Outhyen Vs Eledsoere 2

March 25, 2024 06:48AM
People near you:
(PK) a wildcat                    The Open Sea

water <1026(100%hp) 1129(88%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:07 CST

You feel you may want to be wary. ***LOOK OUT***

water <1026(100%hp) 1129(88%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:07 CST
People near you:
(PK) a wildcat                    The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Great Reef

water <1026(100%hp) 1129(88%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:07 CST
People near you:
(PK) a wildcat                    The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Great Reef

water <1026(100%hp) 1129(88%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:08 CST
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.

water <1026(100%hp) 1120(87%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:08 CST
The Open Sea 
  The sea and the sky, the sky and the sea.  Sea and sky, sky and sea.  
When was the last time you saw land?  When was the last time you did not 
see blue or gray?  You think you may go mad from all of the space!
[Exits: north east south west down]
A gray seagull soars above the waves of the sea.

water <1026(100%hp) 1123(88%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:08 CST
c water
You feel able to breathe underwater.

water <1026(100%hp) 1098(86%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:08 CST
Beneath the Waves 
  You are surrounded by the dark murky waters of the sea.  You can see 
only a few feet in front of you, and the only way you know up is up is 
by the direction the bubbles float as air escapes from your mouth.  
Every direction appears exactly the same, dark murky water.
[Exits: north east south west up down]
A shockingly bright fish of orange, blue and red swims about trying to get your

water <1026(100%hp) 1098(86%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:08 CST
hold horn
You feel less resistant to energy.
You feel less resistant to acid.
You feel less resistant to lightning.
You feel less resistant to cold.
You feel less resistant to fire.
You stop using the pearl of power.
You hold a many-branched wand, crafted from elk horn in your hands.

water <1026(105%hp) 1098(88%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:08 CST
zap self
You zap yourself with a many-branched wand, crafted from elk horn.
You are surrounded by a force shield.

water <1026(105%hp) 1098(88%m)  (55%mv)  (10 PM) 13:08 CST
hold black
You stop using a many-branched wand, crafted from elk horn.
You hold a sleek black rod in your hands.

water <976(100%hp) 1171(95%m)  (67%mv)  (11 PM) 13:08 CST
zap self
You zap yourself with a sleek black rod.
A mystical barrier forms around you.

water <976(100%hp) 1171(95%m)  (67%mv)  (11 PM) 13:08 CST
hold pearl
You stop using a sleek black rod.
You hold the pearl of power in your hands.
You feel more resistant to energy.
You feel more resistant to acid.
You feel more resistant to lightning.
You feel more resistant to cold.
You feel more resistant to fire.

water <976(95%hp) 1173(91%m)  (67%mv)  (11 PM) 13:08 CST
shape kelpie
You flicker and blur into the shape of an eight-legged kelpie.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the brutality of the shark.

water <976(95%hp) 1154(90%m)  (67%mv)  (11 PM) 13:08 CST
enl pas
People near you:
(PK) an eight-legged kelpie       Beneath the Waves
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <976(95%hp) 1154(90%m)  (67%mv)  (11 PM) 13:08 CST
enl cont
You turn translucent.

water <976(95%hp) 1144(89%m)  (67%mv)  (11 PM) 13:08 CST

Your skin feels soft again.

water <1008(98%hp) 1122(87%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
You flicker between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.

water <1008(98%hp) 1087(85%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
m Eledsoere
murder Eledsoere
enl haste
They aren't here.

water <1008(98%hp) 1087(85%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
You start moving at normal speed again.

water <1008(98%hp) 1072(84%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
enl stone
enl haste
swimto Eledsoere
roll Eledsoere
Your skin turns to stone.

water <1008(98%hp) 1042(81%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
You feel yourself moving more quickly.

water <1008(98%hp) 1027(80%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
You swim to Eledsoere.
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the north, south and west! A buoy bobs here 
among the waves.
[Exits: north east south]
Eledsoere the centaur is here.

water <1008(98%hp) 1027(80%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
Your attack is halted by Eledsoere at the tip of a massive stone lucerne hammer.
Eledsoere's crush DISMEMBERS you!
Eledsoere yells 'Help! an eight-legged kelpie is trying to drown me!'
Eledsoere is in perfect health.

water <948(92%hp) 1027(80%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST

Eledsoere makes a furious drive but falls back.
Eledsoere is in perfect health.

water <948(92%hp) 1027(80%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere parries your crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <948(92%hp) 1027(80%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST

Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <948(92%hp) 1027(80%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
You charge at Eledsoere, trying to trample her underfoot.
Your crush of the deep maims Eledsoere!
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <948(92%hp) 1027(80%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST

Eledsoere makes a furious drive and pushes you both into The Edge of the Seaport
The Edge of the Seaport Dock 
  On the edge of the docks the sharp scent of the sea surrounds you.  The 
dock is made of a solid wood and reinforced with iron bolts and strips.  
Ropes and rudders are set up at intervals to allow the boats and ships to 
dock as they come and go.  Ships come and go frequently here at all hours 
of the night and there never seems to be a quiet moment as sailors, 
merchants, townsfolk and workers move up and down this dock keeping the 
flow of business moving.  Business here is quieter, though, darker and a 
bit more mysterious.  Most of the ships docked here are without markings 
and it is difficult to tell what this dock is reserved for.
[Exits: south west]
Eledsoere the centaur is here, fighting YOU!
A hard-working sailor moves through the crowd, smiling at passers-by.
With a second furious rush, she sends you sprawling!
Eledsoere's furious drive hits you.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere parries your crush.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your crush misses Eledsoere.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <939(91%hp) 1027(80%m)  (79%mv)  (12 AM) 13:08 CST
shape cato

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <941(91%hp) 972(76%m)  (81%mv)  (1 AM) 13:08 CST

Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <941(91%hp) 972(76%m)  (81%mv)  (1 AM) 13:08 CST

Eledsoere tears your flesh with a wide, slicing blow from a massive stone
lucerne hammer!
Eledsoere's slice devastates you!
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <911(88%hp) 972(76%m)  (81%mv)  (1 AM) 13:08 CST
You flicker and blur into the shape of a scaled catoblepas.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the brutality of the shark.
You take your eyes from Eledsoere for a moment, and suddenly she is upon you!
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <897(87%hp) 947(74%m)  (81%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST

Eledsoere's crush misses you.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <901(87%hp) 947(74%m)  (81%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
Eledsoere gets in one more shot as you flee.
Eledsoere's parting blow grazes you.
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the north, south and west! A buoy bobs here 
among the waves.
[Exits: north east south]
You flee from combat!

water <894(87%hp) 947(74%m)  (81%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the south and west! A buoy bobs here among 
the waves.
[Exits: north east south west down]
A gray seagull soars above the waves of the sea.
A white and black seagull glides on the wind of the sea.

water <897(87%hp) 947(74%m)  (81%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.
[Exits: north east south west down]
     (Legendary) (Glowing) The winged ship Dragon's Song skims above the waters
of the sea.

water <897(87%hp) 947(74%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
shape kelpie
You flicker and blur into the shape of an eight-legged kelpie.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the brutality of the shark.

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
People near you:
(PK) an eight-legged kelpie       The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
scan w
You scan west.

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
People near you:
(PK) an eight-legged kelpie       The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
You are affected by:
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 43 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 9 for 31 hours.
Spell: 'brutality of the shark' modifies strength by 6 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for 24 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -60 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'control translucence' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 6 hours.
Physical effect: 'artery hemorrhage' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 5 hours.
Timer: 'scales of the dragon' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'legendary awareness' for 0 hours.
Power: 'unbound spirit' modifies wisdom by 2 for -1 hours.
Power: 'unbound spirit' modifies morale by 10 for -1 hours.

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the south and west! A buoy bobs here among 
the waves.
[Exits: north east south west down]
A gray seagull soars above the waves of the sea.
A white and black seagull glides on the wind of the sea.

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
scan w
You scan west.

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the north, south and west! A buoy bobs here 
among the waves.
[Exits: north east south]
Eledsoere the centaur is here.

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
People near you:
(PK) an eight-legged kelpie       The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the south and west! A buoy bobs here among 
the waves.
[Exits: north east south west down]
A gray seagull soars above the waves of the sea.
A white and black seagull glides on the wind of the sea.

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.
[Exits: north east south west down]
     (Legendary) (Glowing) The winged ship Dragon's Song skims above the waters
of the sea.

water <897(87%hp) 922(72%m)  (80%mv)  (1 AM) 13:09 CST

The sky is getting cloudy.
You stop concentrating on the Legends of Thera.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery injures you.

water <883(86%hp) 900(70%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
People near you:
(PK) an eight-legged kelpie       The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <883(86%hp) 900(70%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
scan w
You scan west.

water <883(86%hp) 900(70%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
shape cato
You flicker and blur into the shape of a scaled catoblepas.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the brutality of the shark.

water <883(86%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
People near you:
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <886(86%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the south and west! A buoy bobs here among 
the waves.
[Exits: north east south west down]
A gray seagull soars above the waves of the sea.
A white and black seagull glides on the wind of the sea.

water <886(86%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the north, south and west! A buoy bobs here 
among the waves.
[Exits: north east south]
Eledsoere the centaur is here.

water <886(86%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST

Eledsoere lowers a massive stone lucerne hammer and charges you!
Eledsoere's charge hits you.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <875(85%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
gaze Eledsoere
You fix your gaze on Eledsoere and they fail to look directly at you.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <879(85%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
Eledsoere's crush MUTILATES you!
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <836(81%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST

Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <833(81%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
gaze Eledsoere

Eledsoere makes a furious drive and pushes you both into The Edge of the Seaport
The Edge of the Seaport Dock 
  On the edge of the docks the sharp scent of the sea surrounds you.  The 
dock is made of a solid wood and reinforced with iron bolts and strips.  
Ropes and rudders are set up at intervals to allow the boats and ships to 
dock as they come and go.  Ships come and go frequently here at all hours 
of the night and there never seems to be a quiet moment as sailors, 
merchants, townsfolk and workers move up and down this dock keeping the 
flow of business moving.  Business here is quieter, though, darker and a 
bit more mysterious.  Most of the ships docked here are without markings 
and it is difficult to tell what this dock is reserved for.
[Exits: south west]
Eledsoere the centaur is here, fighting YOU!
A hard-working sailor moves through the crowd, smiling at passers-by.
With a second furious rush, she sends you sprawling!
Eledsoere's furious drive scratches you.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <832(81%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <825(80%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST

Eledsoere parries your gore.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <818(79%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST
You fix your gaze on Eledsoere and as they meet your eyes, they become
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <823(80%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:09 CST

You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <823(80%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:10 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <826(80%hp) 875(68%m)  (80%mv)  (2 AM) 13:10 CST

You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery scratches you.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

civilized <822(80%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
Eledsoere cuts off your route of escape with her polearm!
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

civilized <822(80%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST

Eledsoere dodges your gore.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere's crush misses you.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

civilized <822(80%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST

Eledsoere appears more confident as she shouts 'By the hooves! Victory is in
sight! March through the blood! Full march! Victory!'

Eledsoere has a few scratches.

civilized <822(80%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
Eledsoere gets in one more shot as you flee.
Eledsoere's parting blow grazes you.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere's crush scratches you.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

civilized <811(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST

Eledsoere gets a wild look in her eyes.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

civilized <811(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
Eledsoere gets in one more shot as you flee.
Eledsoere's parting blow grazes you.
On the South Dock 
  This part of the dock turns to stretch out further into the sea to the 
east.  In a large square along the edges of this part of the dock, you see 
onyx tiles have been inlaid into the wood, adding something of an exotic 
flair to the simple dock.  Masts of solid wood jut out of the dark waters 
of the sea to tower over the dock.  Small iron sconces top each mast.  To 
the southwest you spot a large warehouse, its walls made of a thick canvas.  
The crisp balmy scent of the briny ocean drifts under your nose, so strong 
you can almost taste the salt.
[Exits: east west]
A muscular human guards the merchants.
You flee from combat!

civilized <805(78%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
On the South Dock 
  This part of the dock turns to stretch out further into the sea to the 
east.  In a large square along the edges of this part of the dock, you see 
onyx tiles have been inlaid into the wood, adding something of an exotic 
flair to the simple dock.  Masts of solid wood jut out of the dark waters 
of the sea to tower over the dock.  Small iron sconces top each mast.  To 
the southwest you spot a large warehouse, its walls made of a thick canvas.  
The crisp balmy scent of the briny ocean drifts under your nose, so strong 
you can almost taste the salt.
[Exits: north east]
A tall, exotic woman fans herself with a paper fan.
Dressed in a harem dancer's outfit, a woman tries to impress the sailors.
A teenager strains to transport cargo off a ship.
An experienced sailor looks out over the ships in the bay.

civilized <805(78%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
A Branch of the Seaport 
  This part of the dock turns to stretch out further into the sea to the 
east.  In a large square along the edges of this part of the dock, you see 
onyx tiles have been inlaid into the wood, adding something of an exotic 
flair to the simple dock.  Masts of solid wood jut out of the dark waters 
of the sea to tower over the dock.  Small iron sconces top each mast.  To 
the southwest you spot a large warehouse, its walls made of a thick canvas.  
The crisp balmy scent of the briny ocean drifts under your nose, so strong 
you can almost taste the salt.  North will take you back to the main pier.
[Exits: north south]
A swarthy bodyguard is paid to keep the merchants along the dock safe.
A merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz directs trade goods for the city.
A short merchant scopes the armors being traded by the merchant ships.

civilized <809(78%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
A Junction on the Seaport 
  The dock splits here in four directions.  West will take you back to 
the city proper of Hamsah Mu'tazz.  North leads to a dock where it seems 
most of the merchants are bustling back and forth.  East leads to a dock 
that seems to be decorated with colorful banners.  And south the dock 
is darker, with nondescript people coming and going at all hours of 
the day or night.  The dark waters of the Dragon Sea lap at the wooden beams 
holding the pier out of the water, and a brisk, balmy breeze blows under 
your nose.
[Exits: north east south west]
Joruh the human is here.
A flamboyantly dressed adventurer brags about his latest quest.

civilized <809(78%hp) 831(65%m)  (80%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
Along the Main Pier 
  Far out on the main dock of the Seaport of Hamsah Mu'tazz, the briny 
breeze carries the scent of the ocean.  The crowd here bustles back and 
forth, constantly working, moving, selling and buying.  The dock below 
your feet is made of hard wood and cast iron supports.  Wooden masts 
reach up out of the water to tower over you, topped with large iron 
sconces to provide light at any hour of the night.  Arcs of cast iron 
connect the sconces over head, and colorful banners have been artfully 
hung from each arc.
[Exits: east west]
A sailor walks down the dock with a jaunty swagger and a slight sneer.
One of the Sultan's patrolmen is here, watching for criminals.
A burly man dressed in studded leather carries several weapons.
An experienced sailor looks out over the ships in the bay.

civilized <812(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (79%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
The Edge of the Seaport Dock 
  On the edge of the docks the sharp scent of the sea surrounds you.  The 
dock is made of a solid wood and reinforced with iron bolts and strips.  
Ropes and rudders are set up at intervals to allow the boats to dock.  Ships 
come and go frequently here at all hours of the night and there never seems 
to be a quiet moment as sailors, merchants, townsfolk and workers move up 
and down this dock keeping the flow of business moving.  Cast iron stays arc 
above the dock and many of them hang brightly colored banners advertising 
various interesting adventures.  The ships docked here seem more extravagant 
than your normal merchant vessel.
[Exits: east west]
A dirty gnomish beggar leans on a part of the dock, begging for coppers.
A swarthy bodyguard is paid to keep the merchants along the dock safe.
A flamboyantly dressed adventurer brags about his latest quest.
A muscular human guards the merchants.

civilized <812(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (79%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water. Far to the west 
you think you see land!
[Exits: north east south west down]
     The merchant ship The Fist of the Empress cuts through the waves, at full
sail here.
A white pelican skims the water looking for some tasty fish.
A gray seagull soars above the waves of the sea.

water <812(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (79%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The sea and the sky, the sky and the sea.  Sea and sky, sky and sea.  
When was the last time you saw land?  When was the last time you did not 
see blue or gray?  You think you may go mad from all of the space!
[Exits: north east south west down]

water <812(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (78%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
People near you:
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <816(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (78%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The sea and the sky, the sky and the sea.  Sea and sky, sky and sea.  
When was the last time you saw land?  When was the last time you did not 
see blue or gray?  You think you may go mad from all of the space!
[Exits: north east south west down]

water <816(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (78%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The sea and the sky, the sky and the sea.  Sea and sky, sky and sea.  
When was the last time you saw land?  When was the last time you did not 
see blue or gray?  You think you may go mad from all of the space!
[Exits: north east south west down]

water <816(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (78%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
People near you:
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <819(79%hp) 831(65%m)  (78%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
People near you:
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <824(80%hp) 831(65%m)  (78%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.
[Exits: north east south west down]
     (Glowing) The winged ship Dragon's Song skims above the waters of the sea.

water <824(80%hp) 831(65%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
scan w
You scan west.

water <824(80%hp) 831(65%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
You are affected by:
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 41 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 9 for 29 hours.
Spell: 'brutality of the shark' modifies strength by 6 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for 22 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -60 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'control translucence' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 4 hours.
Physical effect: 'artery hemorrhage' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 3 hours.
Timer: 'scales of the dragon' for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'form bonus' modifies constitution by 2 for -1 hours.
Physical effect: 'form bonus' modifies strength by 4 for -1 hours.
Power: 'unbound spirit' modifies wisdom by 2 for -1 hours.
Power: 'unbound spirit' modifies morale by 10 for -1 hours.

water <824(80%hp) 831(65%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
shape cato
You flicker and blur into the shape of a scaled catoblepas.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the brutality of the shark.

water <832(81%hp) 806(63%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST

[OUTLANDER] Icaeos: Praise Lord Ergush!

water <832(81%hp) 806(63%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST

[OUTLANDER] the Primeval Spirit: Rest well, Icaeos, and may you awaken soon from
the Primeval Dream.
You stop following Icaeos.

water <832(81%hp) 806(63%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
People near you:
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          The Open Sea
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Open Sea

water <837(81%hp) 806(63%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
[   Felar IMM] [OUTLANDER] Ergush the Haruspex, Guardian of Nature's Law
[51 Dwarf War] Thohtus the Legend of the Battlefield
[10 Felar War] Passal the Soldier
[30 Felar Asn] Sanari the Ogoshi
[ 8 Felar Shf] Sisingaraja the Medium of Magic
*51 Svirf Shf* (PK) [OUTLANDER] (WANTED) Outhyen Seashadow the Master Harvester
of Adventures, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
[31  Elf  Inv] Arinayar the Wizard of Invocation
[ 4  Elf  Tra] Tharenlathil the Spell Student
[27  Elf  Thi] Sulismirve the Spy
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [OUTLANDER] (WANTED) Rayangha the Grand Mistress of
[51 Dwarf Sha] (PK) Makdran Rakgnison the Holy of Faith, Initiate of the Jaguar
[23 Human Nec] Milakall the Creator of Disease
[51 Frost War] (PK) [OUTLANDER] (WANTED) Korgosodom Blizzardblood the Arctic
Exsanguinist, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
[ 3  Min  War] Massu the Brawler
[51 Gnome Shf] (PK) Fremplin the Grand Master of Changelings
[11 Human Pal] Joruh the Righteous
[ 1 Human Asn] Rijhalyanam the Uke
[28 W-Elf Bar] Tennaxa the Hymnist
[20 Dwarf War] Ghrunkel the Warrior, Village Applicant
[51 Ctaur War] (PK) Eledsoere Bloodcanter the Legend of the Battlefield, Joihe's
Willing Slave
[24 Svirf Con] Giidgedte the Mistress of Elementals
[28  Fire War] Khorat the Veteran, Bloodoathed of the Empire
[31 Azure Pal] Lyranthir the Initiate of the Virtues, Initiate of the Jaguar
[51 H-Elf Shf] (PK) Bazz Dragonkeeper the Diligent Custodian of Damage Control,
Avowed of Azorinne, Elder Prophet of the Light

Players found: 24

water <837(81%hp) 806(63%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.
[Exits: north east south west down]

water <837(81%hp) 806(63%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.
[Exits: north east south west down]

water <837(81%hp) 806(63%m)  (77%mv)  (3 AM) 13:10 CST

You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery scratches you.

water <834(81%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the south and west! A buoy bobs here among 
the waves.
[Exits: north east south west down]
A gray seagull soars above the waves of the sea.
A white and black seagull glides on the wind of the sea.

water <834(81%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST
The Open Sea 
  The smell of the salt air fills your nose, and the sight of unending 
azure water fills your vision.  The sky reaches to every horizon meeting 
the sea.  There is little else of interest, just the water and the sky, 
the sky and the water.  Water and sky, sky and water.  Suddenly you 
catch a glimmer of land to the north, south and west! A buoy bobs here 
among the waves.
[Exits: north east south]
Eledsoere the centaur is here.

water <837(81%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST

Eledsoere scans her surroundings.

water <837(81%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST

You make some noise as you are attacked.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <837(81%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST
gaze Eledsoere
You fix your gaze on Eledsoere and they fail to look directly at you.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <837(81%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST

Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <827(80%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST

Eledsoere makes a furious drive but falls back.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <827(80%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST
gaze Eledsoere

Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
Eledsoere's crush devastates you!
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <801(78%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST

You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <801(78%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST
You fix your gaze on Eledsoere and they fail to look directly at you.
Eledsoere makes a furious drive but falls back.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <806(78%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST

[OUTLANDER] the Primeval Spirit: Rest well, Rayangha, and may you awaken soon
from the Primeval Dream.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <806(78%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST
gaze Eledsoere

Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <801(78%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:10 CST

Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <795(77%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere makes a furious drive but falls back.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <795(77%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST

You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
Eledsoere's crush maims you!
Eledsoere's crush hits you.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <755(73%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST
You fix your gaze on Eledsoere and as they meet your eyes, they become
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <755(73%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST
shape kelpie

Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <750(73%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST

You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere's crush grazes you.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <746(72%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST

You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <750(73%hp) 762(59%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST
You flicker and blur into the shape of an eight-legged kelpie.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the brutality of the shark.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <750(73%hp) 737(57%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere parries your crush.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has a few scratches.

water <750(73%hp) 737(57%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST
You charge at Eledsoere, trying to trample her underfoot.
Your crush of the deep MUTILATES Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep MUTILATES Eledsoere!
You knock Eledsoere down with your trampling feet.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <750(73%hp) 737(57%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Your crush decimates Eledsoere!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <750(73%hp) 737(57%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST

Finding no way around the point of Eledsoere's polearm, you draw back.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <750(73%hp) 737(57%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere parries your crush.
Your crush decimates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <750(73%hp) 737(57%m)  (77%mv)  (4 AM) 13:11 CST
You charge at Eledsoere, trying to trample her underfoot.
Your trampling feet misses Eledsoere.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery injures you.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <735(71%hp) 715(56%m)  (77%mv)  (5 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere has some small but disgusting cuts.

water <735(71%hp) 715(56%m)  (77%mv)  (5 AM) 13:11 CST

Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere absorbs the force of your crush with an ornate adamantite breastplate.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <735(71%hp) 715(56%m)  (77%mv)  (5 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your crush decimates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is covered with bleeding wounds.

water <735(71%hp) 715(56%m)  (77%mv)  (5 AM) 13:11 CST
You charge at Eledsoere, trying to trample her underfoot.
Your crush of the deep maims Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep MUTILATES Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep devastates Eledsoere!
You crush Eledsoere under your trampling feet.
Your crush of the deep MUTILATES Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep MUTILATES Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep MUTILATES Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep maims Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep EVISCERATES Eledsoere!
You whinny with vicious glee as you trample Eledsoere underfoot!
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

water <735(71%hp) 715(56%m)  (77%mv)  (5 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere's crush decimates you!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

water <707(68%hp) 715(56%m)  (77%mv)  (5 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

water <707(68%hp) 715(56%m)  (77%mv)  (5 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere keeps you at a distance by swinging her polearm in wide arcs.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

water <707(68%hp) 715(56%m)  (77%mv)  (5 AM) 13:11 CST

The sun rises above the horizon.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery injures you.
Eledsoere is gushing blood.

water <692(67%hp) 693(54%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST
You charge at Eledsoere, trying to trample her underfoot.
Your crush of the deep EVISCERATES Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep devastates Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep MUTILATES Eledsoere!
You crush Eledsoere under your trampling feet.
Your crush of the deep maims Eledsoere!
Your crush of the deep maims Eledsoere!
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

water <692(67%hp) 693(54%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere parries your crush.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

water <692(67%hp) 693(54%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST
cal 'beast call

Your crush devastates Eledsoere!
Eledsoere dodges your crush.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

water <692(67%hp) 693(54%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST

Eledsoere has fled!
Eledsoere leaves north.

water <692(67%hp) 693(54%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST
On whom?

water <692(67%hp) 693(54%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST
shape wildcat
You flicker and blur into the shape of a wildcat.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the brutality of the shark.

water <692(67%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST
The Edge of the Seaport Dock 
  On the edge of the docks the sharp scent of the sea surrounds you.  The 
dock is made of a solid wood and reinforced with iron bolts and strips.  
Ropes and rudders are set up at intervals to allow the boats and ships to 
dock as they come and go.  Ships come and go frequently here at all hours 
of the night and there never seems to be a quiet moment as sailors, 
merchants, townsfolk and workers move up and down this dock keeping the 
flow of business moving.  Business here is quieter, though, darker and a 
bit more mysterious.  Most of the ships docked here are without markings 
and it is difficult to tell what this dock is reserved for.
[Exits: north south west]
Eledsoere the centaur is here.
A muscular human guards the merchants.
A hard-working sailor moves through the crowd, smiling at passers-by.

civilized <692(67%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST
People near you:
(PK) a wildcat                    The Edge of the Seaport Dock
  Joruh                        A Junction on the Seaport
(PK) Eledsoere                    The Edge of the Seaport Dock

civilized <692(67%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:11 CST
bite Eledsoere
You bury your teeth in Eledsoere's body.
Your bite maims Eledsoere!
Eledsoere yells 'Help! a wildcat bit me!'
You feel you may want to be wary. ***LOOK OUT***
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

civilized <692(67%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere's eyes become bloodshot and her face contorts into a mask of rage!
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your claw EVISCERATES Eledsoere!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere's crush maims you!
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

civilized <657(64%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere parries your claw.
Your claw EVISCERATES Eledsoere!
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

civilized <657(64%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST

You dodge Eledsoere's slice.
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

civilized <657(64%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST
You swipe at Eledsoere with your paw.
Your swiping paw mauls Eledsoere.
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

civilized <657(64%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Eledsoere's crush.
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

civilized <657(64%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Eledsoere's crush MUTILATES you!
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

civilized <615(59%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere tears your flesh with a wide, slicing blow from a massive stone
lucerne hammer!
Eledsoere's slice maims you!
Eledsoere is writhing in agony.

civilized <582(56%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST
You swipe at Eledsoere with your paw.
Your swiping paw maims Eledsoere!
You disarm Eledsoere!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <582(56%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere parries your claw.
Eledsoere parries your claw.
Your claw MUTILATES Eledsoere!
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
Eledsoere's punch maims you!
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
Eledsoere's punch maims you!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <516(50%hp) 668(52%m)  (78%mv)  (6 AM) 13:12 CST

The bleeding artery stops.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.

You are ready to cast scales of the dragon again.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <517(50%hp) 624(48%m)  (78%mv)  (7 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere parries your claw.
Eledsoere parries your claw.
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <517(50%hp) 624(48%m)  (78%mv)  (7 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere gets a massive stone lucerne hammer.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <517(50%hp) 624(48%m)  (78%mv)  (7 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere pummels you with her fists.
Eledsoere's pummeling blow devastates you!
Eledsoere's pummeling blow maims you!
Eledsoere's pummeling blow maims you!
Eledsoere's pummeling blow MUTILATES you!
Eledsoere's pummeling blow devastates you!
You are dazed by all of the blows.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <350(34%hp) 624(48%m)  (78%mv)  (7 AM) 13:12 CST

Joruh has arrived.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <350(34%hp) 624(48%m)  (78%mv)  (7 AM) 13:12 CST

Eledsoere parries your claw.
Your claw EVISCERATES Eledsoere!
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
Eledsoere delivers a blow of deadly force!
Eledsoere's punch *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eledsoere gets in one more shot as you flee.
Eledsoere's parting blow maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
On the South Dock 
  This part of the dock turns to stretch out further into the sea to the 
east.  In a large square along the edges of this part of the dock, you see 
onyx tiles have been inlaid into the wood, adding something of an exotic 
flair to the simple dock.  Masts of solid wood jut out of the dark waters 
of the sea to tower over the dock.  Small iron sconces top each mast.  To 
the southwest you spot a large warehouse, its walls made of a thick canvas.  
The crisp balmy scent of the briny ocean drifts under your nose, so strong 
you can almost taste the salt.
[Exits: east west]
You flee from combat!

civilized <160(15%hp) 624(48%m)  (78%mv)  (7 AM) 13:12 CST
But you aren't fighting anyone!

*** Flee Snip Prep for space ***

civilized <268(26%hp) 383(30%m)  (82%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST
scan e
You scan east.
***** EAST: 1 *****
Eledsoere the centaur is here.

***** EAST: 3 *****
An Imperial sailor stands here stiffly, his eye on the horizon.
An Imperial sailor stands here stiffly, his eye on the horizon.

civilized <268(26%hp) 383(30%m)  (82%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST
On the South Dock 
  This part of the dock turns to stretch out further into the sea to the 
east.  In a large square along the edges of this part of the dock, you see 
onyx tiles have been inlaid into the wood, adding something of an exotic 
flair to the simple dock.  Masts of solid wood jut out of the dark waters 
of the sea to tower over the dock.  Small iron sconces top each mast.  To 
the southwest you spot a large warehouse, its walls made of a thick canvas.  
The crisp balmy scent of the briny ocean drifts under your nose, so strong 
you can almost taste the salt.
[Exits: east west]
Eledsoere the centaur is here.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <273(26%hp) 383(30%m)  (81%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST
You gore Eledsoere with your horns.
Your goring horns MUTILATES Eledsoere!
Your goring horns MUTILATES Eledsoere!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <273(26%hp) 383(30%m)  (81%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST

Joruh has arrived.
Eledsoere's punch grazes you.
Eledsoere's punch grazes you.
Eledsoere's punch grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <254(24%hp) 383(30%m)  (81%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST

You dodge Eledsoere's punch.
Eledsoere's punch grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <253(24%hp) 383(30%m)  (81%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST

Eledsoere laces her fingers together and hammers her fists at you!
Eledsoere's crushing blow leaves you dazed!
Eledsoere's crushing blow hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <244(23%hp) 383(30%m)  (81%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST

Eledsoere dodges your gore.
Eledsoere's punch grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eledsoere's punch grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eledsoere's punch grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eledsoere is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <228(22%hp) 383(30%m)  (81%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST
You gore Eledsoere with your horns.
Your goring horns maims Eledsoere!
Eledsoere is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Eledsoere.

civilized <228(22%hp) 383(30%m)  (81%mv)  (9 AM) 13:13 CST

Lightning flashes in the sky.

civilized <233(22%hp) 348(27%m)  (84%mv)  (10 AM) 13:13 CST

The Coastguard Lieutenant's dhow 'Courage, Serve, Protect' pulls out of port on
a mission to protect the seas from pirates, sea monsters and other dangers.
Having made her reports, the Sultan's War Barge 'Hammarley' continues on her
quest to protect the city from the threats at sea.

civilized <233(22%hp) 348(27%m)  (84%mv)  (10 AM) 13:13 CST
On the South Dock 
  This part of the dock turns to stretch out further into the sea to the 
east.  In a large square along the edges of this part of the dock, you see 
onyx tiles have been inlaid into the wood, adding something of an exotic 
flair to the simple dock.  Masts of solid wood jut out of the dark waters 
of the sea to tower over the dock.  Small iron sconces top each mast.  To 
the southwest you spot a large warehouse, its walls made of a thick canvas.  
The crisp balmy scent of the briny ocean drifts under your nose, so strong 
you can almost taste the salt.
[Exits: east west]
     The corpse of Eledsoere lies here, pierced in several places.
Joruh the human is here.

civilized <240(23%hp) 348(27%m)  (84%mv)  (10 AM) 13:13 CST
People near you:
  Sisingaraja                  A Hidden Pier
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          On the South Dock
  Joruh                        On the South Dock

civilized <240(23%hp) 348(27%m)  (84%mv)  (10 AM) 13:13 CST
You roar loudly, emanating menace to the room.

civilized <247(24%hp) 348(27%m)  (84%mv)  (10 AM) 13:13 CST

Joruh leaves west.

civilized <259(25%hp) 348(27%m)  (84%mv)  (10 AM) 13:13 CST
emote paws at the ground and snorts loudly.
A scaled catoblepas paws at the ground and snorts loudly.

civilized <259(25%hp) 348(27%m)  (84%mv)  (10 AM) 13:13 CST
People near you:
  Sisingaraja                  A Hidden Pier
(PK) a scaled catoblepas          On the South Dock
  Joruh                        On the South Dock

civilized <278(27%hp) 313(24%m)  (87%mv)  (11 AM) 13:13 CST

[OUTLANDER] Korgosodom: Meh go back Colds for nows.

civilized <278(27%hp) 313(24%m)  (87%mv)  (11 AM) 13:13 CST
You focus on your accumulated knowledge of the Legends of Thera.

civilized <278(27%hp) 263(20%m)  (87%mv)  (11 AM) 13:13 CST
l corpse

[OUTLANDER] the Primeval Spirit: Rest well, Korgosodom, and may you awaken soon
from the Primeval Dream.

civilized <278(27%hp) 263(20%m)  (87%mv)  (11 AM) 13:13 CST
The corpse of Eledsoere lies here, pierced in several places.
The corpse of Eledsoere contains:
     a cured hide sack made from the burnt corpse of Eledsoere
     (Famous) spiny iron rear-ankle guards
     (Famous) a circular back cover crafted from rose-tanned leather
     (Legendary) a belt of iron and ebony
     (Famous) a pair of knife-like arm bands (Damaged)
     (Noteworthy) a silver-inlaid dragonbone and leather tail sheath
     (Noteworthy) (Glowing) a flawless bracelet of pure sapphire
     (Legendary) a pair of spiked silver greaves
     (Famous) an ornate adamantite breastplate
( 2) (Famous) a set of platinum hoof covers
     (Famous) a malachite bracelet
     (Noteworthy) (Glowing) a colorful cloak covered with patches
     (Famous) a pair of black leather gloves with red stitching
( 2) (Noteworthy) (Glowing) a serpentine ring coiling around twin rubies
     (Noteworthy) a black bardiche
     (Infamous) (Glowing) (Humming) a darkened helm
     (Noteworthy) a dull gray cloak of woven spidersilk
     (Famous) (Humming) a pitch-black lance
     (Legendary) (Humming) an etched silver lyre
( 2) (Famous) (Glowing) a coral comb
     (Famous) a massive stone lucerne hammer
     10 gold coins
     33 silver coins
     93 copper coins
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Outhyen Vs Eledsoere 2

LogFiend 277 March 25, 2024 06:48AM

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