Ihial vs Joihe Battle of RPEEE

June 13, 2024 10:02AM
civilized <568hp 926m 316mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  n
The Wanderlust Bar 
  A wide deck leading off the back of the lodge has been converted to a huge
open air bar.  A handful of tables and chairs are set off to the south and 
east side of the deck, letting people relax with a drink if they choose to.
Most of the open space is set aside for dancing, and the western corner has
a small stage set up in case anyone wishes to play or entertain.  A long bar
takes up the entire northern wall of the deck.  It is made of polished wood,
its surface worn down by hundreds of frosty glasses and tankards passed down
through the years.  The deck is fenced in with wooden slats, each one wrapped
with a tendril of pure mana to provide the perfect amount of lighting.  The
mana pulls the colors from the aurora borealis to the north, glowing softly
with white, green, blue, and violet.  Overhead, the stars shine incessantly,
sparkling and glimmering from their positions in the sky.
[Exits: north south]
     Charmingly worn down from thousands of drinks and elbows, a bar spans the deck.
Gaerett the Bartender pours pure mana from one cup to another from behind the bar.

civilized <568hp 926m 315mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  pray Lady Joihe Mistress of Magic and Adventure--I call upon your
You pray to the heavens for help!
You pray 'Lady Joihe Mistress of Magic and Adventure--I call upon your audience.'

civilized <568hp 926m 315mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  c 'familiar
A black flame jumps from your open palm, growing rapidly in size before taking the form of a cunning
You are hungry.

civilized <568hp 926m 357mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  list
The shop's hours are 12 AM until 11 PM.
The shopkeeper will purchase: drink container food 

[Lv Price] Item                                       (Type)
[50   156] some crunchy bar snacks                    (food)
[50   312] a bottle of effervescent energy            (drink container)

Gaerett the Bartender tells you 'See anything you like?  A lucky thing you came along.'

civilized <568hp 926m 357mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  sayto gae Hello.
You say to Gaerett the Bartender 'Hello.'

civilized <568hp 926m 357mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  n
Around the Bonfire 
  A huge backyard spreads out from behind the lodge.  The stars twinkle and
gleam from the cloudless sky above you, illuminating the flat terrain for as
far as the eye can see.  A gigantic bonfire is set up in the middle of the 
yard, its flames reaching towards the sky as though they could catch the 
stars themselves.  Magic dances in each ember and flare, turning the flames
every color imaginable.  Trunks from ancient trees have been hewn and carved
into seats and situated around the fire so any adventurer can soak up the 
warmth while they relax and have a drink.  Stars shoot regularly across the
sky, their tails burning through the perpetual night.
[Exits: south]
     A variety of wood chairs carved for all sizes of frames are positioned around the fire.
A cunning ifrit has arrived.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 355mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  where
People near you:
(PK) Ihialania                    Around the Bonfire

wilderness  <568hp 926m 355mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  look chairs
Hewn from various interesting types of wood, these chairs range from little
more than a sanded stump to an artfully carved and polished two-seated rocker.
Any body type can find a comfortable place to pull up a chair around the fire,
from backless to accommodate those with wings, to large sized for the biggest
of giants.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 355mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  

You are hungry.
You slowly float to the ground.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 397mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 PM>  sayto ifrit Take a seat- be still.
You say to a cunning ifrit 'Take a seat- be still.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 397mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 PM>  fam emote climbs upon one of the open chairs, doing as Mother bids.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 439mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  
You tell your familiar to 'emote climbs upon one of the open chairs, doing as Mother bids.'.
A cunning ifrit climbs upon one of the open chairs, doing as Mother bids.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 439mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  inv
You are carrying:
     an opal wand
( 2) a gray potion of flying
( 5) a berry pie
     a torso from the snow worm
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     (Glowing) a knife of fire opal
     leather-bound notes on conjuration
     a barbed whip flecked with crimson
     a shoddy haversack

wilderness  <568hp 926m 439mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  eat pie
You finish eating a berry pie.
You still feel slightly hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 439mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  c 'identify'knife
a knife of fire opal can be referred to as 'knife fire opal blade'.
It is worth 3269 copper, and is of the 45th level of power.
It is a dagger with an attack type of magic.
It is made of opal and weighs 4 pounds 15 ounces.
It can cause 5d9 points of damage, at average 25.
When worn, it affects your damage roll by 2 points, 
  your hit roll by 5 points and your hp by 25 points.
It radiates light.
A magical aura surrounds it.
A knife of fire opal has been added to your item journal.

wilderness  <568hp 914m 439mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  

A shadow flickers with a curious aurora of green and blue and a handful of tiny magical stars are
thrown in front of you, coalescing into the adventurer Joihe.

wilderness  <568hp 914m 439mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  get canteen sack
You get a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from a shoddy haversack.

wilderness  <568hp 914m 439mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  

You are thirsty.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  

Joihe says 'Well hello there.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  emote pushes her glasses further up her nose, before sweeping into a
graceful bow.
Ihialania pushes her glasses further up her nose, before sweeping into a graceful bow.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  'Hello.
You say 'Hello.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  

The lightning has stopped.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  'Lady Joihe.
You say 'Lady Joihe.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  look joihe
Tall and lean, everything about this human woman says she is ready for 
adventure.  Her frame is slim yet muscular, kept fit enough to climb, run,
and swing from a rope, yet svelte enough to slip through small spaces easily.
An untamed riot of tangled black curls cascades over her shoulders and down 
to the base of her back.  The top front has been braided on each side and 
tied back with a strip of rawhide to keep it out of her eyes.  Dusky olive 
skin, deeply tanned golden contrasts with her light jade eyes.  A dark ring 
of emerald surrounds each iris and her black lashes are thick.  Tiny black 
stars have been tattooed across the top right side of her face, starting 
along her hairline and curving down her cheekbone to frame one eye.  As the 
tattoo curves down before her ear and to her jaw line, colors are slowly 
added to the stars until the right side of her neck is artistically decorated 
in stars ranging from white and black to indigo, emerald, and orchid.  Power
emanates from her aura, a hum of magic and energy that is almost palpable in
the air.
Joihe, a female human, is in perfect health.

Joihe is using:
<worn on finger>   a golden ring of the north star
<worn around neck> a rich emerald green neckerchief
<worn around neck> a thin rope of unpolished gold
<worn on body>     a loose white cotton shirt knotted at the waist
<worn on head>     a pair of goggles held together with leather rawhide
<worn on legs>     snug fawn leather leggings
<worn on feet>     supple black leather boots laced to the knee
<worn on arms>     leather arm braces studded with dull metal stars
<worn about waist> (Glowing) a wide leather belt fitted with many pouches and knives
<worn around wrist>a coiled rope of pure mana
<worn around wrist>a loop of leather studded with dull golden picks
<mainhand wielded>  the Realmshaper
          (Glowing) (Humming) a blazing star compass of pure mana

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  

Joihe says 'What brings you on by?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  'Many. Many things.
You say 'Many. Many things.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  

Joihe drops gracefully into one of the comfortable chairs and kicks her feet up on a nearby stump.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  

Joihe gestures lazily towards the other chairs.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  emote swiftly gather herself, before taking a
seat next to Lady Joihe.
Ihialania swiftly gather herself, before taking a seat next to Lady Joihe.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 AM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[49 Gnome Tra] Enneaz the Greater Wizard of Transmutation
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[20  Orc  Ber] Gorag the Torcher of Farms
[17 Felar Ran] Xyat the Scout
[32 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Crypt Dweller
[45 Srian Hea] Nithenoel the Hand of Faith, Wreathseeker
[19 Human Thi] Selzam the Thief
[51 Frost Ran] (WANTED) Yervesash the Dweller of the Wilds, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[ 1 Gnome Shf] Kilgri the Apprentice of Magic

Players found: 16

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 AM>  

You are ready to cast planar ward again.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  'I have heard whispers of your Cadre and felt the tugs of magic you
weave amongst the Land.
You say 'I have heard whispers of your Cadre and felt the tugs of magic you weave amongst the Land.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  'It was fated that I would come find you
You say 'It was fated that I would come find you eventually.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  

Joihe says 'Tell me what you know then!'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  sayto joi Also- a gift for your time.
You say to Joihe 'Also- a gift for your time.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  give knife joihe
You give a knife of fire opal to Joihe.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  


wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  help cadre
Those with an adventurous spirit and a yearning for something greater than 
their existence will be drawn to Joihe the Adventurer. She is a patron of 
exploration, new experiences, experimental magics, and cunning capers. Her 
faithful crave the unknown, driven to learn new skills, spells, and talents. 
They look at challenges and mysteries as puzzles to solve. The thrill of 
adrenaline and the spark of inspiration go hand in hand. Across the planes,
in realms both dreamed of and found, Joihe and her crew have a reputation 
for breaking rules, pushing boundaries, and stealing the most guarded
treasures of legend, simply for the challenge. They are known to use magic 
as a catalyst to open doors. Like her and her cadre, Joihe expects her 
faithful to think outside of the traditional, conventional box that magic
is usually placed in.

Joihe is balanced by nature; not all new adventures are success stories 
and not all experiences are guaranteed a happy ending yet the endeavor is
always worthwhile. Whether the attempt goes sideways or not, Joihe is 
fascinated by the story of how the adventure was found, why it was sought, 
and what happened throughout. What you gained and what you lost is the real 
treasure of the adventure.

Any alignment can come before Joihe, as long as they bring a sense of 
adventure, a need to push past conventional boundaries, and a desire for 
camaraderie. You can find her sacred bonfire crackling beneath the stars, 
but only those willing to take a leap of faith will find her home.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  

Joihe says 'Lovely.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  'To begin with I have always yearned for something greater than myself.
 Felt destined even.
You say 'To begin with I have always yearned for something greater than myself. Felt destined even.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  

The sun rises above the horizon.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  'It is my peculiar affinity with magics and quest to take on the realms
 most peculiar mysteries that led me to finding out more of the Cadre.
You say 'It is my peculiar affinity with magics and quest to take on the realms most peculiar
mysteries that led me to finding out more of the Cadre.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  

Lightning flashes in the sky.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 AM>  'A bunch of individuals graced with the spirit of tenacity and a thirst
 for adventure greater than ourselves.
You say 'A bunch of individuals graced with the spirit of tenacity and a thirst for adventure
greater than ourselves.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 AM>  

Joihe nods.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 AM>  'During a time of downward grief-filled spiraling. I was met with a
message upon the winds.
You say 'During a time of downward grief-filled spiraling. I was met with a message upon the winds.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  whisper What you gain and what you lost is the real treasure of
You whisper 'What you gain and what you lost is the real treasure of adventure.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  'I have lost my parents to the Captain of the Yellow Abashai. I have
lost the love of my life and my child-left with a womb barren to all but magic.
You say 'I have lost my parents to the Captain of the Yellow Abashai. I have lost the love of my
life and my child-left with a womb barren to all but magic.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 AM>  'However I refuse to break.
You say 'However I refuse to break.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 AM>  

Joihe says 'As you shouldn't.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 AM>  emote flashes a quick smile, before
reclaiming her icy demeanor.
Ihialania flashes a quick smile, before reclaiming her icy demeanor.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 AM>  

You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 PM>  'So I have set my focus on further studying the meeting place of
genetics and magic.
You say 'So I have set my focus on further studying the meeting place of genetics and magic.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 PM>  

You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  'As well as conjuring up some adventures and
heist worth my time.
You say 'As well as conjuring up some adventures and heist worth my time.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  

Joihe says 'Ah, that's an interesting one to theorize.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  'One of them being to slay the captain of the Yellow Abashai who took
my parents from me.
You say 'One of them being to slay the captain of the Yellow Abashai who took my parents from me.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  

The lightning has stopped.

You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  'Another to gather entrance into the lair of some of the secretive
magics known to Thera.
You say 'Another to gather entrance into the lair of some of the secretive magics known to Thera.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  sayto joi It is!
You say to Joihe 'It is!'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  

Joihe says 'What are your initial theories?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  

You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 PM>  inv
You are carrying:
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     an opal wand
( 2) a gray potion of flying
( 4) a berry pie
     a torso from the snow worm
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     leather-bound notes on conjuration
     a barbed whip flecked with crimson
     a shoddy haversack

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 PM>  'That there are some who are marked by birth with a higher affinity or
sensitivity even to magic.
You say 'That there are some who are marked by birth with a higher affinity or sensitivity even to

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 PM>  eat pie
You finish eating a berry pie.
You still feel slightly hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 PM>  eat pie
You finish eating a berry pie.
You start to feel full.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 PM>  

The rain ceases.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 PM>  'My studies focused initially on if it was environmental, race-based,
or even written in the stars.
You say 'My studies focused initially on if it was environmental, race-based, or even written in the

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 PM>  emote swiftly gathers a journal from it's satchel, thrumming through a
few pages.
Ihialania swiftly gathers a journal from it's satchel, thrumming through a few pages.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 PM>  'What I have found however-
You say 'What I have found however-'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 PM>  'Is that there is an isolated gene that while not being the source of
magic within us all. 
You say 'Is that there is an isolated gene that while not being the source of magic within us all. '

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 PM>  peer ifrit
You peer intently at a cunning ifrit.
A cunning ifrit seems to be ignoring you.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 PM>  fam esay Can heighten both our output of magic and sensitivity to it in
Your familiar can't do that.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  fam say Can heighten both our output of magic and sensitivity to it in
You tell your familiar to 'say Can heighten both our output of magic and sensitivity to it in
A cunning ifrit says 'Can heighten both our output of magic and sensitivity to it in Thera.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  pat ifrit
You can't get close enough for that.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  

Joihe says 'Interesting.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  sayto ifrit Good dear.
You say to a cunning ifrit 'Good dear.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  smile ifrit
You smile at it.
A cunning ifrit seems to be ignoring you.
The sun sets below the horizon.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  sayto ifrit You have listened to Mother's
You say to a cunning ifrit 'You have listened to Mother's teachings.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  fam nod
You tell your familiar to 'nod'.
A cunning ifrit nods.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  

Joihe says 'It's possible, somewhere between tying the soul to the flesh, there has to be some kind
of kismet.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  sayto joi Yes! Yes.

It starts to rain.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  
You say to Joihe 'Yes! Yes.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  emote attempts to dampen her excitement, but
dismisses the thought. 
Ihialania attempts to dampen her excitement, but dismisses the thought. 

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  'The planes beyond our own hold answers as does the Chasm of Eternal
You say 'The planes beyond our own hold answers as does the Chasm of Eternal Night.'
Lightning flashes in the sky.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  'For their lore dates back to an Age now lost
to many of us mortals.
You say 'For their lore dates back to an Age now lost to many of us mortals.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  look
Around the Bonfire 
  A huge backyard spreads out from behind the lodge.  The stars twinkle and
gleam from the cloudless sky above you, illuminating the flat terrain for as
far as the eye can see.  A gigantic bonfire is set up in the middle of the 
yard, its flames reaching towards the sky as though they could catch the 
stars themselves.  Magic dances in each ember and flare, turning the flames
every color imaginable.  Trunks from ancient trees have been hewn and carved
into seats and situated around the fire so any adventurer can soak up the 
warmth while they relax and have a drink.  Stars shoot regularly across the
sky, their tails burning through the perpetual night.
[Exits: south]
     A variety of wood chairs carved for all sizes of frames are positioned around the fire.
Tiny stars of pure magic swirl and climb the worn traveling boots of the adventurer Joihe.
(Surrounded by Flames) Arms crossed in front of him, a cunning ifrit glares at you.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  'Beyond that I look to gathering samples.
You say 'Beyond that I look to gathering samples.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  'From peculiar individuals who are blessed by magic or rebuked by it
all the same.
You say 'From peculiar individuals who are blessed by magic or rebuked by it all the same.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  'The answer may be found somewhere within the
You say 'The answer may be found somewhere within the middle.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[20  Orc  Ber] Gorag the Torcher of Farms
[32 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Crypt Dweller
[45 Srian Hea] Nithenoel the Hand of Faith, Wreathseeker
[19 Human Thi] Selzam the Thief
[51 Frost Ran] (WANTED) Yervesash the Dweller of the Wilds, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[ 1 Gnome Shf] Kilgri the Apprentice of Magic

Players found: 14

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  


wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 AM>  'Would it be uncouth to ask of you? Lady
You say 'Would it be uncouth to ask of you? Lady Joihe?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 AM>  look
Around the Bonfire 
  A huge backyard spreads out from behind the lodge.  The stars twinkle and
gleam from the cloudless sky above you, illuminating the flat terrain for as
far as the eye can see.  A gigantic bonfire is set up in the middle of the 
yard, its flames reaching towards the sky as though they could catch the 
stars themselves.  Magic dances in each ember and flare, turning the flames
every color imaginable.  Trunks from ancient trees have been hewn and carved
into seats and situated around the fire so any adventurer can soak up the 
warmth while they relax and have a drink.  Stars shoot regularly across the
sky, their tails burning through the perpetual night.
[Exits: south]
     A variety of wood chairs carved for all sizes of frames are positioned around the fire.
Tiny stars of pure magic swirl and climb the worn traveling boots of the adventurer Joihe.
(Surrounded by Flames) Arms crossed in front of him, a cunning ifrit glares at you.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 AM>  

The lightning has stopped.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  role
Your role chapters are:
From the past:
[  1 ] A Fate Written in the Stars.
Added Tue Apr  2 21:53:42 2024 at level 35:
[  2 ] Distillation of Anger and Sorrow.
Added Tue Apr  2 21:57:17 2024 at level 35:
[  3 ] Summary about Ihialania.
Added Tue Apr  2 21:58:32 2024 at level 35:

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  role read 3
Subject: Summary about Ihialania.
Added Tue Apr  2 21:58:32 2024 at level 35:
Who doesn't love a nice and succinct recap?

-Ihialania is a magical prodigy born to a philosopher and scientist in Hamsah.

-The captain of the Yellow Abishai kidnapped her parents and left behind their
tongues after they were not able to make good on a promise. The promise being
Ihialania herself.

-This plot point will be central to one of the many heist she wishes to
partake in as a part of Joihe's Cadre. Killing the Captain of the Yellow
Abishai and claiming her magic and ship as her own.

-Her life's work centers on epigenetics and magic. This overlapping has led
her to the lore and teachings of the Eternal Night, which she hopes to learn
more about as a member of the Scions.

-While fury, an ice-cold demeanor, and calculated thoughts color much of
Ihialania's personality. She is exceptional at masking this, preferring to be
lighthearted in her approach so long as people can prove their worth to her.

-It is within the moments that she feels an individual is either in her way or
a waste of her time and efforts. She has no problem striking them down.

-She believes there is a strong difference between being Lawful and Orderly.
She operates as the latter, an individual who believes in the power and
necessity of structures, order, and precision in her pursuit as both a Scion
and a Cadre member.

-She has lost a child and cursed her womb in pursuit of more power. As a gift,
she has found the creatures of the abyss and nine hells to be her children,
and to them, she was Mother. Since she recognizes the familiarities between
magical signatures and DNA, she acknowledges that her affinity with devils and
their magical signatures makes them more akin than any human or mortal she
ever encountered...including her own parents.

-All proceeding entries will be done in the format and style of a scientific
journal/diary entry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  

Joihe says 'Well.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  perk
Your ears perk with interest.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  

Joihe says 'Uncouth is a bit relative.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  grin
You grin evilly.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  'I am not Lawful in the slightest, but Orderly by nature I am. Manners
were drilled into me at a young age. So if I misstep- I will gather myself.
You say 'I am not Lawful in the slightest, but Orderly by nature I am. Manners were drilled into me
at a young age. So if I misstep- I will gather myself.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  sage
You nod sagely.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  

The sun rises above the horizon.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  

Joihe says 'Well I'd say take it one step at a time.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 AM>  nod
You nod.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 AM>  

Joihe says 'Start with your samples, begin testing your hypothesis.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 AM>  'I have been known for being rather ambitious.
You say 'I have been known for being rather ambitious.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 AM>  'Yes, yes. The fundamental of science must color my inquiries if I wish
 it to stand the test of time.
You say 'Yes, yes. The fundamental of science must color my inquiries if I wish it to stand the test
of time.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[49 Gnome Tra] Enneaz the Greater Wizard of Transmutation
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[32 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Crypt Dweller
[19 Human Thi] Selzam the Thief
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[ 2 Gnome Shf] Kilgri the Spell Student
[19  Elf  Pal] Irian the Pious

Players found: 13

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  'Your wisdom is second to none, I see.
You say 'Your wisdom is second to none, I see.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  'A mystic with a scientific background. Who
would've thought.
You say 'A mystic with a scientific background. Who would've thought.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 AM>  

Joihe says 'While we do want to be ambitious, we also want to be capable.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 AM>  nod joi
You nod at Joihe.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 AM>  'Absolutely.
You say 'Absolutely.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 AM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[32 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Crypt Dweller
[19 Human Thi] Selzam the Thief
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[ 2 Gnome Shf] Kilgri the Spell Student
[19  Elf  Pal] Irian the Pious

Players found: 12

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 AM>  


wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 PM>  

The rain ceases.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  'And ambition without intentionality and
decisiveness is truly a waste.
You say 'And ambition without intentionality and decisiveness is truly a waste.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  fam say A waste I say!
You tell your familiar to 'say A waste I say!'.
A cunning ifrit says 'A waste I say!'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  

Joihe says 'Right.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  sayto ifrit  Now, now. Let us remember our
You say to a cunning ifrit 'Now, now. Let us remember our manners.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  fam emote belches a ball of black flames!
You tell your familiar to 'emote belches a ball of black flames!'.
A cunning ifrit belches a ball of black flames!

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  

Joihe says 'So. You have an experiment to conduct. What is your hypothesis exactly?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 PM>  

Joihe says 'That you can find the exact moment magic sparks in flesh?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 PM>  sayto joihe Exactly.
You say to Joihe 'Exactly.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 PM>  

It starts to rain.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 PM>  'Then my secondary hypothesis thereafter will be...how can we heighten
this spark?
You say 'Then my secondary hypothesis thereafter will be...how can we heighten this spark?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 PM>  

Lightning flashes in the sky.
You are thirsty.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  'That is where the genetics will further come
into play.
You say 'That is where the genetics will further come into play.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  sage
You nod sagely.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  inv
You are carrying:
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     an opal wand
( 2) a gray potion of flying
( 2) a berry pie
     a torso from the snow worm
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     leather-bound notes on conjuration
     a barbed whip flecked with crimson
     a shoddy haversack

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  

Joihe nods.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  

Joihe says 'Makes sense.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  fam wishgrant drink
You tell your familiar to 'wishgrant drink'.
A cunning ifrit grants your wish for drink.  You notice something in your possession that wasn't
there a minute ago.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  inv
You are carrying:
     a bottle of arak
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     an opal wand
( 2) a gray potion of flying
( 2) a berry pie
     a torso from the snow worm
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     leather-bound notes on conjuration
     a barbed whip flecked with crimson
     a shoddy haversack

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  give bottle joi
You give a bottle of arak to Joihe.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  'From EmberCroft.
You say 'From EmberCroft.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 PM>  

The sun sets below the horizon.
You are thirsty.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  point if
You point at a cunning ifrit.
A cunning ifrit looks at you blankly.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  

Joihe says 'Thank you.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  fam say Thank you for the tiny chair!
You tell your familiar to 'say Thank you for the tiny chair!'.
A cunning ifrit says 'Thank you for the tiny chair!'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  

You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  inv
You are carrying:
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     an opal wand
( 2) a gray potion of flying
( 2) a berry pie
     a torso from the snow worm
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     leather-bound notes on conjuration
     a barbed whip flecked with crimson
     a shoddy haversack

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  eat chicken
You do not have that item.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  get pie sack
You see nothing like that in the sack.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  eat pie
You finish eating a berry pie.
You still feel slightly hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[17 Felar Ran] Xyat the Scout
[32 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Crypt Dweller
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[ 3 Gnome Shf] Kilgri the Spell Student
[19  Elf  Pal] Irian the Pious
[51 Gnome Shf] (WANTED) Snarbeldina the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Harbinger of Thar-Eris

Players found: 13

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  'A very worthwhile experiment.
You say 'A very worthwhile experiment.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  'There is this warrior fellow...
You say 'There is this warrior fellow...'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  'Tauzos is their name- they seek to be a
You say 'Tauzos is their name- they seek to be a Necromancer.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  

Joihe says 'Oh?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  

The lightning has stopped.


wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  'At first I colored them a fool but- there was this sense of magic
stirring about them. Not to mention the fact that they think like a Mage should and would.
You say 'At first I colored them a fool but- there was this sense of magic stirring about them. Not
to mention the fact that they think like a Mage should and would.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 11 PM>  'They will utilize the Enigma's secrets known to Warriors to utilize
wands and cast spells in that manner.
You say 'They will utilize the Enigma's secrets known to Warriors to utilize wands and cast spells
in that manner.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  grin

Joihe says 'How's that?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  
You grin evilly.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  'They may be a worthwhile specimen to keep about. So I have fashioned
an ally ship with them. As willing test subjects will be necessary to my work.
You say 'They may be a worthwhile specimen to keep about. So I have fashioned an ally ship with
them. As willing test subjects will be necessary to my work.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 AM>  'As the cadre calls to many adventurers and tales to tell, I recognize
that for the ambitions I hold ally ships and bonds will need to be created. 
You say 'As the cadre calls to many adventurers and tales to tell, I recognize that for the
ambitions I hold ally ships and bonds will need to be created. '

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  

The sun rises above the horizon.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  

Joihe nods.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  

Joihe says 'Right, there's coming together for a cause, but then there's the reason you came
together in the first place.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 AM>  sage joi
You nod sagely at Joihe.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 AM>  

The rain ceases.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  'It will take me sometime to get used to your
level of Wisdom.
You say 'It will take me sometime to get used to your level of Wisdom.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  'Many I encounter are rather...dense.
You say 'Many I encounter are rather...dense.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  'You are wrapped in wisdom as you are Magic.
You say 'You are wrapped in wisdom as you are Magic.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  'For this I am thankful.
You say 'For this I am thankful.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[49 Gnome Tra] Enneaz the Greater Wizard of Transmutation
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[33 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Greater Golem Maker
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[ 4 Gnome Shf] Kilgri the Spell Student
[19  Elf  Pal] Irian the Pious

Players found: 12

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 AM>  


wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 AM>  

Joihe gives you a crooked smile.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 AM>  

You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 PM>  'Luckily the one I have met inside the Chasm.
Tlorox is rather wise.
You say 'Luckily the one I have met inside the Chasm. Tlorox is rather wise.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 PM>  

You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  'So I share more with them than I do many
You say 'So I share more with them than I do many others.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  inv
You are carrying:
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     an opal wand
( 2) a gray potion of flying
     a berry pie
     a torso from the snow worm
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     leather-bound notes on conjuration
     a barbed whip flecked with crimson
     a shoddy haversack

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  eat pie
You finish eating a berry pie.
You still feel slightly hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[17 Felar Ran] Xyat the Scout
[33 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Greater Golem Maker
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[ 4 Gnome Shf] Kilgri the Spell Student
[19  Elf  Pal] Irian the Pious
[51 Gnome Shf] (WANTED) Snarbeldina the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Harbinger of Thar-Eris

Players found: 13

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 PM>  

Joihe nods.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  'The question that has sat upon my heart since
You say 'The question that has sat upon my heart since entering. '

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  fam say Is there room in your Cadre for us?
You tell your familiar to 'say Is there room in your Cadre for us?'.
A cunning ifrit says 'Is there room in your Cadre for us?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  look if
Heat rolling out from him in blistering waves, a cunning ifrit glares at you,
his arms crossed in front of a muscled chest.  A humanoid torso with dark
brown skin fades into legs made of black flame that fade into nothingness
before they reach the ground below him.  Two small horns poke out from his
forehead and he seems to intuitively be aware of everything around him without 
A cunning ifrit is in perfect health.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 PM>  

It starts to rain.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 PM>  sayto joi EmberCroft is equally as wise and
cunning I must say.
You say to Joihe 'EmberCroft is equally as wise and cunning I must say.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 PM>  

Joihe says 'A close companion?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 PM>  

The sun sets below the horizon.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  sayto joi Perhaps one of the only ones I got. However, my visions were
colored by them and many when I was young.
You say to Joihe 'Perhaps one of the only ones I got. However, my visions were colored by them and
many when I was young.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 PM>  'Imaginary friends as they call it?
You say 'Imaginary friends as they call it?'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  'Whispering to me from the shadows.
You say 'Whispering to me from the shadows.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  'They were simply the one to emerge.
You say 'They were simply the one to emerge.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  shrug
You shrug.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  

Joihe nods.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 PM>  


wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 PM>  fam say They still circle you--if you all but look.
You tell your familiar to 'say They still circle you--if you all but look.'.
A cunning ifrit says 'They still circle you--if you all but look.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 PM>  sage 
You nod sagely.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 PM>  sayto if Trust me. I feel them.
You say to a cunning ifrit 'Trust me. I feel them.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 PM>  shiver
Brrrrrrrrr.  You shiver uncomfortably.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 9 PM>  

The rain ceases.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 10 PM>  look
Around the Bonfire 
  A huge backyard spreads out from behind the lodge.  The stars twinkle and
gleam from the cloudless sky above you, illuminating the flat terrain for as
far as the eye can see.  A gigantic bonfire is set up in the middle of the 
yard, its flames reaching towards the sky as though they could catch the 
stars themselves.  Magic dances in each ember and flare, turning the flames
every color imaginable.  Trunks from ancient trees have been hewn and carved
into seats and situated around the fire so any adventurer can soak up the 
warmth while they relax and have a drink.  Stars shoot regularly across the
sky, their tails burning through the perpetual night.
[Exits: south]
     A variety of wood chairs carved for all sizes of frames are positioned around the fire.
Tiny stars of pure magic swirl and climb the worn traveling boots of the adventurer Joihe.
(Surrounded by Flames) Arms crossed in front of him, a cunning ifrit glares at you.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 12 AM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[33 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Greater Golem Maker
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[19  Elf  Pal] Irian the Pious
[ 1  Min  Sha] Niemtha the Believer
[ 4 Gnome Shf] Kilgri the Spell Student

Players found: 12

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 1 AM>  

It starts to rain.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  emote takes a moment to take notes within her
scientific journal.
Ihialania takes a moment to take notes within her scientific journal.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  

Joihe says 'Well. I think you are off to a start. I'm quite curious to see what you discover.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 2 AM>  sage
You nod sagely.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  'I agree.
You say 'I agree.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 3 AM>  'I do not wish to hold up more of your time until I make progress of

You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  
You say 'I do not wish to hold up more of your time until I make progress of course.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  inv
You are carrying:
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     an opal wand
( 2) a gray potion of flying
     a torso from the snow worm
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     leather-bound notes on conjuration
     a barbed whip flecked with crimson
     a shoddy haversack

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  'This meeting in itself was bountiful.
You say 'This meeting in itself was bountiful.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  fam say I agree!
You tell your familiar to 'say I agree!'.
A cunning ifrit says 'I agree!'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  

Joihe nods.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  fam emote belches a ball of black flames!
You tell your familiar to 'emote belches a ball of black flames!'.
A cunning ifrit belches a ball of black flames!

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  

Joihe says 'You should see what Celdimerick is up to.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 4 AM>  

Lightning flashes in the sky.
You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  who
[   Human IMM] [None] Joihe the Spark, Marvel of Mysticism, Intrepid Brigand of the Atlas
[11  Min  War] Spraztartacu the Bodyguard
[ 9 W-Elf Dru] Cheyel the Naturalist
[ 8 Storm Ran] Relnart the Courser
[27 Ctaur War] (PK) Artahgnain the Dragoon
[34 H-Drw War] (PK) Tauzos the Warrior of the Shield
[    Elf  AVA] [FORTRESS] Dhuuston D'orlamin the Even-Handed Epistolarian, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[33 H-Drw Nec] (PK) Kharrum the Greater Golem Maker
[51 Frost Ran] (WANTED) Yervesash the Dweller of the Wilds, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
*35 Human Con* (PK) Ihialania the Adept of the Outer Planes
[19  Elf  Pal] Irian the Pious
[51 Gnome Shf] (WANTED) Snarbeldina the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
[ 1  Min  Sha] Niemtha the Believer

Players found: 13

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  

Joihe says 'He's got a certain skill set that might be able to help you.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  'Ah yes, we have spoken some.
You say 'Ah yes, we have spoken some.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  perk joi
Your ears perk with interest at something Joihe said.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  'A good place to start.
You say 'A good place to start.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  emote rises from her chair curtsying
Ihialania rises from her chair curtsying gracefully. 

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 5 AM>  

The sun rises above the horizon.
You are hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  'I will see to finding them then.
You say 'I will see to finding them then.'

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  inv
You are carrying:
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     an opal wand
( 2) a gray potion of flying
     a torso from the snow worm
     a jacket of sky blue silk and golden fur
     leather-bound notes on conjuration
     a barbed whip flecked with crimson
     a shoddy haversack

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  eat pie
You do not have that item.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  get pie sack
You see nothing like that in the sack.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  get pie sack
You see nothing like that in the sack.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  get pie sack
You see nothing like that in the sack.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  look in sack
When you look inside, you see it is fairly full.
A shoddy haversack contains:
     a practice dagger
     an academy seal
     (Glowing) an expertly balanced practice axe
     a bottle of arak
     a purple disc of crusty residue
( 2) a half of a chicken
     a hide-covered coracle
     a practice whip
( 2) a battered copper pot
     a dried chrysalis
     a chunk of silvery meat
( 2) a live chicken

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  get chicken sack
You get a half of a chicken from a shoddy haversack.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  eat chicken
You finish eating a half of a chicken.
You no longer feel hungry.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  get meat sack
You get a chunk of silvery meat from a shoddy haversack.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  

Joihe nods.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  

Joihe winks suggestively at you.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  c' identify'meat

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  

As Joihe unravels a rope of pure mana, a portal of pure starlight opens off to the side and above.
She swings the rope into the portal to anchor it and swings through.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  c 'identify'meat
a chunk of silvery meat can be referred to as 'chunk piece silver silvery meat'.
It is worth 0 copper, and is of the 38th level of power.
It is a pill.
It is made of food and weighs 1 pounds 1 ounces.
It contains either 'rot' or 'protection from metals' spell, of the 51st level.
A magical aura surrounds it.
A chunk of silvery meat has been added to your item journal.

wilderness  <568hp 914m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 6 AM>  fam say She was lovely!!
You tell your familiar to 'say She was lovely!!'.
A cunning ifrit says 'She was lovely!!'

wilderness  <568hp 925m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 AM>  look
Around the Bonfire 
  A huge backyard spreads out from behind the lodge.  The stars twinkle and
gleam from the cloudless sky above you, illuminating the flat terrain for as
far as the eye can see.  A gigantic bonfire is set up in the middle of the 
yard, its flames reaching towards the sky as though they could catch the 
stars themselves.  Magic dances in each ember and flare, turning the flames
every color imaginable.  Trunks from ancient trees have been hewn and carved
into seats and situated around the fire so any adventurer can soak up the 
warmth while they relax and have a drink.  Stars shoot regularly across the
sky, their tails burning through the perpetual night.
[Exits: south]
     A variety of wood chairs carved for all sizes of frames are positioned around the fire.
(Surrounded by Flames) Arms crossed in front of him, a cunning ifrit glares at you.

wilderness  <568hp 925m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 AM>  sayto if She has eyes and ears everywhere. Do
be calm dear.
You say to a cunning ifrit 'She has eyes and ears everywhere. Do be calm dear.'

wilderness  <568hp 925m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 AM>  pat ifrit
You can't get close enough for that.

wilderness  <568hp 925m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 7 AM>  


wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 AM>  fam release
You tell your familiar to 'release'.
A cunning ifrit is released and vanishes.
A cunning ifrit stops following you.

wilderness  <568hp 926m 449mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 AM>  c 'wo
A Dark Alcove 
  This alcove is a place provided in honor to Thera's Gods of evil.
However, it seems as though this is more an attempt to cause those
deities whose names are best left unspoken by mortals to turn their
wrath elsewhere, rather than an effort to actually worship those
foul powers.  Even still the air here feels tainted and oppressive.
You can escape back into the temple entrance to the east.
[Exits: east]
     A small pit containing the belongings of Balator's slain citizens is here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

civilized <568hp 886m 224mv 5677tnl (51.48%) 8 AM>  who

You feel a divine presence guide you to new found experiences!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2024 10:02AM by stlucian2debone.
Subject Author Views Posted

Ihial vs Joihe Battle of RPEEE

stlucian2debone 177 June 13, 2024 10:02AM

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