I remember I was thinking is he really doing this? What a madlad!
1v6, or however many we were, is not fun for either party. We were just bound to get the codex because you know, fortress. I did not at all anticipate you to make a showing.
[51 Elf Bar] (PK) Siphani Neriqui the Grand Mistress of Artistry
[51 D-Elf Sha] (PK) Sylvari Do'gaan the Preacher of Sloth, Imperial Priestess
*51 Human Inv* (PK) Antaluvion Malherion the Weaver of the Elements, Scholar of Shadows
[51 Fire War] (PK) Ysforgul the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
[32 Min War] (WANTED) Ruht the Master of Defense
FORTRESS] Siphani:
*** Defence as a maran invoker at the tara'bal can be brutal, but most enemies
*** were wise about this tactic and usually got away still. Ysforgul eventually
*** started using other tools to escape. This was rather early in our fights.
*** Later on I couldn't go toe to toe with him.
*51 Human Inv* (PK) Antaluvion Malherion the Weaver of the Elements, Scholar of Shadows
[51 Fi
*51 Human Inv* (PK) Antaluvion Malherion the Weaver of the Elements, Student of Shadows
[51 Orc Ber] (PK) Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
Graag the Savage is here training brutes in the art of warfare.
(Translucent) The brutish form of Tegerek is here, fueled by rage and body parts.
You scan east.
[51 Elf Bar] (PK) Siphani Neriqui the Grand Mistress of Artistry
*51 Human Inv* (PK) Antaluvion Malherion the Weaver of the Elements, Scholar of Shadows
[51 Human Asn] (PK) Cabessudo the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
[51 Fire War] (PK) Ysforgul the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
[51 H-Drw Sha] (PK) Darlof Kagal the Holy of Faith, Imperial Priest
[51 D-Elf War] (PK) Z
[46 Felar Asn] (PK) Ryjuhe the Sensei
[51 H-Drw Sha] (PK) Graitel Serai the Societal Scholar of Law, Emperor of Thera
*51 Human Inv* (PK) Antaluvion the Weaver of the Elements, Student of Shadows
[51 Human Con] (PK) Elladorius the Planewalker
[51 D-Elf Hea] (PK) Inaj the Affirmation of Life, Imperial High Priestess
*** I don't know who Ryjuhe was but apparantly a villager.
*** At this point I had just recently reached hero and I could not pk my way
*** out of a wet paperbag. Fortunately I was given tips and tricks by Elden and
*** Zdrostal.
[51 D-Elf Sha] (PK) Sylvari the Preacher of Sloth, Imperial Priestess
[51 H-Drw Sha] (PK) Graitel Serai the Societal Scholar of Law, Emperor of Thera
[51 Fire War] (PK) Okoej Spor-Rah the Legend of the Battlefield, Imper