Icaeos vs. Szioizs

August 30, 2023 05:31PM
<943hp 810m 311mv 9 AM 27100> [51 Storm War] (PK) Ruvende Raseri the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
*51 Cloud Hea* (PK) [OUTLANDER] (WANTED) Icaeos the Affirmation of Life
[51 D-Elf Sha] (PK) Szioizs the Heroine of Faith
[51 W-Elf Bar] (PK) Maegrohir the Grand Master of Artistry, Decorative Side Piece Aspiring to be the Main Act, Herald Performer

Players found: 4

<943hp 810m 284mv 9 AM 27100> Western Edge of the Dark Forest

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: east west]

<943hp 810m 283mv 9 AM 27100> e
Within the Dark Forest

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]

<943hp 810m 282mv 9 AM 27100> n
Within the Dark Forest

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west up]

<943hp 810m 281mv 9 AM 27100> deadfall
As you search this polluted terrain for tools for your deadfall, your stomach turns.
You skitter part of the way up one of the nearby trees.
You secure a log to a vine, creating a deadfall for an unfortunate passerby.

<943hp 760m 231mv 9 AM 27100> af

It starts to rain.
You writhe in agony from the plague.
Your sickness MUTILATES you!

<905hp 734m 209mv 10 AM 27100> co 'cure disease'
You are affected by:
Commune: 'infravision' for 108 hours.
Commune: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -14 for 55 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 46 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 46 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 35 hours.
Commune: 'detect good' for 35 hours.
Commune: 'detect consecration' for 35 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 35 hours.
Power: 'windwalk' for 28 hours.
Power: 'windwalk' for 28 hours.
Physical effect: 'plague' modifies strength by -5 for 16 hours.
Skill: 'deadfall' for 11 hours.
Commune: 'protection from good' for 9 hours.
Commune: 'pass door' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 45 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 4 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 9 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 3 hours.
Power: 'unbound spirit' modifies wisdom by 2 for -1 hours.
Power: 'unbound spirit' modifies morale by 10 for -1 hours.

<905hp 734m 209mv 10 AM 27100> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
Your sores vanish.

<905hp 714m 209mv 10 AM 27100> u
A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
[Exits: north down]
(Red Aura) (White Aura) Szioizs is here, fighting the Huntress.
A cunning female centaur with a mighty longbow stands guard here.
The Huntress says 'Blessings of the Ancients upon you, Outlander.'

<905hp 714m 208mv 10 AM 27100> murder szi
Szioizs yells 'Help!  I am being attacked by Icaeos!'
Your crush decimates Szioizs!
Szioizs is covered with bleeding wounds.

<905hp 714m 208mv 10 AM 27100> 
The Huntress's slash injures Szioizs.
The Huntress's kicked dirt misses Szioizs.
Szioizs deflects your crush with her shield.
Your crush decimates Szioizs!
Szioizs's wrath MASSACRES the Huntress!
Szioizs's wrath DISMEMBERS the Huntress!
Szioizs is covered with bleeding wounds.

<905hp 714m 208mv 10 AM 27100> 
Szioizs narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
Pinpoints of light envelop you, revealing your presence to all!
Szioizs is covered with bleeding wounds.

<905hp 714m 208mv 10 AM 27100> call 'beast call' szi
You call upon the beasts to help you.
A huge gray wolf moves in to attack Szioizs!
A huge gray wolf's bite devastates Szioizs!
Szioizs is covered with bleeding wounds.

<905hp 614m 208mv 10 AM 27100> 
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
Szioizs's wrath misses the Huntress.
Szioizs's wrath DISMEMBERS the Huntress!
Szioizs is covered with bleeding wounds.

<905hp 614m 208mv 10 AM 27100> 
Szioizs has fled!
The Huntress moves to block Szioizs's path.
Szioizs is covered with bleeding wounds.

<905hp 614m 208mv 10 AM 27100> 
Szioizs has fled!
The Huntress moves to block Szioizs's path.
Szioizs is covered with bleeding wounds.

<905hp 614m 208mv 10 AM 27100> 
Szioizs has fled!

<905hp 614m 208mv 10 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
They aren't here.

<905hp 614m 208mv 10 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
They aren't here.

<905hp 614m 208mv 10 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
They aren't here.

<905hp 614m 208mv 10 AM 27100> d
Within the Dark Forest

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west up]
(Red Aura) (White Aura) Szioizs is here.
You hear guttural growls and the snapping of teeth near Szioizs!
A huge gray wolf's bite decimates Szioizs!

<905hp 614m 207mv 10 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
Szioizs yells 'Die, Icaeos, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Szioizs's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.

<905hp 594m 207mv 10 AM 27100> 
Szioizs writhes in pain as a thorny plant grows within her.
Szioizs's thornheart mauls her.

<931hp 647m 280mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs's wrath DISMEMBERS a huge gray wolf!

<931hp 647m 280mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs narrows her eyes and glares in a huge gray wolf's direction.
A huge gray wolf looks befuddled momentarily, before pushing away some unseen trouble.

<931hp 647m 280mv 11 AM 27100> commune 'sanctuary' wo
You close your eyes for a moment and nod at a huge gray wolf.
A huge gray wolf is surrounded by a white aura.

<931hp 572m 280mv 11 AM 27100> 
A huge gray wolf's bite devastates Szioizs!
A huge gray wolf's bite decimates Szioizs!
Szioizs's wrath MUTILATES a huge gray wolf!
Szioizs's wrath mauls a huge gray wolf.
Szioizs's wrath maims a huge gray wolf!

<931hp 572m 280mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs narrows her eyes and glares in a huge gray wolf's direction.
A huge gray wolf clutches her eyes as unholy power slithers from Szioizs!

<931hp 572m 280mv 11 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
Szioizs yells 'Die, Icaeos, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Szioizs's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
A huge gray wolf's bite decimates Szioizs!
Szioizs's wrath maims a huge gray wolf!

<931hp 552m 280mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs has fled!

<931hp 552m 280mv 11 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
They aren't here.

<931hp 552m 280mv 11 AM 27100> s
Within the Dark Forest

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]
(Red Aura) (White Aura) Szioizs is here.

<931hp 552m 279mv 11 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
Szioizs yells 'Die, Icaeos, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Szioizs's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
Szioizs maims you!
You parry Szioizs's wrath.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<896hp 532m 279mv 11 AM 27100> 
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
You parry Szioizs's wrath.
Your defensive spin deflects Szioizs's wrath.
Szioizs's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<844hp 532m 279mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Szioizs's eyes blaze with unholy fervor as her wounds heal before you.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<844hp 532m 279mv 11 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
You narrow your eyes and glare in Szioizs's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<844hp 512m 279mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs parries your crush.
You parry Szioizs's wrath.
Your defensive spin deflects Szioizs's wrath.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<844hp 512m 279mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
The power of your detect evil supplication unravels.
The power of your detect good supplication unravels.
The power of your detect invis supplication unravels.
Your cabal power windwalk unravels.
The power of your protection from good supplication unravels.
The power of your pass door supplication unravels.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<844hp 512m 279mv 11 AM 27100> co 'curse' szi
You narrow your eyes and glare in Szioizs's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
Szioizs's wrath nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
You parry Szioizs's wrath.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<844hp 492m 279mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs lashes at your feet with a flail of Pestilence!
Szioizs's lash misses you.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<844hp 492m 279mv 11 AM 27100> 
Your crush decimates Szioizs!
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
Szioizs's wrath MASSACRES you!
You parry Szioizs's wrath.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<770hp 492m 279mv 11 AM 27100> co 'cure blindness' wolf
You close your eyes for a moment and nod at a huge gray wolf.
A huge gray wolf is no longer blinded.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<770hp 487m 279mv 11 AM 27100> 
You hear guttural growls and the snapping of teeth near Szioizs!
A huge gray wolf's bite decimates Szioizs!
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<770hp 487m 279mv 11 AM 27100> 
Szioizs writhes in pain as a thorny plant grows within her.
Szioizs's thornheart decimates her!
Szioizs is writhing in agony.

<786hp 520m 352mv 12 PM 27100> co 'curse' szi

Szioizs deflects your crush with her shield.
You parry Szioizs's wrath.
Szioizs's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Szioizs's wrath.
Szioizs is writhing in agony.

<721hp 520m 352mv 12 PM 27100> You narrow your eyes and glare in Szioizs's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
Szioizs is writhing in agony.

<721hp 500m 352mv 12 PM 27100> 
Szioizs has fled!

<721hp 500m 352mv 12 PM 27100> s
Within the Dark Forest

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) Szioizs is here.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> 
You hear guttural growls and the snapping of teeth near Szioizs!
A huge gray wolf's bite decimates Szioizs!

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> murder szi
Szioizs yells 'Help!  I am being attacked by Icaeos!'
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> 
Szioizs closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Szioizs's eyes blaze with unholy fervor as her wounds heal before you.
Your crush decimates Szioizs!
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
The prism gleams brightly as it refracts the light!
Your color spray injures Szioizs.
Szioizs's wrath misses a huge gray wolf.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> wield striking
say Strike for the Seas!
You do not have that item.
Szioizs is gushing blood.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> You say 'Strike for the Seas!'
The end of your staff trembles violently!
You create a huge spectral hand to pummel Szioizs.
Szioizs looks stunned by the blows.
Your crushing hand MASSACRES Szioizs!
Szioizs parries your crush.
Szioizs is writhing in agony.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> 
Szioizs deflects your crush with her shield.
Szioizs parries your crush.
Szioizs is writhing in agony.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> 'Strike for the Seas!

Szioizs narrows her eyes and glares in a huge gray wolf's direction.
A huge gray wolf clutches her eyes as unholy power slithers from Szioizs!
A huge gray wolf's bite maims Szioizs!
A huge gray wolf's bite decimates Szioizs!
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
Szioizs is convulsing on the ground.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> 
A huge gray wolf's bite decimates Szioizs!
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
Your crush devastates Szioizs!
Szioizs is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Szioizs is nearly dead. 

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> You say 'Strike for the Seas!'
The end of your staff trembles violently!
You create a huge spectral hand to pummel Szioizs.
Your crushing hand MUTILATES Szioizs!
Szioizs is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Szioizs.
An oddly shaped glass bracelet is engulfed in chromatic flame.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> smile
You smile happily.

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> 'Praise Ergush!
You say 'Praise Ergush!'

<721hp 500m 345mv 12 PM 27100> exa corpse
The bludgeoned corpse of Szioizs lies here.
The corpse of Szioizs contains:
     (Consecrated) an amulet of the Viper
     (Consecrated) (Humming) the helm of black magic
     a cedar canoe
     a pair of hardened leather armguards studded with violet crystals
     a pair of hardened leather gauntlets studded with violet crystals
     a pitch-black ring
     a jade polearm filled with green liquid
     a sash of black gauze
     (Consecrated) (Glowing) (Humming) the blade of cold iron named "Sterile Prayer"
     (Glowing) the Shield of the Five Grotesque Heads
     (Humming) the slavemaster's wrath
     the hide of the ancient white dragon
     a heavy black fur coat
     some worn studded leather leggings
     a black leather jerkin with dull red stitching
     (Glowing) a thin moonstone bracelet
     a circlet of flowing shadows
     (Humming) the hide of the great dire wolf
     a laced camel-hide sack
     a lovely dress of pristine white satin
     (Humming) a pair of delicate platinum filigree earrings
     (Consecrated) (Humming) a spider-shaped axe
     (Consecrated) (Glowing) a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer'
     a sapphire polearm filled with water
     boots of darkened fire
     an onyx pendant of a bleeding eye
     (Glowing) (Humming) the staff of wonders
     the Seantryn Royal Signet Ring
     a three-headed flail of dark steel
     (Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
( 2) a potion of transportation
     a tender leg of lamb
     10 gold coins
     716 copper coins
Subject Author Views Posted

Icaeos vs. Szioizs

K-B 300 August 30, 2023 05:31PM

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