I didn't even know this was a thing to be restrained.

June 07, 2019 02:24PM
I knew weak poncho making was a no-no, but never thought that calling blood was supposed to be reserved for certain situations. I mean, if you're trying to show the world you might and prowess that is superior to magic, shouldn't you try to curb stomp every opponent and try not to break a sweat in public?

Anyhoo, I'm not a berserker player, but I've had just about every berserker call blood fighting them 1 on 1 if they were losing and usually the fight after that, much sooner or right away.
Subject Author Views Posted

Broutgroic vs Gillador

BlkDrgn 1014 June 06, 2019 08:13AM

Well, I appreciated the log

daurwyn 551 June 10, 2019 03:06AM

Absolutely, Was a super close fight, he mostly just beat on me and stole my swords though :P (n/t)

BlkDrgn 372 June 10, 2019 04:52AM


mcbeth 696 June 06, 2019 10:37AM

It’s a cabal power use it as desired

Quas 605 June 07, 2019 09:01AM

(i agree)

mcbeth 534 June 07, 2019 04:40PM

Thoughts like this are the exact reason I never feel sorry for a rager. Ever.

K-B 563 June 07, 2019 10:52AM

Oh fucking please

TJHuron 595 June 07, 2019 04:07PM

I didn't even know this was a thing to be restrained.

saagkri 532 June 07, 2019 02:24PM

Yeah there is nothing wrong with using bloodthirst or poncho for every single fight.

jalim 548 June 07, 2019 03:28PM

If you pit sit and whack a tough guy that someone else brought to convulsing

daurwyn 518 June 10, 2019 03:08AM

What if you’re playing from a phone? (n/t)

HairyOrangutan 404 June 10, 2019 07:53AM

It can be.

saagkri 534 June 10, 2019 04:09AM

Pit sit for convulsing recall

daurwyn 509 June 10, 2019 07:26AM

Considering we used to "Soup Kitchen" in the old days...

saagkri 500 June 15, 2019 07:53AM

Yeah. It's a really phony thing to do. (n/t)

Murphy 412 June 15, 2019 06:30AM

Jesus, you and your cell phone. Now you're complaining about reCALL? n/t

jalim 383 June 10, 2019 11:58AM

Seriously, how do you do that with no arms or legs? (n/t)

Frosty 380 June 10, 2019 12:51PM

Headbutt (n/t)

bloodmoon 347 June 20, 2019 11:51PM

That’s fine. My point still stands...

K-B 526 June 08, 2019 06:19AM

thats why they have a power like that

Quas 540 June 08, 2019 11:20AM

#rekt. But it was for a good cause. Killing Quas is always a good cause. (n/t)

PacMan 398 June 06, 2019 11:08PM


BlkDrgn 523 June 06, 2019 11:51AM

BS. “Bitch mode” as you call it was one on one with a berserker. It is bitch mode, and you entered bitch mode. (n/t)

funnyone 406 June 06, 2019 02:49PM

25 commander kills baby. n/t

jalim 372 June 06, 2019 02:46PM

Thank you

scr 504 June 06, 2019 11:36AM

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