<1658hp 365m 1150mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The Forest Road
[Exits: north south]
The air is filled with the soaring song of a cocky blackbird.
<1658hp 365m 1147mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The Forest Road
[Exits: north south]
A quick fox chases some small rodents across the forest floor.
<1658hp 365m 1144mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The Forest Road
[Exits: north east south]
A small brown rabbit nibbles on some vegetation.
<1658hp 365m 1141mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The Forest Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1138mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The Forest Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1135mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The Forest Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1132mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The Forest Road
[Exits: north east south west]
<1658hp 365m 1129mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The Forest Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1126mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
The End of a Forest Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1123mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Crossroads
[Exits: north east south west]
<1658hp 365m 1122mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
A Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1121mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1120mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1119mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1118mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
People near you:
(PK) Viera On the Prosimian Road
Hudrud Within the Dark Forest
<1658hp 365m 1118mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
[37 Gnome Inv] Kalogehaana the Wizard of Pyrotechniques
[29 D-Elf Asn] Zirfianili the Mokuroku
[13 Elf Pal] Althrial the Trustworthy
[51 Azure Sha] (PK) Lorihya O'lirea the Heroine of Faith, Initiate of the Jaguar
[14 Frost War] Grek the Mercenary
[47 Human Ran] (PK) Bramond the Sentinel of Summertide
*51 Fire A-P* (PK) [SCION] Viera Brightspell the Fist of Darkness
[ 7 Elf Thi] Sulismirve the Rascal
[ 9 H-Drw Thi] Ulitien the Vagabond
[40 Storm Sha] Hudrud the Keeper of Faith
Players found: 10
<1658hp 365m 1118mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: south west]
The call of an eagle can be heard over the plains, a small shadow circling overhead.
<1658hp 365m 1117mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
Alas, you cannot go that way.
<1658hp 365m 1117mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north east]
<1658hp 365m 1116mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1114mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: south west]
<1658hp 365m 1113mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: east west]
<1658hp 365m 1112mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north east]
<1658hp 365m 1111mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1110mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On the Prosimian Road
[Exits: north south west]
<1658hp 365m 1109mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing civilized 8 AM raining>
On a Small Forest Trail
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1108mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
On a Small Forest Trail
[Exits: north south west]
<1658hp 365m 1105mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
Entrance to the Forest of Prosimy
[Exits: north south]
<1658hp 365m 1098mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Bend in a Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: east south]
Flies swarm around a dead quail that has been left here to rot.
A brown squirrel moves about the forest nervously.
A brown squirrel moves about the forest nervously.
<1658hp 365m 1091mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
People near you:
(PK) Viera A Bend in a Path Through the Prosimy
<1658hp 365m 1091mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Bend in a Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: north west]
<1658hp 365m 1084mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: north south]
An agile white hare moves about the foliage, unaware of your presence.
<1658hp 365m 1077mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Fork in a Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: north east south]
A large, brown grizzly bear with sharp teeth meanders through the woods.
A small red fox skitters through the underbrush.
A small red fox skitters through the underbrush.
<1658hp 365m 1070mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: east west]
An agile white hare moves about the foliage, unaware of your presence.
A brown squirrel moves about the forest nervously.
<1658hp 365m 1063mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: east west]
A small doe with a tan coat prances about.
A brown squirrel moves about the forest nervously.
A small doe with a tan coat prances about.
<1658hp 365m 1056mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Bend in a Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: north south west]
<1658hp 365m 1049mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
People near you:
(PK) Viera A Bend in a Path Through the Prosimy
<1658hp 365m 1049mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
[37 Gnome Inv] Kalogehaana the Wizard of Pyrotechniques
[29 D-Elf Asn] Zirfianili the Mokuroku
[13 Elf Pal] Althrial the Trustworthy
[51 Azure Sha] (PK) Lorihya O'lirea the Heroine of Faith, Initiate of the Jaguar
[14 Frost War] Grek the Mercenary
[47 Human Ran] (PK) Bramond the Sentinel of Summertide
*51 Fire A-P* (PK) [SCION] Viera Brightspell the Fist of Darkness
[ 7 Elf Thi] Sulismirve the Rascal
Players found: 8
<1658hp 365m 1049mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: north south]
A small black squirrel moves anxiously about the forest.
A small red fox skitters through the underbrush.
A small doe with a tan coat prances about.
An agile white hare moves about the foliage, unaware of your presence.
<1658hp 365m 1042mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
A Fork in a Path Through the Prosimy
[Exits: north east south]
An agile white hare moves about the foliage, unaware of your presence.
A brown squirrel moves about the forest nervously.
A brown squirrel moves about the forest nervously.
<1658hp 365m 1035mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
Western Edge of the Dark Forest
[Exits: east west]
<1658hp 365m 1028mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
Within the Dark Forest
[Exits: north east south west]
<1658hp 365m 1021mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
Someone closes its eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Someone's eyes blaze with holy fervor as its wounds heal before you.
<1658hp 365m 1021mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 8 AM raining>
People near you:
(PK) Viera Within the Dark Forest
The magical aura fades away.
Your bloodlust fades.
The swarms of insects bite you mercilessly.
Your swarm of insects decimates you!
You feel a tearing pain from within as the thorny plant's growth continues.
Your thornheart injures you.
<1617hp 375m 1081mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM raining>
Within the Dark Forest
Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west up]
<1617hp 375m 1074mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM raining>
A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
The forest around you roars with the fury of several wildly blazing fires!
[Exits: north down]
A cunning female centaur with a mighty longbow stands guard here.
<1617hp 375m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
People near you:
(PK) Viera A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
<1617hp 375m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'protection from good' for 19 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies dexterity by -4 for 14 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies strength by -4 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'control unholy blessing' for 12 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'iron grip of azazel' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'beckon druktrar' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'insect swarm' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 232 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'moonbeam' modifies armor class by 100 for 0 hours.
<1617hp 375m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
c bl
c bloodlust
You feel yourself moving more quickly as bloodlust surges within you!
<1617hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
hold stout
z self
You stop using a jagged short sword.
You hold a stout bronze wand in your hands.
<1617hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
You zap yourself with a stout bronze wand.
An aura of magic appears around you.
A stout bronze wand explodes into fragments in your hands.
<1617hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
du jagged
cc outer
cleave outer
You dual wield a jagged short sword.
A jagged short sword feels like a part of you!
<1617hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
Seizing a lucky opportunity, you take advantage of the situation.
Your cleave >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Huntress!
The Huntress has a few scratches.
<1617hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
The Huntress's slash wounds you.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice misses the Huntress.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress has a few scratches.
<1600hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
The Huntress tries to disarm you, but fails.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress has a few scratches.
<1600hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
You swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into the Huntress's leg, and feel it cracking!
Your crippling strike *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress has some small but disgusting cuts.
<1600hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress has some small but disgusting cuts.
<1600hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
The Huntress's slash mauls you.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress has some small but disgusting cuts.
<1578hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
c bli
You are affected by:
Spell: 'protection from good' for 19 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 6 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 6 for 14 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies dexterity by -4 for 14 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies strength by -4 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 13 hours.
Spell: 'control unholy blessing' for 12 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'iron grip of azazel' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'beckon druktrar' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'insect swarm' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 232 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'moonbeam' modifies armor class by 100 for 0 hours.
The Huntress has some small but disgusting cuts.
<1578hp 355m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
The Huntress's eyes turn black as you call upon Baphomet the Lustful.
You stop the Huntress's slash with a solid blow.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress has some small but disgusting cuts.
<1578hp 350m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
The Huntress's kicked dirt misses you.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1578hp 350m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
c po
You call upon Shal-Shannonth the Hag to poison the Huntress's blood, and she spasms with nausea.
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1578hp 325m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
Hudrud has arrived.
The Huntress says 'Blessings of the Ancients upon you, Outlander.'
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1578hp 325m 1067mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 9 AM clear>
The Huntress shivers and suffers.
The Huntress's poison EVISCERATES her!
Your moonlit glow fades away.
The swarms of insects bite you mercilessly.
Your swarm of insects mauls you.
The thorny plant within you has difficulty surviving in this environment.
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1582hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1582hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into the Huntress's leg, and feel it cracking!
The Huntress howls with pain, barely able to remain standing!
Your crippling strike *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1582hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1582hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
The Huntress's slash wounds you.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
You open a massive wound in the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1562hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
People near you:
(PK) Viera A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
Hudrud A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1562hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
[37 Gnome Inv] Kalogehaana the Wizard of Pyrotechniques
[29 D-Elf Asn] Zirfianili the Mokuroku
[13 Elf Pal] Althrial the Trustworthy
[51 Azure Sha] (PK) Lorihya O'lirea the Heroine of Faith, Initiate of the Jaguar
[14 Frost War] Grek the Mercenary
*51 Fire A-P* (PK) [SCION] Viera Brightspell the Fist of Darkness
[ 7 Elf Thi] Sulismirve the Rascal
[40 Storm Sha] Hudrud the Keeper of Faith
Players found: 8
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1562hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into the Huntress's leg, and feel it cracking!
Your crippling strike *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1562hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1562hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1562hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into the Huntress's leg, and feel it cracking!
Your crippling strike *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1562hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
The Huntress's slash mauls you.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1540hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
You remain safe as the Huntress's slash bounces harmlessly off of a pair of darkened leggings.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
You open up another wound in the Huntress.
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1540hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into the Huntress's leg, and feel it cracking!
The Huntress howls with pain, barely able to remain standing!
Your crippling strike *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1540hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
The Huntress's kicked dirt misses you.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice misses the Huntress.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
You feel your mace come alive in your hand, a beautiful song rising with each swing.
The Huntress clutches her head briefly, but recovers.
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1540hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress dodges your defilement.
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1540hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
Hudrud leaves down.
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1540hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
Your burning surroundings singes you!
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1506hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into the Huntress's leg, and feel it cracking!
The Huntress howls with pain, barely able to remain standing!
Your crippling strike *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is gushing blood.
<1506hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is writhing in agony.
<1506hp 329m 1127mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 10 AM clear>
The Huntress shivers and suffers.
The Huntress's poison EVISCERATES her!
The Huntress continues to bleed from her wounds.
The Huntress's bleeding EVISCERATES her!
The swarms of insects bite you mercilessly.
Your swarm of insects mauls you.
The thorny plant within you has difficulty surviving in this environment.
The Huntress is writhing in agony.
<1503hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is writhing in agony.
<1503hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
Your burning surroundings singes you!
The Huntress is writhing in agony.
<1470hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into the Huntress's leg, and feel it cracking!
The Huntress howls with pain, barely able to remain standing!
Your crippling strike === OBLITERATES === the Huntress!
The Huntress is writhing in agony.
<1470hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
The Huntress's slash injures you.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is writhing in agony.
<1454hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is convulsing on the ground.
<1454hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into the Huntress's leg, and feel it cracking!
Your crippling strike *** DEMOLISHES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is convulsing on the ground.
<1454hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
The Huntress's slash wounds you.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is convulsing on the ground.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
Hudrud has arrived.
The Huntress says 'Blessings of the Ancients upon you, Outlander.'
The Huntress is convulsing on the ground.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
Hudrud leaves north.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
The Huntress's kicked dirt misses you.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is convulsing on the ground.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You parry the Huntress's slash.
You parry the Huntress's slash.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** the Huntress!
The Huntress is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (40% bonus).
The Huntress splatters blood on your armor.
The gods give you 10 copper coins for your sacrifice of the corpse of the Huntress.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
inh lava
You concentrate upon the fire of your heritage.
You delve deep into your mind and find a place away from the pain.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
The insects won't allow you to rest even a moment.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'protection from good' for 17 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies cold resistance by -33 for 13 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies fire resistance by 182 for 13 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 6 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 6 for 12 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies dexterity by -4 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies strength by -4 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'control unholy blessing' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'iron grip of azazel' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'beckon druktrar' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'insect swarm' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 232 for 1 hours.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
The insects won't allow you to rest even a moment.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
People near you:
(PK) Viera A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
Hudrud Within the Tree of Ages
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You nod sagely.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'protection from good' for 17 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies cold resistance by -33 for 13 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies fire resistance by 182 for 13 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 6 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 6 for 12 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies dexterity by -4 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies strength by -4 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'control unholy blessing' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'iron grip of azazel' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'beckon druktrar' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'insect swarm' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 232 for 1 hours.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You are carrying:
( 3) a scroll with runes of protection
a scroll with spidery runes
a potion of returning
(Glowing) a finely polished shield
an oil of sight
a potion of transportation
a sleek amber rod
a wand of return
(Glowing) a shimmering ball of violet light
a longspear with a wicked, black blade
a fluted length of bronze
a makeshift wooden trunk
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
hold violet
You stop using a jagged short sword.
You hold a shimmering ball of violet light in your hands.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
z self
You zap yourself with a shimmering ball of violet light.
A mystical barrier forms around you.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
du jagged
Bramond has arrived.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You stop using a shimmering ball of violet light.
You dual wield a jagged short sword.
A jagged short sword feels like a part of you!
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
rec protective self
Bramond leaves.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
You recite a scroll with runes of protection.
You are already shielded from harm.
Your skin turns to stone.
You feel armored.
<1436hp 336m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 11 AM clear>
The swarms of insects bite you mercilessly.
Your swarm of insects hits you.
The thorny plant within you has difficulty surviving in this environment.
<1428hp 344m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 23 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 16 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies cold resistance by -33 for 12 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies fire resistance by 182 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 6 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 6 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 5 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies dexterity by -4 for 1 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies strength by -4 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'control unholy blessing' for 9 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'iron grip of azazel' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'beckon druktrar' for 1 hours.
Commune: 'insect swarm' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 232 for 0 hours.
<1428hp 344m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
People near you:
(PK) Bramond A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Viera A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
Hudrud Within the Tree of Ages
<1428hp 344m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
[Exits: north south]
Bramond is here.
<1428hp 344m 1158mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
The Circle of Thorns
[Exits: north east south west]
Bramond has arrived.
<1428hp 344m 1153mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
Bramond steps out from his cover.
Bramond leaves.
<1428hp 344m 1153mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
You say 'Rest'
<1428hp 344m 1153mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 23 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 16 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies cold resistance by -33 for 12 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies fire resistance by 182 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 6 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 6 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 5 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies dexterity by -4 for 1 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies strength by -4 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'control unholy blessing' for 9 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'iron grip of azazel' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'beckon druktrar' for 1 hours.
Commune: 'insect swarm' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 232 for 0 hours.
<1428hp 344m 1153mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
Within the Tree of Ages
[Exits: south]
A massive totem depicting ancient spirits has been carved here.
A pit of primordial ooze bubbles here.
(White Aura) Hudrud is here.
A flickering spirit-being of pure energy inhabits the totem.
(White Aura) A tattooed wilder-elf woman crouches here, uttering ancient mantras.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Primeval Spirit!'
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit is gushing blood.
<1428hp 344m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
c fb
c fireball
You invoke Ninauurm the Pit Fiend as a ball of fire erupts from your hand.
Your fireball SEARS the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is gushing blood.
<1428hp 329m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit conjures up a cloud of spores, but it harmlessly floats away.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is gushing blood.
<1428hp 329m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
It doesn't have legs to strike.
The Primeval Spirit is gushing blood.
<1428hp 329m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit throws a handful of fire seeds at you!
The Primeval Spirit's fire seed toasts you.
The Primeval Spirit's fire seed toasts you.
You narrowly avoid the rest of the Primeval Spirit's fire seeds.
Your defilement MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1424hp 329m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
c chi
The Primeval Spirit shivers as you drain the warmth from its being.
Your chilling touch MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1424hp 314m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
c chi
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit charges into you and sends you sprawling!
The Primeval Spirit's bearcharge grazes you.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
You open a massive wound in the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1418hp 314m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
Your defilement MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1418hp 314m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
Hudrud looks at you.
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1418hp 314m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit turns to face you squarely, fists raised.
A guttural roar erupts from the Primeval Spirit's throat, carrying the fury of the Ancients!
At the Primeval Spirit's bidding, shadows gather in the trees around you.
An intangible menace prompts you to leave this natural refuge.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1418hp 314m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
Hudrud looks at the Primeval Spirit.
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1418hp 314m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit burns you!
The Primeval Spirit's sunray MUTILATES you!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1381hp 314m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
People near you:
(PK) Viera Within the Tree of Ages
Hudrud Within the Tree of Ages
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1381hp 314m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
Your chilling touch decimates the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1381hp 299m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
c chi
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit throws a handful of fire seeds at you!
The Primeval Spirit's fire seed toasts you.
You narrowly avoid the rest of the Primeval Spirit's fire seeds.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice misses the Primeval Spirit.
Your defilement MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1379hp 299m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
The Primeval Spirit shivers as you drain the warmth from its being.
Your chilling touch MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1379hp 284m 1148mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 12 PM clear>
c chi
The Primeval Spirit writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin.
The Primeval Spirit's sickness grazes it.
The Primeval Spirit continues to bleed from its wounds.
The Primeval Spirit's bleeding EVISCERATES it!
The swarm of insects lifts away.
You feel less healthy.
You feel a tearing pain from within as the thorny plant's growth continues.
Your thornheart grazes you.
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit causes a stinging swarm of insects to descend upon you!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1380hp 285m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
The Primeval Spirit shivers as you drain the warmth from its being.
Your chilling touch MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1380hp 270m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
Hudrud goes to sleep.
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1380hp 270m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit's slash injures you.
The Primeval Spirit burns you!
The Primeval Spirit's sunray maims you!
Your defilement MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1329hp 270m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
c chi
The Primeval Spirit shivers as you drain the warmth from its being.
Your chilling touch MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is writhing in agony.
<1329hp 255m 1163mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The thorny plants spring up around you, entangling your legs!
The Primeval Spirit's entanglement grazes you.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit dodges your slice.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1321hp 255m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
Hudrud wakes and stands up.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1321hp 255m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
c chi
Someone tells the group 'lori coming'
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1321hp 255m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
Your chilling touch injures the Primeval Spirit.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1321hp 240m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit burns you!
The Primeval Spirit's sunray devastates you!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1289hp 240m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
c chi
The Primeval Spirit shivers as you drain the warmth from its being.
Your chilling touch MUTILATES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1289hp 225m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
Hudrud closes his eyes and hums for an instant.
Hudrud draws an arc of lightning from thin air with one hand and a cloud of mist from the other,
clapping the two together and enveloping himself in a cloak of storm clouds.
The sky darkens suddenly with unnatural clouds overhead, each one stringing a frightening arc of
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1289hp 225m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
Stony spikes spring up around you, injuring your feet!
The Primeval Spirit's spike growth hits you.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1277hp 225m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
c chi
Your chilling touch decimates the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1277hp 210m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
Hudrud goes to sleep.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1277hp 210m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit charges into you and sends you sprawling!
The Primeval Spirit's bearcharge hits you.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit dodges your slice.
Your defilement MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1267hp 210m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit dodges your defilement.
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1267hp 210m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
Lin-Ha closes her eyes for a moment and nods at the Primeval Spirit.
Lin-Ha stretches out her hand and places it upon the Primeval Spirit's head.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1267hp 210m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit conjures up a cloud of spores, but it harmlessly floats away.
Your defilement MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MANGLES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1267hp 210m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 1 PM clear>
c chi
The sky is getting cloudy.
The Primeval Spirit writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin.
The Primeval Spirit's sickness grazes it.
The Primeval Spirit continues to bleed from its wounds.
The Primeval Spirit's bleeding EVISCERATES it!
Your chest begins to heal as the thorns die.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.
Your hand returns to normal.
You feel prepared to bargain with Druk'Trar once more.
The swarms of insects bite you mercilessly.
Your swarm of insects injures you.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1261hp 213m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Lin-Ha closes her eyes for a moment and nods at Hudrud.
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit's slash mauls you.
The Primeval Spirit darts toward you with a sharp seed in its hand!
The Primeval Spirit's thornheart misses you.
Your defilement misses the Primeval Spirit.
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
You open up another wound in the Primeval Spirit.
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1239hp 213m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
People near you:
(PK) Lorihya A Spiraling Ramp of Thorns
(PK) Viera Within the Tree of Ages
Hudrud Within the Tree of Ages
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1239hp 213m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Your chilling touch MUTILATES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1239hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Hudrud wakes and stands up.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1239hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Silvery-white flames flicker in Lorihya's eyes as she attacks you!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Lorihya!'
You parry Lorihya's searing light.
Lorihya has arrived.
Lorihya yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Primeval Spirit!'
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1239hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Hudrud closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Hudrud is surrounded by a white aura.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1239hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
l hollows
You barely manage to turn the Primeval Spirit's slash aside.
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit throws a handful of fire seeds at you!
The Primeval Spirit's fire seed toasts you.
You narrowly avoid the rest of the Primeval Spirit's fire seeds.
Lorihya's searing light mauls you.
Your defilement MASSACRES Lorihya!
Lorihya parries your slice.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1212hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
In old, gnarled surface of the Tree of Ages forms countless hollows and
niches, some small and others that sink deeply into the ancient wood. Many
of these niches are large enough to store items neatly out of sight where
they can be kept for safekeeping.
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
The arboreal hollows contains:
(Humming) the obsidian symbol of Talshidirus
a misshapen bludgeon of twisted oaks
an iron breastplate bearing the mark of Udgaard
(Glowing) the blood-red ribbons of Talshidirus
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1212hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Lorihya's virulent venom hits her.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1212hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Lorihya narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
The power of your entangle supplication unravels.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1212hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1212hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Hudrud closes his eyes and hums for an instant.
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1212hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
You parry the Primeval Spirit's slash.
The Primeval Spirit throws a handful of fire seeds at you!
The Primeval Spirit's fire seed toasts you.
The Primeval Spirit's fire seed toasts you.
The Primeval Spirit's fire seed toasts you.
You narrowly avoid the rest of the Primeval Spirit's fire seeds.
You parry Lorihya's searing light.
You parry Lorihya's searing light.
Your defilement strikes Lorihya's shield with a resounding boom.
Lorihya remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of the helm of brilliance.
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your slice MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
Your defilement MASSACRES the Primeval Spirit!
The Primeval Spirit is convulsing on the ground.
<1200hp 198m 601mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
The Circle of Thorns
[Exits: north east south west]
You flee from combat!
<1200hp 198m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
You aren't fighting anyone.
<1200hp 198m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
You aren't fighting anyone.
<1200hp 198m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 21 hours.
Commune: 'trepidation' modifies wisdom by -1 for 15 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 14 hours.
Commune: 'insect swarm' for 10 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies cold resistance by -33 for 10 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies fire resistance by 182 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 6 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 6 for 9 hours.
Physical effect: 'spike growth' modifies movement regeneration by -25 for 7 hours.
Physical effect: 'spike growth' modifies dexterity by -5 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'control unholy blessing' for 7 hours.
<1200hp 198m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Silvery-white flames flicker in Lorihya's eyes as she attacks you!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Lorihya!'
Lorihya's searing light wounds you.
Lorihya has arrived.
You parry Lorihya's searing light.
Lorihya's searing light mauls you.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Lorihya!
Lorihya deflects your defilement with her shield.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Lorihya!
Lorihya is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1157hp 198m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Your bash seems to slide around Lorihya.
Lorihya is covered with bleeding wounds.
<1157hp 198m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Lorihya's virulent venom hits her.
Lorihya's searing light hits you.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Lorihya!
Lorihya parries your slice.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Lorihya!
Lorihya is gushing blood.
<1146hp 198m 581mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Lorihya narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
Arcs of energy connect you to Lorihya, dissipating with a feeling of loss.
Lorihya's energy drain grazes you.
Hudrud has arrived.
Lorihya is gushing blood.
<1141hp 99m 290mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Her feet aren't on the ground.
You parry Lorihya's searing light.
You parry Lorihya's searing light.
You parry Lorihya's searing light.
Lorihya parries your defilement.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Lorihya!
Lorihya deflects your defilement with her shield.
Lorihya parries your slice.
Lorihya is gushing blood.
<1141hp 99m 290mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Lorihya has fled!
Lorihya leaves west.
<1141hp 99m 290mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
But you aren't fighting anyone!
<1141hp 99m 290mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Silvery-white flames flicker in Lorihya's eyes as she attacks you!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Lorihya!'
You parry Lorihya's searing light.
Lorihya has arrived.
Lorihya is gushing blood.
<1141hp 99m 290mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
No way! You are still fighting!
Lorihya is gushing blood.
<1141hp 99m 290mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 21 hours.
Commune: 'trepidation' modifies wisdom by -1 for 15 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 14 hours.
Commune: 'insect swarm' for 10 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies cold resistance by -33 for 10 hours.
Skill: 'lavawalk' modifies fire resistance by 182 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 6 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 6 for 9 hours.
Physical effect: 'spike growth' modifies movement regeneration by -25 for 7 hours.
Physical effect: 'spike growth' modifies dexterity by -5 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'control unholy blessing' for 7 hours.
Hudrud leaves south.
Lorihya is gushing blood.
<1141hp 99m 290mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
Lorihya's searing light is obstructed by a pair of darkened leggings.
Your defilement MASSACRES Lorihya!
Lorihya parries your slice.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Lorihya!
Lorihya is convulsing on the ground.
<1141hp 99m 290mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 2 PM cloudy>
You drop low and swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into Lorihya's leg, and feel it
Lorihya howls with pain, barely able to remain standing!
Your crippling strike MANGLES Lorihya!
The swarms of insects bite you mercilessly.
Your swarm of insects injures you.
Lorihya is convulsing on the ground.
<1135hp 99m 299mv 27100tnl outdoor waxing wilderness 3 PM cloudy>
Lorihya's searing light mauls you.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Lorihya!
Lorihya is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Lorihya.
A mace with the head of a screaming demon glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of Lorihya's
Lorihya hits the ground ... DEAD. |