Re: This seem to be just what you actually want to see.

May 20, 2018 02:46PM
EDIT: how you insert images in here?

[img*][/img*] without the *s.
Subject Author Posted

What triggers you to delete?

Kez May 19, 2018 02:56PM

Bad forms sometimes discovering a stealth nerf. (n/t)

saagkri May 20, 2018 05:06PM

Time constraints, being bored, or being in power. (n/t)

tesline May 20, 2018 07:41AM

Imms ban me

Kstatida May 20, 2018 05:38AM

You know, you could just stop cheating...

Java May 20, 2018 05:46AM

It's a freaking game, it's less important than my bros, always was, always will be

Kstatida May 20, 2018 05:52AM

Are you saying friends and ethical behavior are incompatible?

Quixotic May 20, 2018 09:58AM


Rhyaldrin May 20, 2018 10:06AM

Obviously. But that isn't really relevant to cheating.

Java May 20, 2018 06:29AM

Because my will can't be bent by petty banning

Kstatida May 20, 2018 10:54PM

Your ability to overcome hardship is truly inspiring. (n/t)

wrathpuppet May 21, 2018 01:26AM

That's what I live for

Kstatida May 21, 2018 02:48AM

"So does the majority of the player base. " WRONG

physics May 20, 2018 06:49AM

"So does the majority of the player base. " WRONG

physics May 20, 2018 06:49AM

Dude.. just shut the fuck up already.

Java May 20, 2018 07:14AM

What are you trying to protect? (list inside)

physics May 20, 2018 07:23AM

How exactly am I protecting those things?

Java May 20, 2018 07:44AM

I have to admit that..

scr May 20, 2018 09:40AM

Has anyone even argued that they didn't cheat?

Java May 20, 2018 10:44AM

This seem to be just what you actually want to see.

scr May 20, 2018 10:59AM

You've forgot a nice guy in that room

mharldarn May 22, 2018 12:38AM

Well, fuck you too, mr. nice guy. (n/t)

scr May 22, 2018 01:21AM

Re: This seem to be just what you actually want to see.

MiyagiYojimbo May 20, 2018 02:46PM

Thanks buddy, (n/t)

scr May 20, 2018 07:36PM

Re: What triggers you to delete?

asker May 20, 2018 05:02AM

Seeing more than one other character that's the exact same build..

Java May 20, 2018 03:56AM

You thought a battle assassin was going to be unique? o.0 (n/t)

PacMan May 20, 2018 04:05AM

Nah, just thought it'd be fun.

Java May 20, 2018 04:16AM

Panicing 3 times trying to flee with 62%hp. How does that even make sense fuck this game. (n/t)

Randomguy May 20, 2018 02:57AM

The third time I sit at the computer to log in and it feels like a chore...

Mjothvitnir May 20, 2018 02:50AM

Build not working for PK.

Murphy May 19, 2018 07:46PM

Dying to Tarus at level 3 (n/t)

mcbeth May 19, 2018 03:02PM

I never fight that fuck before level 7. He's pk'd me more than the rest of you combined.

Rhyaldrin May 19, 2018 05:45PM

^ (n/t)

TJHuron May 19, 2018 06:07PM

Seriously who kicks two rounds in a row. (n/t)

Kez May 19, 2018 03:04PM

This made me lol.

wrathpuppet May 19, 2018 07:43PM

RIP Mitch. (n/t)

Frosty May 20, 2018 11:16AM

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