Log Board


Eoria, Ophanelu vs ragers and Juhldalor - Log sixteen years ago

What's really scary is how easily Ravon manhandled you in the Palace, Ms. Empress. - Sam sixteen years ago

In general dark elf ap pwns human bards (posted by Eoria) ~ - Log sixteen years ago

Were you ravon dude?! - Zoder sixteen years ago

I'm pretty sure that was complimentary to both of them... nt - laearrist sixteen years ago

I thought this too. It didn't sound like an insult. nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

Bullshit~ - Zoder sixteen years ago

Calm down you crazy Canadian, Ravon and Eoria both know I love them. - Sam sixteen years ago

Hehehe need to lay off drinking - Log sixteen years ago

aww, Had you gotten off one more there would of been 3 corpses. Balls out bro :) - theepic sixteen years ago

2 corpses. Samosette missed 2 songs. n/t - Atavios sixteen years ago

Eoria, Kostyan vs Juhldalor, Tondumalanas - Log sixteen years ago

I thought Transmuters could use hold person, That would have been nice? What a crappy muter, time to roll one. n/t - gotki sixteen years ago

Logs like this make me wonder where all the balance has gone. n/t - Guy sixteen years ago

Nexus new mission statement - "We will balance the Drow and the Dagger specs!" hehe smtx - theepic sixteen years ago

Poor form from the War Master, leaving the Emperor behi.. oh wait. - Balrahd(VIP) sixteen years ago

Haha that made me laugh. n/t - WarEagle sixteen years ago

I happen to enjoy posting logs where I die. - The Forsaken(VIP) sixteen years ago

Darascus & Nolyek vs. Kostyan & Sarouv - Mek sixteen years ago

Kostyan Vs. Juhldalor/Chante - Log sixteen years ago

Satebos Vs. Fortress - Log sixteen years ago

I like seeing logs of phoenix kick hitting like 9 things. nt - Isildur(VIP) sixteen years ago

Yeesh. Did he have no damage reduction? No wrath immunity? nt - The Forsaken(VIP) sixteen years ago

No - 90 Damroll n/t - Log sixteen years ago

Oh. Nice. nt - The Forsaken(VIP) sixteen years ago

Dude seemed to parry nothing too. Bad luck. nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

Why....oh why.....*mutter* n/t - lightmage sixteen years ago

Because a log board isn't a log board unless logs are posted :) - Log sixteen years ago

Zholgrum Vs. Juhldalor - Log for a boring log board. - Log sixteen years ago

Since the log board mostly sucks nowadays... - Mek sixteen years ago

How about a list of your characs? n/t - jmc sixteen years ago

no, no more Mek! txt - ujudludul sixteen years ago

Eoria, Savarnic, Nhivi vs Soayel, Niheriva - Log sixteen years ago

Ooooh. Poor form from the paladin. NT - Sam sixteen years ago

She always left forties to die, sometimes the cloak was to blame, othertimes, her own wording n/t - Guy sixteen years ago

You guys are so funny. - jalim sixteen years ago

Sorry for even commenting man...You know I still love you for that Axe of Conquest at level 25 :) NT - Sam sixteen years ago

Man - shamanman sixteen years ago

Dude..I totally gave up on trying to hang in with any of your characters. - jalim sixteen years ago

Alright - shamanman sixteen years ago

Re: Alright - jalim sixteen years ago

I fought you as Laviter, I thought you were a ganging wuss with l33t gear - Guy sixteen years ago

I fought you several times alone. - jalim sixteen years ago

There are a handful of people that make playing the game less enjoyable. - Balrahd(VIP) sixteen years ago

My bitch goes deeper than that. - Pro sixteen years ago

Ban Pro for a month. - arzzra sixteen years ago

Lemmie guess? - Pro sixteen years ago

He's probably just sick of your witch-hunt bullshit. NT - Sam sixteen years ago

The weird thing... - Jib sixteen years ago

I'm just calling this ass out. - Pro sixteen years ago

Thank god it's not. =P - jalim sixteen years ago

The Felar guy's story doesn't match up even by his own posting. - Pro sixteen years ago

Re: The Felar guy's story doesn't match up even by his own posting. - jalim sixteen years ago

Thing is, he's consistantly one of them. His characters have a history of being Griefers. nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

Now that's a lie. - Pro sixteen years ago

Dude, his characters have a history of sucking. - Derexal sixteen years ago

Well the guy 'Jalim' is a liar. Period. End witch hunt. - Pro sixteen years ago

I'm in no way involved... - nightshade sixteen years ago

No I don't. - Pro sixteen years ago

DING DING DING!!! n/t - arzzra sixteen years ago

You as a player are flawed ethically. - Pro sixteen years ago

ROFL. Archive! nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

Agreed. Really, really poor. nt - shamanman sixteen years ago

You shouldn't play death happy chars if you expect people to save your ass all the time. - theepic sixteen years ago

Amen. n/t - jalim sixteen years ago

Eoria vs Rezmar, Pesawwkt - Log sixteen years ago

Hurl throat. nt - night sixteen years ago

Eoria = awesome. n/t - WarEagle sixteen years ago

Phylacteries Oh My! The Joys of Lich Killing - Log sixteen years ago

I'd be more impressed had he earned those phylacts... - The Forsaken(VIP) sixteen years ago

Every lich has done that. Welcome to 2007, lichs arent auto gods anymore. - xenoroyal sixteen years ago

Its 2008, dumb ass nt - gieldon sixteen years ago

I'd rather be the guy who made a typo than be the guy who can't pk, shrug n/t - xenoroyal sixteen years ago

If you were cool, you'd have just edited it and been like "WTF you talking about?" ~ - _Magus_ sixteen years ago

hahahah thats funny, get out from the rock xenoroyal nt - subov sixteen years ago

lol -nt- - Mek sixteen years ago

They were never autogods, just played by alot of them. ~ - ORB sixteen years ago

That would be unique in the history of lich. n/t - Graham sixteen years ago

I heard even Zorszaul was like this to begin with. nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

Yes, well back then they didn't rot, nor did they have less power n/t - Guy sixteen years ago

Damn, I wish the conspiracy board was still up. There was a post about this: - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

At a guess, the same amount of time it took a potion of teleportation to evaporate from not being used n/t - Guy sixteen years ago

I think this is a very narrow post. - minyar sixteen years ago

I like him too. But. - The Forsaken(VIP) sixteen years ago

I don't think that character was made to be a powerhouse. -nt- - Mek sixteen years ago

But he's a lich! It comes with the becoming. nt - The Forsaken(VIP) sixteen years ago

Says you.~ - Inquisitor sixteen years ago

But everyone wants to experience the joy of one that doesn't become a rug. Seriously, I killed the past 3 liches with disappointing ease. nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

Which...? -nt- - Mek sixteen years ago

Heh, you must remember the unluckiness with Ritur... - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

I recall that, yes... - Mek sixteen years ago

Having my screen spammed by phylacs like that feels a lot like getting slapped by a huge cock. :s nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

This just in: Yhorian likes 250lb Black-American football defensive linemen. ~ - _Magus_ sixteen years ago

I need to make big friends to keep queers like you from stalking me. nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

Good one, Batman. ~ - _Magus_ sixteen years ago

Are you gay? ~ - Krilcov sixteen years ago

Hrm... stupid question. Nevermind. ~ - Krilcov sixteen years ago

Ithzaruul was awesome. You were lucky and caught him early (akin to Graatch taking down Cabdru) n/t - Balrahd(VIP) sixteen years ago

Akin? Fourteenth cousins eight times removed, beeyotch. - alansmithee sixteen years ago

He got you back a couple times over though. I would know! I helped him do it! - Sam sixteen years ago

Post the actual killing, please. n/t - lightmage sixteen years ago

If he had all those phylacteries, where's the logs of cool Lich powers in use?! nt - Yhorian(VIP) sixteen years ago

Blast from the past (1995). Testing "Log" account - Log sixteen years ago

Makes me remember and miss a little... - EXB sixteen years ago

I guess I was wearing rose colored glasses. - Pro sixteen years ago

Holy Crap, I know everyone on that log. Blast from the Past... Even Scarabaeus (Coprophagous) n/t - gotki sixteen years ago

hrm, never mind n/t - deriveh sixteen years ago

Shared account for anonymous logs - Dwoggurd sixteen years ago

Simple, but sweet idea, thanks Dwoggurd. nt - Rogue sixteen years ago

Fun with Staff of Storms - jmc sixteen years ago