Zynzyn vs. Deuterem (Zyn's first PK)

February 23, 2012 02:07PM
<100%hp 82%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl n
South Khalid Avenue
  This gravel and packed dirt road leads along the edge of the Khalid River, 
a steep grade of tiered stones leading down to the water.  A bridge to the 
north leads over the river and deeper into the city.  The road comes to an 
abrupt end to the west, where a gate of iron and stone serves as entrance
to a large graveyard.  A steady flow of nomads and traders pass between the
Sultan's soldiers at the gate to the south.
[Exits: north east south west]
A nomad trader walks the city streets.
A man lies here in squalor, begging for food.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<100%hp 82%m 50%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl where
People near you:
(PK) Deuterem                     Yasir Row
(PK) Zynzyn                       South Khalid Avenue

<100%hp 82%m 50%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl n
Bridge Over the Khalid River
  Worn by the passage of thousands across the River Khalid, the planks of
this wooden bridge are worn smooth and shining.  Five spans below the waters
of the river flow eastward towards the Dragon Sea, through the guarded river
gates at either edge of the city.  South of here, through the impoverished
South Wall District, a road leads to the Gate of Sihaam and then out into the
desert wilderness.  To the north a road leads deeper into the city.  The
towering structures of the Great Temple rise from the crowded streets to the
[Exits: north south]
A sailor wanders through the crowds.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<100%hp 82%m 49%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl n
North Khalid Road
  Running parallel to the river that passes through the city, this little
road carries the spillover foot traffic and small carts that come and go from 
the market to the northeast.  Buildings of wood and clay line the street, 
wooden balconies overlooking the tides of trade below.  To the south, between 
a pair of merchant homes a wide bridge leads over the Khalid to the southern 
bank, where the homes are smaller and less tended-to. 
[Exits: east south west]
A soldier of the Sultan's army stands here, on guard duty.
A soldier of the Sultan's army stands here, on guard duty.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<100%hp 82%m 49%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<100%hp 82%m 49%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl People near you:
(PK) Deuterem                     The Eastern Market Square
(PK) Zynzyn                       North Khalid Road

<100%hp 82%m 49%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl who
[ 7  Elf  Tra] Quedler the Advanced Spell Student
[22 Dwarf Sha] (PK) Deuterem the Order of the Gray Robe
[26 Human Inv] (PK) Jebediah the Student of Water
[41  Fire War] Phrazgrah the Vanquisher of Adversaries, Elite Imperial Blade
[10 Storm War] Draeger the Soldier
*25 Arial Nec* (PK) Zynzyn the Apprentice Animator
[24 Human Shf] (PK) Averna the Student of Phase
[27 Human A-P] (PK) Garlen the Knight of Brimstone
[44 Gnome Shf] Solec the Master of Shapeshifting
[51 Duerg War] (WANTED) Taerg Bloodeye the Legend of the Battlefield
[51  Min  War] Bolzhor the Legend of the Battlefield
[47 Gnome Shf] Dordoza the Mistress of Changelings
[16 Human Shf] Gerelron the Wizard
[ 2 H-Elf Con] Aethirus the Spell Student
[28 D-Elf Asn] Nadrissa the Mistress of Kansetsuwaza
[51 Gnome Shf] Niding the Grand Master of Changelings
[51  Orc  Ber] Gralog the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls
[51 Human Con] [TRIBUNAL] Naija the Planewalker, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
[51 Human Shf] Obregon the Spark of the Skies, Chancellor of Eternal Night
[35 Dwarf War] Okcrahn the Warrior of the Blade
[ 3 H-Elf Con] Seurin the Spell Student
[41 Human Con] Rindros Tinrock the Master of Binding, Advisor to the Chancellor
[24 H-Drw Asn] (PK) Kalryhar the Master of Taisabaki
[51  Min  War] Odrallag Ashhorn the Legend of the Battlefield
[   Felar AVA] [HERALD] Nreykre Frealle-Revre the Steward of Yesteryear, Sapient Conservator 
[10 Human War] Tryphen the Soldier
[18 Human Nec] Grenzo the Sorcerer
[ 2 W-Elf Dru] Drauchon the Student of Fauna
[37  Fire A-P] Stayd the LightSlayer, Imperial Black Magician

Players found: 29

<100%hp 82%m 49%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl where
People near you:
(PK) Deuterem                     The Eastern Market Square
(PK) Zynzyn                       North Khalid Road

<100%hp 82%m 49%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl e
Intersection of Yasir Row and North Khalid Road
  Moderately large homes of merchants, craftsmen, and retired soldiers are 
crowded together along the edge of the street, the wealthy overlooking the 
river that lies further south.  Narrow alleys lead away from the main street, 
often leading to dead end walks and cluttered garbage.  Over the buildings to 
the northeast you spy the dome of the Great Temple, peeking through roof tiles 
and hanging rooftop laundry.  Yasir Row leads north towards the city market, 
and a smaller road leads west.
[Exits: north west]
A sailor wanders through the crowds.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<100%hp 82%m 48%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<100%hp 82%m 48%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 3 PM] 4430tnl n
Yasir Row
  The homes of the moderately wealthy merchants and traders line the stone
and dirt street here, small balconies and opened windows overlooking the
crowds that come and go from the market to the north.  Painted tiles and
fancy brickwork decorated the heavy doors and shadowed alcoves of the crowded
buildings around you.  From above, children and servants gaze down into the
surging masses that are illuminated by the daylight that trickles in from
[Exits: north south]
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A sailor wanders through the crowds.
A dark-skinned sword-for-hire pushes his way through the crowds.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<100%hp 86%m 55%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl The Southern Market Square
  Pushing your way through the bartering farmers and the mercenary-flanked 
merchants you struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the stench and flood 
of voices of those around you.  The stones of the street beneath you grow 
slick with spilt beer and animal dung and it is an effort just to stay 
standing.  To the north a grand fountain bursts up and away from the clutches 
of the milling crowds.  To the south the masses spill out into a wide street 
leading away from the Square.  Between the fountain and the road to the south
a massive stone base--sunk into the paving stones--has been put into place for
a future statue.
[Exits: north east south west]
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<100%hp 86%m 54%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl n
The Center of Market Square
  Here at the heart of the city the din of the crowds mingles with barkers
and traders and drunken sailors on shore leave.  A large fountain spreads
across the square in a shape of a six pointed star and many people sit along
the raised stone edge above the cool waters engaged in conversation. Wandering 
among the merchants, jugglers, snake charmers, prostitutes and clergymen you 
find your hands clasped tightly around your purse for fear of being over-
whelmed by the confusion and robbed blind.  Outside the tents and tables that 
are scattered through the throng a ring of shops encloses the square.
[Exits: north east south west]
Deuterem the dwarf is here.
A lazy alley cat lies here.
An elderly woman squats here, begging for coins.
An elderly woman squats here, begging for coins.
A warrior dressed in the hides of a nomad stands here.
A warrior dressed in the hides of a nomad stands here.
A nomad trader is here re-adjusting the weight of his pack.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<100%hp 86%m 53%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl e
Deuterem leaves south.

<100%hp 86%m 53%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl The Eastern Market Square
  Here you stand within the pandemonium of the Market of Hamsah Mu'tazz, the 
desert's Proud Lion, the great Eastern Port.  Merchants and traders from
near and far spill out of this tumultuous crowd into the surrounding streets 
and alleys, dealing in livestock, textiles, jewels, and rare and wonderful 
treasures.  The din from the Market strikes you like a brick but curiosity and 
wonder draws you into the crowd despite the deafening noise.  To the west a 
grand fountain adorns the Square.  To the east the steps of the city's library 
lead up and out of the chaos.
[Exits: north east south west]
A soldier of the Sultan's army stands here, on guard duty.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
A humming man dressed in red and white linen is shopping here.
A woman leans on her cart full of textiles, speaking with other traders.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<100%hp 86%m 53%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl w
The Center of Market Square
  Here at the heart of the city the din of the crowds mingles with barkers
and traders and drunken sailors on shore leave.  A large fountain spreads
across the square in a shape of a six pointed star and many people sit along
the raised stone edge above the cool waters engaged in conversation. Wandering 
among the merchants, jugglers, snake charmers, prostitutes and clergymen you 
find your hands clasped tightly around your purse for fear of being over-
whelmed by the confusion and robbed blind.  Outside the tents and tables that 
are scattered through the throng a ring of shops encloses the square.
[Exits: north east south west]
A lazy alley cat lies here.
An elderly woman squats here, begging for coins.
An elderly woman squats here, begging for coins.
A warrior dressed in the hides of a nomad stands here.
A warrior dressed in the hides of a nomad stands here.
A nomad trader is here re-adjusting the weight of his pack.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<100%hp 86%m 52%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl c 'energy drain' Deuterem
They aren't here.

<100%hp 86%m 52%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl s
The Southern Market Square
  Pushing your way through the bartering farmers and the mercenary-flanked 
merchants you struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the stench and flood 
of voices of those around you.  The stones of the street beneath you grow 
slick with spilt beer and animal dung and it is an effort just to stay 
standing.  To the north a grand fountain bursts up and away from the clutches 
of the milling crowds.  To the south the masses spill out into a wide street 
leading away from the Square.  Between the fountain and the road to the south
a massive stone base--sunk into the paving stones--has been put into place for
a future statue.
[Exits: north east south west]
Deuterem the dwarf is here.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<100%hp 86%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl c 'energy drain' Deuterem
Deuterem yells 'Die, Zynzyn, you sorcerous dog!'
You steal a piece of Deuterem's essence for yourself!
You fade into existence.
Your energy drain grazes Deuterem.
Deuterem has a few scratches.

<101%hp 80%m 51%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl 
Deuterem has fled!
Deuterem leaves east.

<101%hp 80%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl c curse Deuterem
They aren't here.

<101%hp 80%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl e
c curse Deuterem
The Southeastern Market Square
  Mercenaries and heavily armed sailors linger in this region of the Square, 
amid the merchants, traders, priests and porters.  Above the shops at the 
southern edge of the Square the cracked and leaning walls of apartments 
overhang the noisy crowds.  Laundry hangs out of reach far overhead and 
seagulls stain the walls and overhangs, squawking at the chaos below them.
[Exits: north east south west]
Deuterem the dwarf is here.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A dark-skinned sword-for-hire pushes his way through the crowds.
A stinking minotaur stands here, snorting with menace at those that pass.
A stinking minotaur stands here, snorting with menace at those that pass.
An overfed merchant from overseas wanders through the crowds.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<101%hp 80%m 50%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl Deuterem yells 'Die, Zynzyn, you 

sorcerous dog!'
You proclaim a curse upon Deuterem, but his soul remains untouched.
Deuterem mauls you.
Rindros tells you 'He is at the market square, sirrah.'
Deuterem has a few scratches.

<95%hp 77%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl 
Deuterem's flaming bite MUTILATES you!
Deuterem deflects your slash with his shield.
Deuterem deflects your slash with his shield.
A zombie of the armorer screams and attacks Deuterem!
A zombie of the armorer's punch mauls Deuterem.
A bone golem screams and attacks Deuterem!
A shining silver construct screams and attacks Deuterem!
A shining silver construct's punch MUTILATES Deuterem!
Deuterem has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 77%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl c curse Deuterem

Deuterem narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Deuterem has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 77%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl You proclaim a curse upon Deuterem, 

corrupting his soul with your magic.
Deuterem has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 74%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl 
You parry Deuterem's flaming bite.
Your slash misses Deuterem.
Deuterem has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 74%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl 
Deuterem narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel unclean.
Deuterem has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 74%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl c blindness Deuterem
Deuterem's eyes roll back into his head, clouding with a viscid film.
Deuterem has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 73%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl 
A zombie of the armorer's punch mauls Deuterem.
A bone golem's pound mauls Deuterem.
Deuterem's flaming bite misses you.
Deuterem deflects your slash with his shield.
Deuterem has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 73%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl order all rescue Zynzyn

Deuterem narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Darkness begins to overtake you, but you will the sensation back!
Deuterem has some small but disgusting cuts.

<85%hp 73%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl A zombie of the armorer fails to 

rescue you.
A bone golem rescues you from Deuterem!
Deuterem's flaming bite MUTILATES a bone golem!

<85%hp 73%m 50%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl 
A bone golem's pound mauls Deuterem.
A bone golem's pound wounds Deuterem.
Deuterem's flaming bite EVISCERATES a bone golem!

<85%hp 73%m 50%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl c 'chill touch' Deuterem

Deuterem narrows his eyes and glares in a bone golem's direction.

<85%hp 73%m 50%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl 
A zombie of the armorer's punch decimates Deuterem!
A shining silver construct's punch MUTILATES Deuterem!
Deuterem's flaming bite EVISCERATES a bone golem!

<85%hp 73%m 50%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl Deuterem yells 'Help someone is 

attacking me!'
Your chilling touch hits Deuterem.
Deuterem is gushing blood.

<85%hp 70%m 50%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl 
Deuterem has fled!
Deuterem leaves west.

<85%hp 70%m 50%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 4 PM] 4430tnl w
c 'energy drain' Deuterem

The burden of corporeality staggers you.

<88%hp 72%m 58%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl The Southern Market Square
  Pushing your way through the bartering farmers and the mercenary-flanked 
merchants you struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the stench and flood 
of voices of those around you.  The stones of the street beneath you grow 
slick with spilt beer and animal dung and it is an effort just to stay 
standing.  To the north a grand fountain bursts up and away from the clutches 
of the milling crowds.  To the south the masses spill out into a wide street 
leading away from the Square.  Between the fountain and the road to the south
a massive stone base--sunk into the paving stones--has been put into place for
a future statue.
[Exits: north east south west]
Deuterem the dwarf is here.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<88%hp 72%m 57%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl Deuterem yells 'Help someone is 

attacking me!'
You steal a piece of Deuterem's essence for yourself!
Your energy drain wounds Deuterem.
Deuterem is covered with bleeding wounds.

<94%hp 66%m 57%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl 
Deuterem's flaming bite misses you.
Your slash misses Deuterem.
A shining silver construct screams and attacks Deuterem!
A bone golem screams and attacks Deuterem!
A bone golem's pound mauls Deuterem.
A zombie of the armorer screams and attacks Deuterem!
A zombie of the armorer's punch mauls Deuterem.
A zombie of the armorer's punch injures Deuterem.
Deuterem is gushing blood.

<94%hp 66%m 57%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl c 'energy drain' Deuterem
You lost your concentration.
Deuterem is gushing blood.

<94%hp 63%m 57%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl 
Deuterem has fled!
Deuterem leaves east.

<94%hp 63%m 57%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl c 'energy drain' Deuterem
c 'energy drain' Deuterem
They aren't here.

<94%hp 63%m 57%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl The Southeastern Market Square
  Mercenaries and heavily armed sailors linger in this region of the Square, 
amid the merchants, traders, priests and porters.  Above the shops at the 
southern edge of the Square the cracked and leaning walls of apartments 
overhang the noisy crowds.  Laundry hangs out of reach far overhead and 
seagulls stain the walls and overhangs, squawking at the chaos below them.
[Exits: north east south west]
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A dark-skinned sword-for-hire pushes his way through the crowds.
A stinking minotaur stands here, snorting with menace at those that pass.
A stinking minotaur stands here, snorting with menace at those that pass.
An overfed merchant from overseas wanders through the crowds.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 56%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl where
They aren't here.

<94%hp 63%m 56%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl People near you:
(PK) Deuterem                     The Southwestern Market Square
  Phrazgrah                    The Drunken Efreeti Inn
(PK) Zynzyn                       The Southeastern Market Square

<94%hp 63%m 56%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl e
Eastern Al Abbas
  The paved street called the Al Abbas winds between large warehouses and
crowded two- and three-story dwellings of clay, brick, and wood.  Dark 
windows overlook the crowds that churn on the street below and gulls watch
from the shingled roofs of the storage houses.  From the trash-laden alleys
between the warehouses you see prostitutes and thugs gathered in the shadows.
To the west lies the city market.  To the east the street leads towards the
docks.  Crammed between the buildings to the south is an open bazaar.
[Exits: east south west]
A sailor wanders through the crowds.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 55%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl e
Intersection of Eastern Al Abbas and the Street of Guilds
  Shuffling crowds mill about in the collision of two busy streets just
east of the city market.  Pack animals bray wild-eyed at the murmuring and 
shouting sea of faces that stream by, the barkers that call out over the 
masses, the thieves that are lifting a purse or two.  To the north and south 
the Street of Guilds spills away from the chaos into the relative quiet of 
guild business.  To the west the crowds grow dense and unruly.  To the east 
the merchant trade comes and goes to and from the docks.
[Exits: north east south west]
A dark-skinned sword-for-hire pushes his way through the crowds.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 55%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl where
People near you:
(PK) Deuterem                     The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz
  Phrazgrah                    The Drunken Efreeti Inn
(PK) Zynzyn                       Intersection of Eastern Al Abbas and the Street of Guilds

<94%hp 63%m 55%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl w
Eastern Al Abbas
  The paved street called the Al Abbas winds between large warehouses and
crowded two- and three-story dwellings of clay, brick, and wood.  Dark 
windows overlook the crowds that churn on the street below and gulls watch
from the shingled roofs of the storage houses.  From the trash-laden alleys
between the warehouses you see prostitutes and thugs gathered in the shadows.
To the west lies the city market.  To the east the street leads towards the
docks.  Crammed between the buildings to the south is an open bazaar.
[Exits: east south west]
A sailor wanders through the crowds.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 54%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl The Southeastern Market Square
  Mercenaries and heavily armed sailors linger in this region of the Square, 
amid the merchants, traders, priests and porters.  Above the shops at the 
southern edge of the Square the cracked and leaning walls of apartments 
overhang the noisy crowds.  Laundry hangs out of reach far overhead and 
seagulls stain the walls and overhangs, squawking at the chaos below them.
[Exits: north east south west]
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A dark-skinned sword-for-hire pushes his way through the crowds.
A stinking minotaur stands here, snorting with menace at those that pass.
A stinking minotaur stands here, snorting with menace at those that pass.
An overfed merchant from overseas wanders through the crowds.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 53%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl brief
The Southern Market Square
  Pushing your way through the bartering farmers and the mercenary-flanked 
merchants you struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the stench and flood 
of voices of those around you.  The stones of the street beneath you grow 
slick with spilt beer and animal dung and it is an effort just to stay 
standing.  To the north a grand fountain bursts up and away from the clutches 
of the milling crowds.  To the south the masses spill out into a wide street 
leading away from the Square.  Between the fountain and the road to the south
a massive stone base--sunk into the paving stones--has been put into place for
a future statue.
[Exits: north east south west]
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 52%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl w
Short descriptions activated.

<94%hp 63%m 52%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl w
The Southwestern Market Square
[Exits: north east south west]
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A dirty seagull hops through the crowd searching for scraps of food.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 52%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl Eastern Steps of the Great Temple
[Exits: east west]
An elderly woman squats here, begging for coins.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz
[Exits: north east south]
Deuterem is here.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl s
Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Enlightenment
[Exits: north west]
     A statuette of the Mistress of the Veils stands here on a tall pedestal.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl n
c 'crimson scourge' Deuterem
The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz
[Exits: north east south]
Deuterem is here.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<94%hp 63%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl Deuterem closes his eyes with a look 

of concentration for a moment.

<94%hp 63%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl Deuterem yells 'Help someone is 

attacking me!'
Deuterem howls as the pores of his skin start to bleed profusely.
Deuterem decimates you!
Deuterem is gushing blood.

<87%hp 59%m 51%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl 
You parry Deuterem's flaming bite.
Deuterem's flaming bite misses you.
Your slash hits Deuterem.
A zombie of the armorer's punch wounds Deuterem.
A shining silver construct's punch maims Deuterem!
Deuterem is writhing in agony.

<87%hp 59%m 51%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl c 'chill touch' Deuterem

Deuterem has fled!
Deuterem leaves south.

<87%hp 59%m 51%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 5 PM] 4430tnl s
c 'chill touch' Deuterem
They aren't here.

<89%hp 61%m 58%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall 

of Enlightenment
[Exits: north west]
     A statuette of the Mistress of the Veils stands here on a tall pedestal.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<89%hp 61%m 58%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl They aren't here.

<89%hp 61%m 58%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl w
Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz
[Exits: north east west up]
Deuterem is here.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<89%hp 61%m 58%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl c 'chill touch' Deuterem
Deuterem yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your chilling touch injures Deuterem.
Deuterem is convulsing on the ground.

<89%hp 58%m 58%mv> [fighting : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl c 'chill touch' Deuterem

Deuterem has fled!
Deuterem leaves west.

<89%hp 58%m 58%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl 
Deuterem has arrived.

<89%hp 58%m 58%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl w

Deuterem leaves east.
They aren't here.

<89%hp 58%m 58%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall 

of Destruction
[Exits: north east south]
     A stone statue of winged Sho'Kahn sits here.
     A figurine of the Father of Devils sits here in a darkened shrine.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.
You have recieved a note from Rindros Tinrock.

<89%hp 58%m 57%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl e
Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz
[Exits: north east west up]
A shining silver construct has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.

<89%hp 58%m 57%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl c 'chill touch' Deuterem
Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Enlightenment
[Exits: north west]
     A statuette of the Mistress of the Veils stands here on a tall pedestal.
Deuterem is here.
A zombie of the armorer has arrived.
A bone golem has arrived.
A shining silver construct has arrived.

<89%hp 58%m 57%mv> [standing : PROTECTED civilized : 6 PM] 4430tnl Deuterem yells 'Help someone is 

attacking me!'
Deuterem shivers as you drain the warmth from his being.
Your chilling touch decimates Deuterem!
Deuterem's flaming bite devastates you!
Deuterem parries your slash.
A shining silver construct screams and attacks Deuterem!
A shining silver construct's punch MUTILATES Deuterem!
A shining silver construct's punch devastates Deuterem!
Deuterem is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Deuterem.
Deuterem's leg is sliced from his dead body.
A small pendant in the shape of a silver phoenix is engulfed in chromatic flame.
Subject Author Views Posted

Zynzyn vs. Deuterem (Zyn's first PK)

Mek 777 February 23, 2012 02:07PM

I still find that dwarf's name amusing, more so because he is a dwarf.

abernyte 270 February 23, 2012 11:10PM

Dang homie, hook a nyukka up with one 'o them robots (n/t)

Demtok 244 February 23, 2012 04:11PM

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