polesporc fight grintella some more

September 03, 2022 02:47AM
wilderness  <1043hp 345m 1051mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         The Beaten Path
  Vimalg                       The Rim of the Canyon
  Shuzlarg                     The Beaten Path
(PK) Grintella                    A Mountain Grove
  Belmingorath                 The Rim of the Canyon

wilderness  <1043hp 345m 1051mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella has arrived.

wilderness  <1043hp 345m 1051mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         The Beaten Path
  Vimalg                       The Rim of the Canyon
  Shuzlarg                     The Beaten Path
(PK) Grintella                    The Beaten Path
  Belmingorath                 The Rim of the Canyon

wilderness  <1043hp 345m 1051mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
You yell 'Help! Grintella hurled a dagger at me!'
Grintella hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the CHEST!
Grintella's hurled dagger MUTILATES you!
Grintella is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1004hp 345m 1051mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> ber
You explode into a berserker's rage!
Grintella is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1118hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella dodges your piercing electricity.
Grintella dodges your piercing electricity.
Nhergul the Mad screams and attacks Grintella!
Your lance crackles with lightning as you strike a mighty blow!
Your electrified lance MASSACRES Grintella!
Grintella's searing cut RAZES you!
Grintella's searing cut RAZES you!
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <968hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella thrusts her dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Grintella's deep gash CHARS you!
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <909hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella parries your piercing electricity.
Grintella dodges your piercing electricity.
Grintella's searing cut misses you.
Grintella's searing cut CHARS you!
You parry Grintella's surge of water.
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <847hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> spine
As you draw near, Grintella sneaks in a concealed attack!
Grintella's searing cut CHARS you!
You attempt to break Grintella's spine over your knee, but you fail!
Your spinebreaker misses Grintella.
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <782hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella stops using a smoldering dagger named 'Dragon's Tooth'.
Grintella wields a black adamantite morningstar.
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <782hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella stops using a kris of enchanted water.
Grintella dual wields a mace of fire.
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <782hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella swings a black adamantite morningstar powerfully but fails to connect.
Grintella's bone-shattering blow misses you.
Grintella parries your piercing electricity.
Grintella parries your piercing electricity.
You keep Grintella at bay with your polearm.
You keep Grintella at bay with your polearm.
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <782hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
The thrill of battle spurs you to ignore the blood you've shed thus far!
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <795hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Nhergul the Mad's kicked dirt misses Grintella.
Grintella dodges your piercing electricity.
Grintella barely manages to avoid your piercing electricity.
Grintella parries your piercing electricity.
Grintella parries your piercing electricity.
Grintella's blast MASSACRES you!
You keep Grintella at bay with your polearm.
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <723hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> flee

Grintella parries your piercing electricity.
Grintella knocks your piercing electricity harmlessly to the side.
Grintella's blast MASSACRES you!
You keep Grintella at bay with your polearm.
Grintella's molten smash TORCHES you!
You parry Grintella's blast.
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <554hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella swings a black adamantite morningstar powerfully but fails to connect.
Grintella's bone-shattering blow misses you.
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <554hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <554hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> 
Grintella parries your piercing electricity.
Grintella parries your piercing electricity.
You keep Grintella at bay with your polearm.
Grintella's molten smash RAZES you!
Grintella's molten smash RAZES you!
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <398hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> fle
Grintella gets in one more shot as you flee.
Grintella's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Grintella has a few scratches.

wilderness  <335hp 315m 1001mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 7 AM> flee
Grintella gets in one more shot as you flee.
Grintella's parting blow MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A Mountain Grove
  A small grove of old trees surrounds the path here.  The gnarled wood seems
like it is grimacing in the cold windy air, and the branches are devoid of
any leaves.  The trees look as though they may be dying.
[Exits: east up]
You flee from combat!
Sensing your distraction, Nhergul the Mad makes a run for it!
Nhergul the Mad stops following you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!

wilderness  <244hp 319m 1012mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 8 AM> quaff 'blue potion'
You drink a shimmering blue potion (teleportation).
You feel better!
You fade out of existence.

*** later

civilized <1043hp 294m 1189mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road
  Quistley                     On a Bridge Over the Khalid River

civilized <1043hp 294m 1189mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> s
You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through the DOOR.
An Open Clearing in the Slaughtering Grounds
  The grounds here are caked with blood and unrecognizable gore.  Skeletal
remains of defeated foes and enslaved servants remain fettered along the
grounds and walls here.  Multiple cracks line the walls, though judging
by the exceptional masonry, dwarves likely built much of this stronghold.
The smell of burning flesh and rotted and diseased corpses is almost
overwhelming.  Many of the tortures and executions must have occurred in
this area of the ruins.  Dark shrubbery and bloodied brush is to the north
of these grounds, apparently going into the woods where nothing seems to
[Exits: south]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

wilderness  <1043hp 294m 1188mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> s
An Opening in the Slaughtering Grounds
  The grounds here are caked with blood and unrecognizable gore.  Skeletal
remains of defeated foes and enslaved servants remain fettered along the
grounds and walls here.  Multiple cracks line the walls, though judging
by the exceptional masonry, dwarves likely built much of this stronghold.
The smell of burning flesh and rotted and diseased corpses is almost
overwhelming.  Much of the torture and executions must have occurred in
this area of the ruins.
[Exits: north south]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

wilderness  <1043hp 294m 1185mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wield spear
The Beginning of the Slaughtering Grounds
  Here begins what appears to be a mass grave.  The dead and diseased seem
to have been piled further north of here, in an opening as wide as a small
clearing.  The foul smell that comes from the north is rancid and steals
away any of your remaining senses.  Nothing save the feasting rats and 
dripping of moist sewage can be heard.  You can continue north, or return
to the street to your south.
[Exits: north south]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1181mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
You stop using a morbidly bannered lance.
You wield the Spear of the Sahuagin.
The Spear of the Sahuagin feels like a part of you!

civilized <1043hp 294m 1181mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         The Beginning of the Slaughtering Grounds

civilized <1043hp 294m 1181mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> get backbone trunk
eat backbone
get rainbow trunk
drink rainbow
eat grass
You get some devil's backbone from a makeshift wooden trunk.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1181mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> You finish eating some devil's backbone.
You still feel slightly hungry.
Your skin turns to stone.
You feel struck down.
Your damnation saps the ability of Zorp to resist spells.
You feel momentarily ill, but it passes.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1181mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> You get a rainbow colored vial with deep black liquid inside from a makeshift wooden trunk.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1181mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> You drink a rainbow colored vial with deep black liquid inside.
Your feet rise off the ground.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1181mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> n
You finish eating some red grass (resist heat).
You still feel slightly hungry.
You become resistant to heat.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1181mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> An Opening in the Slaughtering Grounds
  The grounds here are caked with blood and unrecognizable gore.  Skeletal
remains of defeated foes and enslaved servants remain fettered along the
grounds and walls here.  Multiple cracks line the walls, though judging
by the exceptional masonry, dwarves likely built much of this stronghold.
The smell of burning flesh and rotted and diseased corpses is almost
overwhelming.  Much of the torture and executions must have occurred in
this area of the ruins.
[Exits: north south]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

wilderness  <1043hp 294m 1180mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> n
An Open Clearing in the Slaughtering Grounds
  The grounds here are caked with blood and unrecognizable gore.  Skeletal
remains of defeated foes and enslaved servants remain fettered along the
grounds and walls here.  Multiple cracks line the walls, though judging
by the exceptional masonry, dwarves likely built much of this stronghold.
The smell of burning flesh and rotted and diseased corpses is almost
overwhelming.  Many of the tortures and executions must have occurred in
this area of the ruins.  Dark shrubbery and bloodied brush is to the north
of these grounds, apparently going into the woods where nothing seems to
[Exits: south]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

wilderness  <1043hp 294m 1177mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         An Open Clearing in the Slaughtering Grounds

wilderness  <1043hp 294m 1177mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through a hole in the brush.
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Neat rows of green, leafy
vegetables fill a small, cultivated field to the north.  Beyond this
pasture, cultivated fields and small farms spread out to the limit of the
horizon in all directions.  Stretching off to the south of the road as
far as the eye can see is a sparse forest of twisted and stunted trees.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1173mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <1043hp 294m 1173mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  An empty field of freshly
turned earth lies to the north beyond a low stone fence, bordered to the
east and west by a thin screen of tall trees.  Beyond this field,
cultivated pastures and small farms spread out to the limit of the
horizon in all directions.  Stretching off to the south of the road as
far as the eye can see is a sparse forest of twisted and stunted trees.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1172mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
Approaching a Large Crossroads
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here, approaching a large
crossroads to the east.  Another road, perpendicular to this one, is
visible running through the fields of golden grain that cover the gently
rolling hills to the north.  Stretching off to the south of the road as
far as the eye can see is a sparse forest of twisted and stunted trees.
A few wagons and carts are visible in a dusty clearing just off the road
to the south.
[Exits: east south west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1171mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Approaching a Large Crossroads
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <1043hp 294m 1171mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> A Large Crossroads
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, the Eastern Road
intersects two decidedly different roads here.  To the north is a shady
lane that slopes slightly upwards as it transforms itself into Bramblefield
Road.  Constructed of a multitude of flat stones, the wide road to the
south runs through a sparse forest of twisted and stunted trees.  Both
the western and eastern segments run straight as a bow shot towards the
horizon, dividing the dwarf forest to the south from the cultivated fields
and pastures to the north.  A few wagons and carts are visible in a dusty
clearing just off the road to the southwest.
[Exits: north east south west]
     A sign points north towards Voralian City and south to the Dwarven Forest.
     Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1170mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Approaching a Large Crossroads
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here, approaching a large
crossroads to the west.  Another road, perpendicular to this one, is
visible running through the fields of golden grain that cover the gently
rolling hills to the north.  Stretching off to the south of the road as
far as the eye can see is a sparse forest of twisted and stunted trees.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1169mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Approaching a Large Crossroads
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <1043hp 294m 1169mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  A field filled with rich,
golden grain grows to the north of the road, blending into a multitude of
other similar cultivated fields and pastures that spread out beyond it to
the limit of the horizon.  The land to the south is covered with a sparse
forest of twisted and stunted trees, while to the east, barely visible in
the distance, is a low line of darkness that brushes the horizon.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1168mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  A field filled with rich,
golden grain grows to the north of the road, blending into a multitude of
other similar cultivated fields and pastures that spread out beyond it to
the limit of the horizon.  The land to the south is covered with a sparse
forest of twisted and stunted trees, while to the east, barely visible in
the distance, is a low line of darkness that brushes the horizon.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1167mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  A field filled with rich,
golden grain grows to the north of the road, blending into a multitude of
other similar cultivated fields and pastures that spread out beyond it to
the limit of the horizon.  Visible to the northeast are the spires and
pennants of a large castle, built near the edge of a large, dense forest
that forms a dark line on the horizon to the east.  The land to the south
is covered with a forest of twisted and stunted trees.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1166mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <1043hp 294m 1166mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  A field filled with rich,
golden grain grows to the north of the road, blending into a multitude of
other similar cultivated fields and pastures that spread out beyond it to
the limit of the horizon.  Visible beyond the closest fields to the north
are the spires and pennants of a large castle, built near the edge of a
dense forest that darkens the land to the east.  The trees of this forest
mingle to the south with the twisted and stunted trees of a vast dwarf
forest that stretches to the southwest as far as the eye can see.
[Exits: east west]
( 3) A bloody skin made from a corpse lies here.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1165mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Hardwood trees grow
sparsely to both sides of the road, as the thick forest to the east
merges with the more open dwarf forest and cultivated fields that stretch
off to the west.  Visible above the trees to the northwest are the spires
and towers of a large castle, pennants and banners snapping smartly in
the breeze.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1164mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Hardwood trees grow 
thickly to either side of the road, beyond a wide stretch of low growth
and brush that keeps the forest at a respectable distance.  The forest
lightens to the west, an open area visible through the trees as their
growth begins to thin.  Above the trees to the northwest, the spires and
towers of a large castle are visible, pennants and banners snapping
smartly in the breeze.  A well-traveled forest trail is marked by a wide
gap between the trees to the north.
[Exits: north east west]
     A sign points north towards Aldevari.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1163mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Hardwood trees grow
thickly to either side of the road, beyond a wide stretch of low growth
and brush that keeps the forest at a respectable distance.  The spaces
between the trunks on the north side of the road are filled with a low
tangle of flowering brambles, while the forest to the south is more open.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1162mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <1043hp 294m 1162mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Hardwood trees grow
thickly to either side of the road, beyond a wide stretch of low growth
and brush that keeps the forest at a respectable distance.  Despite the
wide gap between road and forest, a large oak has managed to thrive close
against the southern edge of the road, its massive roots causing the
stone slabs of the road to rise and buckle in places.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1161mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Hardwood trees grow
thickly to either side of the road, beyond a wide stretch of low growth
and brush that keeps the forest at a respectable distance.  Some force
has uprooted several of the trees to the south, and they now lean
drunkenly upon one another, their massive roots visible as they wait
for the final support to give way.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1160mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Hardwood trees grow to
either side of the road, beyond a wide stretch of low growth and brush
that keeps the forest at a respectable distance.  To the northeast, the
youthful trees that populate the outskirts of the forest start to give
way to those more ancient that live at its heart.  The crowns of these
ancient giants are visible through the thin foliage and branches
overhead, towering above the surrounding trees.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1159mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Ancient hardwood trees
grow to either side of the road, beyond a wide stretch of low growth and
brush that keeps the forest at a respectable distance.  A narrow trail
winds to the north through thick trunks and beneath wide branches,
heading towards the deep heart of this forest.  The crowns of six ancient
giants are visible through the thin foliage and branches overhead,
towering above the surrounding trees.
[Exits: north east west]
     A sign points north towards the Grove.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1158mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Hardwood trees grow to
either side of the road, beyond a wide stretch of low growth and brush
that keeps the forest at a respectable distance.  To the northwest, the
youthful trees that populate the outskirts of the forest start to give
way to those more ancient that live at its heart.  The crowns of these
ancient giants are visible through the thin foliage and branches
overhead, towering above the surrounding trees.
[Exits: east west]
An arial from the Galadon guard flits along the road searching for the lawless.
A cloud giant hovers here, scanning ahead for criminals.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1157mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <1043hp 294m 1157mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Hardwood trees grow
thickly to either side of the road, beyond a wide stretch of low growth
and brush that keeps the forest at a respectable distance.  The forest
lightens to the east, an open area visible through the trees as their
growth begins to thin.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1156mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road bends to the south and west here.  Hardwood trees grow
sparsely to both sides of the road, the outer growth of a thick forest
that spreads out to the north and west.  An enormous, ancient maple tree
towers to the east, dominating its fellows and forcing the road to bend
sharply around it.  Rocky open land is visible through the trees to the
east, filled with little growth save scrub and isolated copses of trees
[Exits: south west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> s
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road bends to the north and east here.  Hardwood trees grow
sparsely to both sides of the road, the outer growth of a thick forest
that spreads out to the north and west.  A small trail cuts through the
sparse trees to the south.  An enormous, ancient maple tree towers to the
northeast, dominating its fellows and forcing the road to bend sharply
around it.  Rocky open land is visible through the trees to the east,
filled with little growth save scrub and isolated copses of trees.
[Exits: north east south]
     A sign points south towards the Drogran Hills.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1154mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  An enormous, ancient maple
tree towers to the north, dominating the smaller trees that form the
outskirts of a thick forest that spreads out to the north and west.
Rocky, arid ground stretches out in all other directions to the limit of
the horizon, the only growth small clumps of scrub and isolated copses of
bent and twisted trees.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1153mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <1043hp 294m 1153mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  To the north and west,
the outskirts of a large, dense forest forms a dark line on the horizon.
Rocky, arid ground stretches out in all directions to the limit of
vision, the only growth small clumps of scrub and isolated copses of
bent and twisted trees.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1152mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The land to the south and
east is rocky and arid, the only growth small clumps of scrub and
isolated copses of bent and twisted trees.  To the west, barely visible
in the distance, is a low line of darkness that brushes the horizon.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1151mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land slopes
gradually away from this point of high ground, spreading out to the east
and south in a broad panorama of faded brown, red, and yellow.  Barren and
arid, this forbidding land merges almost seamlessly into the swirling
Sands of Sorrow to the southeast.  The land to the west and north is
similar, but small clumps of scrub and isolated copses of bent and
twisted trees provide evidence of some moisture in the soil.  To the
south, a trail leading into the wild has been formed in the sandy soil.
[Exits: east south west]
     A sign points south towards the Drogran Hills.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1150mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land slopes 
gradually away to the east and south in a broad panorama of faded brown,
red and yellow.  Barren and arid, this forbidding land merges almost
seamlessly into the swirling Sands of Sorrow to the southeast.  To the
west and north the land slopes upward gradually through the last of the
trees, finally reaching the crest of this rise.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1149mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually
up to the northwest and down to the southeast, where it merges almost
seamlessly into the swirling Sands of Sorrow.  Large rocks jut from the
sandy soil, worn smooth by the wind and infrequent rain into strange
shapes.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the surrounding landscape,
growing in small clumps where moisture collects close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1148mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> wher
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road curves to the south and west here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually
up to the northwest and down to the southeast, where it merges almost
seamlessly into the swirling Sands of Sorrow.  Two huge rock formations
bracket the road, forcing it to curve from its otherwise unwavering
course.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the surrounding landscape,
growing in small clumps where moisture collects close to the surface.
[Exits: south west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1147mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> s
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <1043hp 294m 1147mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road curves to the north and east here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually
up to the northwest and down to the southeast, where it merges almost
seamlessly into the swirling Sands of Sorrow.  Two huge rock formations
bracket the road, forcing it to curve from its otherwise unwavering
course.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the surrounding landscape,
growing in small clumps where moisture collects close to the surface.
[Exits: north east]
Grintella the duergar is here.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1146mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually up
to the northwest, while to the southeast lie the endlessly swirling Sands
of Sorrow.  Large rocks jut from the sandy soil, worn smooth by the wind
and infrequent rain into strange shapes.  Tough plants with spiny leaves
dot the surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture
collects close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1145mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> w
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually up
to the northwest, while to the southeast lie the endlessly swirling Sands
of Sorrow.  Large rocks jut from the sandy soil, worn smooth by the wind
and infrequent rain into strange shapes.  A copse of tall palm trees and
short, tough-looking scrub plants grows just to the south of the road.
[Exits: east south west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1144mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> w
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually up
to the northwest, while to the southeast lie the endlessly swirling Sands
of Sorrow.  Large rocks jut from the sandy soil, worn smooth by the wind
and infrequent rain into strange shapes.  Tough plants with spiny leaves
dot the surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture
collects close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1143mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> bash grint
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road curves to the north and east here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually
up to the northwest and down to the southeast, where it merges almost
seamlessly into the swirling Sands of Sorrow.  Two huge rock formations
bracket the road, forcing it to curve from its otherwise unwavering
course.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the surrounding landscape,
growing in small clumps where moisture collects close to the surface.
[Exits: north east]
Grintella the duergar is here.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1142mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> Closing in, you savage Grintella's face with your teeth!
You feel a spiked mask rip the flesh of Grintella.
Your savage feeding *** DEMOLISHES *** Grintella!
You slam into Grintella, and send her flying!
Your bash injures Grintella.
You fail to bring the Spear of the Sahuagin around in time to pin Grintella down.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Grintella while she's down.
Grintella yells 'Help! Zorp is bashing me!'
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1142mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> 
Grintella avoids your pierce at the last moment.
A frost giant sentry screams and attacks Grintella!
You parry Grintella's slice.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1043hp 294m 1142mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> 
Grintella stops your pierce just before it reaches her.
Grintella dodges your pierce.
Grintella parries your pierce.
Grintella parries your pierce.
Grintella's slice MASSACRES you!
Grintella's surge of water bounces harmlessly off of your stony hide.
Grintella's slice EVISCERATES you!
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <919hp 294m 1142mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 2 AM> bas
Grintella hops to one side, getting out of the way of your bash.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <969hp 300m 1206mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> 
Grintella dodges your pierce.
Grintella dodges your pierce and closes in for a concealed attack!
Grintella's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's slice.
You parry Grintella's slice.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <904hp 300m 1206mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> 
A frost giant sentry spins the shaft of a large bearded axe, hitting Grintella with its points.
A frost giant sentry's whirling axe maims Grintella!
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <904hp 300m 1206mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> 
Grintella has fled!
Grintella leaves east.

civilized <904hp 300m 1206mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually up
to the northwest, while to the southeast lie the endlessly swirling Sands
of Sorrow.  Large rocks jut from the sandy soil, worn smooth by the wind
and infrequent rain into strange shapes.  Tough plants with spiny leaves
dot the surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture
collects close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <904hp 300m 1205mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, slopes gradually up
to the northwest, while to the southeast lie the endlessly swirling Sands
of Sorrow.  Large rocks jut from the sandy soil, worn smooth by the wind
and infrequent rain into strange shapes.  A copse of tall palm trees and
short, tough-looking scrub plants grows just to the south of the road.
[Exits: east south west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <904hp 300m 1204mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads out in all
directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling Sands of
Sorrow to the southeast.  Large rocks jut from the sandy soil, worn
smooth by the wind and infrequent rain into strange shapes.  Tough plants
with spiny leaves dot the surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps
where moisture collects close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <904hp 300m 1203mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <904hp 300m 1203mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road bends to the south and west here, avoiding a narrow but
deep rocky crevice that splits the earth just to the northeast.  The
rocky land, resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads
out in all directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling
Sands of Sorrow to the southeast.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the
surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture collects
close to the surface.
[Exits: south west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <904hp 300m 1202mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <904hp 300m 1202mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <904hp 300m 1202mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road bends to the north and east here, avoiding a narrow but
deep rocky crevice that splits the earth just to the northeast.  The
rocky land, resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads
out in all directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling
Sands of Sorrow to the southeast.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the
surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture collects
close to the surface.
[Exits: north east]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <904hp 300m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here alongside a narrow but deep
rocky crevice that splits the earth just to the north.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads out in all
directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling Sands of
Sorrow to the southeast.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the
surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture collects
close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
Grintella the duergar is here.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <904hp 300m 1200mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here alongside a narrow but deep
rocky crevice that splits the earth just to the north.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads out in all
directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling Sands of
Sorrow to the southeast.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the
surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture collects
close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <904hp 300m 1199mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> w
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here alongside a narrow but deep
rocky crevice that splits the earth just to the north.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads out in all
directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling Sands of
Sorrow to the southeast.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the
surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture collects
close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
Grintella the duergar is here.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <904hp 300m 1198mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> bash grint
Grintella evades your bash with surprising agility!
Grintella yells 'Help! Zorp just attacked me!'
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <904hp 300m 1198mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> 
Grintella parries your pierce.
Grintella dodges your pierce.
A frost giant sentry screams and attacks Grintella!
Grintella exploits the battle's chaos, avoiding a frost giant sentry adeptly.
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's slice.
Grintella's searing cut BROILS you!
Grintella's searing cut BROILS you!
You parry Grintella's slice.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <823hp 300m 1198mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> 
Grintella has fled!
Grintella leaves east.

civilized <823hp 300m 1198mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse

civilized <823hp 300m 1198mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> w
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road bends to the north and east here, avoiding a narrow but
deep rocky crevice that splits the earth just to the northeast.  The
rocky land, resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads
out in all directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling
Sands of Sorrow to the southeast.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the
surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture collects
close to the surface.
[Exits: north east]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <823hp 300m 1197mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> get 'skin bloody' trunk
drink 'skin bloody
drink 'skin bloody
drink 'skin bloody
drink 'skin bloody
drop 'skin bloody'
You get a bloody skin from a makeshift wooden trunk.

civilized <823hp 300m 1197mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> You drink elf blood from a bloody skin.
You are full.

civilized <898hp 300m 1197mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> wher
You drink elf blood from a bloody skin.
You are full.
You do not feel thirsty.

civilized <973hp 300m 1197mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> e
You drink elf blood from a bloody skin.
You are full.

civilized <1043hp 300m 1197mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> You drink elf blood from a bloody skin.
You are full.
You do not feel thirsty.
It is now empty.

civilized <1043hp 300m 1197mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> You drop a bloody skin.

civilized <1043hp 300m 1197mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse

civilized <1043hp 300m 1197mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here alongside a narrow but deep
rocky crevice that splits the earth just to the north.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads out in all
directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling Sands of
Sorrow to the southeast.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the
surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture collects
close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 300m 1196mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 3 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here alongside a narrow but deep
rocky crevice that splits the earth just to the north.  The rocky land,
resplendent in faded colors of brown, red, and yellow, spreads out in all
directions, blending seamlessly into the endlessly swirling Sands of
Sorrow to the southeast.  Tough plants with spiny leaves dot the
surrounding landscape, growing in small clumps where moisture collects
close to the surface.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 309m 1205mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  Just to the north of the
road, a narrow but deep rocky crevice forms in the cracked and rocky
ground, widening to the west as it parallels the road.  The barren land
rises steeply to the north, forming a wasteland of rocky cliffs and
defiles atop which crouches a dark and forbidding wood.  The endlessly
swirling Sands of Sorrow stretch southward to the limit of the horizon.
[Exits: east west]
Whistling softly, a young traveler walks swiftly towards his destination.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 309m 1204mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here through dry and barren land.
Rising steeply to the north, the ground folds and wrinkles into a
wasteland of rocky cliffs and defiles, atop which crouches a dark and
forbidding wood.  The endlessly swirling Sands of Sorrow stretch
southward to the limit of the horizon.
[Exits: east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 309m 1203mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grintella                    Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse

civilized <1043hp 309m 1203mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> e
Along the Eastern Road
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here through dry and barren land.
Rising steeply to the north, the ground folds and wrinkles into a
wasteland of rocky cliffs and defiles, atop which crouches a dark and
forbidding wood.  The endlessly swirling Sands of Sorrow stretch
southward to the limit of the horizon.  A large building made of desert-
colored stone lies just off the road to the north.
[Exits: north east west]
A frost giant sentry has arrived.

civilized <1043hp 309m 1202mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> n
bash grint
Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse
  Spacious and well designed, this large Alehouse is dominated by a gleaming
curved bar of polished maple that stretches along the eastern wall, and
around the corner to the north.  Behind the bar rise row upon row of thick
glass shelves, filled with a bewildering variety of ales, liquors, wines and
spirits.  Six tables of various sizes, each surrounded by four chairs and
covered with a snow-white cloth, are spaced neatly about the room.  A huge
banner hangs above the bar to the north.
[Exits: south]
Grintella the duergar is here.
An off-duty high guard sits here, relaxing with a mug of ale.
(White Aura) Sitting at a table, calmly sipping ale, is a golden-haired elf.
(Invis) A duergar in heavy armor sits sprawled at a table, one arm hung lazily over
the back of his chair.
Standing haughtily behind the curved bar is a tall, enormously fat half-elf.
A frost giant sentry has arrived.
You yell 'Help! Grintella hurled a dagger at me!'
Grintella hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the CHEST!
Grintella's hurled dagger wounds you.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1025hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> You are unable to find an opening to savage Grintella's face with your teeth!
You fall flat on your face!
Your bash misses Grintella.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1025hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> 
Grintella dodges your pierce.
Your pierce MASSACRES Grintella!
A frost giant sentry screams and attacks Grintella!
Grintella exploits the battle's chaos, avoiding a frost giant sentry adeptly.
Grintella's slice MASSACRES you!
You parry Grintella's searing cut.
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's slice.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <947hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> 
Grintella dodges your pierce and closes in for a concealed attack!
Grintella's slice DISMEMBERS you!
Grintella dodges your pierce.
Grintella exploits the battle's chaos, avoiding a frost giant sentry adeptly.
Grintella's slice MANGLES you!
Grintella's searing cut SEARS you!
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <752hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> 
Grintella thrusts her dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Blood gushes out of your severed artery!
Grintella's deep gash MASSACRES you!
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <678hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> 
Grintella dodges your pierce.
Grintella exploits the battle's chaos, avoiding a frost giant sentry adeptly.
Grintella's slice MASSACRES you!
You parry Grintella's searing cut.
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's searing cut.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <612hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> 
Grintella stops using a curved elvish dagger.
Grintella wields a black adamantite morningstar.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <612hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> 
Grintella stops using a smoldering dagger named 'Dragon's Tooth'.
Grintella dual wields a mace of fire.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <612hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> 
Grintella swings a black adamantite morningstar powerfully but fails to connect.
Grintella's bone-shattering blow misses you.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <612hp 309m 1201mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> ber
You explode into a berserker's rage!
In your berserking rage, you bound forward to destroy Lolienthus the Knight of the Cross!
You do the best you can!
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <733hp 279m 1151mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> 
Grintella parries your pierce.
Grintella dodges your pierce.
Grintella exploits the battle's chaos, avoiding a frost giant sentry adeptly.
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's blast.
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <733hp 279m 1151mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 4 AM> fallb
You fail to fall back to a safer position!
You parry Grintella's blast.
You learn from your mistakes, and your fallback ability improves 3% (84%). (100% learning bonus)
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding maims you!
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery EVISCERATES you!
Grintella has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <668hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> 
Your pierce MANGLES Grintella!
Grintella parries your pierce.
Your pierce MASSACRES Grintella!
Grintella dodges your pierce.
A frost giant sentry screams and attacks Grintella!
You parry Grintella's blast.
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's blast.
Grintella is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <668hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> bas

Grintella swings a black adamantite morningstar powerfully but fails to connect.
Grintella's bone-shattering blow misses you.
Grintella is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <668hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> You are unable to find an opening to savage Grintella's face with your teeth!
Rushing towards Grintella, you run into her and send her flying!
Your bash scratches Grintella.
You fail to bring the Spear of the Sahuagin around in time to pin Grintella down.
Seizing upon a moment of weakness, you kick Grintella while she's down!
Your vicious attack mauls Grintella.
Grintella is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <668hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> 
Your pierce DISMEMBERS Grintella!
Your pierce MANGLES Grintella!
Grintella dodges your pierce.
Your pierce MASSACRES Grintella!
Grintella's blast DISMEMBERS you!
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's molten smash.
You parry Grintella's blast.
Grintella's blast DISMEMBERS you!
Grintella is gushing blood.

civilized <549hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> 
Leading with his shoulder, a frost giant sentry slams into Grintella and sends her flying.
A frost giant sentry's bash hits Grintella.
Seizing your chance, you stick Grintella with the Spear of the Sahuagin as she hits the ground!
Your pinning blow MANGLES Grintella!
A frost giant sentry's cleave maims Grintella!
Grintella dodges your pierce.
Grintella dodges your pierce.
You parry Grintella's blast.
You parry Grintella's molten smash.
Your defensive spin deflects Grintella's blast.
You parry Grintella's molten smash.
Grintella's molten smash BROILS you!
Grintella is writhing in agony.

civilized <509hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> whomp
You smash Grintella with the Spear of the Sahuagin as hard as you can!
Your wild swing === OBLITERATES === Grintella!
Grintella is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <509hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> 
A frost giant sentry's cleave MUTILATES Grintella!
Grintella is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
A frost giant sentry's cleave DISMEMBERS Grintella!
Grintella is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Grintella.
A clump of Grintella's hair is ripped from her head.

civilized <509hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Zorp                         Inside the Bloated Whale Alehouse
  Grintella                    Along the Eastern Road

civilized <509hp 282m 1155mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 5 AM> l corpse

Your surge of rage subsides... for now.
You feel less resistant to heat.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding maims you!
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery EVISCERATES you!

civilized <450hp 286m 1158mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 6 AM> The corpse of Grintella is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Grintella contains:
     (Glowing) the Amulet of Clarity
     some strangely white moss
     (Glowing) an oval sapphire pendant with a silver chain
     an oil of sight (cure blind)
     the girdle of endless space
     a shield from the hide of a snow worm
     a pair of titanium gauntlets (Damaged)
( 2) a thick strip of red leather
     some spiked sleeves
     some spiked body armor
     a helmet with a long spike (Damaged)
     a skin from the snow leopard
     a waistband of woven spider silk
     a pair of boots woven from spider silk
     a pair of jagged leggings
     (Glowing) a smoldering dagger named 'Dragon's Tooth'
     a curved elvish dagger
     (Glowing) a kris of enchanted water
     an elven kayak
     a white gold band set with a fire opal
     (Humming) a granite ring
( 2) a black, hooded silk cloak
     a full mask of clear glass
( 2) a potion of teleportation (teleportation)
     a long elvish mace
     (Glowing) a mace of fire
     a ball of fire
     (Glowing) a black adamantite morningstar
     16 gold coins
     143 silver coins
     217 copper coins

civilized <450hp 286m 1158mv 17009tnl (1.57%) 6 AM> get all.coins corpse
You get 16 gold coins from the corpse of Grintella.
No one is around to take coins from you!
You get 143 silver coins from the corpse of Grintella.
No one is around to take coins from you!
You get 217 copper coins from the corpse of Grintella.
No one is around to take coins from you!
Subject Author Views Posted

polesporc fight grintella some more

LogFiend 482 September 03, 2022 02:47AM

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