Offhand, I can remember seeing him die. And ragers are supposed to die a lot. nt

July 10, 2008 05:11AM
Subject Author Views Posted


LogFiend 794 July 09, 2008 06:45PM

Get better weapons

jmc 463 July 09, 2008 09:08PM

Uh. txt

Isildur(VIP) 500 July 09, 2008 07:23PM

Why aren't you iceballing?

Sam 1143 July 09, 2008 07:33PM


nightmare 479 July 09, 2008 08:37PM


nightmare 469 July 09, 2008 07:17PM

Ask him if you can just be friends? nt.

Padraig 336 July 09, 2008 07:11PM

As much as people cry.. abs will not in you fights. It takes more. ntnt

crafteddeception 327 July 09, 2008 06:57PM

in is win. ntnt

crafteddeception 315 July 09, 2008 08:05PM

Don't bash?

cointreau 381 July 09, 2008 06:55PM

Stone Skin, go for crippling or try disarm n/t

hopelessdwarf 297 July 09, 2008 06:52PM

Not the guy in the log...but right now, i think its impossible without a gang or assasin, because

sleepy 481 July 09, 2008 07:08PM

Well, considering he has speckleds, shit wear him down, c 'iceball' 2/3 times flee, eat speckled eat speckled rinse repeat n/t

hopelessdwarf 312 July 10, 2008 09:18AM

Offhand, I can remember seeing him die. And ragers are supposed to die a lot. nt

athanla 309 July 10, 2008 05:11AM

can -> can't nt

athanla 316 July 10, 2008 05:44AM

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