viera: kill eledsoere

November 18, 2023 01:42AM
<1510hp 1165m 834mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 2 AM raining>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]
You feel pain normally once again.
You feel your summoning power return.

<1510hp 1169m 891mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east south west]

<1510hp 1169m 890mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]

<1510hp 1169m 889mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: north east]

<1510hp 1169m 888mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
People near you:
(PK) Viera                        Along the Eastern Road

<1510hp 1169m 888mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: south west]

<1510hp 1169m 887mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 38 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 14 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 14 hours.
Physical effect: 'water breathing' for 9 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 7 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 7 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'iron grip of azazel' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 2 hours.

<1510hp 1169m 887mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
c nightw
You attempt to summon a Nightwalker.
A Nightwalker slides forth from the shadows!

<1510hp 1094m 887mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]

<1510hp 1094m 886mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]

<1510hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere has arrived.
Eledsoere lowers a black bardiche and charges you!
You are stunned by Eledsoere's charge!
Eledsoere's charge MASSACRES you!
You yell 'Help! Eledsoere is charging me!'
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your flaming bite RAZES Eledsoere!
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a mace with the head of a screaming demon.
Your ghostly flame CHARS Eledsoere!
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1439hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Eledsoere yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw decimates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1439hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1439hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
You take your eyes from Eledsoere for a moment, and suddenly she is upon you!
Eledsoere's defilement EVISCERATES you!
Eledsoere's defilement EVISCERATES you!
No way!  You are still fighting!
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1352hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere dodges your flaming bite.
Eledsoere dodges your flaming bite.
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1352hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
People near you:
(PK) Viera                        Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Eledsoere                    Along the Eastern Road
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1352hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
You drop low and swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into Eledsoere's leg, and feel it
Eledsoere howls with pain, barely able to remain standing!
Your crippling strike TORCHES Eledsoere!
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1352hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Your flaming bite RAZES Eledsoere!
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a mace with the head of a screaming demon.
Your ghostly flame RAZES Eledsoere!
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
Eledsoere's defilement *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Eledsoere is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1223hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere makes a furious drive and pushes you both into Along the Eastern Road!
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east south west]
     A sign points south towards the Drogran Hills.
Eledsoere is here, fighting YOU!
With a second furious rush, she sends you sprawling!
Eledsoere's furious drive grazes you.
Eledsoere is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1217hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1217hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Eledsoere yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Eledsoere is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1217hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
c i
c iceball

The Nightwalker's claw decimates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere parries your flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a mace with the head of a screaming demon.
Your ghostly flame TORCHES Eledsoere!
Eledsoere's defilement devastates you!
Eledsoere is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1185hp 1094m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball DISMEMBERS Eledsoere!
Eledsoere makes a furious drive but falls back.
Eledsoere is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1185hp 1069m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

The Nightwalker tears at Eledsoere with its claws!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws devastates Eledsoere!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws devastates Eledsoere!
The Nightwalker's claws tear deeply into Eledsoere's face!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

<1185hp 1069m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
c i
c iceball
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball DISMEMBERS Eledsoere!
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

<1185hp 1044m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

The Nightwalker tears at Eledsoere with its claws!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws maims Eledsoere!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws MUTILATES Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

<1185hp 1044m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere begins executing some movements with a black bardiche.
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

<1185hp 1044m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere dodges your flaming bite.
Eledsoere's defilement decimates you!
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

<1158hp 1044m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
c i
c iceball
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Baalberith, Duke of Hell, exploding forth in snow and
Your iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** Eledsoere!
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

<1158hp 1019m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere tries to entrap a mace with the head of a screaming demon, but it won't budge!
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

<1158hp 1019m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your flaming bite RAZES Eledsoere!
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
Eledsoere's defilement *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Eledsoere's defilement devastates you!
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

<1010hp 1019m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
c i
c iceball
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Baalberith, Duke of Hell, exploding forth in snow and
Your iceball EVISCERATES Eledsoere!
Eledsoere's eyes become bloodshot and her face contorts into a mask of rage!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<1010hp 994m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

Finding no way around the point of Eledsoere's polearm, you draw back.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere's defilement misses you.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<1010hp 994m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>
Eledsoere cuts off your route of escape with her polearm!
Eledsoere tears your flesh with a wide, slicing blow from a black bardiche!
Eledsoere's slice EVISCERATES you!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<963hp 994m 885mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 3 AM raining>

The rain ceases.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery hits you.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<993hp 997m 912mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere's defilement is obstructed by a pair of high-heeled black leather boots.
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<993hp 997m 912mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
Eledsoere gets in one more shot as you flee.
Eledsoere's parting blow maims you!
A Trail Through the Arid Brush 
[Exits: north south]
You flee from combat!

<960hp 997m 911mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  4 AM raining>
c sum felar chief
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east south west]
     Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
     A sign points south towards the Drogran Hills.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Eledsoere is here, fighting the Nightwalker.

<960hp 997m 907mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere's defilement DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!

<960hp 997m 907mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
The felar chief arrives suddenly.

<960hp 947m 907mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere connects with a wide, slicing blow from a black bardiche!
Eledsoere's slice MASSACRES the Nightwalker!

<960hp 947m 907mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]

<960hp 947m 906mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east south west]
     Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
     A sign points south towards the Drogran Hills.
A felar stands here, his face looking haggard by the burden of leadership.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Eledsoere is here, fighting the Nightwalker.

<960hp 947m 905mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
b ele
bash ele
You feint to one side, then heave your body towards Eledsoere only to find her gone!
Your bash misses Eledsoere.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<960hp 947m 905mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere parries your flaming bite.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You feel your mace come alive in your hand, a beautiful song rising with each swing.
Eledsoere clutches her head briefly, but recovers.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<960hp 947m 905mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere's defilement DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<960hp 947m 905mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere makes a hasty retreat.
Eledsoere leaves west.

<960hp 947m 905mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
You are already standing.

<960hp 947m 905mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
Along the Eastern Road 
[Exits: east west]
Eledsoere is here.
You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by Eledsoere!'
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<960hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
No way!  You are still fighting!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<960hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
You take your eyes from Eledsoere for a moment, and suddenly she is upon you!
Eledsoere's defilement MUTILATES you!
No way!  You are still fighting!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<919hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a mace with the head of a screaming demon.
Your ghostly flame SEARS Eledsoere!
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere's defilement devastates you!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<888hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
b eled
bash eled
You circle Eledsoere and launch yourself at her from her blind side!
Your bash hits Eledsoere.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<888hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<888hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
As flame roars from a mace with the head of a screaming demon, it is deflected by Eledsoere's
Eledsoere's spellbane wounds you.
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
You parry Eledsoere's defilement.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<869hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

The Nightwalker lunges at Eledsoere with venomous fangs!
Eledsoere turns slightly green, but it passes.
Eledsoere parries your flaming bite.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere's defilement maims you!
Eledsoere's defilement misses you.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<833hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
You drop low and swing a mace with the head of a screaming demon into Eledsoere's leg, and feel it
Eledsoere howls with pain, barely able to remain standing!
Your crippling strike TORCHES Eledsoere!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

<833hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

Eledsoere dodges your flaming bite.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from a mace with the head of a screaming demon.
Your ghostly flame SEARS Eledsoere!
Eledsoere is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Eledsoere.
A mace with the head of a screaming demon glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of
Eledsoere's soul.
Eledsoere's eye pops out of its socket.

<833hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>

A group of tired farmers sit under a tall oak tree, seeking shade from the sun.

<833hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
l corpse
The lingering odor of charred hair hangs over the burnt corpse of Eledsoere.
The burnt corpse of Eledsoere contains:
     an engraved silver bracelet
     midnight dragon gauntlets
     a belt of iron and ebony (Damaged)
     spiny iron rear-ankle guards
     a circular back cover crafted from rose-tanned leather
     a cured hide sack made from the corpse of an ugruk hunter
     a large metal shield
( 2) (Glowing) a colorful cloak covered with patches
     slime-covered armguards made of charcoal dragonscales
     (Glowing) a flawless bracelet of pure sapphire
     a studded ring
     a black and white striped heartstone ring
     (Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail
     a pair of spiked silver greaves
     the crown of the dead star
     a serrated halberd
( 2) a set of dragon tooth spiked horseshoes
     a silver-inlaid dragonbone and leather tail sheath
     a pagan mask shaped in the visage of an eagle
     a black bardiche
     a pitch-black lance
     a surcingle of woven reeds
     an amulet of the Viper
     a massive stone lucerne hammer
     (Glowing) a pendant of the swirling winds
     (Glowing) (Humming) a staff wrapped in red leather
     a packet of crushed bronze athelas
     20 gold coins
     184 silver coins
     35 copper coins

<833hp 947m 904mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 4 AM cloudy>
You focus on your accumulated knowledge of the Legends of Thera.
The clouds disappear.
You are hungry.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery hits you.

<828hp 901m 931mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 5 AM clear>
l corpse
The lingering odor of charred hair hangs over the burnt corpse of Eledsoere.
The burnt corpse of Eledsoere contains:
     an engraved silver bracelet
     (Noteworthy) midnight dragon gauntlets
     (Legendary) a belt of iron and ebony (Damaged)
     (Famous) spiny iron rear-ankle guards
     (Famous) a circular back cover crafted from rose-tanned leather
     a cured hide sack made from the corpse of an ugruk hunter
     a large metal shield
( 2) (Noteworthy) (Glowing) a colorful cloak covered with patches
     (Infamous) slime-covered armguards made of charcoal dragonscales
     (Noteworthy) (Glowing) a flawless bracelet of pure sapphire
     (Famous) a studded ring
     (Noteworthy) a black and white striped heartstone ring
     (Infamous) (Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail
     (Legendary) a pair of spiked silver greaves
     (Famous) the crown of the dead star
     a serrated halberd
( 2) (Famous) a set of dragon tooth spiked horseshoes
     (Noteworthy) a silver-inlaid dragonbone and leather tail sheath
     a pagan mask shaped in the visage of an eagle
     (Noteworthy) a black bardiche
     (Famous) a pitch-black lance
     (Noteworthy) a surcingle of woven reeds
     (Infamous) an amulet of the Viper
     (Famous) a massive stone lucerne hammer
     (Glowing) a pendant of the swirling winds
     (Glowing) (Humming) a staff wrapped in red leather
     a packet of crushed bronze athelas
     20 gold coins
     184 silver coins
     35 copper coins

<828hp 901m 931mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 5 AM clear>
People near you:
(PK) Viera                        Along the Eastern Road

<828hp 901m 931mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 5 AM clear>
c detmag
c 'detect magic'
You can already sense magical auras.

<828hp 896m 931mv 27100tnl outdoor new civilized 5 AM clear>
g all.coins corpse
You get 20 gold coins from the burnt corpse of Eledsoere.
You get 184 silver coins from the burnt corpse of Eledsoere.
You get 35 copper coins from the burnt corpse of Eledsoere.
Subject Author Views Posted

viera: kill eledsoere

starbright 120 November 18, 2023 01:42AM

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