
January 30, 2024 10:12AM
wilderness  outdoor <88%/703/794hp 100%/1262/1262m 93%/935mv 26000tnl (-24.40%)> 10 AM
You reach back and hurl a handful of tiny pebbles towards the sky.
As they reach an apex, the sky trembles with a terrible rain of stone!
A thunderous roar shatters the air as a rain of boulders pummels this place!
Your shielding against earth cushions some of the impact.
Your storm of falling rocks grazes you.

wilderness  outdoor <87%/697/794hp 97%/1225/1262m 93%/935mv 26000tnl (-24.40%)> 10 AM

Celatrix has arrived.

wilderness  outdoor <87%/697/794hp 97%/1225/1262m 93%/935mv 26000tnl (-24.40%)> 10 AM
cast wind wall

A thunderous roar shatters the air as a rain of boulders pummels this place!
Celatrix yells 'Oof!  Arinayar is raining stones upon me!'
The force of the impact staggers Celatrix!
Your storm of falling rocks MANGLES Celatrix!
Your shielding against earth cushions some of the impact.
Your storm of falling rocks grazes you.
Celatrix's slash wounds you.
Celatrix's punch injures you.
Celatrix's slash wounds you.
Celatrix parries your punch.
Celatrix is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness  outdoor <80%/639/794hp 97%/1225/1262m 93%/935mv 26000tnl (-24.40%)> 10 AM

Lightning flashes in the sky.
Celatrix is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness  outdoor <82%/659/794hp 100%/1262/1262m 100%/935mv 26000tnl (-24.40%)> 11 AM

A thunderous roar shatters the air as a rain of boulders pummels this place!
The gods protect someone.
The gods protect Thaldrak.
Your shielding against earth cushions some of the impact.
Your storm of falling rocks hits you.
Celatrix's slash decimates you!
You absorb the force of Celatrix's punch with firewalker boots.
Celatrix's slash wounds you.
Celatrix dodges your punch.
Celatrix is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness  outdoor <76%/605/794hp 100%/1262/1262m 100%/935mv 26000tnl (-24.40%)> 11 AM

Celatrix has fled!
Celatrix leaves.
You gather the forces of the wind into a wall of air.

wilderness  outdoor <76%/605/794hp 97%/1230/1262m 100%/935mv 26000tnl (-24.40%)> 11 AM

Celatrix has arrived.
Celatrix slips and falls into a pit!
You land the killing blow against Celatrix.
You hear someone's death cry.
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kbd 338 January 30, 2024 10:12AM

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