Will not help you resist the song landing.

September 05, 2011 06:33AM
Helps you overcome the effects of having the song on you, so you won't miss as often.
That was what Daev said when asked at least.
Subject Author Views Posted

rhin's pov

LogFiend 552 September 04, 2011 08:14PM

Kind of embarassing that a bard out-melee'd a BATTLE axe spec like that. I mean, I know he was all sung up, but still. NT

Sam 200 September 05, 2011 02:14AM

BATTLE spear spec

DurNominator(VIP) 296 September 05, 2011 09:55AM

Yeah, I wouldn't assume too much here...

AncientNewbie 328 September 05, 2011 09:46AM

He only had two songs and they didn't do much.

torak 247 September 05, 2011 07:25AM

Could have been hasted. (n/t)

randomthinker 199 September 05, 2011 09:40AM

What is suppose to happen? He fights through the songs to destroy the bard with ease? Symphonic Echo's just screws you up. (n/t)

funnyone 192 September 05, 2011 05:00AM

svs mental checks on every swing, so does a higher int/wis, if we weren't discussing villagers resi vs. mental would help a ton

Scrimbul 222 September 05, 2011 05:18AM

Could always take overcome distortion, that should help with dealing with echoes. (n/t)

zannon 179 September 05, 2011 05:29AM

Does overcome works for each round, or it helps to resist the song? (n/t)

danilevski 172 September 05, 2011 05:50AM

Will not help you resist the song landing.

zannon 252 September 05, 2011 06:33AM

Re: rhin's pov

Startyre 360 September 04, 2011 08:29PM

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