Outhyen Vs Ompyis or Kelpie Vs Dolphin

March 25, 2024 05:12AM
**** Round 1 ****

water <892(100%hp) 1052(90%m)  (100%mv)  (12 PM)> 13:49:43 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin swims up to you with amazing speed then stops suddenly.

water <892(100%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:18 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin charges at you and batters you.
A blue dolphin's battering is deflected by your armor.
A blue dolphin's battering decimates you!
You make some noise as you are attacked.
A blue dolphin is in perfect health.

water <865(96%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:18 CST (18051tnl) 

Your crush misses a blue dolphin.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin has a few scratches.

water <865(96%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:21 CST (18051tnl) 

Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin's pound MASSACRES you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound MASSACRES you!
A blue dolphin's pound DISMEMBERS you!
A blue dolphin has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <663(74%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:24 CST (18051tnl) 

You dodge a blue dolphin's batter.
A blue dolphin has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <663(74%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:25 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush misses a blue dolphin.
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <600(67%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:27 CST (18051tnl) 

Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound misses you.
You quickly leap away from a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <600(67%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:30 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin charges at you and batters you.
A blue dolphin's battering is deflected by your armor.
A blue dolphin's battering decimates you!
A blue dolphin has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <572(64%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:31 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin's pound DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound MASSACRES you!
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <438(49%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:33 CST (18051tnl) 

Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin's pound DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
A blue dolphin's pound MASSACRES you!
You desperately dodge around a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <312(34%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:36 CST (18051tnl) roar
You roar loudly, emanating menace to the room.
A blue dolphin charges at you and batters you.
A blue dolphin's battering is deflected by your armor.
A blue dolphin's battering decimates you!
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <286(32%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:38 CST (18051tnl) 
You roar loudly, emanating menace to the room.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <286(32%hp) 1001(86%m)  (100%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:38 CST (18051tnl) 

Your crush misses a blue dolphin.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin's pound MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
A blue dolphin's pound DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A blue dolphin's pound MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You land a lucky blow!
Your  MASSACRES a blue dolphin!
Beneath the Waves 
[Exits: south west up down]
A small black and white striped fish darts about.
You flee from combat!
A blue dolphin quickly locates you in the water, follows and continues to
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <90(10%hp) 1001(86%m)  (99%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:39 CST (18051tnl) rev;c word

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
Your crush maims a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin's pound DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin is gushing blood.

water <35(3%hp) 1001(86%m)  (99%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:42 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin charges at you and batters you.
A blue dolphin's battering is deflected by your armor.
A blue dolphin's battering devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Beneath the Waves 
[Exits: east south west up down]
A shockingly bright fish of orange, blue and red swims about trying to get your
A shockingly bright fish of orange, blue and red swims about trying to get your
You flee from combat!
A blue dolphin quickly locates you in the water, follows and continues to
A blue dolphin is gushing blood.

water <3(0%hp) 1001(86%m)  (99%mv)  (3 PM)> 13:51:44 CST (18051tnl) 

Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound MASSACRES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
You feel some of your vitality drain out of you with this death.

wilderness  <1(0%hp) 1(0%m)  (100%mv)  (4 PM)> 13:51:45 CST (18051tnl) 
Better stand first.

**** Round 2 ****

A blue dolphin seems to be trying to nod, but with much difficulty.

water <892(100%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:26 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin charges at you and batters you.
A blue dolphin's battering is deflected by your armor.
A blue dolphin's battering mauls you.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
A blue dolphin has a few scratches.

water <869(97%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:28 CST (18051tnl) tramp
You charge at a blue dolphin, trying to trample him underfoot.
Your trampling feet MUTILATES a blue dolphin!
Your trampling feet MUTILATES a blue dolphin!
Your trampling feet devastates a blue dolphin!
You crush a blue dolphin under your trampling feet.
Your trampling feet maims a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <869(97%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:30 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <869(97%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:31 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <682(76%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:34 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin charges at you and batters you.
A blue dolphin strikes you with bone-shattering force!
A blue dolphin's battering mauls you.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <658(73%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:36 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin's pound MUTILATES you!
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
A blue dolphin's pound MUTILATES you!
You deftly avoid a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <523(58%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:37 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin moves out of the range of your crush.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <478(53%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:40 CST (18051tnl) roar
You roar loudly, emanating menace to the room.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <478(53%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:40 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
At the last moment you avoid a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <478(53%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:43 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <432(48%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:46 CST (18051tnl) kinsp That's too much.
You kinspeak 'That's too much.'
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <432(48%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:48 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates a blue dolphin!
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <432(48%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:49 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound MUTILATES you!
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <342(38%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:52 CST (18051tnl) 

A blue dolphin seems to be trying to nod, but with much difficulty.
A blue dolphin is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <342(38%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:54 CST (18051tnl) 

Your crush decimates a blue dolphin!
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin dodges your crush.
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
You dodge a blue dolphin's pound.
A blue dolphin's pound EVISCERATES you!
Moving quickly, you avoid a blue dolphin's pound.
You dodge a blue dolphin's attack.
A blue dolphin's pound MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A blue dolphin is gushing blood.

water <208(23%hp) 744(64%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:55 CST (18051tnl) rev;c word
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
Your bones creak and snap under the strain of your trauma as you shapeshift.
Your shapeshifting wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A blue dolphin notices you momentarily becoming distracted, and he strikes!
A blue dolphin's pound MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A blue dolphin's pound MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You try to swim away but the lack of air drains your strength!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
A blue dolphin is gushing blood.

water <25(2%hp) 729(62%m)  (100%mv)  (1 AM)> 14:08:57 CST (18051tnl) 
A Well-Shaded Field 
[Exits: north east south]
     A towering shadow looms amongst the trees, cast by a colossal stone
     A pit for sacrifices is in front of the menhir.

wilderness  <34(3%hp) 722(62%m)  (53%mv)  (2 AM)> 14:08:57 CST (18051tnl) cal cham
You fade away as you blend in with your surroundings.

                                                                          cb You weren't
fleeing..  Again.
[OUTLANDER] Outhyen: You weren't fleeing..  Again.

wilderness  <34(3%hp) 687(59%m)  (53%mv)  (2 AM)> 14:09:18 CST (18051tnl) c slow
You start moving at normal speed again.

wilderness  <40(4%hp) 659(56%m)  (53%mv)  (2 AM)> 14:09:29 CST (18051tnl) c slow
You feel yourself moving more slowly.

wilderness  <40(4%hp) 629(54%m)  (53%mv)  (2 AM)> 14:09:32 CST (18051tnl) 

[OUTLANDER] Ompyis: It is a hard thing to do, to flee as a dark elf, when you
are winning.

wilderness  <142(15%hp) 817(70%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM)> 14:10:12 CST (18051tnl) 

[OUTLANDER] Ompyis: I will work on that... "brother".

wilderness  <142(15%hp) 817(70%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM)> 14:10:22 CST (18051tnl) 

[OUTLANDER] Ompyis: Although I am curious how painful the boneshatter was.

wilderness  <147(16%hp) 822(70%m)  (78%mv)  (4 AM)> 14:10:47 CST (18051tnl) cb I can
understand the urge.. And remember that for any future skirmish.
[OUTLANDER] Outhyen: I can understand the urge.. And remember that for any
future skirmish.
Subject Author Views Posted

Outhyen Vs Ompyis or Kelpie Vs Dolphin

LogFiend 273 March 25, 2024 05:12AM

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