Kath vs Mistrin

June 28, 2024 05:38AM
civilized <905hp 845m 969mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 3 AM>  cb Ah come help.
[FORTRESS] Kathsael: Ah come help.

civilized <905hp 845m 969mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 3 AM>  inv
You are carrying:
     the pouch of nourishment
     a fang-tipped log
     (Glowing) a shining blue crystal longsword named "Windfang"
     (Glowing) a ghostly scimitar
     a bracelet of blue coldfire
     a pincer staff
     (Glowing) a clear glass flask containing some light red liquid
     a mithril shield faced with dragonscales
     a slime-covered shield made of a charcoal dragonscale
     the Bracelet of Charms
     a ring set with a single ruby
     (Glowing) a serpentine ring coiling around twin rubies

civilized <905hp 845m 969mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 3 AM>  

Someone leaves south.

civilized <905hp 845m 969mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 3 AM>  wield log
You stop using a Thunderlance.
You wield a fang-tipped log.
A fang-tipped log feels like a part of you!

civilized <905hp 845m 969mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 3 AM>  sc
Kathsael the Heroine of Faith, Initiate of the Jaguar
Level    : 51           Sex      : female       Race     : dwarf       
Ethos    : Chaotic      Align    : Good         Class    : shaman      
Practices: 33           Trains   : 2            Hometown : Akan
Exp      : 512900       To Level : 24350        Sphere   : Courage
Age      : mature, 93 years old (74 hours)
Hit Point: 905  /905    Mana     : 845  /845    Move     : 969  /984  
Str      : 22(22+6)     Int      : 19(19+2)     Wis      : 19(19)  
Dex      : 17(18)       Con      : 21(24)       Chr      : 15(15)  
Carry #  :  28/34       Weight   : 303 lb 14 oz (Max 477 lbs)   63% of max
Gold     : 36           Silver   : 36           Copper   : 1314        
Wimpy    :   18 hp      Morale   : Secure       Position : Standing
Hitroll  : 35           Damroll  : 49          
AC pierce : -64   Heavily armored       AC bash   : -71   Heavily armored       
AC slash  : -85   Superbly armored      AC magic  : 5     Armored               
AC element: -14   Well armored          
vs Spell    : -61  Divinely protected  vs Paralysis: 0    Not protected       
vs Breath   : 0    Not protected       vs Mental   : 0    Not protected       
Summon     : You can only be summoned by players within PK range.
Corpseguard: You attempt to guard corpses from lower level looters.
Rescue     : You allow others to rescue you.
Give       : You allow things to be given to you.
Trust      : You trust your group and your cabal with questionable spells/supplications.
Follow     : You accept followers.
You are not thirsty.
You feel slightly hungry.
You have focused your warpriest training upon heavy armor.
You are affected by:
Power: 'mantle of the phoenix' for 45 hours.
Power: 'mantle of the phoenix' for 45 hours.
Power: 'favor of the sun' modifies negative resistance by 38 for 32 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 30 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 30 hours.
Skill: 'zeal' modifies hit roll by 3 for 14 hours.
Skill: 'zeal' modifies damage roll by 7 for 14 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 40 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 4 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 8 for 7 hours.

civilized <905hp 845m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
The Grand Temple 
  A huge temple has been carved out of this cavernous chamber. High
above a graceful dome has been painstakingly carved into the rock, and
inlaid with a pale white marble. Along the east and west walls of this
enormous chamber huge flowing tapestries displaying the symbols of the
Brigade and the Acolytes are majestically draped. It is within this 
chamber that meetings are held and praises to the Light are offered up
by the devout.  Though well lit, an even brighter light spills in from
a stone archway to the north.
[Exits: north south]

civilized <905hp 845m 983mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
A Light Filled Corridor 
  Stretching between the council chamber and the great temple this corridor
pulses with swirling light. Growing brighter to the north where the light 
seems to spill out of a carved stone archway. There is a gentle warmth to
this corridor that seems pleasant, but unnatural. Looking around the corridor
you notice small veins of mithril within the wall. To the north a stone archway
leads to the temple, to the south the council chambers open up.
[Exits: north south]

civilized <905hp 845m 982mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
The Council Chamber 
  This huge chamber is the meeting hall of the Fortress. Used for
both planning of assaults and general fellowship amongst the 
members of both halls. A huge symbol of the fortress has been
inlaid on the northen wall. It is not by accident that it is 
here where the Hall of the Acolytes intersects with the Hall of
the Brigade. A long spiral staircase, carved out of the mountain
itself leads far up inside the mountain.
[Exits: north east west up]
     A gaudy mask catches your attention immediately.

civilized <905hp 845m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 845m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 845m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 845m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  sanc
co 'sanctuary
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

civilized <905hp 770m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  w
A Stone Corridor 
  Unlike the halls this corridor seems to have been carved out of the
mountain and unfinished with any additional stonework. The walls and
floor have been smoothed and widened to allow easy passage through
the corridor but it still has a roughly hewn look and feel to it. From
the east a bright light seems to spill out of a large chamber.
[Exits: east west]

civilized <905hp 770m 980mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
A Gray Corridor 
  This corridor is made entirely of dark gray stone.  Enormous flagstones
join perfectly to the walls supporting the high ceiling.  Suits of gray 
armor stand in alcoves, each the garb of a great Maran who has gone 
beyond.  Torches in silver sconces hang beside each alcove, burning with 
bright silvery flame.  Eerie silence hangs in the air, almost as if the 
corridor itself were somehow waiting.  The corridor turns to the east and
leads back to the south.
[Exits: east south]

civilized <905hp 770m 979mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 770m 979mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 770m 979mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 770m 979mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 770m 979mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 770m 979mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
A Gray Corridor 
  This corridor is made entirely of dark gray stone.  Enormous flagstones
join perfectly to the walls supporting the high ceiling.  Suits of gray 
armor stand in alcove, each the garb of a great Maran who has gone beyond.
Torches in silver sconces hang beside each alcove, burning with bright
silvery flame.  Eerie silence hangs in the air, almost as if the corridor
itself were somehow waiting.  The corridor continues north and south.
[Exits: north south]

civilized <905hp 770m 978mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Entrance to the Hall 
  The gray stone walls of the Hall writhe with shifting shadows as the silver
light of gleaming torches shifts and flickers.  A palpable silence hangs in
the air, broken only by the occasional sputter of a torch, or the ring of
steel on steel from the Hall of Flame.  A strange serenity fills your soul,
like the calm before a storm.  Huge Maran Tara'bal stride past on the orders
of the Phoenix, moving with utter silence.  A gray corridor extends to the
north, and you can step through the entranceway to the snowy courtyard to 
the south.
[Exits: north south]

civilized <905hp 770m 977mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Before the Hall of the Maran 
  The dark gray Hall of the Maran looms out of the night to the north.  Long,
wide stairs lead between the two massive pillars that frame the entranceway.
 Snow has piled up on and around the stairs. The torches set around the 
entranceway glow with brilliant silvery white flame, flickering and flaring 
angrily against the night.  The courtyard continues to the east, south 
and west.  Stairs lead north into the cavernous opening of the Hall of
the Maran.
[Exits: north east south west]

civilized <905hp 770m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
The Snowy Courtyard 
  The massive wall of the fortress looms dark to the south. Light streaming
from the watchtowers shimmers off the well packed snow, giving it the
appearance of a carpet of pale light atop the frozen ground.  Chill night
winds swirl about, trapped by the massive walls.  The gray Hall of the
Maran glows to the north.  The courtyard continues to the east and west.

[Exits: north east south west]

civilized <905hp 770m 975mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  wield thunderlance
You stop using a fang-tipped log.
You wield a Thunderlance.
A Thunderlance feels like a part of you!

civilized <905hp 770m 975mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
The Snowy Courtyard 
  Light streaming from the watchtowers shimmers off the well packed snow,
giving it the appearance of a carpet of pale light atop the frozen ground.
Chill night winds swirl about, trapped by the massive walls.  The courtyard
continues to the north, east, south and west.
[Exits: north east south west]

civilized <905hp 770m 974mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s

The Snowy Courtyard 
  The massive wall of the fortress looms dark to the south.  Light streaming
from the watchtowers shimmers off the well packed snow, giving it the
appearance of a carpet of pale light atop the frozen ground.  Chill night
winds swirl about, trapped by the massive walls.  The courtyard continues to
the north, east and west.  A stone archway opens in the wall to the south,
leading to the western gate tower.
[Exits: north east south west]
     A pile of spines sits unused.

civilized <905hp 770m 973mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
The Western Gate Tower 
  A small ledge extends beneath several murder slits overlooking the gate to
the east, and the courtyard below.  Several torches set in silver rings 
light the interior of this tower.  Stairs lead north to the archway 
opening to the courtyard and up to the battlements.
[Exits: north up]

civilized <905hp 770m 972mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
[FORTRESS] Karnix: He flees.

civilized <905hp 770m 972mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <905hp 770m 972mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  n
The Snowy Courtyard 
  The massive wall of the fortress looms dark to the south.  Light streaming
from the watchtowers shimmers off the well packed snow, giving it the
appearance of a carpet of pale light atop the frozen ground.  Chill night
winds swirl about, trapped by the massive walls.  The courtyard continues to
the north, east and west.  A stone archway opens in the wall to the south,
leading to the western gate tower.
[Exits: north east south west]
     A pile of spines sits unused.

civilized <905hp 770m 971mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  e
The Snowy Courtyard 
  Light streaming from the watchtowers shimmers off the well packed snow,
giving it the appearance of a carpet of pale light atop the frozen ground.
Chill night winds swirl about, trapped by the massive walls of the fortress.
The courtyard continues to the north, east and west.  The massive gates of
the fortress loom dark to the south.
[Exits: north east south west]

civilized <905hp 770m 970mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s

Karnix has arrived.
Standing Before the Fortress of Light 
  The Fortress of Light rises before you, standing strong and proud in a
mantle of snow and ice.  The thick walls of this fortress are built of huge,
perfectly cut, white stones fitted tightly together.  The stones along the
base of the fortress are enormous, taller than any giant and more massive
than most houses.  Pennants flying above the watchtowers rustle and flap
defiantly in the chill winds.  The huge gate of polished silver is guarded
by a lone figure.
[Exits: north south]
A huge figure in deep gray armor guards the gate.
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'

civilized <905hp 770m 969mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
Redhorn Gate 
  The winds howl fiercely through the pass.  Here on the western side of the
pass, the snow piles into drifts as high as the cliffs.  A gigantic snow
drift lies directly across the pass, blocking any attempts to go further
to the east.  The freezing cold cuts right down to your bones.  The way
down to warmer climes lies to the west.

Scarring the path here is a horrendous black crack in the earth, forever
filled with a solid piece of the purest white stone.

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.
[Exits: north west]
A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 966mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  where
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 966mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 966mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 966mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  w
People near you:
(PK) Kathsael                     Redhorn Gate
(PK) Mistrirn                     A Dried Streambed

wilderness  <905hp 770m 966mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  w
Near Redhorn Gate 
  The steep path winds its way up to the pass.  The snow piles into small
drifts here where it isn't ankle-deep.  The cliff looms above you to the
north as high as the chasm on the south side of the path is deep.  The rubble
partially blocking the path is slick with ice.  To the east the path 
continues up to the top of the pass, known as Redhorn Gate.  The snowdrifts
seem to be deeper in that direction.  To the west the path descends to warmer,
friendlier climes.
[Exits: east west]

wilderness  <905hp 770m 962mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  w
In the Mountains 
  The path runs between a deep gorge and an overhanging cliff here.  Boulders
and smaller rocks litter the path.  The air chills you to your bones as some
snowflakes drift down, collecting into small drifts along the edge of the
gorge. The steep path seems to climb forever to the east but starts leveling
out to the west.
[Exits: east west]
A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 958mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  w
In the Foothills 
  The path climbs up towards a high pass over the mountains.  The path
has almost disappeared in many places, blocked with fallen stones.  The air
swirls with a chilly wind.  The path continues deeper into the mountains to
the east and goes down into the foothills to the south.
[Exits: east south]

wilderness  <905hp 770m 955mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 955mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 955mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  charge
charge Mist
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 955mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 955mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
They aren't here.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 955mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
In the Foothills 
  The path forks here as it winds through the foothills.  To the east it
continues to follow the dried streambed while to the north it leads to a
trail winding toward a notch between two peaks. The barren plains stretch
out far below to the west.
[Exits: north east west]

wilderness  <905hp 770m 954mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  charge
charge Mist
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 954mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  w
They aren't here.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 954mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
In the Foothills 
  The streambed of the dried river twists through the hills as it winds its way
out of the snowy mountains.  To the south and west stretches the barren plain.
The hills seem to have a little more life to them, notably in the bracken
growing over the path.  The peaks of the mountains cut jagged edges in the
sky as they tower above you.  The peaks are topped with never-melting snow.
The path seems to be heading eastwards.  To the south, the path exits the foothills.
[Exits: east south]

wilderness  <905hp 770m 951mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  charge
charge Mist
They aren't here.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 951mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
Along a Dried Streambed 
  The streambed runs fairly straight through here.  Few plants grow here and
there is no trace of animals to be found.  The mountains tower above to the
north and east over the barren plains.  To the north, the path follows the 
streambed into the foothills and to the south it leads toward the chimney
smoke of a small village.
[Exits: north south]

wilderness  <905hp 770m 946mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  charge
charge Mist
They aren't here.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 946mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
A Dried Streambed 
  A rough path follows the dried streambed of an old river here. What might
have been a wide brook has vanished, leaving only rounded pebbles behind. 
The narrow plains surrounding the streambed are barren, dry and dusty. The 
dried streambed turns to the southeast, lined by a hedge of holly trees. 
To the north the path leads towards the towering peaks of the mountains. 
A small sign has been strung from one of the holly trees, the old twine 
suspending it barely able to contain such a slight weight.
[Exits: north south]

wilderness  <905hp 770m 942mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  charge
charge Mist
They aren't here.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 942mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  charge
charge Mist
Rocky Plains 
  Great plains stretch out all around you as a light wind blows across your face.
The wild grass that grows is quite green, although the rocky ground would make
farming difficult. To the south and east the land seems rich and you can just
make out a farm. To the west the ground slopes up and starts a slow climb
towards the distant mountains. To the north the plains look barren, and you
can find no tracks leading that way. 
[Exits: north east south west]
(Red Aura) (White Aura) Mistrirn the frost giant is here.
A majestic buck stands here, looking regal.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  s
You lower a Thunderlance and charge Mistrirn!
Your charge MASSACRES Mistrirn!
Mistrirn yells 'Help! Kathsael is charging me!'
Mistrirn has a few scratches.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  

Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mistrirn has a few scratches.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  

Your piercing electricity maims Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity MUTILATES Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity maims Mistrirn!
You parry Mistrirn's pound.
You keep Mistrirn at bay with your polearm.
Mistrirn has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  slice

Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Your cabal power favor of the sun unravels.
Mistrirn has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <905hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  

Your piercing electricity maims Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity misses Mistrirn.
Your piercing electricity devastates Mistrirn!
Your ring flares with a small lightning bolt!
Your shocking grasp wounds Mistrirn.
The pounding of a beating heart fills your ears as your wounds are healed.
You feel better!
Mistrirn's pound decimates you!
Mistrirn is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness  <879hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  

No way!  You are still fighting!
Mistrirn is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness  <879hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  
You tear Mistrirn's flesh with a wide, slicing blow from a Thunderlance!
A spray of blood erupts from Mistrirn's wound!
Your slice MUTILATES Mistrirn!
Mistrirn is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness  <879hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  

Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
The power of your frenzy supplication unravels.
The power of your sanctuary supplication unravels.
Your piercing electricity maims Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity devastates Mistrirn!
Mistrirn's pound MUTILATES you!
You parry Mistrirn's pound.
Mistrirn is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness  <837hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist

Your piercing electricity MUTILATES Mistrirn!
Mistrirn deflects your piercing electricity with his shield.
Your piercing electricity devastates Mistrirn!
The pounding of a beating heart fills your ears as your wounds are healed.
You feel better!
You parry Mistrirn's pound.
Mistrirn is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness  <862hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  

Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mistrirn calls upon the divine power of Morius and afflicts you with uncontrollable muscle spasms!
Mistrirn is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness  <862hp 770m 940mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 4 AM>  

Mistrirn continues to bleed from his wounds.
Mistrirn's arterial blood pools upon the ground.
Mistrirn's bleeding artery mauls him.
Mistrirn is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness  <899hp 804m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  
Mistrirn is covered with bleeding wounds.

wilderness  <899hp 804m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mistrirn's direction.
A barbed chain erupts from thin air, entangling Mistrirn!
Mistrirn is bound to the surface by the chain!
Your razor-sharp chain wounds Mistrirn.
Your piercing electricity MUTILATES Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity MUTILATES Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity MUTILATES Mistrirn!
Mistrirn has fled!
Mistrirn leaves south.

wilderness  <899hp 754m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  

Mistrirn has arrived.

wilderness  <899hp 754m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  s
co 'razor chain'Mist

You yell 'Die, Mistrirn, you sorcerous dog!'
Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mistrirn has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Mistrirn's torments DISMEMBERS you!
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

wilderness  <845hp 754m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  

Your piercing electricity maims Mistrirn!
You have become better at aim (79%)!  
Mistrirn deflects your piercing electricity with his shield.
You absorb the force of Mistrirn's pound with some spiked gauntlets.
You absorb the force of Mistrirn's pound with an acid etched suit of black titanium chainmail.
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

wilderness  <845hp 754m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  co 'arist
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mistrirn's direction.
A barbed chain erupts from thin air, entangling Mistrirn!
Mistrirn is bound to the surface by the chain!
Your razor-sharp chain mauls Mistrirn.
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

wilderness  <845hp 704m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  

Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mistrirn has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Mistrirn's torments *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

wilderness  <712hp 704m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  

Your piercing electricity misses Mistrirn.
Mistrirn parries your piercing electricity.
Mistrirn parries your piercing electricity.
You parry Mistrirn's pound.
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

wilderness  <712hp 704m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist
co 'razor chain'Mist

Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mistrirn has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Mistrirn's torments *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

wilderness  <586hp 704m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  

Your piercing electricity MUTILATES Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity decimates Mistrirn!
The pounding of a beating heart fills your ears as your wounds are healed.
You feel better!
You parry Mistrirn's pound.
You parry Mistrirn's pound.
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

wilderness  <604hp 704m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  
No way!  You are still fighting!
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

wilderness  <604hp 704m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mistrirn's direction.
A barbed chain erupts from thin air, partially entangling Mistrirn!
Your razor-sharp chain hits Mistrirn.
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

wilderness  <604hp 654m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist

Mistrirn has fled!
Mistrirn leaves east.

wilderness  <604hp 654m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  e
co 'razor chain'Mist
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You lost your concentration.

wilderness  <604hp 554m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 5 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist

The sun rises above the horizon.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  
They aren't here.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  
They aren't here.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  
They aren't here.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist
Lush Farmland 
  Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the 
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the 
land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the 
rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and 
realize that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of 
all the rocks that litter the ground. The farmland runs right up to the steep 
mountain cliffs as river has leveled the foothills to nothing. A clear stream
rushes along on its way east to Voralia's Tears. To the west the crops give
way to the wild grass growing across the flat plain.
[Exits: east south west]
A small frog hops from rock to rock.
A small frog hops from rock to rock.
A small child plays in the stream catching frogs.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 980mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  
They aren't here.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 980mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist
They aren't here.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 980mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  e
They aren't here.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 980mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  
They aren't here.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 980mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist
Lush Farmland 
  Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the land
seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the rivers
flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and realize
that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of all the
rocks that litter the ground. To the north the crops give way to grass and a
canyon that heads in to the mountains.
[Exits: north south west]
(Red Aura) (White Aura) Mistrirn the frost giant is here.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  

Mistrirn closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Mistrirn's eyes blaze with unholy fervor as his wounds heal before you.

wilderness  <648hp 577m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  
Mistrirn yells 'Die, Kathsael, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mistrirn's direction.
A barbed chain erupts from thin air, entangling Mistrirn!
Mistrirn is bound to the surface by the chain!
Your razor-sharp chain wounds Mistrirn.
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

wilderness  <648hp 527m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  co 'mend

Your piercing electricity maims Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity decimates Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity devastates Mistrirn!
You parry Mistrirn's pound.
You keep Mistrirn at bay with your polearm.
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

wilderness  <648hp 527m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  

Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mistrirn has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Mistrirn's torments MASSACRES you!
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

wilderness  <577hp 527m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  

Mistrirn deflects your piercing electricity with his shield.
Mistrirn deflects your piercing electricity with his shield.
Mistrirn deflects your piercing electricity with his shield.
Mistrirn's pound MASSACRES you!
You parry Mistrirn's pound.
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

wilderness  <507hp 527m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
Your blood boils with zeal, mending your wounds 
Mistrirn has fled!
Mistrirn leaves west.

wilderness  <562hp 507m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  

Mistrirn has arrived.

wilderness  <562hp 507m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  

Mistrirn leaves south.

wilderness  <562hp 507m 976mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  s
Lush Farmland 
  Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the 
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the
land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the 
rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and 
realize that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of 
all the rocks that litter the ground. A clear stream rushes along on its way 
east to Voralia's Tears.
[Exits: north east south west]
     A fishing pole lies here.
A young boy sits on a rock and daydreams.
A young boy rests on the banks of the stream hoping to catch a fish.

wilderness  <562hp 507m 969mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  s
Lush Farmland 
  Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the 
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here 
the land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of
the rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of 
rocks and realize that to work this land first it would have had to have
been cleared of all the rocks that litter the ground. A clear stream 
rushes along on its way east to Voralia's Tears.
[Exits: north east south west]
A sheep stands here eating grass.
A lamb plays here in the sun.

wilderness  <562hp 507m 963mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  dem
co 'demonfire' Mist
Lush Farmland 
  Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the 
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here 
the land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of 
the rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of 
rocks and realize that to work this land first it would have had to have 
been cleared of all the rocks that litter the ground.
[Exits: north east south west]

wilderness  <562hp 507m 957mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  s
They aren't here.

wilderness  <562hp 507m 957mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  dem
co 'demonfire' Mist
Lush Farmland 
  Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and Voralia's Tears to the 
east, this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here
the land seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of 
the rivers flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of 
rocks and realize that to work this land first it would have had to have 
been cleared of all the rocks that litter the ground. To the south you see 
a few houses. 
[Exits: north east south west]

wilderness  <562hp 507m 951mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  s
They aren't here.

wilderness  <562hp 507m 951mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  dem
co 'demonfire' Mist
Shepherd's Green 
  This small town huddles in the shadow of Voralian City and its belltower, it
has not grown more than is needed to have a small shop on Shepherd's Row south
of here and a small garden or workshop behind. Here you see few travelers as
they tend to the main road, but more the village people going about their
daily business.  All the buildings are done in while tile, reflecting the
glaring sun in brilliant color.  To the north you see rows and rows of plowed
fields where most of the food you see sold comes from. 
[Exits: north east south west]

civilized <562hp 507m 947mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  s
They aren't here.

civilized <562hp 507m 947mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  dem
co 'demonfire' Mist
Shepherd's Row 
  The road is the heart of the village, Shepherd's Green resting on the west of
the Voralia's Tears river.  Shadowed by Voralian City, Shepherd's Green rests
under the protection of the Shining Walls.  White tiled buildings line the road
from end to end, reflecting the glaring sun in brilliant color.  Wares fill
tables outside shops, their owners embellishing the mediocre quality. The road
is crowded, the general flow of people still pressing eastward towards the
river.  Now and again, you see a procession of guards - their army shined and
polished to perfection - part the crowd and continue down the road.  Raucous
laughter can be heard from a passing inn, and music carries on the wind from
further down the road.  The road continues to the east and west through
Shepherd's Green.
[Exits: north east west]

civilized <562hp 507m 946mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  s
They aren't here.

civilized <562hp 507m 946mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 6 AM>  dem
co 'demonfire' Mist
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <609hp 527m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  e
They aren't here.

civilized <609hp 527m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  
Shepherd's Row 
  The road is the heart of the village, Shepherd's Green resting on the west of
the Voralia's Tears river.  Shadowed by Voralian City, Shepherd's Green rests
under the protection of the Shining Walls.  White tiled buildings line the road
from end to end, reflecting the glaring sun in brilliant color.  Wares fill
tables outside shops, their owners embellishing the mediocre quality. The road
is crowded, the general flow of people still pressing eastward towards the
river.  Now and again, you see a procession of guards - their army shined and
polished to perfection - part the crowd and continue down the road.  One of the
breathtaking bridges of Voralian City stand before you to the east.  Shepherd's
Row continues through the village to the west.  You see a small sign mounted at
the foot of the bridge.
[Exits: north east west]
     A sign points west to Tir-Talath and Udgaard.

civilized <609hp 527m 983mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  where
People near you:
(PK) Kathsael                     Shepherd's Row

civilized <609hp 527m 983mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  scan e
You scan east.

civilized <609hp 527m 983mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  w
Shepherd's Row 
  The road is the heart of the village, Shepherd's Green resting on the west of
the Voralia's Tears river.  Shadowed by Voralian City, Shepherd's Green rests
under the protection of the Shining Walls.  White tiled buildings line the road
from end to end, reflecting the glaring sun in brilliant color.  Wares fill
tables outside shops, their owners embellishing the mediocre quality. The road
is crowded, the general flow of people still pressing eastward towards the
river.  Now and again, you see a procession of guards - their army shined and
polished to perfection - part the crowd and continue down the road.  Raucous
laughter can be heard from a passing inn, and music carries on the wind from
further down the road.  The road continues to the east and west through
Shepherd's Green.
[Exits: north east west]

civilized <609hp 527m 982mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  
Shepherd's Row 
  The road is the heart of the village, Shepherd's Green resting on the west of
the Voralia's Tears river.  Shadowed by Voralian City, Shepherd's Green rests
under the protection of the Shining Walls.  White tiled buildings line the road
from end to end, reflecting the glaring sun in brilliant color.  Wares fill
tables outside shops, their owners embellishing the mediocre quality. The road
is crowded, the general flow of people still pressing eastward towards the
river.  Now and again, you see a procession of guards - their army shined and
polished to perfection - part the crowd and continue down the road.  The road
continues to the east and west through Shepherd's Green.
[Exits: north east west]

civilized <609hp 527m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  who
[51 H-Drw Pal] (PK) [FORTRESS] [ACOLYTE] (WANTED) Karnix al'Shaheer the Champion of the Virtues,
Avowed of Azorinne, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[51 Storm Pal] (PK) [FORTRESS] [ACOLYTE] Horrindyr the Champion of the Virtues, Avowed of Azorinne,
Acolyte of the Golden Sun
[40 Ctaur War] Eledsoere the Mistress of Weapons
[51  Elf  Tra] (PK) [FORTRESS] [MARAN] Coqui Couroux the Expert Bee Keeper, Captain of the Brigade
[10 Human Bar] Bradigan the Troubadour
[51  Elf  War] (PK) [FORTRESS] [SQUIRE] Xaevyir the Legend of the Battlefield
[51  Fire Sha] (PK) Kobar Absal'Katuth the Proselytizer of the Mauls, Emperor of Thera
[34 Srian Shf] [FORTRESS] [SCRIBE] Nysnali the Student of Metamorphosis, Breathless Listener
*51 Dwarf Sha* (PK) [FORTRESS] [SQUIRE] Kathsael the Heroine of Faith, Initiate of the Jaguar
[51 Human Tra] (PK) [FORTRESS] [SQUIRE] Kedan the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
[51 Svirf Tra] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Gnobflink Puddleblast the Adherent of the Mauls, Justiciar of Thera
[51 Frost Sha] (PK) Mistrirn Everrested the Supplicant of Sloth
[ 2 Storm War] Ekiara the Conscript
[51 Gnome Shf] (PK) Thogeon the Grand Master of Changelings
[ 1 Duerg A-P] Graukull the Scum
[51  Elf  Shf] (PK) Lyeeth the Brightest Star, Breathless High Herald of the Eternal Star
[ 3 Gnome Hea] Karrimos the Nourisher
[51 D-Elf Hea] (PK) Sulirye Dra'lythir the Supplicant of Vanity, Imperial Priestess
[ 2  Fire Sha] Vhaslik the Faithful, Anathema to the Empire
[ 1 Human Thi] Vaysean the Outcast
[18  Elf  Pal] Irian the Principled

Players found: 21

civilized <609hp 527m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  co 'mend
co 'mend
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
Your blood boils with zeal, mending your wounds 

civilized <668hp 507m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  cb He ran off
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
Your blood boils with zeal, mending your wounds 

civilized <730hp 487m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  
[FORTRESS] Kathsael: He ran off

civilized <730hp 487m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  

Mistrirn has arrived.

civilized <730hp 487m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  

You yell 'Die, Mistrirn, you sorcerous dog!'
Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mistrirn has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Mistrirn's torments MASSACRES you!
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

civilized <651hp 487m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  

Your piercing electricity decimates Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity maims Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity devastates Mistrirn!
You absorb the force of Mistrirn's pound with a helmet with a long spike.
You keep Mistrirn at bay with your polearm.
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

civilized <651hp 487m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  co 'arist

Mistrirn narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Mistrirn has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Mistrirn's torments *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

civilized <516hp 487m 981mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You are filled with divine power as you embody the aspect of war!
Mistrirn is gushing blood.

civilized <816hp 287m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  

Your piercing electricity MUTILATES Mistrirn!
Mistrirn dodges your piercing electricity.
Mistrirn dodges your piercing electricity.
With careful timing you deflect Mistrirn's pound.
Mistrirn's pound DISMEMBERS you!
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

civilized <758hp 287m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist
co 'razor chain'Mist

You anticipate Mistrirn turning to flee, and quickly move to block his escape!
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

civilized <758hp 287m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  
You narrow your eyes and glare in Mistrirn's direction.
A barbed chain erupts from thin air, partially entangling Mistrirn!
Your razor-sharp chain hits Mistrirn.
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

civilized <758hp 237m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 7 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist
co 'razor chain'Mist

Your painful spasms cease.
Mistrirn is writhing in agony.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  

Your piercing electricity MANGLES Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity MANGLES Mistrirn!
Your piercing electricity MASSACRES Mistrirn!
Your lance crackles with lightning as you strike a mighty blow!
Your electrified lance *** DEMOLISHES *** Mistrirn!
Mistrirn is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Mistrirn.
Mistrirn's heart is torn from his chest.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  raz
co 'razor chain'Mist
cb Hrm dead.
They aren't here.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  
They aren't here.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  
They aren't here.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  look in corpse
They aren't here.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  
[FORTRESS] Kathsael: Hrm dead.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  
The burnt corpse of Mistrirn contains:
( 2) (Red Aura) (Glowing) a golden ring with a spider-shaped ruby
( 2) (Glowing) a braided circlet of dusty red crystal
( 2) (Glowing) a brilliant silver bracelet
     a polished mithril girth
     (Red Aura) (Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
     (Red Aura) (Glowing) some leather gloves with black inscriptions
     a pair of solid stone greaves
     (Red Aura) red-trimmed black adamantite plate boots (Damaged)
     a leather apron with scorch marks
     (Red Aura) a suit of red-trimmed black adamantite platemail
     a makeshift wooden trunk
( 2) a water bag made from dried and wrinkled skin
     a gold brocade pillow
     the chest of inebriation
     a double shot of rum
     a decanter of 'Udgaardian Red'
     some seaweed
     a three-headed flail of dark steel
     a pair of blackened arm guards
     a crimson shield emblazoned with a brass dragon
     a raft
( 2) a loaf of seven-grain bread
     7 gold coins
     10 silver coins

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  get coins corpse
You get 7 gold coins from the burnt corpse of Mistrirn.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  get coins corpse
You get 10 silver coins from the burnt corpse of Mistrirn.

civilized <779hp 247m 984mv 24350tnl (-26.49%) 8 AM>  n

Mistrirn tells you 'That is interesting.'
Subject Author Views Posted

Kath vs Mistrin

stlucian2debone 222 June 28, 2024 05:38AM

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