lol, I see what you did there. But don't call him Shirley. (n/t)

June 12, 2015 08:43AM
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Subject Author Posted

One issue with today's lower playerbase

daurwyn(VIP) June 10, 2015 12:17PM

Two easy fixes.

Wendigotorn June 12, 2015 07:03AM

Learning rates were just improved for 15-20 int. Cabal inductions are necessary. (n/t)

Artificial June 12, 2015 10:31AM

Re perfected skills

daurwyn(VIP) June 12, 2015 08:53AM

It will reduce the amount of grind required

Mazura June 12, 2015 01:51PM

Worldbind is a maledict, you can spam it on a slept mob. No excuse for not having it at 100% at level 42

Elystan June 12, 2015 09:00AM

Fire int/mana pool/mana regen and that spell costing 50 mana...

Quas June 12, 2015 10:37AM

Doesn't take hours

Elystan June 12, 2015 12:42PM

Do you ever see the lower playerbase improving?~ (n/t)

ekirhal June 11, 2015 03:48AM

I don't in it's current form.

KoeKhaos June 11, 2015 08:00AM

I'm not convinced there's an obligation to show up

daurwyn(VIP) June 11, 2015 01:22PM

Re: I don't in it's current form.

Borkahd June 11, 2015 08:44AM

So who's the Nomad or Hamanu in that? NT

Sam June 11, 2015 09:16AM

armageddon? (n/t)

Nurok June 11, 2015 09:08AM

I rather not name names publicly...

Borkahd June 11, 2015 09:17AM

The playerbase should stay because CF is BETTER, not because they don't know about Armageddon.

Murphy June 11, 2015 04:08PM


Rhyaldrin June 11, 2015 09:34AM

Name many namey names, man.

Murphy June 11, 2015 08:43PM

Potentially yes

daurwyn(VIP) June 11, 2015 07:23AM

At this point it's so f'd up I find it unlikely. CF's shot as a text-game in a graphic world was the interaction between players. (n/t)

The_Joker June 11, 2015 03:58AM

I disagree

NbM(VIP) June 11, 2015 04:05AM

Wait till VR headsets become prevalent, shit gonna get REAL

zoskia June 11, 2015 02:50PM

Doesn't the immersive RP experience come from interaction? (n/t)

The_Joker June 11, 2015 04:41AM

Its the difference between reading a book and watching someone elses interpretation (n/t)

Zheeser June 11, 2015 08:37AM

It's the kind of interaction. When you have pictures, it's completely different. (n/t)

Frosty June 11, 2015 05:36AM

No players = no such interaction. (n/t)

The_Joker June 11, 2015 10:07AM

But there ARE players. So your point is moot. (n/t)

Frosty June 11, 2015 11:03AM

Not sufficient for the average person to find consistent, meaningful interaction. (n/t)

The_Joker June 11, 2015 12:38PM

Surely you must be joking. (n/t)

Frosty June 11, 2015 07:34PM

lol, I see what you did there. But don't call him Shirley. (n/t)

MiyagiYojimbo June 12, 2015 08:43AM

;) (n/t)

Frosty June 12, 2015 09:20AM

Frosty Wins

MiyagiYojimbo June 11, 2015 11:58AM

Don't feed his ego. It's out of control as it is. (n/t)

Rhyaldrin June 11, 2015 12:02PM

Like a blizzard. (n/t)

Frosty June 11, 2015 07:36PM

"Hi everyone, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" (n/t)

Murphy June 11, 2015 07:40PM

As long as it's not PARTY PARTY!!!

MiyagiYojimbo June 11, 2015 12:07PM

*drops the mic* (n/t)

NbM(VIP) June 11, 2015 11:30AM

Just by virtue of the fact that you're still playing the game, you disagree. That's a given. Probably I speak for some portion of the hundreds of people who left. (n/t)

The_Joker June 11, 2015 10:12AM

wood elves in general been pretty beefy (n/t)

Zheeser June 10, 2015 04:34PM

I've noticed that.

Rhyaldrin June 10, 2015 12:20PM

I think that when certain builds *Cough* W-elf/elf/d-elf sword/axe stsf/flow become cookie cutter

Nurok June 10, 2015 12:39PM

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