Alowishious v Atrael

August 10, 2023 07:34PM
*** I suspect he was slowed

civilized <918hp 582m 961mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> n
East Sumner's Road 
  The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east.  Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few.  The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown.  Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest.  Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest.  The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.
[Exits: east south west]

You notice your damage burst trap is still set up here.
     A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.
A gray squirrel flashes his tail and scatters across the ground.

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> hsg
You attempt to hide.

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> 
You attempt to move silently.

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> 
You are already walking gently.

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> 
You are using:
<worn on finger>    a razor ring
<worn on finger>    a razor ring
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) a colorful cloak covered with patches
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) a colorful cloak covered with patches
<worn on body>      darkened mithril breastplate crested with gems
<worn on head>      (Glowing) (Humming) the Helm of Supremacy
<worn on legs>      a pair of golden spiked leggings
<worn on feet>      knee-high boots of gray snakeskin
<worn on hands>     a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms>      some armguards from the scales of a Rock Hydra
<worn about body>   (Glowing) a cloak covered with symbols of beauty, freedom, hope, and nature
<worn about waist>  a girdle of giant strength
<worn around wrist> a thorn studded bracer
<worn around wrist> a thorn studded bracer
<mainhand wielded>  (Glowing) a mace of water
<offhand wielded>   a jeweled sacrificial dagger

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> whe
People near you:
(PK) Alowishious                  East Sumner's Road

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> 
A great pachyderm has arrived.
A trap is sprung!
The loud trumpeting cry of a great pachyderm echoes through the air!
A stream of acid fires from the trap striking a great pachyderm.
A burst damage trap's stream of acid wounds a great pachyderm.
A great pachyderm shrieks and claws at his eyes.
A gray squirrel yells 'Curses! Atrael blundered into someone's trap!'
A stream of acid fires from the trap striking a gray squirrel.
A burst damage trap's stream of acid MANGLES a gray squirrel!
A gray squirrel is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (38% bonus).
A gray squirrel's ear is sliced from its dead body.
Atrael's lieutenant has arrived.
Atrael's lieutenant has arrived.

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> l
East Sumner's Road 
  The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east.  Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few.  The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown.  Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest.  Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest.  The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.
[Exits: east south west]
     The skin of the mangled corpse of a gray squirrel is dissolved almost past recognition.
     The severed ear of a gray squirrel lies here.
     A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.
Atrael's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
Atrael's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
A huge gray-skinned pachyderm stands here swinging its trunk.

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> 
A great pachyderm leaves south.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves south.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves south.

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'detect traps' for 44 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 38 hours.
Skill: 'gentle walk' for 36 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'damage trap' for 0 hours.
Power: 'resistance' modifies constitution by 2 for 0 hours.

civilized <918hp 582m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> inh stone
You step out of the shadows.
You concentrate upon the earth and turn your skin to stone.
Your skin turns to stone.

civilized <918hp 522m 960mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 7 PM> whe
You feel ready to set another damage trap.
You feel less tough.                    <---Prep fell!----

civilized <918hp 536m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> i
People near you:
(PK) Alowishious                  East Sumner's Road

civilized <918hp 536m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> call resist
You are carrying:
     the flaming scepter of Chaos
     a rothe-hide water skin attached to a strap
     a pair of mountain leopard skin gloves
     a chipped stone, sharpened at the edge
     (Glowing) a mithril dagger adorned with topazes
     an envenomed dagger
     (Glowing) a mace of air
     (Humming) a long elvish mace
     an amulet of the Viper
     a battered leather rucksack
     a leather sack

civilized <918hp 536m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> 
You feel tough!

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> i
You are carrying:
     the flaming scepter of Chaos
     a rothe-hide water skin attached to a strap
     a pair of mountain leopard skin gloves
     a chipped stone, sharpened at the edge
     (Glowing) a mithril dagger adorned with topazes
     an envenomed dagger
     (Glowing) a mace of air
     (Humming) a long elvish mace
     an amulet of the Viper
     a battered leather rucksack
     a leather sack

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> get arrow sack
You get a straight pine arrow with owl-feather fletching from a leather sack.

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> who gr
*51 Svirf Thi* (PK) [BATTLE] Alowishious the Hand of the Unseen
[49  Min  War] (PK) Fwalboani the Disciple of Ancient Ways, Taleteller of the Eternal Star
[51 Gnome Shf] (PK) Atrael Elsinore the Grand Master of Changelings, Provost Magistrate
[43 Arial Nec] (PK) Velucyn the Student of Black Magic, Imperial Black Magician
[51 Human Shf] (PK) Damil Fischer the Grand Master of Changelings, Breathless Ruminator, Chef of the Eternal Star
[51 Human Shf] (PK) (WANTED) Ihol Vil-taa the Grand Mistress of Changelings
[51  Elf  Hea] (PK) Celedyl the Affirmation of Life, Avowed of Azorinne, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[46 Human Con] (PK) Yrathron the Master of the Material Realms

Players found: 8

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> trap b d arrow
You deftly begin setting a trap for the next person entering this place.
As you finish the setting, you load the spring mechanism with a small spear!
Ahh, perfection...
Anyone who springs the trap will be sorry!

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> who
[37 Human Bar] Jauldas the Master of Verse
*51 Svirf Thi* (PK) [BATTLE] Alowishious the Hand of the Unseen
[11 Srian Shf] Srinissi the Student Theurgist
[11 Felar Ran] Punahpu the Resourceful
[14  Elf  Con] Zorc the Magician
[49  Min  War] (PK) Fwalboani the Disciple of Ancient Ways, Taleteller of the Eternal Star
[51 Gnome Shf] (PK) Atrael Elsinore the Grand Master of Changelings, Provost Magistrate
[43 Arial Nec] (PK) Velucyn the Student of Black Magic, Imperial Black Magician
[34  Fire Sha] Bokrahr Tochal-Rah the Communer of Poison, Imperial Acolyte
[24 H-Drw Asn] Hapix the Master of Taisabaki
[17 Arial Con] Ebonala the Witch
[51 Human Shf] (PK) Damil Fischer the Grand Master of Changelings, Breathless Ruminator, Chef of the Eternal Star
[51 Human Shf] (PK) (WANTED) Ihol Vil-taa the Grand Mistress of Changelings
[ 1 Dwarf Sha] Golthaan the Believer
[51  Elf  Hea] (PK) Celedyl the Affirmation of Life, Avowed of Azorinne, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[11 Arial War] Issyrius the Bodyguard
[17  Elf  Pal] Gaelisar the Intrepid
[46 Human Con] (PK) Yrathron the Master of the Material Realms
[37 H-Elf Asn] Vethi the Harai Goshi, Disciple of Zurcon
[23 Srian Ran] Ilthra the Feral

Players found: 20

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> 
People near you:
(PK) Alowishious                  East Sumner's Road

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> s
Trail to the Inn 
  A large trail winds off the main road. Short green trees filled with bright
red cherries line both sides.  A small building lies just to the south with
several people standing outside of it.  Looking further south a large
wooden building stands atop a small hill.  From its roof a brick chimney
pipes forth smoke that seems to dance its way into the sky.  The trail
leads south to the inn or north to the main road.  Barely visible, a smaller
path winds its way east into a small clearing.  A wooden sign, painted
with bright colors sits under the nearest tree.
[Exits: north east south]
A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> sca
scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A guard stands near his post, eyeing the crowds for outlaws.

***** Range 2 *****
An old yellow dog beats its tail as it lies asleep at the old mans feet.
An old mercenary, having long since given up the way of war, rocks back and forth in a swinging chair humming to

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Atrael's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
Atrael's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
A huge gray-skinned pachyderm stands here swinging its trunk.
(Translucent) Damil the human is here.
(Translucent) Bent and withered an old druid watches over those who rest in the shrine.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> whe
A great pachyderm leaves north.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves north.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves north.

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> 
People near you:
(PK) Alowishious                  Trail to the Inn
(PK) Damil                        A Roadside Shrine

civilized <918hp 486m 1017mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> n
East Sumner's Road 
  The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east.  Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few.  The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown.  Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest.  Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest.  The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.
[Exits: east south west]
     The skin of the mangled corpse of a gray squirrel is dissolved almost past recognition.
     The severed ear of a gray squirrel lies here.
     A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.
Atrael's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
Atrael's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
A huge gray-skinned pachyderm stands here swinging its trunk.

civilized <918hp 486m 1016mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> 
A great pachyderm leaves west.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves west.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves west.

civilized <918hp 486m 1016mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> 
A great pachyderm has arrived.
Atrael's lieutenant has arrived.
Atrael's lieutenant has arrived.

civilized <918hp 486m 1016mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> k pach
kill pach
You must MURDER a player.
A great pachyderm leaves east.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves east.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves east.

civilized <918hp 486m 1016mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> 
A great pachyderm has arrived.
Atrael's lieutenant has arrived.
Atrael's lieutenant has arrived.

civilized <918hp 486m 1016mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> 
A great pachyderm leaves south.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves south.
Atrael's lieutenant leaves south.

civilized <918hp 486m 1016mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> mm
murder Velucyn
They aren't here.

civilized <918hp 486m 1016mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 8 PM> k pach
kill pach
murder pach
They aren't here.
A great pachyderm has arrived.
Atrael's lieutenant has arrived.
Atrael's lieutenant has arrived.

civilized <918hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
The loud trumpeting cry of a great pachyderm echoes through the air!
You stop walking gently.
You trample around loudly again.
Your drowning wounds a great pachyderm.
A great pachyderm has a few scratches.

civilized <918hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
Your drowning injures a great pachyderm.
Your defilement injures a great pachyderm.
Your drowning injures a great pachyderm.
You dodge a great pachyderm's crush.
Atrael's lieutenant screams and attacks you!*** COMPANY! ***
You have perfected hand to hand (100%)!  
You learn about hand to hand combat by watching Atrael's lieutenant.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Atrael's lieutenant screams and attacks you!*** COMPANY! ***
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
A great pachyderm has a few scratches.

civilized <918hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
A great pachyderm gores you with his tusks.
A great pachyderm's goring tusks mauls you.
A great pachyderm's goring tusks decimates you!
A great pachyderm has a few scratches.

civilized <868hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> crit
You recognize a weak point in a great pachyderm's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit *** DEMOLISHES *** a great pachyderm!
A great pachyderm has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <868hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
Your drowning injures a great pachyderm.
You parry a great pachyderm's crush.
A great pachyderm has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <868hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> crit
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Atrael's lieutenant's slash maims you!
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Your drowning wounds a great pachyderm.
Your defilement wounds a great pachyderm.
Your drowning wounds a great pachyderm.
You parry a great pachyderm's crush.
A great pachyderm has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <832hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
You recognize a weak point in a great pachyderm's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit MANGLES a great pachyderm!
A great pachyderm is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <832hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Your drowning injures a great pachyderm.
A great pachyderm dodges your drowning.
You parry a great pachyderm's crush.
A great pachyderm is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <832hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> crit
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
With a quick twist you move to the side of Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Your drowning injures a great pachyderm.
Your defilement hits a great pachyderm.
Your defilement hits a great pachyderm.
A great pachyderm's crush EVISCERATES you!
A great pachyderm is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <789hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
You fail to block off a great pachyderm's route of escape!
A great pachyderm has fled!
A great pachyderm leaves west.

civilized <789hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> w
You may only attempt a critical hit while fighting.

civilized <789hp 499m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
East Sumner's Road 
  The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east.  Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few.  The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown.  Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest.  Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest.  You notice
some dark woods about a mile off the road to the south.  The old East Sumner's
Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.
[Exits: east west]
A huge gray-skinned pachyderm stands here swinging its trunk.

civilized <789hp 499m 1028mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
East Sumner's Road 
  The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east.  Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few.  The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown.  Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest.  Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest.  You notice
some dark woods about a mile off the road to the south.  The old East Sumner's
Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.
[Exits: east west]
You see a small bunny nibbling on a piece of vegetable.

civilized <789hp 499m 1027mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> whe
A great pachyderm has arrived.

civilized <789hp 499m 1027mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
People near you:
(PK) Alowishious                  East Sumner's Road
(PK) a great pachyderm            East Sumner's Road

civilized <789hp 499m 1027mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
A great pachyderm leaves east.

civilized <789hp 499m 1027mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> murdre pach

civilized <789hp 499m 1027mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> e
East Sumner's Road 
  The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east.  Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few.  The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown.  Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest.  Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest.  You notice
some dark woods about a mile off the road to the south.  The old East Sumner's
Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.
[Exits: east west]

civilized <789hp 499m 1026mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> e
East Sumner's Road 
  The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east.  Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few.  The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown.  Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest.  Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest.  The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.
[Exits: east south west]
     The skin of the mangled corpse of a gray squirrel is dissolved almost past recognition.
     The severed ear of a gray squirrel lies here.
     A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.
A huge gray-skinned pachyderm stands here swinging its trunk.
Atrael's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
Atrael's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.

civilized <789hp 499m 1025mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> murdre pach

civilized <789hp 499m 1025mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
A great pachyderm gores you with his tusks.
A great pachyderm's goring tusks decimates you!
A great pachyderm's goring tusks decimates you!
You yell 'Help! a great pachyderm gored me!'
A great pachyderm is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <737hp 499m 1025mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> crit
You recognize a weak point in a great pachyderm's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit *** DEVASTATES *** a great pachyderm!
A great pachyderm is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <737hp 499m 1025mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
Your drowning wounds a great pachyderm.
A great pachyderm dodges your drowning.
You parry a great pachyderm's crush.
Atrael's lieutenant screams and attacks you!*** COMPANY! ***
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Atrael's lieutenant screams and attacks you!*** COMPANY! ***
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Atrael's lieutenant's slash maims you!
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
A great pachyderm is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <701hp 499m 1025mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> pepper
Your drowning wounds a great pachyderm.
Your drowning injures a great pachyderm.
You dodge a great pachyderm's crush.
A great pachyderm is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <701hp 499m 1025mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 9 PM> 
You feel ready to set another damage trap.
A great pachyderm continues to bleed from his wounds.
A great pachyderm's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
A great pachyderm's bleeding hits him.
A great pachyderm is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <712hp 512m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
You scatter a packet of dust into a wispy black cloud.
A great pachyderm clutches his eyes and howls!
Your pepper dust hits a great pachyderm.
The dust floats near Atrael's lieutenant, but not enough to do serious harm.
Your pepper dust decimates Atrael's lieutenant!
The dust floats near Atrael's lieutenant, but not enough to do serious harm.
Your pepper dust decimates Atrael's lieutenant!
A komodo dragon has arrived.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Your drowning wounds a great pachyderm.
Your defilement injures a great pachyderm.
Your drowning misses a great pachyderm.
You parry a great pachyderm's crush.
A great pachyderm is gushing blood.

civilized <712hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
You block off a great pachyderm's route of escape!
A great pachyderm is gushing blood.

civilized <712hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> crit
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Your drowning injures a great pachyderm.
Your defilement hits a great pachyderm.
Your drowning injures a great pachyderm.
You parry a great pachyderm's crush.
A great pachyderm is gushing blood.

civilized <712hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
You block off a great pachyderm's route of escape!
A great pachyderm is gushing blood.

civilized <712hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Your drowning wounds a great pachyderm.
Your defilement injures a great pachyderm.
You parry a great pachyderm's crush.
A great pachyderm is gushing blood.

civilized <712hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
You recognize a weak point in a great pachyderm's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit *** DEMOLISHES *** a great pachyderm!
A great pachyderm is gushing blood.

civilized <712hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
A komodo dragon looks at you.
A great pachyderm is gushing blood.

civilized <712hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> crit
You fail to block off a great pachyderm's route of escape!
A great pachyderm has fled!
A great pachyderm leaves south.

civilized <712hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Atrael's lieutenant's slash MUTILATES you!
You dodge Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Your drowning MANGLES Atrael's lieutenant!
You fail to block off Atrael's lieutenant's route of escape!
Atrael's lieutenant has fled!
Atrael's lieutenant leaves west.

civilized <675hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
A komodo dragon lets out a quick rush of air, sounding akin to a sigh.

civilized <675hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> flee
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
You parry Atrael's lieutenant's slash.
Atrael's lieutenant dodges your drowning.
Your defilement EVISCERATES Atrael's lieutenant!
You fail to block off Atrael's lieutenant's route of escape!
Atrael's lieutenant has a few scratches.

civilized <675hp 472m 1029mv 18805tnl (2.31%) 10 PM> 
You recognize a weak point in Atrael's lieutenant's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit MANGLES Atrael's lieutenant!
You fail to block off Atrael's lieutenant's route of escape!
Atrael's lieutenant has fled!
Atrael's lieutenant leaves east.
Subject Author Views Posted

Alowishious v Atrael

LogFiend 435 August 10, 2023 07:34PM

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