Lowbie Orc vs H-Drow Invoker

December 09, 2022 07:47AM
The Dock 

[Exits: north east south west]

{100hp 100mp 61mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 9 AM 19:09 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      The Dock

{100hp 100mp 61mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 9 AM 19:09 7582tnl}
You go to sleep.

{100hp 100mp 61mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 9 AM 19:09 7582tnl}
{100hp 100mp 73mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 10 AM 19:09 7582tnl}
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -6 for 24 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 3 for 24 hours.
Commune: 'protection from good' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'exsanguinate' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 1 hours.

{100hp 100mp 73mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 10 AM 19:09 7582tnl}
{100hp 100mp 85mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 11 AM 19:09 7582tnl}
{100hp 100mp 85mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 11 AM 19:10 7582tnl}
In your dreams, or what?

{100hp 100mp 85mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 11 AM 19:10 7582tnl}
[22 Duerg Sha] (PK) Gvazgos the Order of the Gray Robe, Divine Voice
[48 D-Elf War] Viqu the Student of the Macalla
[29 H-Drw Inv] (PK) Bridra the Greater Invoker
[51 Human Shf] Khemby the Grand Master of Changelings, Provost Magistrate
[25  Orc  Ber] (PK) Throtgran the Throat Cutter
[30 Felar Asn] Gaeticus the Ogoshi
[50  Orc  Ber] Regurgota the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Champion of the Mammoth
[51  Elf  Pal] Olelladaria the Champion of the Virtues
[32 Cloud War] [TRIBUNAL] Aetan the Master of Defense, Magistrate of Hamsah Mu'tazz
[51 Srian Inv] Corirander the Weaver of the Elements, Priest of Lust
[40  Elf  Pal] Theoduin Tahl'miltheryn the Paragon of Fortitude
[51 Storm Pal] Reginold the Champion of the Virtues
*25  Orc  Ber* (PK) Dhurlur the Throat Cutter

Players found: 13

{100hp 100mp 85mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 11 AM 19:10 7582tnl}
{100hp 100mp 85mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 11 AM 19:10 7582tnl}
Your eyes no longer pierce the shroud of invisibility.

{100hp 100mp 98mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
{100hp 100mp 98mv sleeping outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
You wake and stand up.

{100hp 100mp 98mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      The Dock

{100hp 100mp 98mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
g 'black root' girdle
You get a small black root from the girdle of endless space.

{100hp 100mp 98mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Dhurlur the Throat Cutter
Level    : 25           Sex      : male         Race     : orc         
Ethos    : Chaotic      Align    : Evil         Class    : berserker   
Practices: 27           Trains   : 3            Hometown : Grinning Skull Village
Exp      : 130018       To Level : 7582         Sphere   : Rage
Age      : young, 19 years old (27 hours)
Hit Point: 100%         Mana     : 100%         Move     : 98 %
Str      : 22(23+3)     Int      : 15(15)       Wis      : 15(15)  
Dex      : 17(12)       Con      : 24(24)       Chr      : 10(13)  
Carry #  :  30/33       Weight   : 407 lb 5 oz (Max 462 lbs)   88% of max
Gold     : 25           Silver   : 748          Copper   : 487         
Wimpy    : 44%          Morale   : Secure       Position : Standing
Hitroll  : 19           Damroll  : 39          
AC pierce : -38   Very well armored     AC bash   : -18   Well armored          
AC slash  : -40   Very well armored     AC magic  : 29    Somewhat armored      
AC element: -18   Well armored          
vs Spell    : -13  Somewhat protected  vs Paralysis: -6   Barely protected    
vs Breath   : 0    Not protected       vs Mental   : 2    Not protected       
Summon     : You can only be summoned by players within PK range.
Corpseguard: You attempt to guard corpses from lower level looters.
Rescue     : You allow others to rescue you.
Give       : You allow things to be given to you.
Trust      : You trust your group and your cabal with questionable spells/supplications.
Follow     : You do not welcome followers.
You are not thirsty.
You are not hungry.
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -6 for 22 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 3 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'protection from good' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'exsanguinate' for 1 hours.

{100hp 100mp 98mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
eat root
You finish eating a small black root.
You no longer feel hungry.
Your eyes tingle.

{100hp 100mp 98mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      The Dock

{100hp 100mp 98mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
[22 Duerg Sha] (PK) Gvazgos the Order of the Gray Robe, Divine Voice
[48 D-Elf War] Viqu the Student of the Macalla
[29 H-Drw Inv] (PK) Bridra the Greater Invoker
[51 Human Shf] Khemby the Grand Master of Changelings, Provost Magistrate
[25  Orc  Ber] (PK) Throtgran the Throat Cutter
[30 Felar Asn] Gaeticus the Ogoshi
[50  Orc  Ber] Regurgota the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Champion of the Mammoth
[51  Elf  Pal] Olelladaria the Champion of the Virtues
[32 Cloud War] Aetan the Master of Defense
[51 Srian Inv] Corirander the Weaver of the Elements, Priest of Lust
[40  Elf  Pal] Theoduin Tahl'miltheryn the Paragon of Fortitude
[51 Storm Pal] Reginold the Champion of the Virtues
*25  Orc  Ber* (PK) Dhurlur the Throat Cutter

Players found: 13

{100hp 100mp 98mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      The Dock

{100hp 100mp 98mv standing outdoor wilderness  cloudy new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
  The murky black waters seem to come alive to draw you under.
[Exits: north east south west]

{100hp 100mp 97mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      Sea of Despair

{100hp 100mp 97mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
ql a
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** SOUTH: 1 *****
A small, ash-colored beast is here, blood dripping from his fangs.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

{100hp 100mp 97mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
  The murky black waters seem to come alive to draw you under.
[Exits: north south west]

{100hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      Sea of Despair

{100hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
  The murky black waters seem to come alive to draw you under.
[Exits: north west]
The tiny forest guardian stares openly into space.

{100hp 100mp 94mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
  The murky black waters seem to come alive to draw you under.
[Exits: north south west]

{100hp 100mp 93mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
  The murky black waters seem to come alive to draw you under.
[Exits: north south west]

{100hp 100mp 92mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      Sea of Despair

{100hp 100mp 92mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
  The murky black waters seem to come alive to draw you under.
[Exits: north south west]

{100hp 100mp 91mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      Sea of Despair

{100hp 100mp 91mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
[Exits: north south west down]

{100hp 100mp 90mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Bridra                       Sea of Despair
(PK) Dhurlur                      Sea of Despair

{100hp 100mp 90mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
[Exits: north east south west down]

{100hp 100mp 89mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Sea of Despair 
[Exits: north west down]
(Invis) Bridra the half-drow is here.

{100hp 100mp 87mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
bash Bridra
You hurl yourself at Bridra, slamming into her with a loud impact!
Your bash injures Bridra.
Seizing upon a moment of weakness, you kick Bridra while she's down!
Your vicious attack hits Bridra.
Bridra yells 'Help! Dhurlur is bashing me!'
Bridra has a few scratches.

{100hp 100mp 87mv fighting outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Bridra fades into existence.
Bridra's crush devastates you!
Your caustic smash MASSACRES Bridra!
Your beating MANGLES Bridra!
Your beating DISMEMBERS Bridra!
Bridra parries your caustic smash.
Bridra is gushing blood.

{93hp 100mp 87mv fighting outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
bash Bridra
Bridra's crush wounds you.
Your caustic smash DISMEMBERS Bridra!
Your beating MASSACRES Bridra!
Bridra is convulsing on the ground.

{89hp 100mp 87mv fighting outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
You slam into Bridra, and send her flying!
Your bash wounds Bridra.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Bridra while she's down.
Bridra is convulsing on the ground.

{89hp 100mp 87mv fighting outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
Bridra's crush decimates you!
You absorb the force of Bridra's crush with red-gold dragon armguards.
Bridra parries your caustic smash.
Your beating DISMEMBERS Bridra!
Bridra is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Bridra.
Bridra's head is shattered, and her brains splash all over you.

{83hp 100mp 87mv standing outdoor water raining new 12 PM 19:10 7582tnl}
You have become better at fast healing (84%)!  

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
pray Fer da Fleshrippa! More flesh!
You pray to the heavens for help!
You pray 'Fer da Fleshrippa! More flesh!'

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
g brains corpse
You see nothing like that in the corpse.

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
gl corpse
Battered and bruised, the corpse of Bridra lies in a heap.
The corpse of Bridra contains:
( 2) a pitch-black ring
     an iron breastplate bearing the mark of Udgaard
     a pair of fine leather sleeves
     black iron leggings
     a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
     a pair of black reading glasses
( 2) a copper bracer
     a large sack
     a pair of silver mesh gloves
     (Glowing) a charged copper prod
( 2) a fat purple berry
     a silver-bound tome
     a belt of hardened raindrops
     a halo of swirling air
     an ebony dragonbone wand
( 2) (Humming) a thick black bell tongue
     a tankard of beer
     the essence of a fire elemental
( 3) a wand set with an unknown gem
     a bloody pitch-black warhammer
     the essence of a smoke para-elemental
     a pair of fine black leather boots
     an ornate scepter of prismatic crystal
     a dragon boat
     7 gold coins
     25 silver coins
     a copper coin

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
g all.coins corpse
You get 7 gold coins from the corpse of Bridra.
You get 25 silver coins from the corpse of Bridra.
You get a copper coin from the corpse of Bridra.

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
You grin evilly.

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
You lick your mouth and smile.

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
Sea of Despair 
[Exits: north west down]
     Battered and bruised, the corpse of Bridra lies in a heap.
     The splattered brains of Bridra are lying here.

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
g brains
You get the brains of Bridra.

{89hp 100mp 95mv standing outdoor water raining new 1 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
You feel less protected from good.
You feel ready to drain another corpse.

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
eat brains
You cram the brains of Bridra into your mouth, savoring the juices.
You finish eating the brains of Bridra.
You no longer feel hungry.

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      Sea of Despair

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
Dhurlur the Throat Cutter
Level    : 25           Sex      : male         Race     : orc         
Ethos    : Chaotic      Align    : Evil         Class    : berserker   
Practices: 27           Trains   : 3            Hometown : Grinning Skull Village
Exp      : 130028       To Level : 7572         Sphere   : Rage
Age      : young, 19 years old (27 hours)
Hit Point: 94 %         Mana     : 100%         Move     : 100%
Str      : 22(23+3)     Int      : 15(15+3)     Wis      : 15(15)  
Dex      : 17(12)       Con      : 24(24)       Chr      : 10(13)  
Carry #  :  29/33       Weight   : 406 lb 5 oz (Max 462 lbs)   87% of max
Gold     : 32           Silver   : 773          Copper   : 488         
Wimpy    : 44%          Morale   : Secure       Position : Standing
Hitroll  : 19           Damroll  : 39          
AC pierce : -38   Very well armored     AC bash   : -18   Well armored          
AC slash  : -40   Very well armored     AC magic  : 29    Somewhat armored      
AC element: -18   Well armored          
vs Spell    : -13  Somewhat protected  vs Paralysis: -6   Barely protected    
vs Breath   : 0    Not protected       vs Mental   : 2    Not protected       
Summon     : You can only be summoned by players within PK range.
Corpseguard: You attempt to guard corpses from lower level looters.
Rescue     : You allow others to rescue you.
Give       : You allow things to be given to you.
Trust      : You trust your group and your cabal with questionable spells/supplications.
Follow     : You do not welcome followers.
You are not thirsty.
You are not hungry.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 38 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -6 for 20 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 3 for 20 hours.
Physical effect: 'clarity' modifies intelligence by 3 for 6 hours.

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
butch corpse
You butcher the corpse of Bridra and create 4 steaks.

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
gl corpse
A mangled corpse lies here.
A mangled corpse contains:
( 2) a pitch-black ring
     an iron breastplate bearing the mark of Udgaard
     a pair of fine leather sleeves
     black iron leggings
     a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
     a pair of black reading glasses
( 2) a copper bracer
     a large sack
     a pair of silver mesh gloves
     (Glowing) a charged copper prod
( 2) a fat purple berry
     a silver-bound tome
     a belt of hardened raindrops
     a halo of swirling air
     an ebony dragonbone wand
( 2) (Humming) a thick black bell tongue
     a tankard of beer
     the essence of a fire elemental
( 3) a wand set with an unknown gem
     a bloody pitch-black warhammer
     the essence of a smoke para-elemental
     a pair of fine black leather boots
     an ornate scepter of prismatic crystal
     a dragon boat

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
g all.steak
You get a steak of the corpse of Bridra.
You get a steak of the corpse of Bridra.
You get a steak of the corpse of Bridra.
You get a steak of the corpse of Bridra.

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
put all.steak corpse
That's not a container.

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
put all.steak girdle
You put a steak of the corpse of Bridra in the girdle of endless space.
You put a steak of the corpse of Bridra in the girdle of endless space.
You put a steak of the corpse of Bridra in the girdle of endless space.
You put a steak of the corpse of Bridra in the girdle of endless space.

{94hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor water raining new 2 PM 19:11 7572tnl}
People near you:
(PK) Dhurlur                      Sea of Despair

{100hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor wilderness  raining new 3 PM 19:12 7572tnl}
clan I'ze rip 'n tear da flesh of Bridra fer da Fleshrippa!
[CLAN] Dhurlur: I'ze rip 'n tear da flesh of Bridra fer da Fleshrippa!

{100hp 100mp 100mv standing outdoor wilderness  raining new 3 PM 19:12 7572tnl}

{100hp 100mp 73mv resting outdoor wilderness  raining new 5 PM 19:13 7572tnl}
Bridra tells you 'That was quite rude of you.'

{100hp 100mp 83mv resting outdoor wilderness  raining new 6 PM 19:14 7572tnl}
Lightning flashes in the sky.
The sun sets below the horizon.

{100hp 100mp 92mv resting outdoor wilderness  lightning new 7 PM 19:14 7572tnl}
reply Very orc o' meh, yez
You tell Bridra 'Very orc o' meh, yez'

{100hp 100mp 92mv resting outdoor wilderness  lightning new 7 PM 19:14 7572tnl}
reply No worries, ya flesh 'n blood fer da Fleshrippa!
You tell Bridra 'No worries, ya flesh 'n blood fer da Fleshrippa!'

{100hp 100mp 92mv resting outdoor wilderness  lightning new 7 PM 19:14 7572tnl}
cackle ss
Other people would see:
Throwing back his head, Dhurlur cackles with insane glee!

{100hp 100mp 92mv resting outdoor wilderness  lightning new 7 PM 19:14 7572tnl}
You cackle gleefully.

{100hp 100mp 100mv resting outdoor wilderness  lightning new 8 PM 19:14 7572tnl}
reply Flesh 'n coin iz all dat iz needed fer now
You tell Bridra 'Flesh 'n coin iz all dat iz needed fer now'

Bridra tells you 'I suppose you feel quite capable now, but my power will far exceed yours in the
nearing future, do you really wish to make an enemy with one as myself?'

You tell Bridra 'Halfie funny, you iz no enemy, you iz prey fer orcz n' flesh fer Fleshrippa'

Bridra tells you 'Oh, don't you think you're a clever one.'

You tell Bridra 'But orcz can let ya serve clan '

You tell Bridra 'Talk ta da chief'

Bridra tells you 'We'll see if that statement stays true, or if your bones will feed the earth.'

You tell Bridra 'Mebbe chief likez ya'

You tell Bridra 'Fleshrippa getz 'iz flesh, mine n' youze'
Subject Author Views Posted

Lowbie Orc vs H-Drow Invoker

LogFiend 350 December 09, 2022 07:47AM

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