Ihial vs Kharrum

June 13, 2024 10:14AM
civilized <502hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  

Someone tells you 'Khambalaxo was near the weald, a circle for stronger summoning left behind on the

civilized <502hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  

An earth elemental has arrived.
A black abishai devil has arrived.

civilized <502hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  lash
lash Khar
Kharrum evades your lash with surprising agility!
Kharrum yells 'Help! Ihialania just attacked me!'
Kharrum is in perfect health.

civilized <502hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  lash
lash Khar

Your shield blocks Kharrum's corrosive slice.
A bone golem screams and attacks you!
A bone golem's pound decimates you!
Your shield blocks a bone golem's pound.
A burnt zombie of an ugruk guard screams and attacks you!
Your shield blocks a burnt zombie of an ugruk guard's pound.
Kharrum parries your magic.
Kharrum is in perfect health.

civilized <474hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  

Kharrum yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by an earth elemental!'
An earth elemental's crush MUTILATES Kharrum!
An earth elemental's crush EVISCERATES Kharrum!
A black abishai devil gestures at Kharrum, uttering blasphemies.
With a supernatural flash, the power of a black abishai devil's damnation arcs to a bone golem!
With a supernatural flash, the power of a black abishai devil's damnation arcs to a burnt zombie of
an ugruk guard!
Kharrum has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <474hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  

Kharrum has fled!
Kharrum leaves east.

civilized <474hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  lash
lash Khar
They aren't here.

civilized <474hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  
They aren't here.

civilized <474hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  lash
lash Khar
They aren't here.

civilized <474hp 720m 276mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  e
The Grand Marketplace 
  You are standing next to a stall which has been set up in the Grand 
Marketplace.  There are many various potions, pills, and other herbal 
remedies on display here.  You can see everything from pills for a 
minor cough, to the general cure-all which can be found at nearly every 
[Exits: east south west]
(Ghostly) Kharrum the half-drow is here.
An elven girl is daydreaming here, completely care-free.
A gnomish apothecary has set up a stall here.
A cunning ifrit has arrived.

civilized <474hp 720m 274mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  lash
lash Khar

Kharrum leaves west.
They aren't here.
An earth elemental has arrived.
A black abishai devil has arrived.

civilized <474hp 720m 274mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  lash
lash Khar
They aren't here.

civilized <474hp 720m 274mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 12 AM>  lash
lash Khar
The Center of the Grand Marketplace 
  This is the middle of a wide area between several of the Ironwood trees
that is being used as a large trading area.  To either side of you are
several stalls which have been set up by vendors hawking various wares,
many of which are from distant parts of Thera.  To the north lies a 
building built of a shiny material, which while not as tall as the 
Ironwood trees is still taller than all the other buildings you see in 
the city.
[Exits: north east south west]
     A small water fountain has been set here.
(Ghostly) Kharrum the half-drow is here.
A skeletal warrior skulks in the shadows, awaiting the orders of its master.
A burnt zombie of an ugruk guard is here.
An immaculately dressed elven palace guard holds her post here.
An elven citizen is calmly going about his business.
A cunning ifrit has arrived.
You are thirsty.

civilized <479hp 732m 314mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  
You yell 'Die, Kharrum, you sorcerous dog!'
Kharrum utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
You maul Kharrum.
Kharrum has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <479hp 732m 314mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  
You must wield a flail or whip in your primary hand to lash.
Kharrum has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <479hp 732m 314mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  
No way!  You are still fighting!
Kharrum has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <479hp 732m 314mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  lash
lash Khar
You must wield a flail or whip in your primary hand to lash.
Kharrum has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <479hp 732m 314mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  lash
lash Khar

An earth elemental has arrived.
Kharrum yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by an earth elemental!'
An earth elemental's crush MASSACRES Kharrum!
A black abishai devil has arrived.
An earth elemental's crush DISMEMBERS Kharrum!
An earth elemental's crush DISMEMBERS Kharrum!
Kharrum has fled!
Kharrum leaves east.
A bone golem leaves east.
A burnt zombie of an ugruk guard leaves east.

civilized <479hp 732m 314mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  
They aren't here.

civilized <479hp 732m 314mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  wield whip
You stop using a knife of fire opal.
You wield an alligator-skin whip.
You are skilled with an alligator-skin whip.

civilized <479hp 732m 314mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  
The Grand Marketplace 
  You are standing next to a stall which has been set up in the Grand 
Marketplace.  There are many various potions, pills, and other herbal 
remedies on display here.  You can see everything from pills for a 
minor cough, to the general cure-all which can be found at nearly every 
[Exits: east south west]
A burnt zombie of an ugruk guard is here.
A skeletal warrior skulks in the shadows, awaiting the orders of its master.
Kharrum the half-drow is here.
An elven girl is daydreaming here, completely care-free.
A gnomish apothecary has set up a stall here.
A cunning ifrit has arrived.

civilized <479hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  lash
lash Khar
You entangle Kharrum's feet and send him to the ground!
Your lash scratches Kharrum.
Kharrum yells 'Help! Ihialania is lashing me!'
Kharrum is gushing blood.

civilized <479hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  lash
lash Khar

Kharrum's corrosive slice mauls you.
A burnt zombie of an ugruk guard screams and attacks you!
Your shield blocks a burnt zombie of an ugruk guard's pound.
Your shield blocks a burnt zombie of an ugruk guard's pound.
A bone golem screams and attacks you!
Your shield blocks a bone golem's pound.
Your stinging lash mauls Kharrum.
Kharrum is writhing in agony.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  lash
lash Khar

An earth elemental has arrived.
Kharrum yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by an earth elemental!'
An earth elemental's crush DISMEMBERS Kharrum!
A black abishai devil has arrived.
A black abishai devil gestures at Kharrum, uttering blasphemies.
Kharrum is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  lash
lash Khar

An earth elemental's crush MASSACRES Kharrum!
Kharrum is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Kharrum.
Kharrum's severed head plops on the ground.
A burnt zombie of an ugruk guard groans and topples into dust.
A bone golem groans and topples into dust.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  
They aren't here.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  look in corpse
They aren't here.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  
They aren't here.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  
The corpse of Kharrum contains:
     a horrified avian death mask
     a plain leather wristband
     a small coral ring
( 2) a broad gold plated neck collar
     a coarse woolen cap
     a pair of coarse, woolen gloves
     a pair of coarse, wool-lined boots
     a coarse woolen vest
     a set of coarse, woolen leggings
( 2) a carved ivory scepter
     a belt of hardened raindrops
     the girdle of endless space
     a silver shield with a red dragon crest
     a pitch-black ring
     a full length embroidered robe
     a tankard of beer
     a small glass prism
( 2) (Glowing) a potion of return
     a scroll of stiff parchment
     (Invis) an engraved sphere of solid bronze
     a set of coarse, woolen sleeves
     a rainbow colored vial with deep black liquid inside
     a nightmare blade
     an opal wand
( 2) a venison flank
     5 gold coins
     168 silver coins
     105 copper coins

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  get coins corpse
You get 5 gold coins from the corpse of Kharrum.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  get wand corpe
You see no corpe here.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  get sphere corpse
You get an engraved sphere of solid bronze from the corpse of Kharrum.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  get wand corpse
You get an opal wand from the corpse of Kharrum.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  

A black abishai devil turns to you and weaves a sorcerous spell.
A mystical barrier forms around you.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  

Jaile tells you 'oh damn'

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  get mask corpse
You get a horrified avian death mask from the corpse of Kharrum.

civilized <457hp 732m 312mv 5679tnl (51.46%) 1 AM>  wear mask
You wear a horrified avian death mask on your face.
You feel more resistant to unholy damage.
Subject Author Views Posted

Ihial vs Kharrum

stlucian2debone 275 June 13, 2024 10:14AM

mostly correct moves against necro

starbright 160 June 16, 2024 05:07AM

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