vs Semodo and Vokrar at explore area

December 28, 2024 11:13AM
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     Barren Wasteland

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 740/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 44 hours.
Spell: 'despoil' modifies hp by 351 for 33 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 30 hours.
Spell: 'deftness of the falcon' modifies dexterity by 6 for 4 hours.
Timer: 'scales of the dragon' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'scales of the dragon' modifies armor class by -30 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'control translucence' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 22 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for 21 hours.
Spell: 'sight of the damned' for 19 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 17 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 11 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'sight of the damned' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 6 hours.
Power: 'nightwalker' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 3 hours.

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 740/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 

The scorching sun parches you.

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 740/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
who pk
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     Barren Wasteland

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 740/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
[43 Human Shf] (PK) Bundadeer the Elder Sorcerer of Transformation
*51 Human Shf* (PK) [SCION] Kithervroy Pyrespear the Grand Mistress of Changelings
[51 Storm War] (PK) Boldr the Legend of the Battlefield, Taleteller of the Eternal Star
[47 Dwarf War] (PK) Vokrar the Champion of Warfare
[46 Gnome War] (PK) Koten the Champion of Battlefields
[51  Elf  Pal] (PK) Alisani Sanaai the Champion of the Virtues

Players found: 6

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 740/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
The Edge of the Barren Wastes 
[Exits: north south]

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 731/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     The Edge of the Barren Wastes
(PK) Vokrar                       Beside a Stream of Lava

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 731/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
Approaching the Mountains 
[Exits: north south]

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 725/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
An Ancient Path into the Mountains 
[Exits: east south]

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 718/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     An Ancient Path into the Mountains
(PK) Vokrar                       Beside a Stream of Lava

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 718/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 
An Ancient Path into the Mountains 
[Exits: north west]
The Nightwalker has arrived.

wilderness  <1377/1446hp 680/1151m 710/994mv outdoor 10 AM cloudy standing> 

You are hungry.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison grazes you.

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 749/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> An Ancient Path into the Mountains 
[Exits: north south]

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 741/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     An Ancient Path into the Mountains
(PK) Vokrar                       Beside a Stream of Lava

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 741/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
A Wind-Swept Cliff 
[Exits: east south west]
A vulture cocks it head at you, perhaps considering if you are its next meal.

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 733/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 733/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
A Wind-Swept Cliff 
[Exits: east west]

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 725/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 725/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 725/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
A Wind-Swept Cliff 
[Exits: north west]

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 717/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
Nearing a Ruined Building 
[Exits: north south]

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 709/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     Nearing a Ruined Building
(PK) Vokrar                       Descending Into a Shaft

wilderness  <1369/1446hp 670/1151m 709/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
Before a Ruined Building 
[Exits: east south]
A tall golem made of steel stands guard over the door to the tower.
A tall golem made of steel stands guard over the door to the tower.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
You dodge a Steel Golem's pound.
A Steel Golem wounds you.
You dodge a Steel Golem's pound.
You dodge a Steel Golem's pound.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
You dodge a Steel Golem's pound.
You dodge a Steel Golem's pound.
You dodge a Steel Golem's pound.
A Steel Golem tries to bash you but stumbles through you as you become completely insubstantial briefly.
A Steel Golem is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1352/1446hp 670/1151m 701/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy fighting> 
No way!  You are still fighting!
The Nightwalker has arrived.
The Nightwalker's claw grazes a Steel Golem.
The Nightwalker's claw grazes a Steel Golem.
The Nightwalker's claw grazes a Steel Golem.
A Steel Golem has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1352/1446hp 670/1151m 701/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy fighting> 
Nearing a Ruined Building 
[Exits: north south]
You flee from combat!

wilderness  <1352/1446hp 670/1151m 693/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy standing> 
Before a Ruined Building 
[Exits: east south]
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
A tall golem made of steel stands guard over the door to the tower.
A tall golem made of steel stands guard over the door to the tower.
You make some noise as you are attacked.
You dodge a Steel Golem's pound.
You dodge a Steel Golem's pound.
A Steel Golem injures you.
A Steel Golem is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 685/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy fighting> 
No way!  You are still fighting!
A Steel Golem is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 685/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy fighting> 
No way!  You are still fighting!
A Steel Golem is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 685/994mv outdoor 11 AM cloudy fighting> 
A Rubble-Strewn Hallway 
[Exits: [north] east west]
You flee from combat!

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 681/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
A Rubble-Strewn Hallway 
[Exits: [north] east [south] west]

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 680/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
A Rubble-Strewn Hallway 
[Exits: south west]

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 679/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 679/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 679/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
A Private Chapel 
[Exits: north down]

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 678/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 678/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     A Private Chapel
(PK) Vokrar                       A Dead-End Tunnel

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 678/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
A Passageway Beneath the Tower 
[Exits: east up]

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 677/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 677/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 677/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
A Well-Lit Corridor 
[Exits: east west]

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 676/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 
A Well-Lit Corridor 
[Exits: south west]
One of the blocks of stone on the wall here has been sculpted into a small mouth.
A Magic Mouth says 'Greetings, travelers, and welcome to my home.  I am rather busy at the moment, so please, enjoy the upper floors of my tower while you await me.'
A Magic Mouth says 'Of course, if the matter is urgent, feel free to advance into the room beyond.  Any who prove strong enough of mind and body to make their way past my guardians, I will grant audience to.'

civilized <1336/1446hp 670/1151m 675/994mv indoor 11 AM none standing> 

You are hungry.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison grazes you.

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 714/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
Approaching an Archway 
[Exits: north south]

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 713/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     Approaching an Archway
(PK) Vokrar                       A Dead-End Tunnel

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 713/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
A Circular Room 
[Exits: north]
     (Magical) (Glowing) A marble pedestal stands in the center of the room.

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 712/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 712/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
' Let me through

The Nightwalker snorts at your weakness.
The Nightwalker steps into the shadows and fades from view.

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 712/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
You say 'Let me through'
The world suddenly shifts around you.
A Heat-Filled Tunnel 

The searing heat of this area is oppressive.
[Exits: south]

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 712/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     A Heat-Filled Tunnel
(PK) Vokrar                       A Dead-End Tunnel

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 712/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
Beside a Stream of Lava 

The searing heat of this area is oppressive.
[Exits: north east]

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 711/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     Beside a Stream of Lava
(PK) Vokrar                       A Dead-End Tunnel

civilized <1328/1446hp 640/1151m 711/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
call nightwalker
You attempt to summon a Nightwalker.
A Nightwalker slides forth from the shadows!

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 711/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     Beside a Stream of Lava
(PK) Vokrar                       A Smoke-Filled Tunnel

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 711/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
Beside a Stream of Lava 

The searing heat of this area is oppressive.
[Exits: east west]

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 710/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
Beside a Stream of Lava 

The searing heat of this area is oppressive.
[Exits: north west down]

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 709/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 709/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
Descending Into a Shaft 

The searing heat of this area is oppressive.
[Exits: east up]

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 708/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
A Dead-End Tunnel 

The searing heat of this area is oppressive.
[Exits: west]
     (Magical) (Glowing) A bronze pedestal stands in the center of the room.
The fires in someone's eyes fade.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 707/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.
You get a sudden urge to leave this place immediately.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 707/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
' Let me through again
You say 'Let me through again'
The world suddenly shifts around you.
A Smoke-Filled Tunnel 
[Exits: south]

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 707/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     A Smoke-Filled Tunnel
(PK) Vokrar                       Within a Dense Cloud of Smoke

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 707/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
A Smoke-Filled Tunnel 
[Exits: north west]

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 706/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     A Smoke-Filled Tunnel
(PK) Vokrar                       Within a Dense Cloud of Smoke

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 706/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
A Smoke-Filled Tunnel 
[Exits: east south]

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 705/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     A Smoke-Filled Tunnel
(PK) Vokrar                       Within a Dense Cloud of Smoke

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 705/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
At the Edge of a Dense Cloud of Smoke 
[Exits: north east]

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 704/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 704/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     At the Edge of a Dense Cloud of Smoke
(PK) Vokrar                       Within a Dense Cloud of Smoke

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 704/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
Within a Dense Cloud of Smoke 
[Exits: east west]
The vapors surrounding you seem to condense into a malevolent cloud.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 703/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
Within a Dense Cloud of Smoke 
[Exits: north west]
Vokrar is here, fighting a Lightning Quasi-Elemental.
A small ball of energy floats here, sparking furiously.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 702/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
At the Edge of the Cloud 
[Exits: east south]

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 701/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
peck Vokrar
Within a Dense Cloud of Smoke 
[Exits: north west]
Vokrar is here, fighting a Lightning Quasi-Elemental.
A small ball of energy floats here, sparking furiously.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 700/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
You peck at Vokrar with your beak.
Your pecking beak injures Vokrar.
Vokrar yells 'Help! a parrot is pecking me!'
Vokrar has a few scratches.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 700/994mv indoor 12 PM none fighting> 

Vokrar makes a hasty retreat.
Vokrar leaves north.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 700/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1328/1446hp 565/1151m 700/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
shape tiger
You flicker and blur into the shape of a tiger.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the deftness of the falcon.

civilized <1328/1446hp 540/1151m 700/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 

The poisonous gas devastates you!

civilized <1298/1446hp 540/1151m 700/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      Within a Dense Cloud of Smoke
(PK) Semodo                       A Smoke-Filled Tunnel
(PK) Vokrar                       On a Small Cloud

civilized <1298/1446hp 540/1151m 700/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
At the Edge of the Cloud 
[Exits: east south]

civilized <1298/1446hp 540/1151m 699/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
The End of the Corridor 
[Exits: west]
     (Magical) (Glowing) A silver pedestal stands in the center of the room.

civilized <1298/1446hp 540/1151m 698/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
bite Vokrar
They aren't here.

civilized <1298/1446hp 540/1151m 698/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      The End of the Corridor
(PK) Semodo                       A Smoke-Filled Tunnel
(PK) Vokrar                       On a Small Cloud
The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1298/1446hp 540/1151m 698/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.

civilized <1298/1446hp 525/1151m 698/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 

The poisonous gas mauls you.

civilized <1277/1446hp 525/1151m 698/994mv indoor 12 PM none standing> 
' Let me through again

A Lightning Quasi-Elemental has arrived.

You are hungry.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison grazes you.

tell kither Need MORE experiments!!!
civilized <1269/1446hp 537/1151m 737/994mv indoor 1 PM none standing> 
You say 'Let me through again'
The world suddenly shifts around you.
On a Small Cloud 
[Exits: up]
A swirling tornado of wind buffets you about like a child's toy.
Vokrar is here.
An Air Elemental yells 'You are as a speck of dust in the wind to me, Vokrar! Allow me to demonstrate your insignificance!'
An Air Elemental's blast DISMEMBERS Vokrar!

civilized <1269/1446hp 537/1151m 737/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
An Air Elemental's blast DISMEMBERS Vokrar!
A long titanium spear glows a dim red in Vokrar's hands!

civilized <1269/1446hp 537/1151m 737/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
You tell Kithervroy 'Need MORE experiments!!!'
Vokrar looks at an Air Elemental.

civilized <1269/1446hp 537/1151m 737/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
murder Vokrar
Vokrar yells 'Help!  I am being attacked by Kithervroy!'
Vokrar deflects your magic with his defensive spin.
Vokrar has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <1269/1446hp 537/1151m 737/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining fighting> 

Vokrar has fled!
Vokrar leaves up.

civilized <1269/1446hp 537/1151m 737/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1269/1446hp 537/1151m 737/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
shape tiger
You flicker and blur into the shape of a tiger.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the deftness of the falcon.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 737/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      On a Small Cloud
(PK) Semodo                       The End of the Corridor
(PK) Vokrar                       Approaching a Strange Cloud

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 737/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
Soaring Through the Endless Skies 
[Exits: north east south west up down]

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 728/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
Soaring Through the Endless Skies 
[Exits: north east south west up down]

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 719/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
bite Vokrar
They aren't here.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 719/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
Soaring Through the Endless Skies 
[Exits: north east south west up down]

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 710/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
bite Vokrar
They aren't here.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 710/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
Approaching a Strange Cloud 
[Exits: north south]
A legless humanoid made of sparkling blue smoke hovers in mid-air here.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 701/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 701/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
A Small Platform on a Strange Cloud 
[Exits: up]
     (Magical) (Glowing) An adamantite pedestal stands in the center of the room.
Vokrar is here.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 692/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
bite Vokrar
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite EVISCERATES Vokrar!
Vokrar yells 'Help! a tiger bit me!'
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 692/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining fighting> 

Vokrar parries your claw.
Your claw MANGLES Vokrar!
Vokrar flows to one side as your claw passes.
You dodge Vokrar's piercing electricity.
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 692/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining fighting> 

Vokrar says 'I need to go too'
Vokrar disappears suddenly.
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 512/1151m 692/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining fighting> 
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Vokrar yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
You get a sudden urge to leave this place immediately.

civilized <1269/1446hp 497/1151m 692/994mv outdoor 1 PM raining standing> 
' Let me go
You say 'Let me go'
The world suddenly shifts around you.
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: west]

civilized <1269/1446hp 497/1151m 692/994mv indoor 1 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) Kithervroy                   Within an Immense Block of Ice
(PK) Vokrar                       Within an Immense Block of Ice

civilized <1269/1446hp 497/1151m 692/994mv indoor 1 PM none standing> 
shape tiger

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1269/1446hp 497/1151m 692/994mv indoor 1 PM none standing> 
You flicker and blur into the shape of a tiger.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the deftness of the falcon.

civilized <1269/1446hp 472/1151m 692/994mv indoor 1 PM none standing> 

You are hungry.
You feel less sick.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 731/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      Within an Immense Block of Ice
(PK) Vokrar                       Within an Immense Block of Ice

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 731/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: east south]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 730/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north east]
Vokrar is here, fighting an Ice Para-Elemental.
A towering humanoid of living elemental ice moves slowly towards you.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 729/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 

An Ice Para-Elemental is unaffected by Vokrar's piercing electricity!

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 729/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 

Vokrar tries to back away but an Ice Para-Elemental blocks his way.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 729/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 
bite Vokrar
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite MUTILATES Vokrar!
Vokrar yells 'Help! a tiger bit me!'
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 729/994mv indoor 2 PM none fighting> 

Vokrar has fled!
Vokrar leaves east.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 729/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.
You begin to get the feeling that someone, somewhere, is watching you.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 729/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: south west]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 728/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north south]
Vokrar is here, fighting an Ice Drake.
A small, dragonlike creature made of living ice cools itself in the icy river.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      An Ice-Filled River
(PK) Vokrar                       An Ice-Filled River

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 
bite Vokrar
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite decimates Vokrar!
Vokrar yells 'Help! a tiger bit me!'
Vokrar parries your claw.
Vokrar dodges your claw.
Vokrar deflects your claw with his defensive spin.
An Ice Drake is unaffected by Vokrar's piercing electricity!
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none fighting> 
bite Vokrar

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Vokrar yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none fighting> 

Vokrar tries to back away but an Ice Drake blocks his way.
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none fighting> 
bite Vokrar

An Ice Drake's freezing bite EVISCERATES Vokrar!
Vokrar deflects your claw with his defensive spin.
Vokrar parries your claw.
An Ice Drake is unaffected by Vokrar's piercing electricity!
A long titanium spear glows a dim red in Vokrar's hands!
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none fighting> 
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite EVISCERATES Vokrar!
Vokrar is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <1269/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none fighting> 

The Nightwalker's claw maims Vokrar!
An Ice Drake's freezing bite EVISCERATES Vokrar!
As an Ice Drake brings its hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from its fingertips.
An Ice Drake's cone of cold === OBLITERATES === the Nightwalker!
An Ice Drake's cone of cold MANGLES you!
An Ice Drake's cone of cold *** DEMOLISHES *** Vokrar!
Your claw MASSACRES Vokrar!
With a quick spin, Vokrar deflects your claw.
An Ice Drake is unaffected by Vokrar's piercing electricity!
An Ice Drake is unaffected by Vokrar's piercing electricity!
Vokrar is writhing in agony.

civilized <1176/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none fighting> 
Vokrar nimbly avoids your bite.
Vokrar makes a hasty retreat.
Vokrar leaves south.

civilized <1176/1446hp 422/1151m 727/994mv indoor 2 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.
An Ice Drake checks the ground for tracks.
An Ice Drake leaves south.
An Ice Para-Elemental has arrived.
You are hungry.
The deftness of the falcon leaves you.
You can once again perform a greater enliven.
The Nightwalker yells 'There is no hope for you, Vokrar! Embrace your death!'

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 766/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 

The sounds of combat erupt near Vokrar!

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 766/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
bite Vokrar

Vokrar has arrived.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 766/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 766/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker yells 'There is no hope for you, Vokrar! Embrace your death!'
An Ice Para-Elemental yells 'There are not enough tears in this plane, Vokrar, for me to feel mercy for you!'
An Ice Para-Elemental's freezing bite EVISCERATES Vokrar!

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 766/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north west]
A small, dragonlike creature made of living ice cools itself in the icy river.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 765/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
bite Vokrar
They aren't here.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 765/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
They aren't here.
Vokrar has arrived.
The sounds of combat erupt near Vokrar!

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 765/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
bite Vokrar
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite decimates Vokrar!
Vokrar yells 'Help! a tiger bit me!'
Vokrar is writhing in agony.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 765/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
bite Vokrar

Vokrar has fled!
Vokrar leaves west.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 765/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
bite Vokrar

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 765/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
They aren't here.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 765/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
A Side Cave 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: east]
     (Magical) (Glowing) A gold pedestal stands in the center of the room.
Vokrar is here.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
Vokrar says 'Be a dragon!'

wilderness  <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 763/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite MUTILATES Vokrar!
Vokrar yells 'Help! a tiger bit me!'
Vokrar is writhing in agony.

wilderness  <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 763/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Vokrar yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Vokrar is writhing in agony.

wilderness  <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 763/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Vokrar has fled!
Vokrar leaves east.
You follow Vokrar as he flees and pounce on him, knocking him down!
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north west]
Vokrar is here.
A small, dragonlike creature made of living ice cools itself in the icy river.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
Vokrar is writhing in agony.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 761/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
bite Vokrar

The sounds of combat erupt near Vokrar!
Vokrar is writhing in agony.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 761/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Vokrar dodges your claw.
Vokrar parries your claw.
You dodge Vokrar's piercing electricity.
You dodge Vokrar's piercing electricity.
Vokrar is writhing in agony.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 761/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite MUTILATES Vokrar!
Vokrar is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <1179/1446hp 372/1151m 761/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Vokrar yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
An Ice Drake slams into Vokrar with a powerful bash, but somehow it is an Ice Drake who is sent sprawling!
An Ice Drake's bash scratches Vokrar.
Vokrar's bash decimates an Ice Drake!
Vokrar parries your claw.
Vokrar deflects your claw with his defensive spin.
Vokrar's piercing electricity hits you.
Vokrar is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <1167/1446hp 372/1151m 761/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
bite Vokrar
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite MUTILATES Vokrar!
Vokrar is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <1167/1446hp 372/1151m 761/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Vokrar has fled!
Vokrar leaves west.
You follow Vokrar as he flees and pounce on him, knocking him down!
A Side Cave 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: east]
     (Magical) (Glowing) A gold pedestal stands in the center of the room.
Vokrar is here.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
Vokrar is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness  <1167/1446hp 372/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Vokrar deflects your claw with his defensive spin.
Vokrar deflects your claw with his defensive spin.
Your claw MASSACRES Vokrar!
Vokrar's piercing electricity hits you.
You dodge Vokrar's piercing electricity.
You dodge Vokrar's piercing electricity.
Vokrar is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness  <1156/1446hp 372/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
bite Vokrar

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Vokrar yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Vokrar is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness  <1156/1446hp 372/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
You bury your teeth in Vokrar's body.
Your bite mauls Vokrar.
Vokrar is stunned, and rendered helpless.
Vokrar is convulsing on the ground.

wilderness  <1156/1446hp 372/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

The Nightwalker's claw EVISCERATES Vokrar!
Vokrar is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Vokrar.

wilderness  <1156/1446hp 372/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 

Semodo has arrived.

wilderness  <1156/1446hp 372/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.

wilderness  <1156/1446hp 357/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none standing> 
murder semo
Semodo yells 'Help!  I am being attacked by Kithervroy!'
Semodo parries your magic.
Semodo is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1156/1446hp 357/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
shape tiger

Semodo yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Semodo parries your magic.
Semodo's slice injures you.
You parry Semodo's punch.
Semodo is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1142/1446hp 357/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
You flicker and blur into the shape of a tiger.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
Semodo is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1142/1446hp 332/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Semodo tries to throw you but stumbles through you as you become completely insubstantial briefly.
Semodo is in perfect health.

wilderness  <1142/1446hp 332/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Semodo parries your claw.
Your claw MUTILATES Semodo!
Semodo dodges your claw.
Semodo's slice injures you.
Semodo's punch injures you.
Semodo's slice injures you.
Semodo's slice wounds you.
Semodo has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1077/1446hp 332/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
bite semo
Semodo spins gracefully away from your bite.
Semodo has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1077/1446hp 332/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Semodo dodges your claw.
Semodo dodges your claw.
Semodo steps inside your claw with a quick backfist.
Semodo's punch injures you.
You dodge Semodo's slice.
You dodge Semodo's slice.
Semodo's slice injures you.
Semodo has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1047/1446hp 332/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
bite semo
You bury your teeth in Semodo's body.
Your bite wounds Semodo.
Semodo has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1047/1446hp 332/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Semodo mutters something quietly to himself.
Semodo has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1047/1446hp 332/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 

Semodo dodges your claw.
Semodo parries your claw.
Semodo parries your claw.
Semodo's slice wounds you.
You dodge Semodo's punch.
You dodge Semodo's slice.
Semodo's slice wounds you.
Semodo has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1010/1446hp 332/1151m 759/994mv indoor 3 PM none fighting> 
bite semo

Semodo says 'You are an annoying one.'
An Ice Drake has arrived.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
Your hunger scratches you.
The sounds of combat erupt near Semodo!
Semodo has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1007/1446hp 269/1151m 785/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 
You bury your teeth in Semodo's body.
Your bite mauls Semodo.
Semodo has a few scratches.

wilderness  <1007/1446hp 269/1151m 785/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 

The Nightwalker's claw injures Semodo.
Semodo steps inside your claw with a quick backfist.
Semodo's punch mauls you.
Your claw MUTILATES Semodo!
Semodo parries your claw.
Semodo deftly ducks under your claw.
Semodo steps inside your claw with a quick backfist.
Semodo's punch wounds you.
You dodge Semodo's slice.
You dodge Semodo's punch.
You dodge Semodo's slice.
Semodo has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <965/1446hp 269/1151m 785/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 

Semodo dodges your claw.
Semodo parries your claw.
Semodo parries your claw.
You dodge Semodo's slice.
You dodge Semodo's slice.
Semodo has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <965/1446hp 269/1151m 785/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 
bite semo
You bury your teeth in Semodo's body.
Your bite wounds Semodo.
Semodo has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <965/1446hp 269/1151m 785/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 

Semodo has fled!
Semodo leaves east.

wilderness  <965/1446hp 269/1151m 785/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north west]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 783/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
bite semo
They aren't here.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 783/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      An Ice-Filled River
(PK) Semodo                       Within an Immense Block of Ice

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 783/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north south]
A towering humanoid of living elemental ice moves slowly towards you.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 782/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
bite semo
They aren't here.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 782/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: south west]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 781/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north east]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 780/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      Within an Immense Block of Ice
(PK) Semodo                       Within an Immense Block of Ice

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 780/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: east south]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 779/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
bite semo
They aren't here.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 779/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 779/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: west]
Semodo is here.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <965/1446hp 269/1151m 778/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
bite semo
You bury your teeth in Semodo's body.
Your bite mauls Semodo.
Semodo yells 'Help! a tiger bit me!'
Semodo steps inside your claw with a quick backfist.
Semodo's punch wounds you.
Semodo parries your claw.
Your claw MUTILATES Semodo!
Semodo's slice injures you.
You dodge Semodo's slice.
Semodo has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 778/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Semodo yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
Semodo's punch MASSACRES the Nightwalker!
Semodo has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 778/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 

Semodo has fled!
Semodo leaves west.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 778/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: east south]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 777/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 

An Ice Para-Elemental yells 'You will drown, Semodo, in the waves of my wrath!'

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 777/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north east]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 776/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 

The Nightwalker has arrived.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 776/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      Within an Immense Block of Ice
(PK) Semodo                       An Ice-Filled River

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 776/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: south west]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 775/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north south]
Semodo is here, fighting an Ice Para-Elemental.
A towering humanoid of living elemental ice moves slowly towards you.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
Semodo has fled!
Semodo leaves south.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 774/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
bite semo
They aren't here.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 774/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north west]
Semodo is here.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
Semodo leaves west.
The sounds of combat erupt near Semodo!

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 773/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
bite semo
They aren't here.

civilized <934/1446hp 269/1151m 773/994mv indoor 4 PM none standing> 
bite semo
A Side Cave 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: east]
     The corpse of Vokrar lies here, covered with bone-deep gashes and cuts.
     (Magical) (Glowing) A gold pedestal stands in the center of the room.
Semodo is here, fighting an Ice Drake.
A small, dragonlike creature made of living ice cools itself in the icy river.
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Semodo's punch EVISCERATES an Ice Drake!
As an Ice Drake brings its hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from its fingertips.
An Ice Drake's cone of cold === OBLITERATES === the Nightwalker!
An Ice Drake's cone of cold EVISCERATES you!
An Ice Drake's cone of cold *** DEMOLISHES *** Semodo!
An Ice Drake dodges your claw.
Your claw misses an Ice Drake.
Your claw MASSACRES an Ice Drake!
Semodo opens a massive wound in an Ice Drake!
Semodo's slice EVISCERATES an Ice Drake!
Semodo's slice EVISCERATES an Ice Drake!
An Ice Drake has a few scratches.

wilderness  <884/1446hp 269/1151m 771/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 
You bury your teeth in Semodo's body.
Your bite wounds Semodo.
Semodo yells 'Help! a tiger bit me!'
An Ice Drake has a few scratches.

wilderness  <884/1446hp 269/1151m 771/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 

Semodo says 'I want to go home'
Semodo disappears suddenly.
An Ice Drake has a few scratches.

wilderness  <884/1446hp 269/1151m 771/994mv indoor 4 PM none fighting> 

An Ice Drake continues to bleed from its wounds.
An Ice Drake's bleeding devastates it!
An Ice Para-Elemental has arrived.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
Your skin feels soft again.
The strength of the giants flees your limbs.
Your hunger grazes you.
The Nightwalker's claw devastates an Ice Drake!
The Nightwalker's claw maims an Ice Drake!
Your claw MASSACRES an Ice Drake!
Your claw EVISCERATES an Ice Drake!
An Ice Drake has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <880/1446hp 206/1151m 776/994mv indoor 5 PM none fighting> 
People near you:
(PK) a tiger                      A Side Cave
(PK) Semodo                       A Partially Submerged Room
An Ice Drake has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <880/1446hp 206/1151m 776/994mv indoor 5 PM none fighting> 
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
An Ice Drake has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <880/1446hp 194/1151m 776/994mv indoor 5 PM none fighting> 
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
An Ice Drake has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <880/1446hp 194/1151m 776/994mv indoor 5 PM none fighting> 

The Nightwalker's claw maims an Ice Drake!
You parry an Ice Drake's freezing bite.
An Ice Drake's freezing bite MUTILATES you!
An Ice Drake dodges your magic.
Your magic decimates an Ice Drake!
An Ice Drake has some small but disgusting cuts.

wilderness  <843/1446hp 194/1151m 776/994mv indoor 5 PM none fighting> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north west]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
You flee from combat!

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 774/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
You aren't fighting anyone.

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 774/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north south]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.
The Nightwalker snorts at your weakness.
The Nightwalker steps into the shadows and fades from view.

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 773/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) Kithervroy                   An Ice-Filled River
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 773/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
An Ice-Filled River 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: south west]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 772/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: north east]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 771/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) Kithervroy                   Within an Immense Block of Ice
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 771/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: east south]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 770/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) Kithervroy                   Within an Immense Block of Ice
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 770/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
Within an Immense Block of Ice 

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
[Exits: west]
The ground in this area is covered in slippery ice.
You fly over the ice.

civilized <843/1446hp 194/1151m 769/994mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
shape crag
You flicker and blur into the shape of a crag soarer.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your levitation as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.

civilized <843/1446hp 172/1151m 769/1094mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a crag soarer                Within an Immense Block of Ice
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel

civilized <854/1446hp 172/1151m 769/1094mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a crag soarer                Within an Immense Block of Ice
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel

civilized <854/1446hp 172/1151m 769/1094mv indoor 5 PM none standing> 
who pk
[43 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Bundadeer the Elder Sorcerer of Transformation, Magistrate of Galadon
*51 Human Shf* (PK) [SCION] Kithervroy Pyrespear the Grand Mistress of Changelings
[51 Storm War] (PK) Boldr the Legend of the Battlefield, Taleteller of the Eternal Star
[51 Human Asn] (PK) Semodo the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu, Courageous When Tipsy
[46 Gnome War] (PK) Koten the Champion of Battlefields
[51  Elf  Pal] (PK) Alisani Sanaai the Champion of the Virtues

Players found: 6


wilderness  <1105/1446hp 579/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
shape parrot
You flicker and blur into the shape of a parrot.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You are filled with the deftness of the falcon.

wilderness  <1105/1446hp 557/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
' Piastres!
You say 'Piastres!'
The world suddenly shifts around you.
A Partially Submerged Room 
[Exits: down]

civilized <1105/1446hp 557/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     A Partially Submerged Room
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel
  Vokrar                       A Circular Room

civilized <1105/1446hp 557/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
sca d
You have become better at careful vision (73%)!  
You scan down.
***** Range 1 *****
Semodo is here.

civilized <1105/1446hp 557/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     A Partially Submerged Room
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel
  Vokrar                       A Circular Room

civilized <1105/1446hp 557/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
A Partially Submerged Room 
  You are suddenly up to your waist in water.  The water is fairly warm, in 
an almost tropical fashion, and is certainly a welcome change to the 
freezing cold of the cavern.  Looking down, you see that you are standing 
on a platform covered by about 3 feet or so of water.  In the center of the 
platform,  a large hole leads down into the watery depths.  Around you are 
only walls of solid stone, with no other apparent exits than down into 
the water.
[Exits: down]

civilized <1105/1446hp 557/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
call nightwalker
No Ccul'gra will answer your call so soon after your last conjuration.

civilized <1105/1446hp 482/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) a parrot                     A Partially Submerged Room
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel
  Vokrar                       A Circular Room

civilized <1105/1446hp 482/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
You maintain the hardness of your skin as you shapeshift.
You maintain your speed as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.
You maintain your phase as you shapeshift.

civilized <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 994/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
A Submerged Tunnel 
[Exits: up down]
Semodo is here.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 990/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
A Submerged Tunnel 
[Exits: south up]

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 982/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
Alas, you cannot go that way.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 982/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
A Submerged Corridor 
[Exits: north west]

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 974/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
People near you:
(PK) Kithervroy                   A Submerged Corridor
(PK) Semodo                       A Submerged Tunnel
  Vokrar                       A Circular Room

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 974/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
A Submerged Corridor 
[Exits: east west]

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 966/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
A Water-Filled Chamber 
[Exits: east south]

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 958/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 

Someone steps out of the shadows.
A Water Weird steps out from its cover.
A Water Weird fades into existence.
You parry a Water Weird's drowning.
A Water Weird is in perfect health.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 958/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 
No way!  You are still fighting!
A Water Weird is in perfect health.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 958/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 
A Submerged Corridor 
[Exits: north south]
You flee from combat!

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 950/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
You aren't fighting anyone.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 950/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 
A Water-Filled Chamber 
[Exits: north west]
A large creature with the body of a lobster, the tail of a fish, and a strange head swims through.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 942/994mv indoor 10 PM none standing> 

You parry a Piscoloth's claw.
A Piscoloth is in perfect health.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 942/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 
No way!  You are still fighting!
A Piscoloth is in perfect health.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 942/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 
No way!  You are still fighting!
A Piscoloth is in perfect health.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 942/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 
No way!  You are still fighting!
A Piscoloth is in perfect health.

water <1105/1446hp 470/1151m 942/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 

A Piscoloth bites you!
You feel momentarily ill, but it passes.
A Piscoloth's claw MUTILATES you!
Your magic injures a Piscoloth.
A Piscoloth has a few scratches.

water <1064/1446hp 470/1151m 942/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
A Piscoloth has a few scratches.

water <1064/1446hp 470/1151m 942/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 

Semodo has arrived.
A Piscoloth has a few scratches.

water <1064/1446hp 470/1151m 942/994mv indoor 10 PM none fighting> 
A Submerged Corridor 
[Exits: east west]
You flee from combat!

water <1071/1446hp 480/1151m 973/994mv indoor 11 PM none standing> 

Semodo has arrived.

water <1071/1446hp 480/1151m 973/994mv indoor 11 PM none standing> 
A Water-Filled Chamber 
[Exits: east]
     (Magical) (Glowing) A platinum pedestal stands in the center of the room.

water <1071/1446hp 480/1151m 965/994mv indoor 11 PM none standing> 

Semodo has arrived.

water <1071/1446hp 480/1151m 965/994mv indoor 11 PM none standing> 

You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by Semodo!'
Semodo's slice devastates you!
Semodo has a few scratches.

water <1041/1446hp 480/1151m 965/994mv indoor 11 PM none fighting> 
' Where is the exit here?
You say 'Where is the exit here?'
The world suddenly shifts around you.
A Well-Lit Corridor
Subject Author Views Posted

vs Semodo and Vokrar at explore area

LogFiend 149 December 28, 2024 11:13AM

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