And, just to explain further. A character kept taunting me whenever I wasn't in form. I can't ignore the char anymore. I'm not sure what logically my RP is supposed to be.

July 16, 2021 04:08PM
Just take it when I'm playing a char whose RP was built around fighting against authority?
Subject Author Views Posted

When I should have just deleted and walked away.

Sam 1289 July 16, 2021 03:16PM

I'd say word-for-word quoting of global echoes is probably a bit ooc unless you RP as having past lives or some past-clairvoyance but paraphrase shouldn't be, if it was something that would have entered history. n/t (n/t)

untermensch 254 July 17, 2021 08:50PM

I disagree

zheesus 304 August 05, 2021 02:54PM


jhyrbian 537 July 16, 2021 03:43PM

Also, I was sphere passion. But fuck it, Sam's an idiot drama queen. Not RPing. After playing a quiet assassin for nearly 300 hrs with my last char. NT

Sam 298 July 16, 2021 04:10PM

we don't actually have spheres in real life bruh. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 369 July 16, 2021 05:37PM

And, just to explain further. A character kept taunting me whenever I wasn't in form. I can't ignore the char anymore. I'm not sure what logically my RP is supposed to be.

Sam 363 July 16, 2021 04:08PM


The Forsaken(VIP) 458 July 16, 2021 05:31PM

Well it's frustrating whenever I log on to deal with "adversity" and then have an IMM assume I'm doing something I'm not.

Sam 365 July 17, 2021 04:41AM

Must be everyone else's fault and not how you conduct yourself

MiyagiYojimbo 377 July 17, 2021 08:47AM

or don't burn it all down, just go out and get some sun

jhyrbian 352 July 17, 2021 04:59AM

And glad you think denying my level 51 220 hr shapeshifter for the grave crime of having 2 lowbie mino's is cool. NT

Sam 320 July 16, 2021 04:03PM

Re: And glad you think denying my level 51 220 hr shapeshifter for the grave crime of having 2 lowbie mino's is cool. NT

jhyrbian 390 July 16, 2021 04:12PM

I'm sorry if I want to talk about stuff that happens to me after a pandemic in which I barely had human contact other than work. It's cool. Thanks for being you. NT

Sam 276 July 16, 2021 05:03PM

I called the character dumber than Shupples because they called me a fort lackey after I got booted from the cabal. The player is not Shupples. NT

Sam 306 July 16, 2021 04:02PM

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