*pages Vlad* nt

January 07, 2008 02:49PM

Subject Author Views Posted

New Log Board txt

Gabe(VIP) 1867 January 07, 2008 11:25AM

Something wierd about the font type.

Cerunnir(VIP) 1057 January 08, 2008 04:54AM

I've found the bug in this board

dervish 1057 January 08, 2008 03:21AM

This is problem with "<" and ">"

Dwoggurd 973 January 08, 2008 05:45AM

Idea for log board.

The Forsaken(VIP) 1198 January 07, 2008 12:39PM

Automatic would be a bad idea

DurNominator(VIP) 1056 January 09, 2008 02:40AM


Gabe(VIP) 1212 January 07, 2008 02:34PM

We are so in love with each other. nt

The Forsaken(VIP) 999 January 07, 2008 03:00PM

Gosh... what would I do with all my spare time then?~

ekirhal 1010 January 07, 2008 01:32PM

*pages Vlad* nt

Yhorian(VIP) 983 January 07, 2008 02:49PM

Thanks for the good laugh, I needed it. nt

Bryan 995 January 08, 2008 02:29PM

if that was possible it'd be epic, no excuse to not format it n/t

xenoroyal 960 January 07, 2008 12:41PM

cool n/t

xenoroyal 962 January 07, 2008 12:38PM

Where's the old logs from '07 and such?~

ekirhal 1016 January 07, 2008 11:36AM

It's a precious archive. Gabe should post a link to it.

DurNominator(VIP) 1028 January 07, 2008 01:03PM

He said he'll be working on an Archive for those. NT

berserk_eagle 1045 January 07, 2008 11:49AM

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