Stuff like this makes me wish I were a noob again...

January 16, 2019 07:17PM
Back when I would just die, get full looted and kill a couple of city guards to get their swords... so I could immediately go die again. In the vein hopes that I might get a kill.

It sucks that I care about things like weight limits. It sucks that I read this thread, and made a mental note about the fact that Beront will be below %50 weight with his characters. And it sucks that I know how to take advantage of that.

I know it sounds like I’m bragging. I’m not. I honestly wish I could just go back to the simpler times... Alas.
Subject Author Views Posted

Some Glik logs to support our friend Ziryn. Lets go 1 vs 3.

mharldarn 628 January 16, 2019 01:34PM

do you worry about carry weight at all?

mcbeth 367 January 16, 2019 01:49PM

In fact, it was the biggest problem as Glik

mharldarn 474 January 16, 2019 02:02PM

Thanks, lines up with my experience with drissa

mcbeth 412 January 16, 2019 02:04PM

Less preps, less weapons, worse armor - weight is sooo stupid on axe spec. n/t

mharldarn 317 January 16, 2019 02:07PM

I have been idly considering the axe/hand spec drow

mcbeth 402 January 16, 2019 02:31PM

Stuff like this makes me wish I were a noob again...

K-B 400 January 16, 2019 07:17PM

Just fucking do it. Last year I made a char that didn't prep and I managed to land a few kills. "JUST DO IT" -shia labeouf (n/t)

Frosty 253 January 16, 2019 07:27PM

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