Re: Just from the name, I'd have thought those leggings good_only.

January 21, 2008 10:59AM
The greaves, gloves, girdle and bracelets are all from ST.

Pretty much all anyone can say about it, I think.
Subject Author Views Posted

Ravon is intimidated by my fierce warpaint.

Grzztak 2160 January 21, 2008 07:46AM

You boob. Wield the spear before the first ambush :) NT

Sam 767 January 21, 2008 07:58PM

Need to find some binders to drag him off a freaking cliff. nt

enyuu 1035 January 21, 2008 12:38PM

Nah - need someone to roll a turncoat Scion :-) nt.

NeverMindTheWarlocks 868 January 21, 2008 04:19PM

I think it would be hard to drag someone while you are plummting. nt

crafteddeception 878 January 21, 2008 03:03PM

Not really. Just hold on! n/t

xenoroyal 766 January 21, 2008 03:15PM

After just pulled the guy up a mountain? If that was the case

crafteddeception 1042 January 21, 2008 03:21PM

Sound's about as fun and fair of a tactic as neuro spam on neo-transmuters n/t

xenoroyal 892 January 21, 2008 03:25PM

I know. Because Neurological disruption is so hard to counter. nt

crafteddeception 914 January 21, 2008 03:26PM

About as easy as blackjack. n/t

xenoroyal 902 January 21, 2008 03:27PM

Uh, no. Quite a bit easier. nt

nightshade 883 January 22, 2008 05:08AM

Re: Need to find some binders to drag him off a freaking cliff. nt

jmc 1034 January 21, 2008 02:01PM

Just an slightly off topic FYI, buffet is easy to save against n/t

Guy 892 January 21, 2008 10:20PM

The biggest thing will be catching him with bloodlust down

NbM 1056 January 21, 2008 02:09PM

Re: The biggest thing will be catching him with bloodlust down

jmc 1065 January 21, 2008 03:05PM

You wouldn't want to use dispel; you might dispel fly.

_Magus_ 1667 January 21, 2008 02:09PM

Re: You wouldn't want to use dispel; you might dispel fly.

jmc 917 January 21, 2008 03:57PM

Only one orb grants a shield, and it isn't air nt

daurwyn(VIP) 942 January 22, 2008 11:47AM

Misinfo. NT

Sam 831 January 22, 2008 05:20PM

You sure about that? txt

Isildur(VIP) 903 January 22, 2008 06:15PM

Orb of air gave airshield last time I had it, which, admittedly, was about 6 months ago. NT

Sam 899 January 23, 2008 02:54AM

Huh. I always thought it was flight. nt

Isildur(VIP) 849 January 23, 2008 05:33AM

Hmmm, maybe I was high, can't find the logs. I could have swore I had something that gave me airshield, because I remember using it to fight a certain mob that gas-breaths. NT

Sam 887 January 25, 2008 08:37AM

It always was when I've had it

daurwyn(VIP) 925 January 23, 2008 11:01AM

Ummm, did you use the right password? NT

Sam 858 January 23, 2008 12:54PM


xenoroyal 949 January 21, 2008 02:38PM

2 Rounds is all it takes.

jmc 1083 January 21, 2008 03:04PM

Re: 2 Rounds is all it takes.

xenoroyal 1064 January 21, 2008 03:15PM

Re: 2 Rounds is all it takes.

jmc 945 January 21, 2008 03:20PM

Re: 2 Rounds is all it takes.

Isildur(VIP) 1032 January 22, 2008 07:36AM

Re: 2 Rounds is all it takes.

jmc 966 January 22, 2008 09:13AM

The first control makes iron grip undispellable

ExPaladin(VIP) 932 January 22, 2008 07:45AM

Wrong, its just undispellable in most circumstances

NbM 987 January 22, 2008 10:57AM

As soon as I see a log of a god character dying like this, I'll be wrong. Till then, I'm right.

xenoroyal 1027 January 21, 2008 03:27PM

Gahlerikath died to Ishmazh using outside the box tactics.

Sam 1215 January 21, 2008 07:56PM

Considering I've never heard of either, they're not "god" characters n/t

xenoroyal 881 January 21, 2008 09:03PM

Seeing as how there has been 4 "god" chars in CF history, forgive me if I don't get bent out of shape. NT

Sam 872 January 21, 2008 10:41PM

Zorszaul, Cabdru, Ravon and ... ? Some paladin? Someone else? nt

Drokk 893 January 22, 2008 02:08AM

La la la Leika. NT

Sam 961 January 22, 2008 06:10AM

We could widen the scope and probably include a few more. txt

Isildur(VIP) 968 January 22, 2008 07:28AM

Not to knock her, but...

Mek 979 January 22, 2008 08:15AM

Amora definitely benefited from bugged defensive herbs

ExPaladin(VIP) 942 January 22, 2008 08:40AM

God character as in an Imm character? Ravon is not an Imm~

abernyte 896 January 22, 2008 12:05AM

No, god character as in too damn invincible. nt

DurNominator(VIP) 877 January 22, 2008 12:19AM

Nihevera (sp?) was a god character. So was Lariya I think? n/t

xenoroyal 892 January 22, 2008 12:22AM

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha

jalim 1723 January 22, 2008 04:30AM

Re: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha

Isildur(VIP) 973 January 22, 2008 07:26AM

Re: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha

jmc 979 January 22, 2008 07:09AM


NbM 1060 January 22, 2008 09:51AM

Re: Wow

jmc 964 January 22, 2008 10:41AM

Re: As soon as I see a log of a god character dying like this, I'll be wrong. Till then, I'm right.

jmc 964 January 21, 2008 03:43PM

All it would take to kill osama is to shoot a cruise missle randomly at the middle east.

xenoroyal 975 January 21, 2008 03:56PM

Nonsensical reasoning that is completely off topic...

jmc 993 January 21, 2008 04:20PM

Being wrong must really suck, why don't you kill Ravon to make yourself feel better?

xenoroyal 855 January 21, 2008 05:29PM

"a thick bracelet of burnished copper ", based on the description, are those wide coppers on crack? n/t

xenoroyal 879 January 21, 2008 09:01AM

Just from the name, I'd have thought those leggings good_only.

Yhorian(VIP) 1217 January 21, 2008 10:36AM

Re: Just from the name, I'd have thought those leggings good_only.

Mek 1153 January 21, 2008 10:59AM

From the nature of other things in the area they are from...

Mek 1145 January 21, 2008 09:11AM

Kind of, but no nt

NbM 885 January 21, 2008 09:23AM

I doubt he is looking for dam in equipment nt

tinymage 814 January 21, 2008 09:04AM


daurwyn(VIP) 1090 January 21, 2008 02:28PM

Shame, I thought it was a cool name choice.

xenoroyal 1074 January 21, 2008 02:41PM

Something like that. nt

Nivek(VIP) 860 January 21, 2008 09:03AM


ekirhal 1192 January 21, 2008 08:44AM

Haha good try :).

Jib 1023 January 21, 2008 08:33AM

I'm wavering in between 'amusing' and 'suicide' :P nt

Yhorian(VIP) 893 January 21, 2008 08:34AM

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