Scion Defense 2

July 23, 2023 09:40PM
<1327hp 724m 587mv 9 PM 24115> sca n
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
Kharotos is here.

<1327hp 724m 587mv 9 PM 24115> whe

A shadowed Druk'Trar fades away into the shadows with a shriek.

<1327hp 724m 587mv 9 PM 24115> People near you:
(PK) Olvidra                      The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Kharotos                     At the Base of the Stairs

<1327hp 724m 587mv 9 PM 24115> 
The Archmage of Eternal Night continues to bleed from its wounds.
The Archmage of Eternal Night's bleeding EVISCERATES it!
You are hungry.
The web of bones encasing you crumbles.

<1334hp 775m 621mv 10 PM 24115> ca 'armor of living bone'
Jointed spikes of bone erupt from your spine!
Your spinal eruption devastates you!
The bones wrap themselves around you in a protective casing.

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> who pk
where pk
*47 D-Elf Nec* (PK) [SCION] Olvidra Khugurvul the Spectre, Breathless Rinsed
[40 Storm War] (PK) Faramond the Master of Weapons
[51  Fire Sha] (PK) Kobar Absal'Katuth the Interminable Flatterer, Imperial High Priest
[51 Azure Sha] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Ilise Bakaa-Nakti the Heroine of Faith, Avowed of Azorinne, Provincial Magistrate
[51 Svirf Shf] (PK) Outhyen Seashadow the Master Harvester of Adventures, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
[51 Cloud War] (PK) Kharotos Ironbreaker the Legend of the Battlefield, Mageslayer

Players found: 6

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> People near you:
(PK) Olvidra                      The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Kharotos                     At the Base of the Stairs

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> get leg charms
eat leg
A tiny charm of a tender leg of lamb expands to to its prior size as you unhook it from the Bracelet of Charms.
You get a tender leg of lamb from the Bracelet of Charms.

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> You finish eating a tender leg of lamb.
You start to feel full.

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> get skin charms
drink skin
put skin charms
A tiny charm of a water skin expands to to its prior size as you unhook it from the Bracelet of Charms.
You get a water skin from the Bracelet of Charms.

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> You drink water from a water skin.
You do not feel thirsty.

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> af
A water skin suddenly contracts into a tiny charm as you place it on the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a water skin in the Bracelet of Charms.

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> You are affected by:
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 554 for 36 hours.
Spell: 'armor of living bone' modifies armor class by -20 for 29 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 18 hours.
Spell: 'nightwalker' for 18 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 16 hours.
Spell: 'beckon druktrar' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'forsaken portal' for 12 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -11 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 9 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'wraithform' modifies pierce resistance by 38 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'wraithform' modifies slash resistance by 38 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'wraithform' modifies bash resistance by 38 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'wraithform' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'desensitize' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'baffle' modifies intelligence by -2 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 2 hours.
Timer: 'nether protection' for 1 hours.

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> whe
People near you:
(PK) Olvidra                      The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Yvcalla                      At the Base of the Stairs
(PK) Kharotos                     At the Base of the Stairs

<1288hp 750m 621mv 10 PM 24115> ca 'summon' yvcal
Yvcalla arrives suddenly.

<1288hp 700m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by Yvcalla!'
Yvcalla's stinging lash maims you!
Yvcalla is in perfect health.

<1243hp 700m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Yvcalla dodges your infernal power.
Yvcalla parries your infernal power.
The patchwork dead screams and attacks Yvcalla!
A zombie of the old dwarf screams and attacks Yvcalla!
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch DISMEMBERS Yvcalla!
A zombie of the old dwarf screams and attacks Yvcalla!
A flesh golem screams and attacks Yvcalla!
A zombie of the dwarven smith screams and attacks Yvcalla!
A zombie of the dwarven smith's punch DISMEMBERS Yvcalla!
The calcified eye of a cyclops trembles violently!
You create a huge spectral hand to pummel Yvcalla.
Yvcalla looks stunned by the blows.
Your crushing hand === OBLITERATES === Yvcalla!
You parry Yvcalla's stinging lash.
You parry Yvcalla's penetrating acid.
Yvcalla's stinging lash devastates you!
Yvcalla is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1194hp 700m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Yvcalla yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw EVISCERATES Yvcalla!
The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!
The patchwork dead snatches at Yvcalla's a knotted leather whip, trying to wrench it from his grasp!
Your infernal power EVISCERATES Yvcalla!
You parry Yvcalla's stinging lash.
Yvcalla's stinging lash MUTILATES you!
Yvcalla is gushing blood.

<1162hp 700m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Kharotos has arrived.
Kharotos yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Archmage of Eternal Night!'
[SCION] the Archmage of Eternal Night: Intruder! Intruder! Kharotos is raiding the Cabal!
Yvcalla is gushing blood.

<1162hp 700m 621mv 10 PM 24115> ca 'crimson scourge'
Yvcalla howls as the pores of his skin start to bleed profusely.
Yvcalla is gushing blood.

<1162hp 675m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Kharotos brings a malachite rod around to hit your head!
Kharotos's cranial hit EVISCERATES you!
Yvcalla is gushing blood.

<1094hp 675m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
A flesh golem's smash MASSACRES Yvcalla!
Yvcalla has fled!
Yvcalla leaves north.
The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Kharotos's caustic slime DISMEMBERS the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Kharotos's drowning DISMEMBERS the Archmage of Eternal Night!

<1094hp 675m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
A terrible black shadow slides out from the depths of the portal.
It flickers and solidifies, taking the form of a Nightwalker!
The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at a swirling black monolith.

<1094hp 675m 621mv 10 PM 24115> ca 'summon' yvca

The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'bjyyzh'.
The Archmage of Eternal Night buffets Kharotos with a controlled blast of air!
The Archmage of Eternal Night's buffeting MASSACRES Kharotos!
Kharotos's caustic slime EVISCERATES the Archmage of Eternal Night!

<1094hp 675m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Yvcalla yells 'Ow'

<1094hp 675m 621mv 10 PM 24115> You failed.

<1094hp 625m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Kharotos strikes you over the head with a malachite rod.
Kharotos's cranial hit injures you.
You yell 'Help! Kharotos hit me over the head!'
Kharotos is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1076hp 625m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Kharotos yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw wounds Kharotos.
The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at a swirling black monolith.
Kharotos is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1076hp 625m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
The Nightwalker's claw wounds Kharotos.
The Archmage of Eternal Night's slash maims Kharotos!
The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'xzatunso'.
Kharotos parries your infernal power.
Kharotos parries your infernal power.
The patchwork dead screams and attacks Kharotos!
A zombie of the old dwarf screams and attacks Kharotos!
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch mauls Kharotos.
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch mauls Kharotos.
A zombie of the old dwarf screams and attacks Kharotos!
A flesh golem screams and attacks Kharotos!
A flesh golem's smash mauls Kharotos.
A zombie of the dwarven smith screams and attacks Kharotos!
A zombie of the dwarven smith's punch wounds Kharotos.
A zombie of the dwarven smith's punch mauls Kharotos.
The calcified eye of a cyclops shivers slightly.
The power of your protections interfere with the calcified eye of a cyclops's healing.
You feel better!
Kharotos's caustic slime DISMEMBERS the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Kharotos's caustic slime EVISCERATES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Kharotos's caustic slime DISMEMBERS the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Kharotos is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1140hp 625m 621mv 10 PM 24115> order all rescue olvidra

The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Kharotos parries your infernal power.
Kharotos's caustic slime DISMEMBERS the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Kharotos's drowning DISMEMBERS the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Kharotos's drowning DISMEMBERS the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Kharotos's caustic slime DISMEMBERS the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Kharotos is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1140hp 625m 621mv 10 PM 24115> The patchwork dead fails to rescue you.
A zombie of the old dwarf fails to rescue you.
A zombie of the old dwarf fails to rescue you.
A flesh golem fails to rescue you.
A zombie of the dwarven smith fails to rescue you.
Kharotos starts aiming at you!
Kharotos is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1140hp 625m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Kharotos makes a furious drive but falls back.
A flesh golem's smash mauls Kharotos.
A flesh golem's smash mauls Kharotos.
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch mauls Kharotos.
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch mauls Kharotos.
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch mauls Kharotos.
The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'aque bragh'.
The Archmage of Eternal Night's acid blast *** DEVASTATES *** Kharotos!
Your infernal power decimates Kharotos!
You parry Kharotos's caustic slime.
Kharotos's drowning MASSACRES you!
Kharotos's drowning EVISCERATES you!
Kharotos's caustic slime DISMEMBERS you!
Kharotos is writhing in agony.

<902hp 621m 621mv 10 PM 24115> order all rescue olvidra
The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at the Nightwalker.
The Dark Healer stretches out her hand and places it upon the Nightwalker's head.
Kharotos is writhing in agony.

<902hp 621m 621mv 10 PM 24115> order all rescue olvidra
Kharotos is writhing in agony.

<902hp 621m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
The Nightwalker's claw wounds Kharotos.
A flesh golem's smash decimates Kharotos!
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch mauls Kharotos.
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch decimates Kharotos!
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch mauls Kharotos.
The Archmage of Eternal Night's slash maims Kharotos!
The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'ocandusahzf warusabru'.
A crackling web of energy tries to envelop Kharotos, but quickly dissipates.
Kharotos parries your infernal power.
You execute the form Stones Falling from the Mountain!
Your slash EVISCERATES Kharotos!
The calcified eye of a cyclops trembles violently!
Kharotos deflects your spell!
Kharotos's spellbane hits you.
Kharotos's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kharotos's drowning.
Kharotos delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Kharotos's drowning.
Kharotos is convulsing on the ground.

<818hp 606m 621mv 10 PM 24115> order all rescue olvidra
The patchwork dead fails to rescue you.
A zombie of the old dwarf rescues you from Kharotos!
Kharotos delivers a blow of deadly force!
Kharotos's caustic slime >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a zombie of the old dwarf!
A zombie of the old dwarf is unaffected by Kharotos's drowning!
Kharotos's caustic slime misses a zombie of the old dwarf.

<818hp 606m 621mv 10 PM 24115> ca 'power word kill' khar

The patchwork dead's claw mauls Kharotos.
A zombie of the old dwarf's punch mauls Kharotos.
The Archmage of Eternal Night's slash devastates Kharotos!
The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'gayhunso'.
Kharotos looks frail.
Kharotos's caustic slime *** DEMOLISHES *** a zombie of the old dwarf!
A zombie of the old dwarf is unaffected by Kharotos's drowning!
Kharotos's caustic slime MANGLES a zombie of the old dwarf!

<818hp 606m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
Kharotos has fled!
Kharotos leaves north.

<818hp 606m 621mv 10 PM 24115> 
The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.

<825hp 654m 655mv 11 PM 24115> 
The Nightwalker yells 'Keep running if you wish, Kharotos. It is more amusing if you die slowly!'

<825hp 654m 655mv 11 PM 24115> They aren't here.

<825hp 654m 655mv 11 PM 24115> ca 'summon' khar
You failed to summon Kharotos.

<825hp 604m 655mv 11 PM 24115> where pk
where pk
People near you:
(PK) Olvidra                      The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Kharotos                     At the Base of the Stairs
You sense a mystical boost to your innate magical abilities.
You hear someone's death cry.

<825hp 604m 655mv 11 PM 24115> People near you:
(PK) Olvidra                      The Shroud of the Unspoken

<825hp 604m 655mv 11 PM 24115> 
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<825hp 604m 655mv 11 PM 24115> n
At the Base of the Stairs
[Exits: east south up]
     The corpse of Kharotos is here, badly sliced and hacked.
     A steaming pile of Kharotos's entrails is lying here.
The patchwork dead has arrived.
A zombie of the old dwarf has arrived.
A zombie of the old dwarf has arrived.
A flesh golem has arrived.
A zombie of the dwarven smith has arrived.

<825hp 604m 654mv 11 PM 24115> exa corpse
A hideous amalgamation of disparate body parts, trinkets, and objects either
curious or beautiful, this corpse is woven together with black sinew and
other bindings.  Its mismatched eyes are ever-roving, ever-hungry for some-
thing to enhance what remains of its physical body.  In the shadows, the 
contours of its features are more pronounced and grotesque, and the urge to
turn away from this mockery of life is strong.
The patchwork dead is in perfect health.

<825hp 604m 654mv 11 PM 24115> 
The Nightwalker has arrived.
The patchwork dead crouches greedily over the corpse of Kharotos to feed its unnatural appetite. 
Black sinews begin enveloping something, integrating it into the patchwork dead's corpse!

<825hp 604m 654mv 11 PM 24115> get all.coins corpse
You get 50 gold coins from the corpse of Kharotos.
No one is around to take coins from you!
You get 2 copper coins from the corpse of Kharotos.
No one is around to take coins from you!

<825hp 604m 654mv 11 PM 24115> exa 2.corpse
The corpse of Kharotos is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Kharotos contains:
     (Mithril) a mithril helm with a black jade inlay (Damaged)
     (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened boots (Damaged)
     gauntlets of ogre power
( 2) (Glowing) a mantle of fire
( 2) a bracer of dragonscale
     a golden lion's wrath ring
     (Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
     a bloodstone ring
     the belt of strength
     (Glowing) a mace of water
     ancient green dragonscales
     a mask of dragonbone and black leather
     (Glowing) (Humming) a malachite rod
     the Cloak of the Bear-kin
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) a blazing sword named 'Incinerator'
     a titanium foil
     (Glowing) (Humming) a flawless saber of pulsing hematite
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Scion Defense 2

K-B 329 July 23, 2023 09:40PM

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