D00D he powned the elf. Job done, mkay? (nt)

February 24, 2008 07:56PM
Subject Author Views Posted

Eoria vs Siphana

Elhe 946 February 24, 2008 01:00AM

Why not use healing curse? (nt)

cointreau 332 February 24, 2008 12:35PM

D00D he powned the elf. Job done, mkay? (nt)

NeverMindTheWarlocks 324 February 24, 2008 07:56PM

What for?

Elhe 449 February 24, 2008 01:19PM

I ment for when he (she?) was at the Alter healing. (nt)

cointreau 380 February 24, 2008 02:27PM

the great thing about bards and conjies is

pintose 605 February 24, 2008 05:15AM

You could use wands, talismans and scrolls to kill the fiend, right? ~

_Magus_ 420 February 24, 2008 01:23PM


Elhe 541 February 24, 2008 01:22PM

Would've been nice if you'd corpseguarded me after....

Yhorian(VIP) 502 February 24, 2008 01:59AM

My favorite part was the rape your archangel was inflicting on the Tara'bal nt

entropissed 351 February 24, 2008 07:21AM

Yay bugginess :( nt

Yhorian(VIP) 341 February 24, 2008 07:47AM

Not a bug txt

kanye 515 February 24, 2008 09:14AM

This was changed a good few months ago, and is no longer true. nt

Yhorian(VIP) 332 February 24, 2008 11:10AM

Not a bug? Are you kidding?

abedour 487 February 24, 2008 09:59AM

Kanye is correct. It is not a bug

daurwyn(VIP) 474 February 24, 2008 10:15AM

Yeah Mis-info (text- history lesson)

EXB 519 February 24, 2008 10:59AM

Angels no longer hit any groupmates with pillars. Cabalmates or not. The fact it hits the maran IS a bug. nt

Yhorian(VIP) 340 February 24, 2008 11:09AM

Those who ranked with me on Calandaryl with archangels can verify this. Quite a few were Nexuns. nt

Yhorian(VIP) 440 February 24, 2008 11:12AM

They do whack groupmates...

laearrist 422 February 24, 2008 10:17AM

You can't corpseguard those killed by fiend..

alex 467 February 24, 2008 02:30AM

Damn, I knew that too. Thanks, that explains it. nt

Yhorian(VIP) 322 February 24, 2008 03:05AM

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