A few small skirmishes, and then an attempted defending - Eterlu

May 19, 2009 04:57PM
Alas, you cannot go that way.

civilized <823hp 577m 821mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
  You climb atop the pile of rubble and ash which once stood as the
western wall of Ostalagiah.  It served its purpose well, but not well 
enough.  It now stands in ruins, smoldering remains of what was once a
mighty city.  After many years of war the united fronts finally destroyed
the wall, through which a flood of dwarven, elven and human soldiers came. 
After freeing the slaves, ransacking the city and turning the walls to
rubble, the united front turned around and headed back to their respective
homelands to the north.  While that ancient war is over, the sight of 
distant burning fires and a village settled to the west of here gives one
reason to believe that it is not the only war that occurs throughout these
ruined buildings.
[Exits: north south west]

civilized <823hp 577m 818mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
impale yaz
Before a Fortified Hillock
  A large mound of earth has been pushed up here, forming a strategically
planned barrier to the village just beyond. Behind the earthen barricade
stand the gates -- heavy, massive, fortified iron gates that require much
muscle-power to move -- and beyond them you can see the faces of numerous
huts, most looking as rugged as the hills before you. In the distance,
people move about within the secluded village, and smoke drifts up from
various campfires and cookstoves. The gruff sound of barbaric voices drifts
to you on the wind, as does the occasional burst of laughter and clang of
[Exits: east west]
Yazdren the arial is here.
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

civilized <823hp 577m 815mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> You impale Yazdren on a barbed bone javelin!
Yazdren yells 'Help! Eterlu is trying to impale me!'
Your impalement EVISCERATES Yazdren!
Yazdren has a few scratches.

civilized <823hp 577m 815mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Yazdren brings a blacksmith's forge hammer around with bone-shattering force!
Yazdren's bone-shattering blow DISMEMBERS you!
Yazdren has a few scratches.

civilized <759hp 577m 815mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Yazdren parries your poisonous bite.
Yazdren parries your poisonous bite.
You parry Yazdren's crush.
Your defensive spin deflects Yazdren's crush.
Yazdren's crush DISMEMBERS you!
Yazdren has a few scratches.

civilized <699hp 577m 815mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Yazdren dodges your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite maims Yazdren!
You parry Yazdren's crush.
You parry Yazdren's crush.
Yazdren has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <699hp 577m 815mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
remove javelin
You stop using a barbed bone javelin.
It starts to rain.
Yazdren continues to bleed from his wounds.
Yazdren's bleeding devastates him!
Yazdren has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <713hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> Yazdren spins gracefully away from your stun.
Yazdren has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <713hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Yazdren dodges your punch.
Yazdren dodges your punch.
Yazdren parries your punch.
Yazdren dodges your punch.
You parry Yazdren's crush.
You dodge Yazdren's crush.
You dodge Yazdren's crush.
Yazdren has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <713hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Yazdren drums at you with his maces.
Yazdren's drumming maces MUTILATES you!
Yazdren's drumming maces EVISCERATES you!
Yazdren has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <631hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 

Flowing through the Incarnadine Wave, you precisely time a vicious punch!
Your punch mauls Yazdren.
Yazdren dodges your punch.
Yazdren parries your punch.
You dodge Yazdren's crush.
You dodge Yazdren's crush.
Yazdren's crush EVISCERATES you!
Yazdren has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <587hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> Yazdren can no longer find the strength to wield a blacksmith's forge hammer.
You weaken Yazdren with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area hits Yazdren.
Yazdren has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <587hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Yazdren parries your punch.
Your punch decimates Yazdren!
Yazdren dodges your punch.
Yazdren dodges your punch.
You parry Yazdren's punch.
Yazdren is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <587hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
You try to land a stunning blow on Yazdren but miss.
Yazdren is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <587hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Yazdren parries your punch.
Yazdren dodges your punch.
Yazdren dodges your punch.
Yazdren's punch MUTILATES you!
Yazdren delivers a blow of deadly force!
Yazdren's crush *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Yazdren's punch DISMEMBERS you!
Yazdren delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Yazdren's punch.
Yazdren is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <382hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 

Weaving through the Flow of Shadows, you avoid Yazdren's cranial.
Completing the Flow of Shadows, you come back at Yazdren with an attack of your own!
Your punch mauls Yazdren.
Yazdren is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <382hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 

Yazdren dodges your punch.
Yazdren parries your punch.
Your punch MUTILATES Yazdren!
Yazdren dodges your punch.
You dodge Yazdren's punch.
You dodge Yazdren's crush.
You parry Yazdren's punch.
You parry Yazdren's punch.
Yazdren is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <382hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
A massive giant moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Yazdren is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <382hp 577m 871mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
  You climb atop the pile of rubble and ash which once stood as the
western wall of Ostalagiah.  It served its purpose well, but not well 
enough.  It now stands in ruins, smoldering remains of what was once a
mighty city.  After many years of war the united fronts finally destroyed
the wall, through which a flood of dwarven, elven and human soldiers came. 
After freeing the slaves, ransacking the city and turning the walls to
rubble, the united front turned around and headed back to their respective
homelands to the north.  While that ancient war is over, the sight of 
distant burning fires and a village settled to the west of here gives one
reason to believe that it is not the only war that occurs throughout these
ruined buildings.
[Exits: north south west]
You flee from combat!

civilized <382hp 577m 868mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> You aren't fighting anyone.

civilized <382hp 577m 868mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> You aren't fighting anyone.

civilized <382hp 577m 868mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
wield javelin
You aren't fighting anyone.

civilized <382hp 577m 868mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
You wield a barbed bone javelin.
A barbed bone javelin feels like a part of you!

civilized <382hp 577m 868mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
The Gates to the Streets of Anguish
  Rusted gates of iron mark the entrance here.  An eerie silence is all that
you note while walking through the gates.  Dark shadows serve to remind you
that there could be some form of life hiding among the wreckage here.  Some
pillars of stone remain here to serve as signs that this was once a city,
or stronghold of sorts.  The ruined gates sit to the north of you.
[Exits: east south]

civilized <382hp 577m 865mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 


[Exits: north down]
Woldrun the cloud giant is here, fighting the Guardian of Balance.
A guardian is here barring entrance to the pristine walls beyond.
The Guardian of Balance says 'Welcome, Keeper of the Balance.'

civilized <823hp 577m 848mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> You impale Woldrun on a barbed bone javelin!
Woldrun yells 'Help! Eterlu is trying to impale me!'
Your impalement devastates Woldrun!
Woldrun has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <823hp 577m 848mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 

Woldrun starts aiming at you!
Your poisonous bite wounds Woldrun.
Woldrun parries your poisonous bite.
Your defensive spin deflects Woldrun's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Woldrun's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Woldrun's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Woldrun's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Woldrun's slice.
The Guardian of Balance gets a wild look in its eyes.
Woldrun has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <823hp 577m 848mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun makes a furious drive but falls back.
Woldrun has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <823hp 577m 848mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Your poisonous bite mauls Woldrun.
Your poisonous bite mauls Woldrun.
Your poisonous bite decimates Woldrun!
Your defensive spin deflects Woldrun's slice.
Woldrun delivers a blow of deadly force!
Your defensive spin deflects Woldrun's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Woldrun's slice.
You parry Woldrun's slice.
As you parry Woldrun's attack, he strikes at your weapon!
Woldrun disarms you and sends a barbed bone javelin flying!
Woldrun is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <823hp 577m 848mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun gets in one more shot as you flee.
Woldrun's parting blow MANGLES you!
Within a Sand and Rock Garden
  This sand and rock garden has been carefully raked, combed and organized
to make this place as calming and neutral as possible.  Visually, it is
quite aesthetic and appealing.  Several large pieces of platinum designed
to look like irregular chunks of rock have been placed at intervals
throughout the garden, some stacked to thin pillars, others simply placed
within the design of the sands.  The sands themselves seem to be made
of finely ground glass and platinum.  Several small green bushes and 
bonsai trees have been carefully pruned and cared for, adding to the
calming, neutral affect of the area.  Above you, the glass ceiling actually
opens, the windows folding back to allow fresh air and unmarred sunlight
in.  The entire area is very quiet and peaceful.
[Exits: north east south west]
     Several chunks of uncut gemstones lie scattered in an aesthetic pattern.
     A green shrub with tiny petals sinks its roots into the sand.
     A chunk of platinum shaped like a large rock is stacked here.
     A platinum rake with a wide toothed comb lies here in the sand.
You flee from combat!

civilized <730hp 577m 842mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> You aren't fighting anyone.

civilized <730hp 577m 842mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
The Base of the Nexus Island
  The beautiful glass and platinum structure of the Nexus headquarters rises 
up before you, gleaming in the sunlight.  It seems to be a low-roofed building
made completely of glass with platinum supports, stays and accents.  The 
island it rests on seems to be completely made of a finely ground sand made
up of ground glass and platinum.  The roof of the haven to the north reaches
and apex at the center, and you can see rainbows of prismatic light reflected
from its glass slopes.  The structure seems placed to contain the roiling 
forces of magic beneath.  Below you the pillar of the Veil writhes 
and changes, ebbs and flows with the tides of power.  Beneath your feet 
the sand shows recent foot prints.  An invisible barrier holds the island
together, keeping it floating high in the air above the Sea of Despair.  
The grains of sand sparkle in the light and the scent of an exotic desert
flower reaches your nose.  Small rocks are scattered throughout the sand 
of different colors reminiscent of uncut gemstones.  The air around you 
feels electrified, currents of magic attempting to close in on you from 
the pillar below.  Something about the nature of this island, however, 
seems to contain the raw elements below, keeping them balanced and in check.
[Exits: north down]
     A primitive bone javelin has been slathered with some noxious substance.
Woldrun the cloud giant is here.
A guardian is here barring entrance to the pristine walls beyond.
The Guardian of Balance says 'Welcome, Keeper of the Balance.'

civilized <730hp 577m 836mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
take all
You get a barbed bone javelin.
[NEXUS] someone: alone?
[NEXUS] the Guardian of Balance: Intruder! Intruder! Woldrun is raiding the Cabal!


civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
People near you:
(PK) Malthalia                    A Hall of Magic
(PK) Eterlu                       The Eye of the Storm
(PK) Woldrun                      A Hall of Magic

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Your body shudders, and you feel fully refreshed!

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
[NEXUS] someone: you there as well?

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
l in pit
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A reservoir of balance contains:
     (Magical) the staff of decay
     a thoroughly rotten tome
     a ring of keys
     (Glowing) a pair of Arborian gauntlets
     (Magical) a star sapphire
     (Magical) black robes trimmed with onyx
     (Magical) blue robes trimmed with iolite
     (Magical) green robes trimmed with peridot
     (Magical) (Glowing) a scroll of chaos
     (Magical) (Glowing) a scroll of destruction
     some leggings from the snow worm
     studded rothe-hide bracer
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     a pair of black leather boots
     (Humming) a fist of lightning
     a silver jambiya
     a silver-horned helm
     (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the amulet of control
     (Red Aura) red-trimmed black adamantite plate boots
     (Magical) a sturdy, tightly rolled scroll weighted with ivory rods
     (Iron) a spiked iron bracer
     (Magical) a charred leather bracer
     a forest-green, woven belt
     (Glowing) (Humming) a mace of annihilation
( 2) (Glowing) a pair of Arborian leggings
     (Iron) an iron crown
     (Red Aura) a long black robe

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun has arrived.
Woldrun yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Eldritch Transfigurist!'
[NEXUS] the Eldritch Transfigurist: Intruder! Intruder! Woldrun is raiding the Cabal!
Woldrun yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Abolisher of Discord!'
The Abolisher of Discord misses Woldrun.
Malthalia yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Eldritch Transfigurist!'
[NEXUS] the Eldritch Transfigurist: Intruder! Intruder! Malthalia is raiding the Cabal!
Malthalia yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Abolisher of Discord!'
Weaving through the Flow of Shadows, you avoid Woldrun's bash.

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
cb Of course.
[NEXUS] Eterlu: Of course.

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
leg malth
You sweep Malthalia and she hits the ground hard!
Your leg sweep injures Malthalia.
Malthalia yells 'Help! Eterlu just leg swept me!'
Malthalia has a few scratches.

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Malthalia parries your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite misses Malthalia.
Your poisonous bite MUTILATES Malthalia!
Woldrun's slice MASSACRES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Malthalia's smash maims the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Malthalia's smash MUTILATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'eugfjsh afoai'.
Woldrun doubles over in pain and coughs up blood.
The Eldritch Transfigurist's disruption MUTILATES Woldrun!
The Abolisher of Discord's blast mauls Woldrun.
Woldrun is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
The Abolisher of Discord's kicked dirt scratches Woldrun.
Malthalia has a few scratches.

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
leg malth

The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Abolisher of Discord.
Malthalia has a few scratches.

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Malthalia dodges your poisonous bite.
Malthalia parries your poisonous bite.
Woldrun delivers a blow of deadly force!
Woldrun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's cleave MASSACRES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's slice MASSACRES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's slice MASSACRES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Malthalia's smash MUTILATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'eugfjsh yrzgp'.
Malthalia's skin seems to twist upon itself as she howls in pain!
The Eldritch Transfigurist's disruption *** DEVASTATES *** Malthalia!
Malthalia has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <800hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun wipes the dirt from his eyes.
Malthalia has a few scratches.

civilized <817hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Malthalia sings 'Can you trust your eyes, do they see what's real
Am I here just near to you, near enough to feel?
Or am I near the gnarled oak just over to your left
Or maybe standing to your right before the granite cleft?'
You feel your senses blur.
You sweep Malthalia and she hits the ground hard!
Your leg sweep injures Malthalia.
Malthalia has a few scratches.

civilized <817hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Your poisonous bite MUTILATES Malthalia!
Malthalia dodges your poisonous bite.
Woldrun's slice MASSACRES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun delivers a blow of deadly force!
Woldrun's cleave >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's cleave MANGLES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Malthalia's smash EVISCERATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
The Eldritch Transfigurist tries to dirt kicking some empty air near Woldrun.
Woldrun is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
The Abolisher of Discord's kicked dirt scratches Woldrun.
Malthalia has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <817hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
You try to attack some empty air near Malthalia.
Woldrun's slice MASSACRES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Malthalia's smash maims the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's slice MANGLES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
The Eldritch Transfigurist tries to attack some empty air near Woldrun.
Woldrun's slice MANGLES the Abolisher of Discord!
Malthalia has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <817hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
leg malth

The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Malthalia has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <817hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
[NEXUS] Cabnil: I come to help you
Malthalia has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <817hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Malthalia starts aiming at you!
You try to legsweep some empty air near Malthalia.
You try to attack some empty air near Malthalia.
You try to attack some empty air near Malthalia.
Woldrun delivers a blow of deadly force!
Woldrun's slice >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's cleave MANGLES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's slice MASSACRES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's slice DISMEMBERS the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your defensive spin deflects Malthalia's smash.
Malthalia's smash MASSACRES you!
The Eldritch Transfigurist tries to kick some empty air near Woldrun.
The Abolisher of Discord's blast mauls Woldrun.
With a quick turn, the Abolisher of Discord releases a powerful rear kick to Malthalia.
Malthalia looks off-balance after the Abolisher of Discord's kick lands.
The Abolisher of Discord's mule kick devastates Malthalia!
Malthalia has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <742hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
You get in one more shot on Malthalia as she flees.
Your parting blow mauls Malthalia.
Malthalia has fled!

civilized <742hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun has fled!
Woldrun leaves south.

civilized <742hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
People near you:
(PK) Malthalia                    A Hall of Magic
(PK) Eterlu                       The Eye of the Storm
(PK) Woldrun                      A Hall of Magic

civilized <742hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
You are affected by:
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 19 hours.
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 19 hours.
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 19 hours.
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 19 hours.
Skill: 'eye of equilibrium' for 19 hours.
Song: 'symphonic echoes' for 7 hours.
Power: 'vanguard of balance' for 3 hours.

civilized <742hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
cb I am distorted all ready.
[NEXUS] Eterlu: I am distorted all ready.

civilized <742hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
l in pit
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A reservoir of balance contains:
     (Magical) the staff of decay
     a thoroughly rotten tome
     a ring of keys
     (Glowing) a pair of Arborian gauntlets
     (Magical) a star sapphire
     (Magical) black robes trimmed with onyx
     (Magical) blue robes trimmed with iolite
     (Magical) green robes trimmed with peridot
     (Magical) (Glowing) a scroll of chaos
     (Magical) (Glowing) a scroll of destruction
     some leggings from the snow worm
     studded rothe-hide bracer
     a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
     a pair of black leather boots
     (Humming) a fist of lightning
     a silver jambiya
     a silver-horned helm
     (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the amulet of control
     (Red Aura) red-trimmed black adamantite plate boots
     (Magical) a sturdy, tightly rolled scroll weighted with ivory rods
     (Iron) a spiked iron bracer
     (Magical) a charred leather bracer
     a forest-green, woven belt
     (Glowing) (Humming) a mace of annihilation
( 2) (Glowing) a pair of Arborian leggings
     (Iron) an iron crown
     (Red Aura) a long black robe

civilized <763hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.

civilized <763hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
take jambiya pit
You get a silver jambiya from a reservoir of balance.

civilized <763hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
heal heal jambiya
The Benefactor of Balance tells you 'That trade is not worth my while.'

civilized <763hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

civilized <763hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
heal critical jambiya
The Benefactor of Balance tells you 'That trade is not worth my while.'

civilized <763hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
heal serious jambiya
The Benefactor of Balance nods at you with approval.
You hand a silver jambiya to the Benefactor of Balance.
The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

civilized <793hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun has arrived.
Woldrun yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Eldritch Transfigurist!'
[NEXUS] the Eldritch Transfigurist: Intruder! Intruder! Woldrun is raiding the Cabal!
The Eldritch Transfigurist injures Woldrun.
Woldrun yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Abolisher of Discord!'
Malthalia yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Eldritch Transfigurist!'
[NEXUS] the Eldritch Transfigurist: Intruder! Intruder! Malthalia is raiding the Cabal!
The Eldritch Transfigurist tries to attack some empty air near Malthalia.
Malthalia yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Abolisher of Discord!'
Woldrun slams into you with a leading shoulder that sends you flying!
Woldrun's bash injures you.
You yell 'Help! Woldrun is bashing me!'
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <779hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun parries your poisonous bite.
Woldrun parries your poisonous bite and returns an attack of his own.
Woldrun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Woldrun parries your poisonous bite.
Woldrun's slice MANGLES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Malthalia's smash EVISCERATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'eugfjsh afoai'.
Woldrun doubles over in pain and coughs up blood.
The Eldritch Transfigurist's disruption EVISCERATES Woldrun!
The Abolisher of Discord's blast wounds Woldrun.
The Abolisher of Discord's kicked dirt misses Woldrun.
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <659hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Malthalia looks at Woldrun.
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <659hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Malthalia says 'Yazdren.'
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <659hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun parries your poisonous bite.
Woldrun parries your poisonous bite.
Woldrun's slice MASSACRES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Woldrun's slice misses the Eldritch Transfigurist.
Malthalia's smash misses the Eldritch Transfigurist.
The Eldritch Transfigurist tries to disarm some empty air near Woldrun.
The Abolisher of Discord's blast wounds Woldrun.
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <659hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 

Malthalia sings 'A burden you feel, deep in your soul;
Your muscles grow weak, your thoughts slow.
Lethargy creeps slowly into your limbs,
Trudging through winter's deep snow.'
You feel yourself weakened by the languid notes.
You can no longer find the strength to wield a barbed bone javelin.
The Eldritch Transfigurist appears weak and weary.
The Abolisher of Discord appears weak and weary.
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <659hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun starts aiming at you!
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <659hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun makes a furious drive and pushes you both into A Hall of Magic!
A Hall of Magic
  This hall has been created using glass panes fused together with lines
and bars of platinum.  The platinum has been infused with some sort of
magic; it glows with a gentle shimmer that floods the entire room with
warmth.  The glass floor scintillates with swirling, curling trails of
magical energy.  Above your head tiny magical lights shaped like stars
dance and hang of their own magical accord.  They move often, forming
differently shaped designs resembling constellations.  The magic fades
to the south, leading back to an austere glass and platinum hallway.
North, you can see a room of almost holy serenity, a true room of 
[Exits: north south]
Woldrun the cloud giant is here, fighting YOU!
With a second furious rush, he sends you sprawling!
Woldrun's furious drive EVISCERATES you!
You try to attack some empty air near Woldrun.
Woldrun parries your punch.
Woldrun delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Woldrun's slice.
You dodge Woldrun's cleave.
You dodge Woldrun's slice.
You dodge Woldrun's cleave.
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <616hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 

Woldrun drives your punch back with his connecting blow.
Woldrun parries your punch.
Woldrun parries your punch.
Woldrun's slice MANGLES you!
Woldrun's slice MANGLES you!
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <428hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun parries your punch.
Woldrun parries your punch.
Woldrun parries your punch.
Woldrun parries your punch.
You dodge Woldrun's slice.
Woldrun's cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You parry Woldrun's cleave.
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <321hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> You try to disarm some empty air near Woldrun.
Woldrun starts a vicious series of attacks with his swords.
You manage to partially evade Woldrun's attack, but are still hit.
Woldrun's flurry MASSACRES you!
Woldrun's flurry MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially evade Woldrun's attack, but are still hit.
Woldrun's flurry MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially evade Woldrun's attack, but are still hit.
Woldrun's flurry MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Woldrun's flurry misses you.
Woldrun's flurry misses you.
Woldrun has a few scratches.

civilized <23hp 577m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> 
Woldrun parries your punch.
Woldrun parries your punch.
Your punch mauls Woldrun.
Woldrun's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

civilized <1hp 1m 877mv 22700tnl (-28.98%)> Better stand first.
Subject Author Views Posted

A few small skirmishes, and then an attempted defending - Eterlu

LogFiend 454 May 19, 2009 04:57PM

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