Damn Helm of Brilliance

May 01, 2023 04:36AM
civilized <1348hp 425m 1075mv 24350tnl (Haste) 1 PM> People near you:
(PK) Bazz                         Standing Before the Fortress of Light
(PK) Greandin                     The Snowy Courtyard
(PK) Horrindyr                    Standing Before the Fortress of Light
  Aserunyra                    Standing Before the Fortress of Light
(PK) Drogathar                    Standing Before the Fortress of Light
  Reynellan                    The Hall of Fire

civilized <1348hp 425m 1075mv 24350tnl (Haste) 1 PM> bash Horrindyr
You fall flat on your face!
Your bash misses Horrindyr.
Horrindyr yells 'Help! Drogathar is bashing me!'
You parry Horrindyr's divine power.
You parry Horrindyr's divine power.
Horrindyr deflects your defilement with his shield.
Your burst of energy connects with Horrindyr's shield solidly.
Horrindyr drives your defilement back with his connecting blow.
Horrindyr deflects your burst of energy with his shield.
Horrindyr is in perfect health.

civilized <1348hp 425m 1075mv 24350tnl (Haste) 1 PM> Bazz says 'You've chosen an inte'
Horrindyr is in perfect health.

civilized <1348hp 425m 1075mv 24350tnl (Haste) 1 PM> 
Bazz leaves north.
Horrindyr is in perfect health.

civilized <1348hp 425m 1075mv 24350tnl (Haste) 1 PM> 
You get in one more shot on Horrindyr as he flees.
Your parting blow maims Horrindyr!
Horrindyr has fled!
Horrindyr leaves south.

civilized <1348hp 433m 1146mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> 
Horrindyr has arrived.

civilized <1348hp 433m 1146mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> 
Horrindyr leaves north.

civilized <1348hp 433m 1146mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> get 'yellow root' endless
eat root
You geta small yellow root -------------------------------- Enlarge from the girdle of endless space.

civilized <1348hp 433m 1146mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> You finish eatinga small yellow root -------------------------------- Enlarge.
You are definitely still hungry.
The world and everything around seem to grow smaller.
Your muscles surge with heightened power!

civilized <1348hp 433m 1146mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> l
Standing Before the Fortress of Light 
  The Fortress of Light rises before you, standing strong and proud in a
mantle of snow and ice.  The thick walls of this fortress are built of huge,
perfectly cut, white stones fitted tightly together.  The stones along the
base of the fortress are enormous, taller than any giant and more massive
than most houses.  Pennants flying above the watchtowers rustle and flap
defiantly in the chill winds.  The huge gate of polished silver is guarded
by a lone figure.
[Exits: north south]
     A steel shield lies here.
Aserunyra is here.

civilized <1348hp 433m 1146mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> wher
People near you:
(PK) a growling wolverine         The Snowy Courtyard
(PK) Greandin                     The Snowy Courtyard
(PK) Horrindyr                    The Snowy Courtyard
  Aserunyra                    Standing Before the Fortress of Light
(PK) Drogathar                    Standing Before the Fortress of Light
  Reynellan                    The Hall of Fire

civilized <1348hp 433m 1146mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> n
The Snowy Courtyard 
[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) Greandin is here.

civilized <1348hp 433m 1145mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> 
A voice whispers 'Wield me, you fool.'

civilized <1348hp 433m 1145mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> call 'sigil of' Greandin
Greandin yells 'Die, Drogathar, you sorcerous dog!'
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Greandin.
Your sigil of pain injures Greandin.
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1348hp 373m 1145mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> 
You dodge Greandin's beating.
Greandin smashes the edge of the shield of darkness into your chest.
Greandin's shield jab decimates you!
Greandin parries your defilement.
Greandin dodges your burst of energy.
Your defilement devastates Greandin!
Greandin deflects your defilement with his shield.
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1321hp 373m 1145mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> 
Greandin narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Greandin's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1262hp 373m 1145mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> 
You parry Greandin's beating.
Greandin parries your defilement.
Greandin deflects your defilement with his shield.
Your defilement decimates Greandin!
Greandin parries your defilement.
You execute the form Lightning of Three Prongs!
Greandin parries your defilement.
Greandin deflects your defilement with his shield.
Greandin turns your defilement aside with a quick blow.
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1262hp 358m 1145mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> trip
You trip Greandin and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Greandin.
You dodge Greandin's beating.
Your defilement MUTILATES Greandin!
Your burst of energy EVISCERATES Greandin!
Seizing upon a flaw in Greandin's tactics, you kick dirt toward his eyes!
Greandin is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Greandin.
Your amulet becomes ice-cold to the touch.
Your blast of frost DISMEMBERS Greandin!
Greandin has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1262hp 358m 1145mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> imperial offense

You parry Greandin's beating.
Your defilement maims Greandin!
Your defilement MUTILATES Greandin!
Your burst of energy EVISCERATES Greandin!
You execute the form Parting the Silk!
Greandin deflects your defilement with his shield.
Greandin is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1262hp 343m 1145mv 24350tnl (Haste) 2 PM> trip

Greandin wipes the dirt from his eyes.

Greandin is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1268hp 346m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
Greandin's beating mauls you.
You dodge Greandin's beating.
Greandin smashes the edge of the shield of darkness into your chest.
Greandin's shield jab maims you!
Greandin deflects your defilement with his shield.
Your burst of energy *** DEMOLISHES *** Greandin!
Greandin parries your defilement.
You execute the form The River Undercuts the Bank!
Your slash *** DEVASTATES *** Greandin!
Greandin is gushing blood.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> You will use your imperial training to strike more frequently, dodging less.
Greandin is gushing blood.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> You trip Greandin and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Greandin.
Greandin is gushing blood.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> A growling wolverine has arrived.
Greandin is gushing blood.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
A growling wolverine concentrates upon Greandin as they begin to glow a rosy hue.
A growling wolverine sags slightly under the burden of his transfered afflictions as Greandin looks better.
Greandin is in perfect health.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> trip

You parry Greandin's beating.
You dodge Greandin's beating.
Greandin deflects your defilement with his shield.
Greandin parries your defilement.
Greandin parries your burst of energy.
Greandin deflects your defilement with his shield.
Seizing upon a flaw in Greandin's tactics, you trip him and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Greandin.
Your amulet bubbles and boils!
Your blast of acid DISMEMBERS Greandin!
A ghostly scimitar turns insubstantial, slips through Greandin's defenses, and strikes a powerful blow!
Your critical hit *** DEMOLISHES *** Greandin!
Greandin has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
Horrindyr has arrived.
Greandin has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
A growling wolverine concentrates upon Greandin as they begin to glow a rosy hue.
A growling wolverine sags slightly under the burden of his transfered afflictions as Greandin looks better.
You parry Greandin's beating.
Greandin parries your defilement.
Greandin parries your burst of energy.
Greandin parries your defilement.
Greandin deflects your defilement with his shield.
Seizing upon a flaw in Greandin's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick EVISCERATES Greandin!
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
Horrindyr leaves south.
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> You trip Greandin and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Greandin.
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> Horrindyr has arrived.
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1209hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
Horrindyr sends you sprawling with a powerful bash with his shield!
Horrindyr's shield bash grazes you.
You yell 'Help! Horrindyr is bashing me with his shield!'
Greandin has a few scratches.

civilized <1201hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
You parry Horrindyr's divine power.
You dodge Horrindyr's divine power.
The central stone in Horrindyr's helm flashes brilliantly!
You are blinded!
You dodge someone's beating.
You parry someone's beating.
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Someone dodges your burst of energy.
Someone has a few scratches.

civilized <1201hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
Someone leaves north.
Someone has a few scratches.

civilized <1201hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> trip

You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
You parry someone's divine power.
Someone's beating wounds you.
You parry someone's beating and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone smashes the edge of something into your chest.
Someone's shield jab decimates you!
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Your burst of energy connects with someone's shield solidly.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Someone parries your defilement.
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you swiftly kick it!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick MUTILATES someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1154hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> i

You successfully evade someone's shield bash.
Someone's shield bash misses you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1154hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> You trip someone and it goes down!
Your trip scratches someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1154hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
Someone's divine power MUTILATES you!
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
You dodge someone's beating.
You parry someone's beating.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone deflects your burst of energy with its shield.
Something protects someone from your defilement.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Something turns insubstantial, slips through someone's defenses, and strikes a powerful blow!
Your critical hit *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1117hp 331m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
Someone's divine power EVISCERATES you!
You dodge someone's divine power.
You parry someone's beating.
You parry someone's beating.
You parry someone's beating and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS someone!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone parries your burst of energy.
You execute the form The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain!
You yell 'Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem!'
Your slash *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

civilized <1074hp 316m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
Someone glances at someone.
Someone is writhing in agony.

civilized <1074hp 316m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
You fail to get in one more shot as someone flees.
Someone has fled!
Someone leaves west.
You are carrying:
     a potion of transportation
     a flawless blue glass vial - Aura
     (Glowing) a clear glass flask containing some light red liquid - Stoneskin

civilized <1074hp 316m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> trip
But you aren't fighting anyone!

civilized <1074hp 316m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power.
Someone parries your defilement.
Your burst of energy MUTILATES someone!
Your defilement maims someone!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1074hp 316m 1216mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 PM> 
The clouds disappear.
Your anti-magic shell fades away.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1081hp 321m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash with its shield!
Someone's shield bash hits you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1072hp 321m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
Someone smashes the edge of something into your chest.
Someone's shield jab decimates you!
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1047hp 321m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> af

You parry someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone's ring flares with a bright white light!
Someone's shocking grasp grazes you.
Someone's wooden hummingbird pendant glows white!
Someone knocks your defilement harmlessly to the side.
Someone deflects your burst of energy with its shield.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Someone parries your defilement.
Its feet aren't on the ground.
Your amulet becomes hot to the touch.
Your fire breath strikes something, doing no harm to someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1040hp 321m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> call 'sigil of'
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 40 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 6 for 40 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 24 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 24 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 1 for 13 hours.
Spell: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 11 hours.
Physical effect: 'water breathing' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies size by 1 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies damage roll by 1 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies constitution by 1 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies dexterity by -2 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies strength by 2 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1040hp 321m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto someone.
Your sigil of pain decimates someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1040hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
Someone smashes the edge of something into your chest.
Someone's shield jab decimates you!
Someone parries your defilement.
Your burst of energy DISMEMBERS someone!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1015hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone's wooden hummingbird pendant glows white!
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1015hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> trip
Its feet aren't on the ground.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1015hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
You dodge someone's divine power.
Someone's ring flares with a bright white light!
Someone's shocking grasp grazes you.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Someone parries your defilement.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1010hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> jab
You try to jab through your opponent's defenses.
Your jab EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <1010hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's ring flares with a bright white light!
Someone's shocking grasp hits you.
Someone deflects your defilement off the edge of its shield.
Your defilement misses someone.
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <998hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> jab

You get in one more shot on someone as it flees.
Your parting blow EVISCERATES someone!
Someone has fled!
Someone leaves south.
But you aren't fighting anyone!

civilized <998hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> gr

Someone has arrived.

civilized <998hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> Drogathar's group:
[51 Sha] Someone                      100% hp 59% mana 98% mv 586900 xp
[51 War] Drogathar                    74% hp 49% mana 94% mv 512900 xp

civilized <998hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
Someone's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <941hp 261m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's beating.
You parry someone's beating.
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone parries your defilement.
Your defilement mauls someone.
Someone dodges your burst of energy.
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you kick dirt toward its eyes!
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
You execute the form Lightning of Three Prongs!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <941hp 246m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> call 'sigil of'
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto someone.
Your sigil of pain injures someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <941hp 186m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's beating.
You parry someone's beating.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Your burst of energy misses someone.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Your burst of energy EVISCERATES someone!
Something turns insubstantial, slips through someone's defenses, and strikes a powerful blow!
Your critical hit *** DEVASTATES *** someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <941hp 186m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone has arrived.
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <941hp 186m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You successfully evade someone's shield bash.
Someone's shield bash misses you.
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <941hp 186m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash with its shield!
Someone's shield bash scratches you.
You yell 'Help! Someone is bashing me with their shield!'
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <938hp 186m 1287mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Someone gets its shield in front of your attack, but your attack still lands.
Your flurry maims someone!
Your flurry EVISCERATES someone!
Your flurry maims someone!
Your flurry DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone gets its shield in front of your attack, but your attack still lands.
Your flurry MUTILATES someone!
Someone partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry maims someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <938hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone's beating mauls you.
Someone smashes the edge of something into your chest.
Someone's shield jab devastates you!
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <884hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone has arrived.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <884hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS someone!
You parry someone's beating and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against someone.
Someone spills its guts all over the floor.

civilized <884hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone's divine power maims you!
You dodge someone's divine power.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS someone!
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <849hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone concentrates upon someone as they begin to glow a rosy hue.
Someone sags slightly under the burden of its transfered afflictions as someone looks better.
You get in one more shot on someone as it flees.
Your parting blow MUTILATES someone!
Someone has fled!
Someone leaves south.

civilized <849hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> flur

Someone has arrived.
But you aren't fighting anyone!

civilized <849hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone leaves north.

civilized <849hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone has arrived.

civilized <849hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
Someone leaves north.

civilized <849hp 186m 1147mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 PM> 
You are hungry.
The magical aura fades away.

civilized <858hp 192m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash with its shield!
Someone's shield bash hits you.
You yell 'Help! Someone is bashing me with their shield!'
Someone has a few scratches.

civilized <846hp 192m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
You dodge someone's divine power.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Your burst of energy EVISCERATES someone!
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <846hp 192m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> cb I killed one, not sure which, was blind from helm

You parry someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power.
The left-hand stone in someone's helm flashes brilliantly!
Someone's color spray maims you!
Someone's ring flares with a bright white light!
Someone's shocking grasp injures you.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone deflects your burst of energy with its shield.
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you kick dirt toward its eyes!
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
You execute the form Stones Falling from the Mountain!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <795hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
Someone has arrived.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <795hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> [EMPIRE] Drogathar: I killed one, not sure which, was blind from helm
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <795hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> jab
Someone concentrates upon someone as they begin to glow a rosy hue.
Someone sags slightly under the burden of its transfered afflictions as someone looks better.
Someone is in perfect health.

civilized <795hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> You try to jab through your opponent's defenses.
Your jab maims someone!
Someone has a few scratches.

civilized <795hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
You dodge someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement devastates someone!
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <795hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash with its shield!
Someone's shield bash grazes you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <788hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
You find yourself protected by something against someone's divine power.
Someone's ring flares with a bright white light!
Someone's shocking grasp hits you.
Someone's wooden hummingbird pendant glows white!
A blinding flash of light flares before your face!
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Someone parries your burst of energy.
Someone is unharmed as your defilement deflects harmlessly off of something.
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone has a few scratches.

civilized <778hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
Someone leaves north.
Someone has a few scratches.

civilized <778hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> bers

You parry someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Your burst of energy MUTILATES someone!
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your defilement.
Your defilement MUTILATES someone!
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you kick dirt toward its eyes!
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <778hp 177m 1218mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <881hp 147m 1168mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> Someone sweeps your arm aside with its shield, and drives something into your side.
Someone's divine power MANGLES you!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <788hp 147m 1168mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
You parry someone's divine power.
Your burst of energy MUTILATES someone!
Its feet aren't on the ground.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <788hp 147m 1168mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> jab
You try to jab through your opponent's defenses.
Your jab EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <788hp 147m 1168mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
Someone smashes the edge of something into your chest.
Someone's shield jab devastates you!
Someone parries your defilement.
Your burst of energy EVISCERATES someone!
Your defilement misses someone.
Someone deflects your defilement with its shield.
Your amulet becomes ice-cold to the touch.
Your frost breath strikes something, doing no harm to someone.
Something turns insubstantial, slips through someone's defenses, and strikes a powerful blow!
Your critical hit *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <756hp 147m 1168mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> flur

Someone sweeps your arm aside with its shield, and drives something into your side.
Someone's divine power MASSACRES you!
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <681hp 147m 1168mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Someone gets its shield in front of your attack, but your attack still lands.
Your flurry MUTILATES someone!
Someone gets its shield in front of your attack, but your attack still lands.
Your flurry maims someone!
Someone partially evades your attack, but you still hit it.
Your flurry MUTILATES someone!
Someone partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

civilized <681hp 147m 1068mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's divine power maims you!
The right-hand stone in someone's helm flashes brilliantly!
A rainbow of colors shoots out from someone's hand.
An orange beam of light hits you!
Someone's prismatic spray maims you!
Someone deflects your burst of energy with its shield.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <611hp 147m 1068mv 24350tnl (Haste) 5 PM> 
[EMPIRE] someone: Haha! Well done sire!
You are hungry.
Someone is writhing in agony.

civilized <615hp 151m 1139mv 24350tnl (Haste) 6 PM> 
You parry someone's divine power.
You dodge someone's divine power.
Someone's divine power DISMEMBERS you!
Someone smashes the edge of something into your chest.
Someone's shield jab decimates you!
Someone swats your defilement away with its shield.
Someone parries your defilement.
Your defilement EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <531hp 151m 1139mv 24350tnl (Haste) 6 PM> 
You get in one more shot on someone as it flees.
Your parting blow EVISCERATES someone!
Someone has fled!
Someone leaves east.
Subject Author Views Posted

Damn Helm of Brilliance

mackle 387 May 01, 2023 04:36AM

Oil of Sight is OP

Welverin 210 May 02, 2023 04:23AM

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