Alowishious v Sargrizitha

August 10, 2023 07:19PM
civilized <779hp 375m 874mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 5 AM> scan w
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****   Wha ya knowed. The trap worked.

(Barrier) Sargrizitha the half-elf is sleeping here.

civilized <779hp 375m 874mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 5 AM> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 41 hours.
Skill: 'detect traps' for 37 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 23 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 14 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 9 hours.
Skill: 'gentle walk' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'knock-out trap' for 3 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' modifies constitution by 1 for 0 hours.
The sun rises above the horizon.
You feel less tough.                  

civilized <779hp 395m 897mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 6 AM> w
Along the Eastern Road 
  Constructed of great slabs of closely fitted stone, a wide and well-
traveled road runs to the east and west here.  To the north and west,
the outskirts of a large, dense forest forms a dark line on the horizon.
Rocky, arid ground stretches out in all directions to the limit of
vision, the only growth small clumps of scrub and isolated copses of
bent and twisted trees.
[Exits: east west]
(Barrier) Sargrizitha the half-elf is sleeping here.

civilized <779hp 395m 896mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 6 AM> l sar
Before you is a half-elven woman with dominate elvish traits. Soft pale skin
with slim and pointed ears. Long fair blond hair, swept behind her ears, fall
to below her shoulders. She oddly has an eye patch over her left eye, though
no distinct marks that show it is damaged, while her right eye has a lovely 
shade of sky blue. She is thin, though her human heritage shows she has a 
larger and muscular frame than most elves. A foul scent of sulfur seems to 
linger about this one, overpowering her slightly flowery scent. She stands
nearly five feet and eleven inches tall. She is clothed in simple cloth  
with armor overtop. She does not seem to have many trinkets or jewelry upon 
her body, though a silver locket, upon a necklace, is visible around her
Sargrizitha, a female half-elf, is gushing blood.
Sargrizitha's magical aura flows evenly with moderate strength.

Sargrizitha is using:
<worn on finger>    (Magical) a ring set with a single ruby
<worn on finger>    an amethyst ring
<worn around neck>  a necklace of wolf fangs
<worn around neck>  (Magical) (Glowing) a blazing orange cloak
<worn on body>      (Magical) (Humming) breastplate of a dwarven ribcage
<worn on head>      (Magical) (Humming) the helm of black magic
<worn on legs>      plate leggings decorated with red enamel
<worn on feet>      (Magical) (Glowing) firebrand boots
<worn on hands>     a pair of black leather gloves with red stitching (Damaged)
<worn on arms>      (Magical) sleeves of wolpertinger fur
<worn about body>   a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist>  (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a thin belt engraved with arcane symbols
<worn around wrist> (Magical) a bracelet of golden chain
<worn around wrist> a thick strip of red leather
<mainhand wielded>  a mist coated, dual-bladed battleaxe
<offhand wielded>   a mace with the head of a screaming demon

You peek at the inventory:
     a dragon boat
     (Magical) a wand of return
     (Magical) a sleek black rod
     (Magical) a sleek sienna rod
     (Magical) a sleek amber rod
     the severed tail of an electric eel
     a lion's mark steel spetum
     a firedrake tail
     the wolpertinger's tail
     (Glowing) a dagger named 'frostbite'
     (Magical) (Glowing) a ghostly dagger
     a shell of purple-red chitin
     (Magical) the girdle of endless space

civilized <779hp 395m 896mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 6 AM> call resist
You feel tough!

civilized <779hp 345m 896mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 6 AM> whe
People near you:
(PK) Alowishious                  Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Sargrizitha                  Along the Eastern Road

civilized <779hp 345m 896mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 6 AM> steal eel sar
You step out of the shadows.
A shadowy spirit departs from Sargrizitha and enters you!
You steal the severed tail of an electric eel from Sargrizitha.

civilized <779hp 345m 896mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 6 AM> steal return tar
They aren't here.

civilized <779hp 345m 896mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 6 AM> steal return sar
You steal a wand of return from Sargrizitha.

civilized <779hp 345m 896mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 6 AM> steal return sar
Sargrizitha yells 'Someone tried to rob me!'

civilized <779hp 353m 897mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 7 AM> steal return sar
You can't find it.

civilized <779hp 353m 897mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 7 AM> sg

civilized <779hp 353m 897mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 7 AM> 
You attempt to hide.

civilized <779hp 353m 897mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 7 AM> whe
You attempt to move silently.

civilized <779hp 353m 897mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 7 AM> 
People near you:
(PK) Alowishious                  Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Sargrizitha                  Along the Eastern Road

civilized <779hp 353m 897mv 5934tnl (63.14%) 7 AM> gut sarg
You step out of the shadows.
You suddenly step in front of Sargrizitha, embedding a dagger into her belly!
You have become better at gut shot (76%)!  
You stop walking gently.
You trample around loudly again.
Your gut shot devastates Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha yells 'Die, Alowishious, you gutshotting scum!'
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <779hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> 
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
Your venomous slash wounds Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
You throw yourself away from Sargrizitha's surge of water.
You parry Sargrizitha's defilement.
You dodge Sargrizitha's surge of water.
Sargrizitha's defilement decimates you!
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <751hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> trip
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
You dodge Sargrizitha's surge of water.
You parry Sargrizitha's defilement.
You dodge Sargrizitha's surge of water.
Sargrizitha's surge of water MUTILATES you!
Sargrizitha's mace reaches for you, its unholy shriek shattering your mind.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <713hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> 
Sargrizitha yawns.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <713hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> 
You trip Sargrizitha and she goes down!
Your trip scratches Sargrizitha.
Your drowning injures Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
You parry Sargrizitha's surge of water.
You dodge Sargrizitha's surge of water.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <713hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> trip
Your drowning wounds Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
Sargrizitha's surge of water devastates you!
You dodge Sargrizitha's defilement.
You dodge Sargrizitha's defilement.
Sargrizitha's surge of water decimates you!
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <658hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> crit
You notice Sargrizitha becoming distracted, and cleverly seize the opportunity to strike her!
Sargrizitha knocks your drowning aside before it gets near her.
Sargrizitha stops using a mist coated, dual-bladed battleaxe.
Sargrizitha wields a firedrake tail.
Your drowning mauls Sargrizitha.
Your venomous slash wounds Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
You dodge Sargrizitha's searing cut.
You parry Sargrizitha's defilement.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <658hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> 
Your trip misses Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <658hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> 
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
Sargrizitha's searing cut singes you!
You dodge Sargrizitha's defilement.
You parry Sargrizitha's searing cut.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <622hp 353m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 7 AM> 
Sargrizitha continues to bleed from her wounds.
Sargrizitha's leaking blood pools upon theground.
Sargrizitha's bleeding injures her.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

civilized <632hp 357m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
You recognize a weak point in Sargrizitha's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit DISMEMBERS Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha is writhing in agony.

civilized <632hp 357m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> crit
Shadows emerge from Sargrizitha and accost you, but are repelled!
Your drowning mauls Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
You dodge Sargrizitha's searing cut.
Sargrizitha's searing cut smolders you!
Sargrizitha's searing cut singes you!
Sargrizitha is writhing in agony.

civilized <571hp 357m 897mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
Mystic frost manifests itself at Sargrizitha's hands before she sends it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.
Sargrizitha's iceball EVISCERATES you!
Sargrizitha is writhing in agony.

civilized <520hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
You parry Sargrizitha's searing cut.
You dodge Sargrizitha's defilement.
You dodge Sargrizitha's searing cut.
Sargrizitha is writhing in agony.

civilized <520hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
You recognize a weak point in Sargrizitha's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit MASSACRES Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha is writhing in agony.

civilized <520hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
Mystic frost manifests itself at Sargrizitha's hands before she sends it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.
You avoid the force of Sargrizitha's spell.
Sargrizitha is writhing in agony.

civilized <520hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
Your venomous slash injures Sargrizitha.
You dodge Sargrizitha's searing cut.
Sargrizitha's defilement EVISCERATES you!
Sargrizitha's searing cut scalds you!
Sargrizitha is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <446hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> crit
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
Sargrizitha's searing cut smolders you!
Sargrizitha's defilement maims you!
You parry Sargrizitha's searing cut.
Sargrizitha is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <382hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
You recognize a weak point in Sargrizitha's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit MASSACRES Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <382hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
Sargrizitha drops down to swing wildly at your legs, but misses by a wide margin.
Sargrizitha's crippling strike misses you.
Your drowning wounds Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <382hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
Your drowning mauls Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
Sargrizitha parries your venomous slash.
Sargrizitha's searing cut smolders you!
You find yourself protected by a thorn studded bracer against Sargrizitha's defilement.
You parry Sargrizitha's searing cut.
Sargrizitha is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <356hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> crit
Your drowning wounds Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha parries your drowning.
You dodge Sargrizitha's searing cut.
Sargrizitha's searing cut singes you!
Sargrizitha's searing cut scalds you!
Sargrizitha is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <289hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> 
You recognize a weak point in Sargrizitha's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit DISMEMBERS Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha's leg is sliced from her dead body.

civilized <289hp 357m 797mv 5932tnl (63.16%) 8 AM> get all.coins corpse
You feel less resistant to magic.
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Alowishious v Sargrizitha

LogFiend 273 August 10, 2023 07:19PM

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