Close call, wish i flurried the bear.

May 01, 2023 04:39AM
civilized <1152hp 213m 1315mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> s
Before the Imperial Palace 
[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (WANTED) A scaled catoblepas stoops its horns downward as it idly moves about.
In the moonlight a lizard struggles against an iron chain around its neck.

civilized <1152hp 213m 1314mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Drogathar                    Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Zkrokch                      A Damp Storeroom
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          Before the Imperial Palace

civilized <1152hp 213m 1314mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> n
The Gates of the Palace 
[Exits: north south]

civilized <1152hp 213m 1313mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 45 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 6 for 45 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.

civilized <1152hp 213m 1313mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> s
Before the Imperial Palace 
[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (WANTED) A scaled catoblepas stoops its horns downward as it idly moves about.
In the moonlight a lizard struggles against an iron chain around its neck.

civilized <1152hp 213m 1312mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> call 'sigil of' cato
A clamoring squeal resonates through the area as a scaled catoblepas is attacked.
A scaled catoblepas is already affected by a Sigil of Pain!
You parry a scaled catoblepas's gore.
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <1152hp 153m 1312mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
A scaled catoblepas gores you with his horns.
A scaled catoblepas's goring horns DISMEMBERS you!
A scaled catoblepas's goring horns DISMEMBERS you!
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <1042hp 153m 1312mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
Your defilement misses a scaled catoblepas.
Your drowning injures a scaled catoblepas.
Your defilement injures a scaled catoblepas.
Your drowning hits a scaled catoblepas.
Seizing upon a flaw in a scaled catoblepas's tactics, you kick dirt toward his eyes!
A scaled catoblepas is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches a scaled catoblepas.
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <1042hp 153m 1312mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
Your defilement injures a scaled catoblepas.
Your drowning hits a scaled catoblepas.
Your defilement injures a scaled catoblepas.
Your defilement hits a scaled catoblepas.
Your drowning hits a scaled catoblepas.
He's already been blinded.
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <1042hp 153m 1312mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> wher
People near you:
(PK) Drogathar                    Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Zkrokch                      A Dark Passage
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          Before the Imperial Palace
You get in one more shot on a scaled catoblepas as he flees.
Your parting blow injures a scaled catoblepas.
A scaled catoblepas has fled!
A scaled catoblepas leaves east.

civilized <1042hp 153m 1312mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> bers
Without the excitement of combat, you cannot propel yourself into a berserk rage.

civilized <1042hp 153m 1312mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> e
Lane of Black Magic 
[Exits: east west]
     A lightweight padded flail intended for weapons practice lies here.
(Translucent) (WANTED) A scaled catoblepas stoops its horns downward as it idly moves about.

civilized <1042hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> bash cato
A clamoring squeal resonates through the area as a scaled catoblepas is attacked.
You stumble through a scaled catoblepas as he becomes completely insubstantial briefly.

civilized <1042hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
You dodge a scaled catoblepas's gore.
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <1042hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
A scaled catoblepas gores you with his horns.
A scaled catoblepas's goring horns EVISCERATES you!
A scaled catoblepas's goring horns EVISCERATES you!
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> wher

Your defilement hits a scaled catoblepas.
A scaled catoblepas dodges your drowning.
Your defilement injures a scaled catoblepas.
Your defilement hits a scaled catoblepas.
Seizing upon a flaw in a scaled catoblepas's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick hits a scaled catoblepas.
Your amulet becomes hot to the touch.
Your blast of flame hits a scaled catoblepas.
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> jab

Zkrokch has arrived.
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> People near you:
(PK) Drogathar                    Lane of Black Magic
(PK) Zkrokch                      Lane of Black Magic
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          Lane of Black Magic
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> You try to jab through your opponent's defenses.
Your jab hits a scaled catoblepas.
Zkrokch leaves west.
A scaled catoblepas is gushing blood.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
Your defilement injures a scaled catoblepas.
You get in one more shot on a scaled catoblepas as he flees.
Your parting blow hits a scaled catoblepas.
A scaled catoblepas has fled!
A scaled catoblepas leaves east.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> bash zkr
get 'yellow root' endless
eat root
They aren't here.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> You geta small yellow root -------------------------------- Enlarge from the girdle of endless space.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> You finish eatinga small yellow root -------------------------------- Enlarge.
You are definitely still hungry.
The world and everything around seem to grow smaller.
Your muscles surge with heightened power!

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> bash zkr
They aren't here.

civilized <950hp 153m 1310mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> w
bash zkr
Before the Imperial Palace 
[Exits: north east south west]
(WANTED) Zkrokch is here.
In the moonlight a lizard struggles against an iron chain around its neck.

civilized <950hp 153m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> Zkrokch skillfully positions his body so that your bash cannot succeed.
Zkrokch yells 'Help! Drogathar just attacked me!'
Zkrokch has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <950hp 153m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Zkrokch dodges your drowning.
Zkrokch parries your defilement.
Zkrokch quickly leaps away from your defilement.
Seizing upon a flaw in Zkrokch's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick MASSACRES Zkrokch!
You execute the form The River Undercuts the Bank!
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
You dodge Zkrokch's claw.
You parry Zkrokch's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MANGLES Zkrokch!
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <950hp 138m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
A voice whispers 'I SHOULD be slaying dragons!'
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <950hp 138m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
Zkrokch weakens you with a blow to a vital area.
Zkrokch's blow to a vital area devastates you!
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <919hp 138m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
Your defilement MASSACRES Zkrokch!
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
You parry Zkrokch's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MASSACRES Zkrokch!
Zkrokch's claw DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <863hp 138m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> bash zkr

Zkrokch pummels you with his paws.
Zkrokch's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
Zkrokch's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
Zkrokch's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
Zkrokch's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
Zkrokch's pummeling blow MUTILATES you!
You are dazed by all of the blows.
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <630hp 138m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Your defilement MASSACRES Zkrokch!
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Zkrokch dodges your drowning.
You dodge Zkrokch's claw.
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <630hp 138m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
A scaled catoblepas has arrived.
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <630hp 138m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> You slam into Zkrokch, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Zkrokch.
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Zkrokch parries your drowning.
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Zkrokch dodges your drowning.
You dodge Zkrokch's claw.
Zkrokch's claw nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
You dodge Zkrokch's claw.
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <630hp 138m 1308mv 24350tnl (Haste) 3 AM> 
The clouds disappear.
Zkrokch slowly floats to the ground.
A scaled catoblepas wipes the dirt from his eyes.
Zkrokch is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <637hp 144m 1353mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> 
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Zkrokch dodges your drowning.
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Zkrokch dodges your drowning.
Your defilement MANGLES Zkrokch!
You execute the form Stones Falling from the Mountain!
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
You dodge Zkrokch's claw.
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
You parry Zkrokch's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Zkrokch!
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
Zkrokch is gushing blood.

civilized <637hp 129m 1353mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> flur

A scaled catoblepas's skin turns to stone.
Zkrokch is gushing blood.

civilized <637hp 129m 1353mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> 
Zkrokch pummels you with his paws.
Zkrokch's pummeling blow maims you!
Zkrokch's pummeling blow MUTILATES you!
Zkrokch's pummeling blow DISMEMBERS you!
Zkrokch's pummeling blow DISMEMBERS you!
Zkrokch's pummeling blow EVISCERATES you!
You are dazed by all of the blows.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Zkrokch!
Zkrokch dodges your drowning.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Zkrokch!
Zkrokch parries your drowning.
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Seizing upon a flaw in Zkrokch's tactics, you trip him and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Zkrokch.
Your amulet becomes hot to the touch.
Your blast of flame wounds Zkrokch.
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
Zkrokch is writhing in agony.

civilized <410hp 129m 1353mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> 
A scaled catoblepas gores you with his horns.
A scaled catoblepas's goring horns EVISCERATES you!
A scaled catoblepas's goring horns EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You yell 'Help! a scaled catoblepas gored me!'
Zkrokch is writhing in agony.

civilized <310hp 129m 1353mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> 
Zkrokch parries your defilement.
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Seizing upon a flaw in Zkrokch's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick EVISCERATES Zkrokch!
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
You dodge Zkrokch's claw.
With careful timing you deflect Zkrokch's claw.
Zkrokch is writhing in agony.

civilized <310hp 129m 1353mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Zkrokch partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MASSACRES Zkrokch!
Zkrokch partially evades your attack, but you still hit him.
Your flurry MASSACRES Zkrokch!
Zkrokch partially evades your attack, but you still hit him.
Your flurry MASSACRES Zkrokch!
Zkrokch is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <310hp 129m 1273mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> 
Zkrokch is unscathed as your defilement is obstructed by slime-covered armguards made of charcoal dragonscales.
Zkrokch dodges your defilement.
Zkrokch dodges your drowning.
Zkrokch parries your drowning.
Zkrokch dodges your drowning.
Zkrokch's claw EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
You parry Zkrokch's claw.
Zkrokch is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <258hp 129m 1273mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> 
The edges of a scaled catoblepas's being stretch and twist and he becomes a grizzly bear.
A grizzly bear's skin hardens with the shell of the armadillo!
Zkrokch is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <258hp 129m 1273mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> 
Your defilement MANGLES Zkrokch!
Zkrokch is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your defilement *** DEMOLISHES *** Zkrokch!
Zkrokch is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Zkrokch.
Zkrokch spills his guts all over the floor.
You parry a grizzly bear's claw.
You parry a grizzly bear's claw.
You parry a grizzly bear's claw.
A grizzly bear is gushing blood.

civilized <258hp 129m 1273mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> flee

A grizzly bear rakes his claws across your body.
A grizzly bear's raking claws DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A grizzly bear's raking claws DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A grizzly bear is gushing blood.

civilized <141hp 129m 1273mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> 
Your defilement wounds a grizzly bear.
Your drowning decimates a grizzly bear!
Your defilement mauls a grizzly bear.
Your defilement mauls a grizzly bear.
A grizzly bear dodges your drowning.
Your amulet becomes ice-cold to the touch.
Your blast of frost scratches a grizzly bear.
You execute the form The River Undercuts the Bank!
Your slash EVISCERATES a grizzly bear!
You parry a grizzly bear's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement mauls a grizzly bear.
A grizzly bear's claw MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry a grizzly bear's claw.
A grizzly bear is writhing in agony.

civilized <66hp 114m 1273mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> quaff transportation

Your defilement mauls a grizzly bear.
Your drowning decimates a grizzly bear!
Your defilement mauls a grizzly bear.
Your drowning decimates a grizzly bear!
His hindpaws aren't on the ground.
You parry a grizzly bear's claw.
You parry a grizzly bear's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement decimates a grizzly bear!
You parry a grizzly bear's claw.
A grizzly bear is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <66hp 114m 1273mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> The Avenue of Conquest 
[Exits: north east south]
You flee from combat!

civilized <66hp 114m 1271mv 24350tnl (Haste) 4 AM> You aren't fighting anyone.
Subject Author Views Posted

Close call, wish i flurried the bear.

mackle 293 May 01, 2023 04:39AM

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