viera: viera + faeha op gang vs empire part 1

November 19, 2023 01:36PM
<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
cb Let us be in group. Come to Chasm
[SCION] Viera: Let us be in group. Come to Chasm

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Library of Conjuration
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
[51 H-Drw Con] (PK) [SCION] Faeha DarkLust the Planewalker
[   Gobln IMM] [None] Skreenak the Goblin Lord, Plague of the Prosperous
[36 Srian A-P] Dunvidd the Knight of the Apocalypse
[39  Fire A-P] [SCION] (WANTED) Vaskal the Arch-Fiend
[36 Dwarf War] Thohtus the Victorious Champion, Village Applicant
[13 Storm Pal] Aobe the Trustworthy
[10 W-Elf Dru] Croder the Druid Aspirant
[24 Azure Pal] Lyranthir the Avenger, Initiate of the Jaguar
[51 Human Bar] (PK) Acaeygah the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Imperial War Master
[35 Human Con] Smokabonyi the Adept of the Outer Planes
*51  Fire A-P* (PK) [SCION] Viera Brightspell the Supplicant of Vanity, Chancellor of Eternal Night
[17 Felar Ran] Perzeeru the Scout
[ 3  Elf  War] Suillesnu the Brawler
[ 7 Felar Asn] Kurrnarh the 2nd Brown
[48  Fire War] (PK) Tazerlyx the Student of the Macalla, Imperial Blade
[24  Elf  Thi] Sulismirve the Lookout
[51 H-Elf A-P] (PK) Sargrizitha the Fist of Darkness, Imperial Dread Lady

Players found: 17

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 56 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 27 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 23 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 22 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 21 hours.
Spell: 'detect artifact' for 18 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 9 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 9 for 8 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 1 hours.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>

Faeha now follows you.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>

Faeha nods at you in agreement.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
cb I give warn I probably need rest in maybe 2 days
[SCION] Viera: I give warn I probably need rest in maybe 2 days

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>

The Nightwalker has arrived.
A black abishai devil has arrived.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 56 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 27 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 23 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 22 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 21 hours.
Spell: 'detect artifact' for 18 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 9 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 9 for 8 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 1 hours.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
group fae
Faeha joins your group.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 56 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 27 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 23 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 22 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 21 hours.
Spell: 'detect artifact' for 18 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 9 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 9 for 8 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 1 hours.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
Faeha nods.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
The Shroud of the Unspoken 
  This place hums and surges with something unseen, yet gripping and palpable.
A low rumble resonates here, as deep as you can be made aware of, and you
wonder if it is something you hear, or feel within your skull.  Light seems
to flee whatever presence watches over this domain, and beyond the entry you
see not walls, but simply absence.  The dark abyss feels close upon you, and
distant objects are all that remain to convince you that this place has not
closed around you completely, starving you of your air and space.
[Exits: north]
     The Altar of Eternal Night rests here in the center of the room.
     (Magical) (Humming) A pit of eternal darkness lies before you.
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Darting from shadow to shadow, a tiny, winged nightwalker flits around here.
(Translucent) (Barrier) Faeha is here.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and foreboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.

<1079hp 663m 1022mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 9 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 55 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 26 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 22 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 21 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 20 hours.
Spell: 'detect artifact' for 18 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 9 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 9 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 6 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 0 hours.
The Nightwalker has left.
A black abishai devil has left.
The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You aren't poisoned.

<1116hp 712m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 10 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Library of Conjuration
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

<1116hp 712m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 10 AM none>
The Shroud of the Unspoken 
  This place hums and surges with something unseen, yet gripping and palpable.
A low rumble resonates here, as deep as you can be made aware of, and you
wonder if it is something you hear, or feel within your skull.  Light seems
to flee whatever presence watches over this domain, and beyond the entry you
see not walls, but simply absence.  The dark abyss feels close upon you, and
distant objects are all that remain to convince you that this place has not
closed around you completely, starving you of your air and space.
[Exits: north]
     The Altar of Eternal Night rests here in the center of the room.
     (Magical) (Humming) A pit of eternal darkness lies before you.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and foreboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.

<1116hp 712m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 10 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Library of Conjuration
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

<1116hp 712m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 10 AM none>
Viera's group:
[51 Con] Faeha                        73% hp 61% mana 59% mv 438900 xp
[51 A-P] Viera                        99% hp 92% mana 100% mv 586900 xp

<1116hp 712m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 10 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Library of Conjuration
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

<1116hp 712m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 10 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 55 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 26 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 22 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 21 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 20 hours.
Spell: 'detect artifact' for 18 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 9 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 9 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 6 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 0 hours.

<1116hp 712m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 10 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Library of Conjuration
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

You feel less protected from good.

<1120hp 756m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>
You stand up.

<1120hp 756m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>
c inv
You fade out of existence.

<1120hp 751m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>

The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You aren't poisoned.

<1120hp 751m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>
c pro
You feel protected from good.

<1120hp 746m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>
[SCION LEADERS] the Archmage of Eternal Night: The applicant Dunvidd has left the Realm.

<1120hp 746m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>
You rest.

<1120hp 746m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Library of Conjuration
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken

<1120hp 746m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>
[51 H-Drw Con] (PK) [SCION] Faeha DarkLust the Planewalker
[   Gobln IMM] [None] Skreenak the Goblin Lord, Plague of the Prosperous
[39  Fire A-P] [SCION] (WANTED) Vaskal the Arch-Fiend
[36 Dwarf War] Thohtus the Victorious Champion, Village Applicant
[13 Storm Pal] Aobe the Trustworthy
[10 W-Elf Dru] Croder the Druid Aspirant
[24 Azure Pal] Lyranthir the Avenger, Initiate of the Jaguar
[51 Human Bar] (PK) Acaeygah the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Imperial War Master
[35 Human Con] Smokabonyi the Adept of the Outer Planes
*51  Fire A-P* (PK) [SCION] Viera Brightspell the Supplicant of Vanity, Chancellor of Eternal Night
[ 3  Elf  War] Suillesnu the Brawler
[ 7 Felar Asn] Kurrnarh the 2nd Brown
[48  Fire War] (PK) Tazerlyx the Student of the Macalla, Imperial Blade
[24  Elf  Thi] Sulismirve the Lookout
[51 H-Elf A-P] (PK) Sargrizitha the Fist of Darkness, Imperial Dread Lady

Players found: 15

<1120hp 746m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 54 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 25 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'invis' for 24 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 21 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 20 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 19 hours.
Spell: 'detect artifact' for 18 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 9 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 9 for 6 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 5 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 5 hours.

<1120hp 746m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>

The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You aren't poisoned.

<1120hp 746m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>

The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
The Dark Healer stretches out her hand and places it upon your head.

<1120hp 746m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 11 AM none>

[SCION] a shadowy Nightwalker: Intruder! Intruder! Tazerlyx is raiding the Cabal!
Sargrizitha yells 'Argh!  a small Nightwalker is clawing at me!'
The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
The Dark Healer stretches out her hand and places it upon your head.

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Library of Conjuration
(PK) Acaeygah                     Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Tazerlyx                     Above the Chasm
(PK) Sargrizitha                  Above the Chasm

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
You stand up.

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 53 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 23 hours.
Spell: 'invis' for 23 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 20 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 19 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 18 hours.
Spell: 'detect artifact' for 18 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 9 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 9 for 5 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 4 hours.

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        The Library of Conjuration
(PK) Acaeygah                     Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Tazerlyx                     Above the Chasm
(PK) Sargrizitha                  Above the Chasm

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>

The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
cb Faeha ready?
[SCION] Viera: Faeha ready?

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 53 hours.
Spell: 'aura of despair' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 23 hours.
Spell: 'invis' for 23 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 20 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 19 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 18 hours.
Spell: 'detect artifact' for 18 hours.
Physical effect: 'gourmet meal' modifies morale by 6 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 9 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 9 for 5 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 4 hours.

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>

[SCION] a shadowy Nightwalker: Intruder! Intruder! Sargrizitha is raiding the Cabal!

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
You are carrying:
     (Magical) a potion of returning
     (Magical) a pointed goblin war helm
     (Magical) a crude bronze figurine
     (Magical) a large sliver of rose quartz
     (Magical) (Glowing) a spider ring
     (Magical) a wand of return
( 2) (Magical) a wooden disc marked with a triskelion
     an obsidian pike
     (Magical) a potion of transportation
     (Magical) a strange obsidian charm
     the hide of an ancient black dragon
     (Magical) (Glowing) a shimmering ball of violet light
     (Magical) a wide ribbon of the finest teal silk
     a long, mithril-tipped hunting spear
     (Magical) the girdle of endless space
     (Magical) (Glowing) the orb of travel
     (Magical) Kra'zuul, the Bloodletter

<1120hp 769m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
ez charm self
cast excision 'charm' self
You focus your will on a strange obsidian charm, stealing its essence for your own use.
An aura of magic appears around you.

<1120hp 744m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 12 PM none>
ez figurine self
cast excision 'figurine' self

The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You aren't poisoned.

<1120hp 756m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
You focus your will on a crude bronze figurine, stealing its essence for your own use.
A mystical barrier forms around you.

<1120hp 731m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
ez disc self
cast excision 'disc' self

[SCION] Faeha: Aye

<1120hp 731m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

The Dark Healer closes her eyes for a moment and nods at the Archmage of Eternal Night.

<1120hp 731m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
c desp helm
You focus your will on a wooden disc marked with a triskelion, stealing its essence for your own
You are surrounded by a force shield.

<1120hp 706m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Sargrizitha yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Acaeygah yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'

<1120hp 706m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
You place both hands on a pointed goblin war helm and pillage the magic within,
Infusing its essence into your soul, filling your body with its power.
Trembling under the force of your command, a pointed goblin war helm crumbles to gray ash.
Acaeygah yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a water elemental!'
Acaeygah yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'

<1299hp 671m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Sargrizitha yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'

<1299hp 671m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Faeha yells 'Die, Sargrizitha, you sorcerous dog!'

<1299hp 671m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

A black abishai devil yells 'The more you fight the darkness, Acaeygah, the worse your torment!'

<1299hp 671m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
tar sargri
Target is now: Sargri

bash Sargri
At the Base of the Stairs 
[Exits: east south up]
     A small slip of cloth lies lifelessly upon the earth.

<1299hp 671m 1114mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
The Convergence 
[Exits: north east south west up down]

<1299hp 671m 1113mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
A Somber Chamber 
[Exits: east south west up down]

<1299hp 671m 1112mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
Within the Maw of Stone 
[Exits: up down]

<1299hp 671m 1111mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Faeha yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'

<1299hp 671m 1111mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Sargrizitha yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
A cascading column of bubbling water moves along fluidly here.
Darting from shadow to shadow, a tiny, winged nightwalker flits around here.
(Translucent) (Barrier) Faeha is here, fighting Acaeygah.
Tazerlyx is here, fighting a shadowy Nightwalker.
(Barrier) Sargrizitha is here, fighting a shadowy Nightwalker.
Acaeygah is here, fighting Faeha.
A Nightwalker defends this place without question.
A crackling hiss from a shadowy Nightwalker breaks the silence of the abyss below.
(You intuitively sense that a shadowy Nightwalker just greeted you.)

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

A black abishai devil yells 'Your soul is damned for all eternity, Acaeygah!'

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
You slam into Sargrizitha, and send her flying!
You fade into existence.
Your bash grazes Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha yells 'Help! Viera is bashing me!'
Sargrizitha has a few scratches.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Acaeygah has fled!
A shadowy Nightwalker moves to block Acaeygah's path.
Sargrizitha has a few scratches.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Acaeygah has fled!
A shadowy Nightwalker moves to block Acaeygah's path.
Sargrizitha has a few scratches.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

A water elemental tries to attack some empty air near Acaeygah.
A black abishai devil trips Tazerlyx, sending him to the ground.
A black abishai devil's trip scratches Tazerlyx.
A shadowy Nightwalker's kicked dirt misses Tazerlyx.
Faeha's blow swings wildly and misses.
Your shocking bite MUTILATES Sargrizitha!
Your shocking bite MUTILATES Sargrizitha!
Tazerlyx's blow swings wildly and misses.
Tazerlyx's cleave MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's cleave MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's caustic slime misses a shadowy Nightwalker.
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning DISMEMBERS a shadowy Nightwalker!
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Acaeygah has fled!
A shadowy Nightwalker moves to block Acaeygah's path.
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

Acaeygah has fled!
Acaeygah leaves south.
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>
c i
c iceball

Acaeygah has arrived.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is no hope for you, Acaeygah! Embrace your death!'
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Acaeygah.
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

A black abishai devil yells 'I will absorb your terror, Acaeygah, before feasting upon your flesh!'
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

A black abishai devil's claw EVISCERATES Acaeygah!
Sargrizitha deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Your shocking bite devastates Sargrizitha!
Your shocking bite MUTILATES Sargrizitha!
Faeha's sting misses Sargrizitha.
Tazerlyx's caustic slime MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's cleave MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** a shadowy Nightwalker!
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning EVISCERATES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 671m 1110mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 1 PM none>

You are thirsty.
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 688m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Acaeygah has fled!
Acaeygah leaves south.
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 688m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Faeha utters the words, 'xabras euwunsoguai'.
The space around Faeha seems to vibrate and wobble.
Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 688m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Acaeygah has arrived.
Sargrizitha has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1299hp 688m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Acaeygah yells 'Die, Viera, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball DISMEMBERS Acaeygah!
Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Viera, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** Tazerlyx!
Your iceball MASSACRES Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1299hp 663m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

The Nightwalker yells 'Acaeygah! Now you die!'
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1299hp 663m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
c i
c iceball

Sargrizitha yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a water elemental!'
A black abishai devil gestures at Sargrizitha, uttering blasphemies.
With a supernatural flash, the power of a black abishai devil's famish arcs to Acaeygah!
With a supernatural flash, the power of a black abishai devil's famish arcs to Tazerlyx!
Tazerlyx grimaces, clutching painfully at his stomach.
A shadowy Nightwalker's claw wounds Tazerlyx.
Your defensive spin deflects Acaeygah's slash.
You parry Acaeygah's slash.
Acaeygah dodges your shocking bite.
Sparks fly around Sargrizitha as your shocking bite is halted by a skin from the snow leopard.
Your shocking bite misses Sargrizitha.
Tazerlyx's blow swings wildly and misses.
Tazerlyx's cleave misses a shadowy Nightwalker.
Tazerlyx's cleave MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** a shadowy Nightwalker!
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
A black abishai devil yells 'Run faster, Acaeygah! Your sweet fear empowers me!'
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1299hp 663m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Tazerlyx drives his axes into both sides of Faeha's body.
Tazerlyx's brutal attack EVISCERATES Faeha!
Tazerlyx's brutal attack MUTILATES Faeha!
Faeha yells 'Help! Someone tried to hack me to pieces!'
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1299hp 663m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Acaeygah has fled!
Acaeygah leaves south.
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1299hp 663m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Baalberith, Duke of Hell, exploding forth in snow and
Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Viera, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball MANGLES Tazerlyx!
Your iceball decimates Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1299hp 638m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
Acaeygah has arrived.
A black abishai devil yells 'Your soul is damned for all eternity, Acaeygah!'
The Nightwalker yells 'Acaeygah! Now you die!'
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1299hp 638m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

A water elemental tries to attack some empty air near Sargrizitha.
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Acaeygah.
A shadowy Nightwalker's claw wounds Tazerlyx.
A shadowy Nightwalker tries to dirt kicking some empty air near Tazerlyx.
Faeha's blow swings wildly and misses.
Your shocking bite devastates Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha parries your shocking bite.
Sargrizitha dodges your shocking bite.
Buzzing with charge, an arc of lightning snaps from the Spear of the Sahuagin, arcing towards
Your arc of lightning DISMEMBERS Sargrizitha!
Tazerlyx's caustic slime MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's cleave MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's caustic slime MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning EVISCERATES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning EVISCERATES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1299hp 638m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
c i
c iceball

Acaeygah sings 'And blow the winds, I-ho!
Sing, blow the winds, I-ho!
Clear away the morning dew
And blow the winds, I-ho!'
Acaeygah's reverberating blast MUTILATES you!
You yell 'Help! Acaeygah attacked me!'
Acaeygah's reverberating blast *** DEVASTATES *** a black abishai devil!
Acaeygah's reverberating blast === OBLITERATES === the Nightwalker!
Acaeygah's reverberating blast === OBLITERATES === a water elemental!
A water elemental yells 'Help! Acaeygah attacked me!'
Acaeygah's reverberating blast *** DEVASTATES *** a tiny, winged nightwalker!
Acaeygah's reverberating blast DISMEMBERS Faeha!
Faeha yells 'Help! Someone attacked me!'
Acaeygah's reverberating blast === OBLITERATES === a shadowy Nightwalker!
Sargrizitha is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1257hp 638m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Sargrizitha has fled!
Sargrizitha leaves south.

<1257hp 638m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Acaeygah yells 'Die, Viera, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball EVISCERATES Acaeygah!
Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Viera, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball MANGLES Tazerlyx!
Acaeygah has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1257hp 613m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

A black abishai devil tries to attack some empty air near Acaeygah.
A shadowy Nightwalker tries to attack some empty air near Tazerlyx.
Acaeygah's slash EVISCERATES a black abishai devil!
Acaeygah's slash EVISCERATES a black abishai devil!
Acaeygah parries your shocking bite.
Acaeygah nimbly sidesteps your shocking bite.
Tazerlyx's caustic slime MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's cleave MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's caustic slime MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Acaeygah has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1257hp 613m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
c i
c iceball

A tiny, winged nightwalker flaps its wings fiercely for a moment and flies up out of sight.
Acaeygah has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1257hp 613m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Acaeygah yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a water elemental!'
Acaeygah has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1257hp 613m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Baalberith, Duke of Hell, exploding forth in snow and
Your iceball EVISCERATES Acaeygah!
Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Viera, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball MANGLES Tazerlyx!
Acaeygah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1257hp 588m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

A blast of water expands from a water elemental!
A water elemental creates a geyser aimed at Acaeygah!
A water elemental's geyser wounds Acaeygah.
A water elemental's geyser MANGLES Tazerlyx!
The Nightwalker's claw wounds Acaeygah.
A shadowy Nightwalker tries to dirt kicking some empty air near Tazerlyx.
Acaeygah executes the form The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain!
Acaeygah yells 'Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem!'
Acaeygah's slash *** DEMOLISHES *** a black abishai devil!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Acaeygah!
Acaeygah dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Acaeygah!
Tazerlyx's caustic slime MASSACRES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's cleave MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's cleave MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Tazerlyx's caustic slime MANGLES a shadowy Nightwalker!
Acaeygah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1257hp 588m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Faeha utters the words, 'xabras euwunsoguai'.
The space around Faeha seems to vibrate and wobble.
Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Tazerlyx has fled!
A shadowy Nightwalker moves to block Tazerlyx's path.
Acaeygah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1257hp 588m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Tazerlyx has fled!
Tazerlyx leaves south.
Acaeygah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1257hp 588m 1115mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
c i
c iceball

Acaeygah sings 'Bring forth my bow of burning gold!
Bring arrows of icy ire!
Bring forth the sleet! O Clouds unfold!
And bring my blades of fire!'
Acaeygah's icy illusion flusters you!
Acaeygah's icy illusion RATTLES a black abishai devil!
Acaeygah's ball of ice === OBLITERATES === the Nightwalker!
Acaeygah's icy illusion RATTLES a water elemental!
Acaeygah's ball of fire TORCHES Faeha!
Acaeygah's fiery doom >>> CAUTERIZES <<< a shadowy Nightwalker!
Acaeygah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1230hp 588m 1107mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

A shadowy Nightwalker thrashes around screaming as it is consumed by fire!
A shadowy Nightwalker's immolation heats it.
Acaeygah is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1230hp 588m 1107mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Your iceball MANGLES Acaeygah!
Faeha's sting hits Acaeygah.
Acaeygah's blow swings wildly and misses.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Acaeygah!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Acaeygah!
Buzzing with charge, an arc of lightning snaps from the Spear of the Sahuagin, arcing towards
Your arc of lightning MASSACRES Acaeygah!
Acaeygah is gushing blood.

<1230hp 563m 1107mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

A shadowy Nightwalker thrashes around screaming as it is consumed by fire!
A shadowy Nightwalker's immolation heats it.
A blast of water expands from a water elemental!
A water elemental creates a geyser aimed at Acaeygah!
A water elemental's geyser wounds Acaeygah.
A shadowy Nightwalker tries to dirt kicking some empty air near Acaeygah.
Acaeygah's slash DISMEMBERS a black abishai devil!
Acaeygah's slash DISMEMBERS a black abishai devil!
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Acaeygah!
Sparks fly around Acaeygah as your shocking bite is halted by the blademaster's gloves.
Buzzing with charge, an arc of lightning snaps from the Spear of the Sahuagin, arcing towards
Your arc of lightning *** DEMOLISHES *** Acaeygah!
Acaeygah lands a lucky blow!
Your defensive spin deflects Acaeygah's slash.
Acaeygah has fled!
Acaeygah leaves south.

<1230hp 563m 1107mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
b acae
bash acae
They aren't here.
Tazerlyx has arrived.

<1230hp 563m 1107mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>

Tazerlyx stops using the spider axe.
Tazerlyx stops using a great battleaxe rimmed in slime named 'Flesh Render'.
Tazerlyx wields an ivory polearm named 'Narwhal's Spike'.

<1230hp 563m 1107mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 2 PM none>
b acae
bash acae
Wandering in the Desert 

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]
(Barrier) Sargrizitha is here.
Acaeygah is here.
A dune strider gracefully runs across the desert sand.
The dune strider becomes agitated at the sight of you and attacks!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by the dune strider!'
Your defensive spin deflects the dune strider's pierce.
The dune strider is in perfect health.

<1230hp 563m 1104mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  2 PM cloudy>

Sargrizitha leaves north.
The dune strider is in perfect health.

<1230hp 563m 1104mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  2 PM cloudy>
You drop as if wounded and dash into Acaeygah's dropped defenses to collide with her!
Your bash grazes Acaeygah.
Acaeygah yells 'Help! Viera is bashing me!'
The dune strider is in perfect health.

<1230hp 563m 1104mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  2 PM cloudy>

You parry the dune strider's pierce.
You parry the dune strider's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Acaeygah's slash.
You parry Acaeygah's slash.
Acaeygah dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the dune strider!
The dune strider is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (40% bonus).
The dune strider's head is shattered, and her brains splash all over you.
You get 3 copper coins from the burnt corpse of the dune strider.
You split 3 copper coins.  Your share is 2 copper coins.
The gods give you one copper coin for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of the dune strider.

<1230hp 563m 1104mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  2 PM cloudy>

A black abishai devil has arrived.
Faeha slowly floats to the ground.
You are thirsty.
A black abishai devil yells 'Your soul is damned for all eternity, Acaeygah!'

<1239hp 577m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
b acae
bash acae

Tazerlyx has arrived.

<1239hp 577m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

The Nightwalker yells 'There is no hope for you, Acaeygah! Embrace your death!'
The Nightwalker's claw decimates Acaeygah!

<1239hp 577m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

A water elemental has arrived.

<1239hp 577m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

A black abishai devil tries to attack some empty air near Acaeygah.
Acaeygah's slash wounds you.
You remain safe as Acaeygah's slash bounces harmlessly off of a pair of darkened leggings.
You parry Tazerlyx's gore.
Tazerlyx keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Acaeygah dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Acaeygah!
Acaeygah dodges your shocking bite.
Buzzing with charge, an arc of lightning snaps from the Spear of the Sahuagin, arcing towards
Your arc of lightning DISMEMBERS Acaeygah!
Acaeygah is convulsing on the ground.

<1221hp 577m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Sargrizitha has arrived.
Acaeygah is convulsing on the ground.

<1221hp 577m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
You circle Acaeygah and launch yourself at her from her blind side!
Your bash scratches Acaeygah.
Acaeygah is convulsing on the ground.

<1221hp 577m 1115mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Sargrizitha utters the words, 'iceball'.
Mystic frost manifests itself at Sargrizitha's hands before she sends it forth in a frigid explosion
of snow and ice.
A water elemental yells 'Die, Sargrizitha, you sorcerous dog!'
Sargrizitha's iceball MASSACRES a water elemental!
Sargrizitha's iceball *** DEVASTATES *** a black abishai devil!
Sargrizitha's iceball *** DEMOLISHES *** the Nightwalker!
Faeha yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Sargrizitha's iceball MASSACRES Faeha!
You yell 'Die, Sargrizitha, you sorcerous dog!'
Sargrizitha's iceball MASSACRES you!
Acaeygah is convulsing on the ground.

<1149hp 577m 949mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Faeha utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Faeha waves her arm in a wide arc, sending forth a cluster of projectiles of pure mana towards
Faeha's magic missile scratches Acaeygah.
Faeha's magic missile scratches Acaeygah.
Faeha's magic missile scratches Acaeygah.
A water elemental's drowning decimates Sargrizitha!
Acaeygah's slash wounds you.
You parry Acaeygah's slash.
Your shocking bite MASSACRES Tazerlyx!
Acaeygah dodges your shocking bite.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Acaeygah!
Acaeygah is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your shocking bite misses Acaeygah.
A shadowy spirit departs from you and enters Tazerlyx!
You parry Tazerlyx's gore.
Tazerlyx's gore mauls you.
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning MASSACRES a water elemental!
Acaeygah is convulsing on the ground.

<1106hp 577m 949mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Tazerlyx tears your flesh with a wide, slicing blow from an ivory polearm named 'Narwhal's Spike'!
Tazerlyx's slice decimates you!
Acaeygah is convulsing on the ground.

<1078hp 577m 949mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
c i
c iceball

Sargrizitha utters the words, 'iceball'.
Mystic frost manifests itself at Sargrizitha's hands before she sends it forth in a frigid explosion
of snow and ice.
Sargrizitha's iceball *** DEVASTATES *** a water elemental!
Sargrizitha's iceball *** DEVASTATES *** a black abishai devil!
Sargrizitha's iceball === OBLITERATES === the Nightwalker!
Faeha yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Sargrizitha's iceball MUTILATES Faeha!
You yell 'Die, Sargrizitha, you sorcerous dog!'
Sargrizitha's iceball MASSACRES you!
A water elemental tries to attack some empty air near Sargrizitha.
The Nightwalker's claw maims Acaeygah!
Acaeygah is DEAD!!
You assist Faeha in the death of someone.
Acaeygah's fingers are sliced from her dead body.
You parry Tazerlyx's gore.
You parry Tazerlyx's gore.
Your defensive spin deflects Tazerlyx's gore.
Tazerlyx is gushing blood.

<1004hp 577m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Faeha utters the words, 'xabras euwunsoguai'.
The space around Faeha seems to vibrate and wobble.
Sargrizitha yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Tazerlyx yells 'Die, Faeha, you sorcerous dog!'
Tazerlyx is gushing blood.

<1004hp 577m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
Frost manifests at your hands as you invoke Braaz'akag-Thur the Greater Ice Devil, exploding forth
in snow and ice.
Sargrizitha yells 'Die, Viera, you sorcerous dog!'
Your iceball DISMEMBERS Sargrizitha!
Your iceball === OBLITERATES === Tazerlyx!
Tazerlyx is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Your shocking bite MASSACRES Tazerlyx!
Tazerlyx has fled!
Tazerlyx leaves south.
Sargrizitha's blow swings wildly and misses.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Sargrizitha utters the words, 'blindness'.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Faeha utters the words, 'qaiqzrrahuai'.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
b sarg
bash sarg

A water elemental tries to attack some empty air near Sargrizitha.
A blast of water expands from a water elemental!
A water elemental creates a geyser aimed at Sargrizitha!
A water elemental's geyser injures Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning MASSACRES a water elemental!

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
Sargrizitha is far too small to aim at properly.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

You yell 'Die, Sargrizitha, you sorcerous dog!'
Sargrizitha utters the words, 'blindness'.
You manage to reflect Sargrizitha's spell back at her!
Sargrizitha's eyes turn black as you call upon Shal-Shannonth the Hag.
Your defensive spin deflects Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
b sarg
bash sarg
Sargrizitha is far too small to aim at properly.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
tr sarg

Faeha tells the group 'blind'
Your shocking bite maims Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha parries your shocking bite.
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning MASSACRES a water elemental!
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
Your trip misses Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Faeha catches Sargrizitha with a fish net studded with sharp hooks, and sends her tumbling to the
Faeha's swing grazes Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
tr sarg

A water elemental tries to attack some empty air near Sargrizitha.
A blast of water expands from a water elemental!
A water elemental creates a geyser aimed at Sargrizitha!
A water elemental's geyser injures Sargrizitha.
Your shocking bite devastates Sargrizitha!
Sargrizitha deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Sargrizitha dodges your shocking bite.
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning MASSACRES a water elemental!
Sargrizitha's torrent of lightning MANGLES a water elemental!
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Sargrizitha yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
Your trip misses Sargrizitha.
Sargrizitha is gushing blood.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>

Sargrizitha has fled!
Sargrizitha leaves south.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
tr sarg
tr sarg
They aren't here.

<1004hp 552m 758mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
Wandering in the Desert 
[Exits: north east south west]

<1004hp 552m 752mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
They aren't here.

<1004hp 552m 752mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Viera                        Wandering in the Desert

<1004hp 552m 752mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
Wandering in the Desert 

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]
     The corpse of Acaeygah is here, badly sliced and hacked.
     The severed fingers of Acaeygah lie here.
     Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
     A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
     A long piece of bone, smoothed and polished sticks up from the sand.
     The splattered brains of the dune strider are lying here.
A cascading column of bubbling water moves along fluidly here.
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.

<1004hp 552m 746mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
scan all
Above the Chasm 
[Exits: south down]
(Burning) A Nightwalker defends this place without question.
A crackling hiss from a shadowy Nightwalker breaks the silence of the abyss below.
(You intuitively sense that a shadowy Nightwalker just greeted you.)
A crackling hiss from a shadowy Nightwalker breaks the silence of the abyss below.

<1004hp 552m 743mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 3 PM none>
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** SOUTH: 1 *****
A cascading column of bubbling water moves along fluidly here.
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<1004hp 552m 743mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 3 PM none>
People near you:
(PK) Faeha                        Above the Chasm
(PK) Viera                        Above the Chasm

<1004hp 552m 743mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 3 PM none>

A water elemental has arrived.
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<1004hp 552m 743mv 27100tnl indoor new civilized 3 PM none>
Wandering in the Desert 

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.
[Exits: north east south west]
     The corpse of Acaeygah is here, badly sliced and hacked.
     The severed fingers of Acaeygah lie here.
     Two small piles of tuara hide have been tossed aside.
     A large piece of leather almost blends into the sands that cover it.
     A long piece of bone, smoothed and polished sticks up from the sand.
     The splattered brains of the dune strider are lying here.
Lashing its tail around like a whip, a black abishai devil squats here.

<1004hp 552m 740mv 27100tnl outdoor new wilderness  3 PM cloudy>
l corpse
The corpse of Acaeygah is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Acaeygah contains:
     (Magical) a sash of black gauze
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     the amulet of Moudrilar
     black, fishnet stockings
     (Glowing) a heart-shaped ruby on a silver chain
     (Magical) a full mask of clear glass
     (Magical) (Glowing) firebrand boots
     (Magical) a dove figurine
     (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of blue crystal
( 2) a large sack
     (Magical) (Glowing) bracers of defense
     (Humming) the horn of the tritons
     a practice staff
     a tankard of imperial stout
     (Magical) an emerald periapt
     (Magical) (Glowing) a ruby-hilted scimitar named 'Desert Sun'
     an invitation from the Empress
     (Glowing) an engraved silver circlet
( 2) a dark blue bottle of spiced wine
     (Magical) a small coral ring
( 2) (Magical) a potion of returning
     (Magical) a stout staff of sturdy maple
     (Magical) (Glowing) a staff of wrath
     (Magical) (Glowing) a skin of wailing spirits
     (Magical) (Humming) the blademaster's gloves
( 2) (Magical) a bracelet of blue coldfire
     42 copper coins
Subject Author Views Posted

viera: viera + faeha op gang vs empire part 1

starbright 143 November 19, 2023 01:36PM

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