:57AM

Little green jedi, you try to be. Stop speaking like Leata, you must. n/t

jalim 301 August 05, 2015 10:26AM

i asked on the general forums once for someone to take a look and no one ever did

silatar 346 August 05, 2015 09:46AM

Re: Does this seem off?

Zoder 398 August 05, 2015 09:46AM

Re: Does this seem off?

zannon 386 August 05, 2015 09:45AM

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