Miraja wins the arena competition - fight 3

July 03, 2021 07:22AM
<1604hp 652m 966mv [5 AM]>
A shadowed Druk'Trar steps out of the shadows.
The gate opens and you charge into the Arena grounds.
You are already visible.
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: east south]
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
A horned demon sits here grinning, its wings arched above its head.
A hulking tower of ore and earth squats here on three great legs.
Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.

<1604hp 652m 966mv [5 AM]>
c familiar
A black imp flutters in on silent wings to perch on your shoulder.

<1604hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
Zodslag has arrived.

<1604hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Slamming into you, Zodslag wraps his arms about you and drives his shoulder into your ribs!
Zodslag's rush wounds you.
Zodslag is in perfect health.

<1586hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
Zodslag's infernal power wounds you.
You parry Zodslag's infernal power.
Zodslag's infernal power mauls you.
Zodslag dodges your slash.
Zodslag is in perfect health.

<1546hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.
Zodslag yells 'Help!  Something is attacking me!'
A shadowed Druk'Trar steps out of the shadows.
A shadowed Druk'Trar injures Zodslag.
Zodslag yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw devastates Zodslag!
Zodslag yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a winged morosa demon!'
A winged morosa demon's slice MANGLES Zodslag!
The terrible wound inflicted on Zodslag seems only to drive him harder!
Zodslag's infernal power *** DEMOLISHES *** a shadowed Druk'Trar!
You parry Zodslag's infernal power.
Zodslag's infernal power DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
A winged morosa demon is unaffected by Zodslag's infernal power!
A winged morosa demon's slice MANGLES Zodslag!
Zodslag yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by an earth elemental!'
An earth elemental's crush MANGLES Zodslag!
As his terrible wound opens, Zodslag's eyes widen into an unflinching gaze!
Zodslag's infernal power *** DEMOLISHES *** an earth elemental!
Zodslag has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1546hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
swing Zodslag
A shadowed Druk'Trar has fled!
A winged morosa demon trips Zodslag, sending him to the ground.
A winged morosa demon's trip grazes Zodslag.
An earth elemental's crush MANGLES Zodslag!
The terrible wound inflicted on Zodslag seems only to drive him harder!
Zodslag's infernal power mauls you.
Zodslag's infernal power MASSACRES the Nightwalker!
Your shield blocks Zodslag's infernal power.
Zodslag's divine power wounds you.
You parry Zodslag's infernal power.
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1505hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
Zodslag yells 'Help!  I'm being attacked by a shadowed Druk'Trar!'
A shadowed Druk'Trar wounds Zodslag.
Zodslag yells 'Help!  I'm being attacked by a shadowed Druk'Trar!'
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1505hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
Gripping a net woven from thorned vines, you strike a glancing blow against Zodslag.
Your swing wounds Zodslag.
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1505hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
A shadowed Druk'Trar has fled!
A shadowed Druk'Trar has fled!
Zodslag's infernal power maims you!
You parry Zodslag's divine power.
Zodslag's infernal power is obstructed by gauntlets made from the mirrored scales of a silver
A desiccated demon claw flexes, and flashes a fiery red light!
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1472hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
Zodslag yells 'Help!  I'm being attacked by a shadowed Druk'Trar!'
A shadowed Druk'Trar wounds Zodslag.
A shadowed Druk'Trar's claw wounds Zodslag.
A winged morosa demon trips Zodslag, sending him to the ground.
A winged morosa demon's trip scratches Zodslag.
Zodslag's infernal power devastates you!
Zodslag's infernal power decimates you!
Zodslag dodges your slash.
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1417hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
swing Zodslag
Gripping a net woven from thorned vines, you strike a glancing blow against Zodslag.
Your swing wounds Zodslag.
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1417hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
The Nightwalker's claw devastates Zodslag!
A winged morosa demon's slice MANGLES Zodslag!
An earth elemental brings down its foot with a tremendous stomp!
An earth elemental makes the earth tremble and shiver.
An earth elemental's earthquake MASSACRES Zodslag!
Zodslag's infernal power wounds you.
Zodslag's divine power injures you.
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1383hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
A shadowed Druk'Trar has fled!
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Zodslag.
A winged morosa demon falls flat on its face.
A winged morosa demon's bash misses Zodslag.
Zodslag kicks a winged morosa demon while it's down!
Zodslag's vicious attack mauls a winged morosa demon.
An earth elemental's crush MASSACRES Zodslag!
An earth elemental brings down its foot with a tremendous stomp!
An earth elemental makes the earth tremble and shiver.
An earth elemental's earthquake MASSACRES Zodslag!
Zodslag's infernal power devastates you!
Zodslag's divine power wounds you.
A desiccated demon claw reaches out and tears into you!
Zodslag's clawing devastates you!
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<1304hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>

Zodslag lusts for battle, shouting 'Zods Eats NOW!'

Fear tears at your resolve as you witness Zodslag's fury!
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<1304hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
swing Zodslag
Maerwen yells 'Help!  I'm being attacked by a shadowed Druk'Trar!'
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<1304hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
Gripping a net woven from thorned vines, you strike a glancing blow against Zodslag.
Your swing injures Zodslag.
The Nightwalker's claw devastates Zodslag!
A winged morosa demon's slice MANGLES Zodslag!
As his terrible wound opens, Zodslag's eyes fix forward in an unflinching gaze!
A winged morosa demon is unaffected by Zodslag's infernal power!
Zodslag has fled!
Zodslag leaves east.

<1304hp 640m 966mv [5 AM]>
swing Zodslag
It starts to rain.
The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.
A winged morosa demon checks the ground for tracks.
A winged morosa demon leaves east.
The sun rises above the horizon.
You feel less resistant to lightning.
The barrier protecting you flickers and fades away.

<1304hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
Zodslag has arrived.

<1304hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Slamming into you, Zodslag wraps his arms about you and drives his shoulder into your ribs!
Zodslag's rush maims you!
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1268hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
Zodslag's infernal power EVISCERATES you!
You parry Zodslag's divine power.
Zodslag's infernal power EVISCERATES you!
Zodslag's infernal power maims you!
Zodslag dodges your slash.
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1136hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
fam murder Zodslag
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Zodslag yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw devastates Zodslag!
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
Zodslag yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a winged morosa demon!'
Zodslag yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by an earth elemental!'
An earth elemental's crush MANGLES Zodslag!
The terrible wound inflicted on Zodslag seems only to drive him harder!
Zodslag tries to attack some empty air near you.
Zodslag's infernal power MASSACRES an earth elemental!
Zodslag's infernal power DISMEMBERS an earth elemental!
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1136hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Zodslag.
The Nightwalker's claw devastates Zodslag!
The Nightwalker lunges at Zodslag with venomous fangs!
Zodslag turns slightly green, but it passes.
A winged morosa demon's trip misses Zodslag.
An earth elemental brings down its foot with a tremendous stomp!
An earth elemental makes the earth tremble and shiver.
An earth elemental's earthquake MASSACRES Zodslag!
As his wound opens, Zodslag grins with twisted pleasure!
You parry Zodslag's infernal power.
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1136hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
Zodslag lunges at you, grabbing for an ice-rimmed shield!
Zodslag grapples an ice-rimmed shield with his teeth and yanks it from your grasp!
You feel less resistant to fire.
Zodslag's grappling hits him.
You take a chance and somehow hurl yourself away from Zodslag's savage feeding!
No way!  You are still fighting!
Zodslag is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1136hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
Gripping a net woven from thorned vines, you strike a glancing blow against Zodslag.
Your swing wounds Zodslag.
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<1136hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
Maerwen yells 'Help!  I'm being attacked by a shadowed Druk'Trar!'
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<1136hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
The Nightwalker's claw maims Zodslag!
Zodslag's infernal power EVISCERATES you!
Zodslag's divine power devastates you!
You parry Zodslag's divine power.
Zodslag parries your slash.
Zodslag dodges your slash.
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<1059hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>

The Nightwalker tears at Zodslag with its claws!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws misses Zodslag.
The Nightwalker's tearing claws MASSACRES Zodslag!
Zodslag's infernal power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Nightwalker!
As the wound lands, it only seems to inspire Zodslag!
As a winged morosa demon closes in, Zodslag savages its face with his teeth!
Zodslag's savage feeding MASSACRES a winged morosa demon!
A winged morosa demon falls flat on its face.
A winged morosa demon's bash misses Zodslag.
Zodslag kicks a winged morosa demon while it's down!
Zodslag's vicious attack mauls a winged morosa demon.
An earth elemental's crush MASSACRES Zodslag!
Zodslag's infernal power EVISCERATES you!
Zodslag's divine power devastates you!
Zodslag's infernal power MUTILATES you!
Zodslag parries your slash.
Your amulet becomes hot to the touch.
Zodslag's ring flares with a bright red light!
Your blast of flame scratches Zodslag.
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<945hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
Zodslag lunges for a net woven from thorned vines!
Zodslag tries to grapple a net woven from thorned vines from you with his teeth, but he fails
Zodslag's grappling MUTILATES him!
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<945hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
You tell your familiar to 'murder Zodslag'.
Zodslag yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a grinning black imp!'
A grinning black imp's bite misses Zodslag.
Zodslag is gushing blood.

<945hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
A winged morosa demon tosses its head and gores Zodslag with both of its horns!
A winged morosa demon's goring MASSACRES Zodslag!
As his terrible wound opens, Zodslag's eyes widen into an unflinching gaze!
An earth elemental brings down its foot with a tremendous stomp!
An earth elemental makes the earth tremble and shiver.
An earth elemental's earthquake MASSACRES Zodslag!
Zodslag's infernal power *** DEVASTATES *** an earth elemental!
As the wound lands, it only seems to inspire Zodslag!
Zodslag has fled!
Zodslag leaves.

<945hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.

<945hp 668m 966mv [6 AM]>
swing Zodslag
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: south west]
     A bloody skin made from a corpse lies here.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
Lightning flashes in the sky.
You feel yourself expand back to your normal size.
Lethargy flees your limbs as the wasting disease begins to subside.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is no hope for you, Zodslag! Embrace your death!'

<945hp 696m 963mv [7 AM]>
A winged morosa demon yells 'The Prime will fall before the Shadow, Zodslag, and it begins with

<945hp 696m 963mv [7 AM]>
They aren't here.

<945hp 696m 963mv [7 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north west]
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<945hp 696m 960mv [7 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Spittle and foam drip from Zodslag's deformed visage.
A horned demon sits here grinning, its wings arched above its head.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is no hope for you, Zodslag! Embrace your death!'

<945hp 696m 957mv [7 AM]>
A winged morosa demon yells 'Your soul is damned for all eternity, Zodslag!'
A winged morosa demon's slice misses Zodslag.

<945hp 696m 957mv [7 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: east south]
Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
A hulking tower of ore and earth squats here on three great legs.
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<945hp 696m 954mv [7 AM]>
Exposed to the light of the sun, a shadowed Druk'Trar disperses into a cloud of shadowy mist.
A winged morosa demon has arrived.

<945hp 696m 954mv [7 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Spittle and foam drip from Zodslag's deformed visage.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<945hp 696m 951mv [7 AM]>
swing Zodslag
Gripping a net woven from thorned vines, you strike a glancing blow against Zodslag.
You fade into existence.
Your swing wounds Zodslag.
Zodslag has fled!
Zodslag leaves.
Zodslag yells 'Help! Miraja is trying to entangle me!'

<945hp 696m 951mv [7 AM]>
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
An earth elemental has arrived.

<945hp 696m 951mv [7 AM]>
c 'magic missile' Zodslag
Zodslag has arrived.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is no hope for you, Zodslag! Embrace your death!'

<945hp 696m 951mv [7 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north west]
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<945hp 696m 948mv [7 AM]>
They aren't here.
A winged morosa demon yells 'Your death was foretold, Zodslag! Embrace your destiny!'

<945hp 696m 948mv [7 AM]>
Zodslag has arrived.

<945hp 696m 948mv [7 AM]>
The Nightwalker has arrived.
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
An earth elemental has arrived.

<945hp 696m 948mv [7 AM]>
A winged morosa demon yells 'You will die, Zodslag, and your blood will strengthen my connection to
this plane!'

<945hp 696m 948mv [7 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north east]
A grinning black imp has arrived.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is nowhere to run, Zodslag! Your suffering is assured!'

<945hp 696m 945mv [7 AM]>
c 'magic missile' Zodslag
They aren't here.

<945hp 696m 945mv [7 AM]>
Zodslag has arrived.

<945hp 696m 945mv [7 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north west]
A hulking tower of ore and earth squats here on three great legs.
A horned demon sits here grinning, its wings arched above its head.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
fam murder Zodslag
You tell your familiar to 'murder Zodslag'.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
fam murder Zodslag
You tell your familiar to 'murder Zodslag'.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
Zodslag has arrived.
A winged morosa demon yells 'The more you fight the darkness, Zodslag, the worse your torment!'
The Nightwalker yells 'There is no hope for you, Zodslag! Embrace your death!'

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
fam murder Zodslag
You tell your familiar to 'murder Zodslag'.
Zodslag yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a grinning black imp!'

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
A grinning black imp bites Zodslag!
Zodslag turns slightly green, but it passes.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
Zodslag has fled!
Zodslag leaves north.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
swing Zodslag
They aren't here.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
fam murder Zodslag
You tell your familiar to 'murder Zodslag' when it can.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
fam murder Zodslag
You tell your familiar to 'murder Zodslag' when it can.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
fam murder Zodslag
You tell your familiar to 'murder Zodslag' when it can.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
fam n
You tell your familiar to 'north' when it can.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
fam murder Zodslag
You tell your familiar to 'murder Zodslag' when it can.

<945hp 696m 942mv [7 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: south west]
     A bloody skin made from a corpse lies here.
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<945hp 696m 939mv [7 AM]>
murder Zodslag
Your familiar remembers to 'murder Zodslag'.
They aren't here.

<945hp 696m 939mv [7 AM]>
Your familiar remembers to 'murder Zodslag'.

<945hp 696m 939mv [7 AM]>
Your familiar remembers to 'murder Zodslag'.

<945hp 696m 939mv [7 AM]>
Your familiar remembers to 'north'.
People near you:
(PK) Zodslag                      A Massive Arena
  Panmorne                     A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Sransidi                     A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Maerwen                      A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
  Sassamutema                  A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
  Oraru                        A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Miraja                       A Massive Arena
(PK) Zigglebert                   A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Gwendelya                    A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Bluzgron                     A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
  Larkiio                      A Lavishly Furnished Balcony

<945hp 696m 939mv [7 AM]>
Your familiar remembers to 'murder Zodslag'.

<945hp 696m 939mv [7 AM]>
The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
A winged morosa demon checks the ground for tracks.
A winged morosa demon leaves west.

<966hp 713m 966mv [8 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: east south]
A horned demon sits here grinning, its wings arched above its head.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(Translucent) Spittle and foam drip from Zodslag's deformed visage.
A grinning black imp has arrived.
An earth elemental has arrived.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is nowhere to run, Zodslag! Your suffering is assured!'

<966hp 713m 963mv [8 AM]>
A winged morosa demon yells 'Your soul is damned for all eternity, Zodslag!'
A winged morosa demon's slice MASSACRES Zodslag!
As the wound lands, it only seems to inspire Zodslag!
Zodslag has fled!
Zodslag leaves.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is nowhere to run, Zodslag! Your suffering is assured!'

<966hp 713m 963mv [8 AM]>
People near you:
(PK) Zodslag                      A Massive Arena
  Panmorne                     A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Sransidi                     A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Maerwen                      A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
  Sassamutema                  A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
  Oraru                        A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Miraja                       A Massive Arena
(PK) Zigglebert                   A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Gwendelya                    A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
(PK) Bluzgron                     A Lavishly Furnished Balcony
  Larkiio                      A Lavishly Furnished Balcony

<966hp 713m 963mv [8 AM]>
scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<966hp 713m 963mv [8 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north east]
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<966hp 713m 960mv [8 AM]>
The Nightwalker has arrived.
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
An earth elemental has arrived.

<966hp 713m 960mv [8 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) Spittle and foam drip from Zodslag's deformed visage.
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<966hp 713m 957mv [8 AM]>
c 'magic missile' Zodslag
Zodslag scans west.

<966hp 713m 957mv [8 AM]>
Zodslag yells 'Die, Miraja, you sorcerous dog!'
You wave your arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana for Zodslag.
Your magic missile wounds Zodslag.
Your magic missile wounds Zodslag.
Zodslag has fled!
Zodslag leaves.
Your magic missile DISMEMBERS Zodslag!
Zodslag has arrived.
Zodslag EVISCERATES you!
You parry Zodslag's infernal power.
Zodslag MUTILATES you!
Zodslag is convulsing on the ground.

<880hp 698m 957mv [8 AM]>
Zodslag's infernal power EVISCERATES you!
Zodslag's divine power maims you!
You parry Zodslag's infernal power.
Zodslag dodges your slash wildly.
Zodslag is convulsing on the ground.

<801hp 698m 957mv [8 AM]>
swing Zodslag
Zodslag has fled!
Zodslag leaves.

<801hp 698m 957mv [8 AM]>
They aren't here.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
An earth elemental has arrived.

<801hp 698m 957mv [8 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: north east]
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<801hp 698m 954mv [8 AM]>
c 'magic missile' Zodslag
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: east south]
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<801hp 698m 951mv [8 AM]>
They aren't here.

<801hp 698m 951mv [8 AM]>
A Massive Arena 
[Exits: south west]
     A bloody skin made from a corpse lies here.
(Translucent) Spittle and foam drip from Zodslag's deformed visage.
A grinning black imp has arrived.

<801hp 698m 948mv [8 AM]>
c 'magic missile' Zodslag
Zodslag yells 'Die, Miraja, you sorcerous dog!'
You wave your arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana for Zodslag.
Your magic missile wounds Zodslag.
Zodslag has fled!
Zodslag leaves south.
Your magic missile DISMEMBERS Zodslag!
Your magic missile DISMEMBERS Zodslag!

<801hp 683m 948mv [8 AM]>
The Nightwalker has arrived.
A winged morosa demon has arrived.
An earth elemental has arrived.

*** And I won
Subject Author Views Posted

Miraja wins the arena competition - fight 3

torak 341 July 03, 2021 07:22AM

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